HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-15, Page 1$3.00 A Year In Advance — .$1.00 Extra. To. U.S.A.; • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •WEDN ESDAY, NOV. 15th, .1961 Single Copy 10c 4.. 14 Pages, Wawanosh 5icbooi Rife St. Helens May Be 2 -Roc West •Wawanosh School Area rate 'remains„ at 7..1 mills the same as it has' always' been since the area was first formed M1946. There were seven : schools in the. Area when it was for.med.. For some time now there have only been, five. S.S.No. 14 on the 12th Concession, known as Nay lor's. school, and the' ;'school on • the 6th Concession` at ' the Divi- ' iion ivi-'sion Line. were closed: Currently there are 37 students 'at Fordyce school where Mrs. George Kennedy ' teaches,':Seven teen of this enrolment is • from S.S. 14. At St. ` Helens there are with •.C. W. �Worsell. forty pupils,. as' .teacher:, If the present enrblinent re- • mains as high' in these two schools the' plans are to open a second room° at St. Helens .school. with an additional teacher. Pur: pils .from SSS. No. 14 could then be transported- to St. Helens, re- lieving. ; the: '.'overcrowding .• at Fordyce ' Y Methbers of the West Wawa- nosh Area Board 'are 'William Webster and. ;Charles.MacDonald who were' ,• elected by ballot'. last year, for a •two-year °"term, : and. • Ask Blood onorti. dor Wingham Clic Residents of this community are requested to attend the blood donor clinic to be next week' in Wingham. It willr be he d next Tuesday, November "21st;-. in the Legion Hall, . •Wingham';: between the hours of. 5:00. and 9;00 :p.rn. These clinics: are o.: anized ?fig by the London Area Branch of the • Canadian Red 'Cross: Society vol untary blood donor: service. This service enables the lied Cross to provide free blood for anyone re- quiring transfusions. At, last clinic' in Wingham there were 21 in attendance from Lucknow and area. 'Next week it is hoped that. this number ,will .be increased. changed ..��.. _� , un,.....�.,.,. Presented Awards►nd J;ipkm(is BLAKERD - OnSaturday �r November lith at Baptist Wallace Wilson,, Jim Curran and Edwin Mills, who retire this year but are eligible for re-election. 'Secretary -treasurer of the Board is William ;Ste.wart of'Dungannon_ who' has filled the position since. 1947. He succeeded Durnin Phil- lips' who resigned ; after serving. 'for a year, after the Area was formed. ext Gad the• . . Parsonage, erich, by BeRE, ermLucknow, High's Scheel • Commencement Van ,Keitz; Mrs, Annie M. Reid,' 5Busses . .330 Miles Daily At COst f. $2,188 Monthly0 . .• A regular .meeting of the Luck- 'now. District High School, Board .was held;' on.. Monday, November 6th: • . Mr. E... Hall • isi,endeavouring to. have 'a..larger Band and the Stu'- dent. Council' and . Cadet •Fund have' agreed to share the expense of additional • band:instruments in ':order that.; more pupils • will have . the • opportunity to . become, members,; ,Money received from pupils who. purchase • their'. own instruments through the• school will. be .used' for: additional' •sup- plies. A.seParate banking account. is to be • opened, for . the. Band. A. meeting . is to be arranged with . •inembers :.of' 'the. Wingham District High School regarding'. a {limited technical : training school;. upon advice from them:. r • Transportation . forms :covering the five bus . routes, ; .with a total mileage '.of • 330:' miles per day, transporting. 158 pupils at, a ':cost of $2,18$,00 • a month,_'have • been `submitted to .the ;Department for grant approval. The Board • requested requisi- tion 'forms .be' completed by teach;. •ers` for any .purchases over $5,00 Thr chairman ;of the Purchasing Committee haying ;authority ; to. approve ord:rs •up to: $50 00. Any thing over that' amount is to be presented to the Board " Sundry; accounts amounting. to $1,966.37were approved ' -paid. • G oderich, . to Mr;,, Ernest •$lake of Lucknow. 