HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-01, Page 9J ' ,F,1hNESDAY, NOV. , fst, 1961. ROY N' BENT LEI • PUB,LIC• .ACC U,NTAN1 • G .�„ .O . ERICIL ONTARIO' • Box 478 Phone JAckson 4.9521, A. M..HA•RPER AND COMPANY. Chartered Accountants 33 Hamilton St" GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone 'JA 4-7562 J O.'D.0 B ;AC:TE& N (Doctor of Chiropr.actic,)'� Wroxeter., Ontario Telephone Wroxeter . 2104-1 ;Hours'' 10to '4:30, ;Monday -Friday, Monday, Tuesday, 'Thursday Evenings; 7 .to. R :DU' VAL. D.C., ' Chiropractor • ''Physio and ',Electro . Therapist ;Wingham -= Phone. 300 (Office located in former' CKNX building on the Main Street): INSURANCE ,.� `F.1 4 WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE . AND :LIFE To Protect Your 'Jack .. I'n'sure With Sack Toda <:: J..A, McDONAGH� Phone • 06 Luc know STATE: 'FARM MUTUAL, OMO TO.:...BILE: AU• 1.RAN C.. NSU N E Investigate ` Before '- • gInvesting'. REUBEN .'WILSON R R. `3, Goderich Phone` 80-r-8 Dunganno• n • R. W� ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday 'Afternoon, Office in • the Joynt Block" Telephone.: Office 135 Residence 31-J _'HETHERINGTON !QA C Barrister, Etc. Wingham and. Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Monday . and Wednesday Located in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone Wingham • Office 48 Residence. ' 97 'IMPERIAL•OIL, PRODUCTS fof ,prompt service, and quality, products, contact GRANT CHISHOifM' Phone collect Dungannon 194'. or 10' Ltteknow.. 'Always Look ;To Imperialv \. For The Best" THE LUCKNOW ''SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTAlstIO. REFILL'PROBLEMS SOLVED Micropoint ball point Pen• re- fills solve' that, "does ,it fit" problem for all pens, They fit paper mate,, : eversharp, , script., waterman, , • sheaffer, wearever and 183 other popular makes. See' for, yourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The Lucknew 'Sentinel. • phone. 35, Lucknow,, MacKenzie •• