HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 2W
HE LUCIE ow Lucluirowpz ONTARIO
Twenty Years..Ago
Mrs, Sam McGuire Closedher
boarding house here and went to
;flake her home with' her :daugh-
daughter, Mrs. • W. R. 'Hamilton. "
:Following • :the ordination , of
:Rev Wm, A. ' Henderson, , the,
congregation honoured three
•,you$g men who had entered .the'
: ministry from.:.'the „Presbyterian.'
Church :Rev,. George E. Doug -
la's, Rev. Douglas. MacDonald -and
Rev, ,Wm. ;Henderson. ,: Each was -
presented with as purse of money
. by Wm.-. MacKenzie • after • James
H. Pickering had, read the ad=
. Ian. MacRae,. Strath>•oy lawyer,
was appointed deputy-anagistrate
for Middlesex and Landon.
The Langside community :'hon-
ored their: teacher, Mr. Gordon;
Ball, prior to reporting for ser-
vice in the RCAk'.,
Rev. Colin Todd, .pastor of the
Lucknow United Church, accept=
ed a call, to Georgetown.'
Rc bert Johnston,reeve - -of
Lucknow for. 'ten; years; and later
Huron, County registrar & county
.court clerk, died in Goderich in
his 60th year.
• In recognition of research 'work
he did while doing post graduate
Yilage Of:LuckpW:.
NOTICE is hereby :given to the i1VhUNICIPAL • ELECTORS
of THE VILLAGE . OF LUCKNOW that in coznpliance with
the gtatutes, in that behalf, I'require :the presence of the said
electors at the Village Hall in the said Village of Lucknow,
'atthe •'hour of. Seven O'clock. and Thirty Minutes in. the
afternoon of
For One Hour
For the purpose of nominating fit and proper •persons for
the 'Offices of Reeve, . Four Councillors and Three ' Public •
School Trustees for. the Village of Lucknow,, for • the. year
1982,• Trustees to hold Office for Two' Years, of 'which all
Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern
themselves' accordingly, and if a greater number of Candi-
dates, than required to fill the said 'Offices, . are 'nominated
and make the required Declaration,.
and' _
o - ened
Pulls Nos- .2 be
in The' Town ' Hall
in the said Village of Lucknow, on
Decemr tMond�y, be 4 1X61
. .
and will open from' Nine O'clock' 'a in.; 'until Five 'O'clock
p.m. and no longer:
IT SHOULD BE NOTED :that .when a proposed candidate, is
not present at the: nomination meeting his 'nomination: paper
Will not ebe. valid'Unless • there is attached thereto evidence '
• satisfactory to the Returning, ng Off icer. 'that the proposed.
candidate 'consents to be so nominated.. ' •
Given under my hand this Tenth Day of 'November A+D.
1961' ' : s
E. 1L. 'Ad.NEW, 'Returning' Officer
studies at' .the New York Eye
and Ear Infirmary, Dr. Grant
MacKenzie • was; awarded 'the de-
gree of doctor>of'Medical Science
in Otolaryngology from the Col-
lege of Physicians and •Surgeons
of Columbia Uri.versity, '
A nomination , meeting .called
to fill a vacancy caused' by the
resignation of Councillor Harold.
Treleaven, failed to obtain a
successor. councillor•Wm. Murdie
resigned• upon receipt of a law-
yers letter threatening hien..' with.
disqualification: , A subsequent
nomination saw five candidates
contest the two'. seats in a mid
..summer_ election ' With. • Austin
Solomon and. J. -.W. J"ynt being
elected. Reeve Nelson Bushell
had also 'resigned in' view of the
developments, but the resignation
was filed and he was prevailed.
upon to withdraw it after the
election. The other ,, members,
of council were Donald Ferguson
and Harry McQuillin.
Thirty ,Years, go: •
Bill Curtin was ' found dead at-
his home near the railway cros-
sing on the • Gravel• road:
Elgin : Fraser,; . son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fraser, formerly of Kinloss;
was:, electrocuted at St.. , Thomas
while'' engaged by the Tow. ,land
Construction Co., in unlbading a
power shovel.; He was 21., .
Hazel Culbert opened a beauty
parlor in the . Congram Block.
• over BusWell's. store.
Mrs. C. L. Yoerger; the former
Jessie Caroline ,(Carrie) Geddes
died in Toronto in her 37th` .year.
For the second time, the:_jur-Y
disagreed.: on .a verdict in the
Brussels bank robbery trial with
.which the McNeil Brothers 'were
Forty Years Ago
W.• E. 'Treleaven 'installed a 75
H.P. electric motor to operate
the flour mill. F. F. Freeman had
resumed his duties as head'miller
after- an illness.'