4O,Join:L.D.H.S. Beginners';Banff To ensure a continuity of mem- bers for the Lucknow District High School Band, a beginners' band is being organized, with forty students „having. indicated, their interest and been furnished Lucknow District • High School Commencement one of the scholastic highlights of the year. was held on Friday evening with a • capacity audience filling the auditorium: Q Canada and other selections by • the :School Band under the. airection • of . Mr, Elwin Hall, op-• erred the* program, under ' the chairmanship of Arthur Hodgins, head of the High School Board. He introduced the members of the teaching staff and Principal. with instruments. Brian B: Howlett extended : a There are sixteen members in the Senior band, which has made several ' 'creditable appearances this fall: • • Fisher Intermediate ` Inter M ;. Both bands.will be under the m e a aril '�Yn direction of Mr, Elwin Hall, a Henderson, Ken Houston; Seniors,. member of the High School tea- Sheila • Haldenby, • Tom Rathwell ching staff, Mr. Hall, is ; hoping William . G., Hunter _presented .to be , able ••to• arrange a . weekly proficiency. awards to:. Grade 0, evening practice for' the begin- Esther Gibson; Grade 10; : Sharon Hers . band.. The senior group. O'Donnell , Grade; 11, Allan Kirk practices; after school ori. -Thurs- . Gr'ade 12, "Terry Wilson; English, 'day'. ;afternoons: Shield: and cups• to Phyllis Brad- Purchase New Instruments ` ley,' Grade 9 English., ,Bruce Mac-' About :a dozen.new ,instrument's Kenzie, Grade 10. History; Grade ,have been. purchased/ at, a.. cost : of .11 Mathematics, Allan Kirk;•over. $1,200. Some others • have 'been, repaired. and; by a doubling' son: welcome to the gathering. Athletic •aw , d we • ar •s 'Were ra prese nt- ;ed by 'Gordon Fisher as follows: Juniors, :Cheryl. Whitby, Donald Grade 12, ,Language, Terry. Wil Up -there are ;no.w enough '•instruf Mr5 J L MacMillan presented inents -for all. the • members of the, Lucknow. Women's Institute, both. hands:.. • award to • George • Bushell .for '1 he. beginners and'the instr uu - Grade . 1 P 2 roficiency. • ,ments they areayin � l • are: Mrs ,Fri ' MacKenzie Present- . Y g. Fru* . Glockenspiel - ..Susy Hoffman ed the Kairshea Institute Home • Clarinet •—. Gail , . Anderson, •Ec ' scholarship- to Barbara ,Mur- Esther : Gibson • David. ' Gibson, y Sharon Whitby;, Marianna .,Mc- TheLo La Le'Shield for. gen-. . Donald, David Wall, Anita°Cline, eral proficie , cy in:, Home:•Ec• was 'Sheila .Collins, 'Diane 'Humphrey: •presented: to Sandra Cameron, .by Alto - ,Ilene Burt, Hilda `Rit- Mrs. Laural Hewitt, with honor- chie, Trudy Thomson' Murray Johnstone,; Brian . Johnstone. Baritone Jahn Pritchard, Ann : •.Ainold,' .•Mary ':Andrew;. Sharon Jefferson 'Trombone Bill Crosier, . Ron- ald * on-ald:: Gardner, .Barbara. McKenzie, Donna Rintoul, Emerson Howard,.' Allan McDougall. 'Coronet DonaldHodgins, Barbara Nelson, ,,Grant •• Helm,' Gerrie Gammie, Doug Dickie, able; mention to . •Mary . Andrew, Marilyn • Cameron, Elaine . Hod gins arid. to Sandra, whp • were. High in their °;respective •grades. Gordon." McNay won the P. W. Ifoag: Junior ,Band :Shield, and Alex Hewitt the ';Senior Band' shield. These were presented by Rev. H. W. Strapp who tutored the ;.Band' .last . year: 3). (Continued on Page Huron: Twp., dative Piloted The Prime` Minister To Japan An RCAF pilot who was 'born in Huron, Township, and as a youth attended Clover Valley School on the Secpnd "Concession,' was at the controls' of the plane. which recently carried Prime Minister John Diefenbaket on his state visit to ` Japan. • He is . Wing. Commander James' W. Borden, 'DM,' CD, command - Ing officer Of 412 Transport Squadron, Uplands. He was the aircraft commander of the RCAF Comet in .which Mr. and Mrs. Diefenbaker travelled to the Far East: • WC Borden is the 'son of Mrs. E.. Borden ' .of Stratford . and tI e;late Wm. Borden •Mr. .znd Mrs.' Borden 'farmed in ','Huron Township, where James was , born and attended school, 'before' moving to Stratford. Mrs. Borden ls. the.--foxxrier--AimYe'�Rou s on. W. ---J. • and Walter Roulston of Huron, Township and Mrs: Cyril •. Campbell' of town are 'uncles' and aunt' of the pilot; - James • Borden joined the -Air, Force in 1941.,and 'upon graduat- ing''•.as ;a .pilot :•he flew with the Bomber Command.'in. World. War ; II, and.: flew .sixty bombing mis- sions for:. which hewas decorated. Later • he was posted back *to Canada as .an 'instructor. WC ' Borden . ' flew. with -the.. t transport command :: during , the Korean airlift He Was air . ad- viser to the ,UNEF Commander <at. bre, e f ore'tak`ing command 'last. . year. of 412 Squadron at Uplands at Ottawa '• WC Borden :was ,married while. ;overseas in. World War II..They, have two children.. The' family residesf.at. RCAF Station ',Uplands:. Sandra Cameron, Brian Gammie, Larry Pentland; Jean Drennan,e�� Joyce Thorburni, Heroic 'Hunter.