HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 3WEDN13sDAY,, NOV. 15th, 1961 • THE row SENTINEL, KNOW" ONTARIO • ../s/V•v4....-4.,-.."Av4.,./../-/../././../...."------.•-•",--",=,-"••• '• Pie Fillings • 3,foi $L Cake -Mixes: . • E D. Smith 'Cheri* or Raisin. 20oz. tins Pillsbury Orange; Pineapple, Spice, Double . . • - Dutch. Sa.ve•11c package. • Pound package. SUNSPUN ICE CREAM, pt. brick 25 SUPREME FRUIT CAKE, lb. size 59c. SUPREME FRUIT CAKE, 2 lb. size,$1.15 Weston Maple Guest Calke, reg. 39c -35c Red &White Holiday Value C?rduroy Decorated Cushions,16" square with buttoned Centre, full rane of colour. $1-29 with $5.00 purchaie- . •Local and General Persistence Paid . .• .. • . .Off In SeekingFriend's Forbears Jeionte. Valad; formerly. of this. CormirimitY, • recently under-.. went „majorsrirgeri. in ' Stratford. General 'HoSpital. , '•• • • •10ward. McGuire of.'Whigham • , vas a recent Viiit.Or with Mr.. doe Wall: of -Lticknow. /figs :Christena Carrick is spending this week', in. London with. Mss.Lottie. Armstrong.. ,• Mr., and Mrs. Grant Eckens- , and and Mrs: 'Frank SchumaCher :were recent Visitors. • at Windsor with Mr. and. Mrs. Calvin McKay (Eileen' Valad): '• Mr. and'. Mrs: '.7Olia EinersOri visited on Sunday Whh Mr:' and: Mrs. Ralph Hill of Purple Grove. Mr. and•Mrs. John Mixon, Cal,. vin; 'Glen and •Marjory of Brus- sels, Mr. and. Mrs. Isaac Nixon! spent. the week -end with Mr. & Mrs: Carman Nixon: °: Toronto. Mrs.. R. . D, MacDonald of Sarnia. has been visiting with:Mr. andMr01'Co-y'liavens and family. • Mr.' and, Mrs. Jack NaYlor and •three children, Tom, Steve and `Norina: Jean of Whitby and- Miss Lorna CamPbell of Toronto spent the week -end fit the home of MTS,, R H..' Thompson. • • • Miss Janet Rayner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rayner; has• • passed her registered nurse ex- aminations. Janet IS doing private duty nursing iz H nilton. Hos- pital. •. Mrs. . Sant .1teid'retuined alter visitrng .with Mr..* and . Mrs• W. R. Farrier of Whitechurch, .• this 'past Week. ; 'LUCKNON.1"' :0 ••• a ,:.UNITED ClICURCH. Rev Howard W. Strapp f Minister : I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 10!06 Church School'. 11:06 a.im; •Morning Worship • • . Lucknow Presbytelian Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod , I Minister S1114DAV, NOVEMBER 19 .. 10:00 a.m.,' SUnday, SchoOt j. . 11t00 'MorningUrorship The persistence of a Californian in 'trying to locate theformer. home of the father of .One of his friends,' :paid off last week for C. J. Maier of Oxnard,. California. Mr. Maier: is a :native of • the North-western .states of Montan.: 'a and North Dakota, and is :noW, •living in: California.. He had , a • friend in. Montana • by the name of. Irwin MapDonald, whose fa-. ;diet was born. in. LucknoW, and: who died when Irwin was an. in- fant. IrWiri'S Mother' was •from Montana, and so .the farriilY had. little knowledge ,Ofjust where It was Mr. MacDonald came front: Maier; who makes Sort •pf a hobby in locating people, or their relatives, • had exhatisted ..every U.S.;A. source of 'informa- tion in trying to get inforfnation. about Mr, MacDonald, to he took his Vacation time .to come across .the. border and Search out the Village of LucknoW. • lie had an old Obituary ciipping from apaper th Great Falls, Mori ."tana annouricing. the death Of 'Harvey MacDonald which Occur- red at. Great Falli. on December 17th, l93.1 at the age: of 48. That, was :thirty years agoi • .MaCDcinale.was born in •Lucknow andat the age of 23 went Westin 1906.' There he married and had a farni y of three sons, Joe, IlarrY and Irwin: The obituary annouricerrient gave other survivors, living in Canada as: his mother, Mrs, Robert Os- born, 'a brother and a' sister. :It turned oUt.'iat the names of the brother and sister as given in the, obituary, were incorrect, and. as a result; "didn't.ring a . Made Many, Contact. • When. Mr. Maier •called at The Sentinel Office .on Thursday, we Couldn't be of much direct ,help, but made several phone oils for him and finatly he gotsome re- sults. • Our contacts, and Suggested Contacts in Lucknow, included Mrs. James MacDonald, Mrs. No-: • the Johnston, Mrs. Eldon Hender- son, Mrs: Christena 'MacDonald, Lloyd. Bell and then Mrs. Bob Campbell who • was the former Wilda Osborn. =Her mother was visiting her at the time and the "tip-off" was to see W. S. IIVIcs Guire at Ripley •and from there, . Mr. Maier' called on Mrst, Mac Mc- Gtiire, to coMplete the informa- tion he was seeking., Father A nSmith Harry° MacDonald was boriit in Lticknol,v & was a son of Neil MaeDonald &Margaret McGuire, Neil MacDonald learned the tin- -Sinithing.in uc now an upon his death his 'widow and Children mimed tO. the Second Concession of „Huron nearby her • birthplace. Her lather was Wm.