Mrs. Edmund Andrew, a. - pio-
neer- resident, died
ioneer•resident,died at the age of.
82. She was ;the former Ellen
Good and came; to Canada with
her .parents from Ireland in : 1842.
They settled for r a' short : time' at.
Georgetown before coming to the
West ,Wawanosh.• 'wilderness. In.
1859 she married Edmund And-
rew of Con. 12, . Ashfield.:
Sam ,Braden, :a former .Kinloss
village .'merchant, died 'at .Hamil='
Wesley !Moise died at his home
here after ,being invalided for
ten years ,with a rheumatic ' par-.
We pause On this Remembrance
Day .•
To ' honor all our fallen rr,.•/
Yes, just for one brief; hour: We
pause,'. •
Then back to worldly itaskt again.
If we had ;
lost thehard fought
Had to :bow to. a' 'foreign power,
Pay • for the cost of war today,
Where would we be on that dark
It is the, least. =that •we could. do
Beside the' cenotaph to, :stand,, . .
Yes every man and: woman too,
Should bow 'in prayer for Our--
ourbrave land.
And for the men who gave their
To them, life. looked so very dear,,
Should they look,, down . from
Heaven. above
To 'see the few that gathered.
Do We on this Remembrance Day.
Carry the torch of freedom high?
Our boys then, have not died' in
vain, •
For. them it was not death, to die.
V(l lliam -M. 'Buckingham..
You just cannot beat :an old
pro like •.•Rae Watson, when it •
comes :to; teaching boys how to
take: care ,of: their bicycles. Last
week Rae took over the troop
and working . on, Edward Burt's
and Allen Colw;ell's bicycles, he
literally .shook them apart.
Apparently it it possible to tell
'almost all that's wrong with a.
bike • just. "by shaking it ; of
course :that goes. for 'a few .cars.
as well: The . boys.' did learn a
great deal and we are grateful
to Rae for • corning.
* .* *.
The Capons are all gone now:-;
the Groups ; 'Committee • plucked
the last 28 & soldthem to various
folk.': At. the Group Committee.
meeting last week a ;committee
7:wasappointed to.; ,purchase the
. and cooking equipment • re-
alysis: quired sometime during the, win-.
The • sixth meeting of the Baste
`n' Stitch - Club •was held. on No
vember .: 10th . at the ' home of
Mrs. Carl McClenagban with ten
;girls present.' The roll call was.
answered by.'a pattern alteration
• and how to make it. The, next.
meeting will be at .the' home of
Mrs. Albert Coultes ori November
17th. A busy evening was spent
working on , their garments:.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel,: Gaunt and
Donald and Mr. and Mrs.. Tho-
mas Gaunt of Wingiani, ' spent
Ellonday at . the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer ' :Wright . in Owen
Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin, who
has been a patient in Wingham
for• some timereturned to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russ Rit-
chie on' Friday.
Miss Wnnifred .Farrier of To
ionto spent the week -end at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Farrier.
.Mn and :Mrs. Ben McClenag-
han visited ' on Sunday at the
home of • Mr. and Mrs: Fred 'Cul-
Cul-bert 'in Walton and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl •McCienaghan visited . at ' the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Rock in Ethel. •
Mrs. Mac ,Stewart' `of Kitchener
and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard visited
one day last • week 'with Mr. and
Mrs, Carl' u'VlcClenaglian.
Mrs.-. Adeleen bowfin' visi
• g ted
on' Sunday with Mr. 'arid,' Mrs. Ro-
bert Aitchison. • : •
Paul Groskorth & .Karen
korth of Toronto visited over' the
weekyerid gat .the home of ,their
parents„ Mr, and Mrs. ,Elwood
Mrs. Jam Black of London 'visit,
ter 'months.
The last requirement to 'become
a First Class Scout was : passed
last Saturday and ;Sunday; when
Martin Benedict accompanied by
Bob " Wall took his • First- Class
Journey. Thisjourney is the
culmination of a Scout's training
and consists of a 14 milehike,
sleeping . out, cooking his own
meals, following a . pre-set com-
pass course, • keeping _a detailed
travel log 'making a map ' of
the trip and practice good scout-
ing along the way.' The weather
was 'excellent and although .walk-
walk-ing was poor . in the soft ground;
ed on:Saturday with (Mr. and Mrs.,
Albert Coulters.
Mr.'•and: Mrs. Jack Coultes visit-
ed on , Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pipe itt
,Brussels. „
Rev. George Watt of Oakville
"spent Friday with his ' parents;
Rev. and. .Mrs. John Watt..
Mr Ross. McGregor of Toronto:
spent the week -end at the home
of :Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arscott.
