HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 1$3.00 A Year In Advance — .$1.00 Extra. To. U.S.A.;
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Wawanosh 5icbooi Rife
St. Helens May Be 2 -Roc
West •Wawanosh School Area
rate 'remains„ at 7..1 mills the
same as it has' always' been since
the area was first formed M1946.
There were seven : schools in
the. Area when it was for.med..
For some time now there have
only been, five. S.S.No. 14 on the
12th Concession, known as Nay
lor's. school, and the' ;'school on
• the 6th Concession` at ' the Divi-
' iion
ivi-'sion Line. were closed:
Currently there are 37 students
'at Fordyce school where Mrs.
George Kennedy ' teaches,':Seven
teen of this enrolment is • from
S.S. 14. At St. ` Helens there are
with •.C. W. �Worsell.
forty pupils,.
as' .teacher:,
If the present enrblinent re-
• mains as high' in these two
schools the' plans are to open a
second room° at St. Helens .school.
with an additional teacher. Pur:
pils .from SSS. No. 14 could then
be transported- to St. Helens, re-
lieving. ; the: '.'overcrowding .• at
Fordyce '
Methbers of the West Wawa-
nosh Area Board 'are 'William
Webster and. ;Charles.MacDonald
who were' ,• elected by ballot'. last
year, for a •two-year °"term, : and.
Ask Blood onorti.
dor Wingham Clic
Residents of this community
are requested to attend the blood
donor clinic to be next week'
in Wingham.
It willr
be he d next Tuesday,
November "21st;-. in the Legion
Hall, . •Wingham';: between the
hours of. 5:00. and 9;00 :p.rn.
These clinics: are o.: anized
?fig by
the London Area Branch of the •
Canadian Red 'Cross: Society vol
untary blood donor: service. This
service enables the lied Cross to
provide free blood for anyone re-
quiring transfusions.
At, last clinic' in Wingham
there were 21 in attendance from
Lucknow and area. 'Next week
it is hoped that. this number ,will
.be increased.
changed ..��.. _� ,
un,.....�.,.,. Presented Awards►nd J;ipkm(is
BLAKERD - OnSaturday �r
November lith at
Wallace Wilson,, Jim Curran and
Edwin Mills, who retire this year
but are eligible for re-election.
'Secretary -treasurer of the Board
is William ;Ste.wart of'Dungannon_
who' has filled the position since.
1947. He succeeded Durnin Phil-
lips' who resigned ; after serving.
'for a year, after the Area was
Gad the• . .
Parsonage, erich, by BeRE,
ermLucknow, High's Scheel • Commencement
Van ,Keitz; Mrs, Annie M. Reid,'
5Busses .
Miles Daily At COst
$2,188 Monthly0
. .•
A regular .meeting of the Luck-
'now. District High School, Board
.was held;' on.. Monday, November
6th: • .
Mr. E... Hall • isi,endeavouring to.
have 'a..larger Band and the Stu'-
dent. Council' and . Cadet •Fund
have' agreed to share the expense
of additional • band:instruments
in ':order that.; more pupils • will
have . the • opportunity to . become,
members,; ,Money received from
pupils who. purchase • their'. own
instruments through the• school
will. be .used' for: additional' •sup-
plies. A.seParate banking account.
is to be • opened, for . the. Band.
A. meeting . is to be arranged
with . •inembers :.of' 'the. Wingham
District High School regarding'. a
{limited technical : training school;.
upon advice from them:. r
• Transportation . forms :covering
the five bus . routes, ; .with a total
mileage '.of • 330:' miles per day,
transporting. 158 pupils at, a ':cost
of $2,18$,00 • a month,_'have • been
`submitted to .the ;Department for
grant approval.
The Board • requested requisi-
tion 'forms .be' completed by teach;.
•ers` for any .purchases over $5,00
Thr chairman ;of the Purchasing
Committee haying ;authority ; to.
approve ord:rs •up to: $50 00. Any
thing over that' amount is to be
presented to the Board "
Sundry; accounts amounting. to
$1,966.37were approved ' -paid. •
G oderich, . to Mr;,, Ernest •$lake of
To ensure a continuity of mem-
bers for the Lucknow District
High School Band, a beginners'
band is being organized, with
forty students „having. indicated,
their interest and been furnished
Lucknow District • High School
Commencement one of the
scholastic highlights of the year.
was held on Friday evening with
a • capacity audience filling the
Q Canada and other selections
by • the :School Band under the.
airection • of . Mr, Elwin Hall, op-•
erred the* program, under ' the
chairmanship of Arthur Hodgins,
head of the High School Board.