* McGuire. Ars. MacDonald: later' ,married Robert OsbOin. • , • • The Miebonairl Children= attend- ed. school at Clover ,Valley . and Harry spent a good deal of time youth :at the 'borne of Mac 104...Quire: It. Was then that W. J. ItOrilstOn. Of Huron Township: got to.know• hirn well, and Mr. Rotil-• ston recalled •,.incidents •Of their* youth. One was ascaron his chin from a lhockeY playing mis- hap, and :another was 'the time that Harry was knocked uncoils,. ioue bY a iightningbolt: • Harry had ia brother William 'and a sister Neilena, named after her. father. She was known to Huron Township • friends as "Lena." • •• • an't Keel The Vandalism • ., • :; • • „ PAGE THU' ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••t• TOYIAND, IS HERE 1 e have a wide assortment. Make your choice early. • ., Use our , .1 • . : , • L__..WILLIAM,- IE -and - SON I. 44 44,4e4,6444,44•414,4144444,4"44•4044044.440444444ieemlesesiesi44444444 . • • ••• • - • COMMENCEMENT • (Continued from Page 1) • Delmar Lindsay presented pub- lic speaking • awards to Joanne Crozier and Terry Wilson: • Charles Webster made the pre- sentation, of the Dr. Johnston Shield .for the highest number of options, • to ' Fraser Ashton; ' the School CitizenShip, award to Bar- bara Murray, and the Grade, 13 language award to Wayne Kirk. Grade 10diplomas were pre- sented . by' Frank , McQuillin, Grade ,12 by Allister Hughes & 'Grade 13 by Gerald Rathwell; A. coronet quartette ' number was played by Terry Wilson, Denver' Dickie, Alex Hewitt, Bill' Andrew. The..Glee Club sang a enuimberLof selections:and a spec- ial arrangementof Th Queen in conclusion. The choir was un- der the, direction of Mrs. „Brian Howlett with Mrs. Laural Hewitt as accompanist • • • • Gave Valedictorian The , Valedictorian address was given by Fraser Ashton; son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, who is now attending 0.A.C.• • • He said that while this occa- sion marked the official fareivell of the 1961 graduating class, the comnencement sigriified a .true begihnrng of more difficult 'Steps ahead and greater responsibilities .in which their training it Luck - now District High School will stand them in' good stead. •• Newswise The. Sentinel can't keep up with sOine. Of the van- dalism: :that ' goes Am' locally., In • some eases •it goes • unreported ; tO the police. , • ; • .. Since • last ' week's 'Hallowe'en "resume'.',of doings, we have learned of other escapades which add up to a need: for • Some,. ac- tion •—even if. it •might he a Vigilante Conlinittee. ' pre -Halloween activities, Planks.: were removed from the grease,' pit , at Anderson's Flax ;Mill and disappeared, presum- ably down the ',river. A wheel- barrow Which' disappeared at, the Same , time • was •I recovered later from the river. •, • On Hallo*een the Storage shed across the river from the flax mill , was broken into, and' the mattress and' head of , a dismant- led Jed Cross hospital 'bed Was removed from the building. The head 'of ,the bed was thrown 'into the river, although the mattress did, escape this tate.' Bags of 'feed flax . were dump- ed about on the .bridge and the metal railing; damaged, with one piece of pipe being bent out in the traffic lane as • to create :a For .this , training Fraser pressed indebtedness to teacher; • school boards and parents.•Meni- bers of the 'staff received per- sonal mention with a special tri- bute to P. W. Hoag who. had been their principal .for .all but the final year of the graduating class. The Valedictorian said Of ' Mr. :Hoag, "His inspiration, lead- ership and great patience urged us forward and constantly guided us.. We sincerely hope__. for ' • speedy recovery from his illness.' Fraser ,emPressed . app. reciationt of the honour Of reiresenting the graduates on this occasion, and Said that while' their future paths may be widely divergent, "in our 'hearts we :shall not be divid- ed." • • .; To the undergraduates he said that knowledge and grades would. not .come easily, but •commended . them to Strive for the :goal of graduation. • •, The ,valedictorian trophy was presented to Fraser by Prof.. R. J. C. BUrgener of the•Depart- • ment • of PhilOsophy, Waterloo , University. • ' .ProL Burgener '• was speaker and was introduced by. Mr. HoWlett • • ' • ' • , • While ,tthe 'audience ..Was gather ing, piano selections were played br the following students: Shelia .1.1cQizillin, Carolyn Mathers, John. .Andrew,, Mary Ellen Shiells, Mary Andre*, Alex Hewitt Mary AIM'. 44 • Broken windows are compara- tivelycommon at any time, and there were some on Hallowe'en, •.night, with the most serious de- StruCtion at. the ". Presbyterian Church. •' • . A leaded, stained glass window 1 in the- basement was sinashed. by a pop bottle: To replace and re-', pair it will cost in the neighbor, hObil of $50.00,. •. ' The Air- For: Comfort & COndit• ione4 •• Ei4ertgOmeig Now: Playing — "OIDGET •GOES ..HAWAIIAN'P • In Technicolor ' with Janie's:. Darren Deborah Walley r , • • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 20t 21, 22 = Special Attraction The Show that activated Mr. ,Krushchev Cole Porter's "CAN CAN" In De Luxe Color — d Frank Sinatra, Shirley Maclaine, Louis Jour en and Maurice Chevalier Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 23, 24, 25 • C.;lenn Ford Maria Schell and Anne Baxter A tremendous adaptation of Edna Ferber's epic story , "CIMARRON" I • • •, 4 • 44.4• ' •, t 44 • 1 • , • .... • ' ; • •, • ; • TechniColor • • • • . Coming "All In A Night's Work — Shirley MatLaine, Dean Martin — Adult Entertainment • • V • ..1-• • w 11, ••.' 6 ' • „ • • •, , •44 „. • ; , ,