Mr. Elwood Groskorth spent a
few days last week near Lion's
.Head, deer hunting:, . '
Mrs. Cecil Falconer will spend
a few 'days this week . at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sandy Purdrin in Lucknow..
v7r..and • Mrs. Tom Morrison
and' Kenneth and Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Stockhill of Blind River
spent the Week -end, at the home
of Mr, and. Mrs; Vernon Stockhill';
f n North Bay.
Mr.. . Oliverf -`
„> lt
Mrs. GeorandgeMrsHess o.Orchitanardd
Lake Michigan and Mrs. F. L.
Creghton of Detroit ' sp t the
week -end at the home of . and
•Mrs. J.:D. Beecroft,
►V. i5th,1961
SconaI, RaH.
Hely At Clarke's
Ohne hundred ,and fifty delegates '
attended the 32nd annual sec-
tioiraJ'•Rally ofthe• South Bruce
W M.S at Clarke United Church.
with Mrs. Oliver McC•harles, as.'
'president and Beth McTavish as
organ st. The 1<; ucknow ladies •
conducted ,the devotional: Mrs.
Albert Colwell of, Kinloss, •
appointed secretary for the meet
ing. •
dVrs..Walter Farrell of' Clarke,
,Welcomed .the ladies. Mrs. dames
Kirkpati°ick, Ripley, read ,the thin-
"utes , of the last ` -meeting.- ' The
treasurer's report showed that the
1961 allocation is • $17,000 and
$8,000must still be 'raised at this
time. '
Mrs. Farrell had an, interesting '
array of literature available for
persons of any age. Mrs. Holtby
of. Millarton, as' delegate to 'Mc=
Master 'answered many pertinent.
questions concerning the new Or-
Mrs. William Arnold, brought
greetings' from the Presbyterial
and reported that . the 'United
Church is 'beginning . a new mis-
sion • in Brazil• ,
Bessie French; ,;.who has' /
been !Miss a .missionary all her, life,
Was introduced by Mrs.'Arnold
• as guest speaker. • '
Miss French attended ;the Kir"-
cantangt: Congressa held 'in . West
Berlin. this. year — this congress
is, organazedl:for laymen to`;meet•
tete church. • They W_ ere
meet with pastors: from East Ber-
lin :who crossed the Iron Curtain
and, to hear. of their many' prob-'
lems. She asked us what would;,
we do . if ' our: Christian faith
meant : persecution and ' death.,'
They were'. able to visit a refugee
camp, , and saw the fear of the
unknown on the faces of many
refugees. -. some 'of. whom lived'
there for years. She:: urged us to
become less: complacent = to
witness.in.our own community= -
to' pray intelligently -arid to nt'edi
tate. often. Het' thought provok-
ing message ended ` with : this
thought: "Much will be' required
from .' us ` :we; ' who have. so
Mrs. McGaWl of Kincardine
gave a ' timely . talk, on Brazil
where our iiew. mission Will be
located. and 'urged' us to read
any information • on this , rich
South: American: Country which:,
we: could, obtain.
Miss Warren of Walkerton paid
a ;special tribute to: -the WTMS
& commer}ted that in 1825 when
the ' W.M.S.' was formed there.,
was little thought • that, it .could
expand to its present organiza-
tion. She urged us to .teach Our
young girls in missionary , work
in the hope that they may be the
missionaries of:. tomorrow.`,
Mrs. Dunlop of Ripley, favour-
ed 4he ladies with a•• delightful
Mrs: Muriel ',Courtney of Pine
River, gave the courtesies and
highlights of . the meeting • and
Mrs. Joyce: Courtney of Bethel,
dedicated the offering:
Mrs.••. Oliver MacCharles, ex
pressed' her • appreciation of the
help given to • her while 'she' was
After ' the closing hymn, Mrs.
Lester Ferguson 'clbsed, the meet
ang With prayer: The laches of
Clarke served lunch: •
their .trip , was a happy one and
now Martin will be our: original
First Class Scout.
* *
The -first. Annual Meeting for
parents will be held next Thurs-
day night, November 23rd at 8:11
o'clock. The first half hotir �c7iH!
be taken up with the investiture,
of our four rtew recruits . Ian
Steeksma, •$ill Thompson, . Mac:
lVlclinnes and Bruce Colwell, and
also the granting to :'Martin Bene-
dict of .his First- Class badge.
We' do ho e' all • parents and
fri:•ends ..... p came. The he District
will . , will
Commissioner, A: Cowanlook w
be in attendance. A, letter, is' go-
ing out this "week to the parents
from :Mrs. Doris Johnston, Presi-
res -dent of the ' Helyyrood Wonteni'
Institute, who are our sponsors'.
and frons Orville tiliott, chair
Tran of the Group Committe.,,