• ;ele1on Fou0 � ;X00 Years . inloss as A skeleton 'unearthed on •the • farm of Torn Moffat, Concession 8 Kinloss, • east of Holyrood,' is believed to.' be that '•of. a ' male Indian' and is over 100 °Fear" old. • The first "White: men's" muni - Opal • organization in Kinloss • Township • was ':i'n 1855 over 1;06 years' ago: The )discovery was made last• ' Friday after a 'new' gravel pit had. been opened • on the Moffat farm by ' Harvey Thompson, who ,etas. operating 'a ,front-end;' loader •" in loading fill ,•which was being hauled to ''the. farm'' of Bill Bates. in Cuirass Township. ` The' discovery ' of the remains ,was Made when the dump truck was unleaded at. the Bates` •.farm and <a skull, rolled • out with ' the gravel: The bones were , sent ' to Dr. Noble Sharp of the crime labora- tory ofthe attorney general's • departtxient in Toronto. Word re- ceiv ed the 'first of, the week was ti to the effect that it was the re - ,Mains of one 'of Canada's , abori=: groes.' 'Whether' or not this could be an Indian burial ground is ;limp- Iy conjecture, but it would seem, .a safe guess that archaeologists will be interested in doing a bit of "digging: in this gravel bank. Gravel is continuing to be ta- ken from. the newly opened pit are service 0f Remembrance Saturn Bass Donald Paquette Wal--• lace rHouston. ` -d--..Lal. rea - .Drums— Larry Hunter, Terry With wor d peace se lathwell, Chester Hodgins. • • Hallowe'en ,vandalism in, the _�• ale Ih�iah'° Fergus Elora district; ' '.included. •• •• . t setting fire to; the, ; :old' • covered'. Shand bridge over the . Grand where the'skeleton was discover- ed. • This farm '• has been in the Moffat 'family for many years, and ; was : originally ' owned • by Tom's grandfather, the_ : late George Moffat. River and setting fire to a va- cant house .and a small barn. The barn was • destroyed ' and ••the bridge .damaged:. so badly that it (' had to 'be `closed to traffic. Gaga.; • line was Sprinkled on 'the bridge P to. 'feed the blaze.. emingly more distant and futile than ever it; has. been, Remembrance Day, 1961, saw : the :comparative • few, at .•'the .:community', •service on IYSaturda - morning '.in the United .niornin g Church, to commemorate the., memory of those who gave their lives in' World Wars; that peace and 'freedom might :prevail: The service- was conducted by 'Fey. • Howard . Strapp, • Rev; , Rod MacLeod and:; Rev. Wilfred }:i raduating Class., ,eceive Dip somas; \\\ _ \�. • Members of .the' Lucknow Dis- trict High School `1961 graduating'. holt the ,iren'"and machines have class received their, diplomas at ve'd• •to 'another '.location from the• : Gommriencer'nent 00 Friday 'evening. : 'Prom left to'.right, are Touglas Schmid, Marion Bucgtori, Fraser `Ashtt►n, Nancy Irwin, George. Gibson; ;Barbara Murray, Floyd Stanley: Absent,• Wayne Kirk: Sentinel Photo 7enofa a Wright' 'A community choir: r presentative of all village chur- chest• assisted :with `:the music. • In his : remarks,• : Rev. .Strapp pointed out that only the middle aged andelderly now remember. the: end of • World War • T forty- threeY ears '. Which wasp the 'War toend : all_ . wars :The .bright '-ray on the 'dark horizon is. ' the eternal purpose of God :in all thing's • and the • great' ,nature ::of. man,, endowed with courage,' .faith' and :endur-: ance: • ' Mr. Strapp :stressed that we' ''must see beyond our own side of things in these troubled times,• and in conclusion parted .to., the' challenge which is : always' �be- fore ', us. to make things real'for' .Which men died: ' Headed: by the°• Lucknow' Ds trict . High School. Band. Legion' and.. Auxiliary me4rnbers„ paraded. ' to. church and then 'to the. Ceno tap:h, , There '' the silent .tribute of remembrance was paid. the 'Last Post ••and Reveille:•souridecl by Bill ` Andrew and wreaths placed. by. Earl Cranston,' Mrs. Jack England,: Mrs:..Wm. B•ucl: ir, zham, ' 11,1rs, J. L. Macl17 hail, Geore Jo.y rt, Harcid Ritchie encl. Terry ,•Rathwel. .. Placed. before the inonu:nerit' • vei.e. forty four tv lite cl oases, carrying .'the riarnes of Veterans who have .passed cri in ,post•war • day. Clarence Greer ' was parade aiarsha:l ..and H D. ,"Thompson; • colour serdrant. 'The co or :party incl.udecl Kean carrieron. Kelso • MeNag, ate. Mrs. Jilt VIcNratiahton :end .i.r . Ph:lip.MacMillan,' • •