He introduced the members of
the teaching staff and Principal.
with instruments. Brian B: Howlett extended : a
There are sixteen members in
the Senior band, which has made
several ' 'creditable appearances
this fall: • •
Fisher Intermediate ` Inter M
;. Both bands.will be under the m e a aril '�Yn
direction of Mr, Elwin Hall, a Henderson, Ken Houston; Seniors,.
member of the High School tea- Sheila • Haldenby, • Tom Rathwell
ching staff, Mr. Hall, is ; hoping William . G., Hunter _presented
.to be , able ••to• arrange a . weekly proficiency. awards to:. Grade 0,
evening practice for' the begin- Esther Gibson; Grade 10; : Sharon
Hers . band.. The senior group. O'Donnell , Grade; 11, Allan Kirk
practices; after school ori. -Thurs- . Gr'ade 12, "Terry Wilson; English,
'day'. ;afternoons: Shield: and cups• to Phyllis Brad-
Purchase New Instruments ` ley,' Grade 9 English., ,Bruce Mac-'
About :a dozen.new ,instrument's Kenzie, Grade 10. History; Grade
,have been. purchased/ at, a.. cost : of .11 Mathematics, Allan Kirk;•over. $1,200. Some others • have
'been, repaired. and; by a doubling' son:
welcome to the gathering.
Athletic •aw , d we • ar •s 'Were ra prese nt-
;ed by 'Gordon Fisher as follows:
Juniors, :Cheryl. Whitby, Donald
Grade 12, ,Language, Terry. Wil
Up -there are ;no.w enough '•instruf Mr5 J L MacMillan presented
inents -for all. the • members of the, Lucknow. Women's Institute,
both. hands:..
• award to • George • Bushell .for
'1 he. beginners and'the instr uu - Grade . 1 P
2 roficiency. •
,ments they areayin � l • are: Mrs ,Fri ' MacKenzie Present-
Y g.
. Glockenspiel - ..Susy Hoffman ed the Kairshea Institute Home
• Clarinet •—. Gail , . Anderson, •Ec ' scholarship- to Barbara ,Mur-
Esther : Gibson • David. ' Gibson, y
Sharon Whitby;, Marianna .,Mc-
TheLo La Le'Shield for. gen-.
Donald, David Wall, Anita°Cline, eral proficie , cy in:, Home:•Ec• was
'Sheila .Collins, 'Diane 'Humphrey: •presented: to Sandra Cameron, .by
Alto - ,Ilene Burt, Hilda `Rit- Mrs. Laural Hewitt, with honor-
chie, Trudy Thomson' Murray
Johnstone,; Brian . Johnstone.
Baritone Jahn Pritchard,
Ann : •.Ainold,' .•Mary ':Andrew;.
Sharon Jefferson
'Trombone Bill Crosier, . Ron-
ald *
on-ald:: Gardner, .Barbara. McKenzie,
Donna Rintoul, Emerson Howard,.'
Allan McDougall.
'Coronet DonaldHodgins,
Barbara Nelson, ,,Grant •• Helm,'
Gerrie Gammie, Doug Dickie,
able; mention to . •Mary . Andrew,
Marilyn • Cameron, Elaine . Hod
gins arid. to Sandra, whp • were.
High in their °;respective •grades.
Gordon." McNay won the P. W.
Ifoag: Junior ,Band :Shield, and
Alex Hewitt the ';Senior Band'
shield. These were presented by
Rev. H. W. Strapp who tutored
the ;.Band' .last . year:
(Continued on Page
Huron: Twp., dative
Piloted The Prime`
Minister To Japan
An RCAF pilot who was 'born
in Huron, Township, and as a
youth attended Clover Valley
School on the Secpnd "Concession,'
was at the controls' of the plane.
which recently carried Prime
Minister John Diefenbaket on his
state visit to ` Japan. •
He is . Wing. Commander James'
W. Borden, 'DM,' CD, command
Ing officer Of 412 Transport
Squadron, Uplands. He was the
aircraft commander of the RCAF
Comet in .which Mr. and Mrs.
Diefenbaker travelled to the Far
• WC Borden is the 'son of Mrs.
E.. Borden ' .of Stratford . and
tI e;late Wm. Borden •Mr. .znd
Mrs.' Borden 'farmed in ','Huron
Township, where James was ,
born and attended school, 'before'
moving to Stratford. Mrs. Borden
ls. the.--foxxrier--AimYe'�Rou s on.
W. ---J. • and Walter Roulston of
Huron, Township and Mrs: Cyril •.
Campbell' of town are 'uncles' and
aunt' of the pilot;
- James • Borden joined the -Air,
Force in 1941.,and 'upon graduat-
ing''•.as ;a .pilot :•he flew with the
Bomber Command.'in. World. War ;
II, and.: flew .sixty bombing mis-
sions for:. which hewas decorated.
Later • he was posted back *to
Canada as .an 'instructor.
WC ' Borden . ' flew. with -the.. t
transport command :: during , the
Korean airlift He Was air . ad-
viser to the ,UNEF Commander <at.
bre, e f ore'tak`ing command 'last.
year. of 412 Squadron at Uplands
at Ottawa '•
WC Borden :was ,married while.
;overseas in. World War II..They,
have two children.. The' family
residesf.at. RCAF Station ',Uplands:.
Sandra Cameron, Brian Gammie,
Larry Pentland; Jean Drennan,e��
Joyce Thorburni, Heroic 'Hunter.•
;ele1on Fou0
� ;X00 Years .
A skeleton 'unearthed on •the •
farm of Torn Moffat, Concession
8 Kinloss, • east of Holyrood,' is
believed to.' be that '•of. a ' male
Indian' and is over 100 °Fear" old.
The first "White: men's" muni
Opal • organization in Kinloss
• Township • was ':i'n 1855 over
1;06 years' ago:
The )discovery was made last•
' Friday after a 'new' gravel pit
had. been opened • on the Moffat
farm by ' Harvey Thompson, who
operating 'a ,front-end;' loader •"
in loading fill ,•which was being
hauled to ''the. farm'' of Bill Bates.
in Cuirass Township. `
The' discovery ' of the remains
,was Made when the dump truck
was unleaded at. the Bates` •.farm
and <a skull, rolled • out with ' the
The bones were , sent ' to Dr.
Noble Sharp of the crime labora-
tory ofthe attorney general's
• departtxient in Toronto. Word re-
ceiv ed the 'first of, the week was
ti to the effect that it was the re -
,Mains of one 'of Canada's , abori=:
'Whether' or not this could be
an Indian burial ground is ;limp-
Iy conjecture, but it would seem,
.a safe guess that archaeologists
will be interested in doing a bit
of "digging: in this gravel bank.
Gravel is continuing to be ta-
ken from. the newly opened pit
service 0f Remembrance Saturn
Bass Donald Paquette Wal--•
lace rHouston. ` -d--..Lal. rea
- .Drums— Larry Hunter, Terry With wor d peace se
lathwell, Chester Hodgins.
Hallowe'en ,vandalism in, the
ale Ih�iah'° Fergus Elora district; ' '.included.
•• •• . t setting fire to; the, ; :old' • covered'.
Shand bridge over the . Grand
where the'skeleton was discover-
ed. •
This farm '• has been in the
Moffat 'family for many years,
and ; was : originally ' owned • by
Tom's grandfather, the_ : late
George Moffat.
River and setting fire to a
cant house .and a small barn. The
barn was • destroyed ' and ••the
bridge .damaged:. so badly that it
(' had to 'be `closed to traffic. Gaga.;
• line was Sprinkled on 'the bridge
to. 'feed the blaze..
more distant and futile than ever
it; has. been, Remembrance Day,
1961, saw : the :comparative • few,
at .•'the .:community', •service on
IYSaturda - morning '.in the United
.niornin g
Church, to commemorate the.,
memory of those who gave their
lives in' World Wars; that peace
and 'freedom might :prevail:
The service- was conducted by
'Fey. • Howard . Strapp, • Rev; , Rod
MacLeod and:; Rev. Wilfred
raduating Class.,
,eceive Dip somas;
\\\ _ \�.
Members of .the' Lucknow Dis-
trict High School `1961 graduating'.
holt the ,iren'"and machines have class received their, diplomas at
ve'd• •to 'another '.location from the• : Gommriencer'nent 00 Friday
'evening. :
'Prom left to'.right, are Touglas
Schmid, Marion Bucgtori, Fraser
`Ashtt►n, Nancy Irwin, George.
Gibson; ;Barbara Murray, Floyd
Stanley: Absent,• Wayne Kirk:
Sentinel Photo
Wright' 'A community choir: r
presentative of all village chur-
chest• assisted :with `:the music. •
In his : remarks,• : Rev. .Strapp
pointed out that only the middle
aged andelderly now remember.
the: end of • World War • T forty-
threeY ears '. Which wasp the 'War
toend : all_ . wars
:The .bright '-ray on the 'dark
horizon is. ' the eternal purpose
of God :in all thing's • and the •
great' ,nature ::of. man,, endowed
with courage,' .faith' and :endur-:
ance: •
' Mr. Strapp :stressed that we'
''must see beyond our own side of
things in these troubled times,•
and in conclusion parted .to., the'
challenge which is : always' �be-
fore ', us. to make things real'for'
.Which men died: '
Headed: by the°• Lucknow' Ds
trict . High School. Band. Legion'
and.. Auxiliary me4rnbers„ paraded. '
to. church and then 'to the. Ceno
tap:h, , There '' the silent .tribute
of remembrance was paid. the
'Last Post ••and Reveille:•souridecl
by Bill ` Andrew and wreaths
placed. by. Earl Cranston,' Mrs.
Jack England,: Mrs:..Wm. B•ucl:
ir, zham, ' 11,1rs, J. L. Macl17 hail,
Geore Jo.y rt, Harcid Ritchie encl.
Terry ,•Rathwel. ..
Placed. before the inonu:nerit'
• vei.e. forty four tv lite cl oases,
carrying .'the riarnes of Veterans
who have .passed cri in ,post•war
• day.
Clarence Greer ' was parade
aiarsha:l ..and H D. ,"Thompson;
• colour serdrant. 'The co or :party
incl.udecl Kean carrieron. Kelso
• MeNag, ate. Mrs. Jilt VIcNratiahton
:end .i.r . Ph:lip.MacMillan,'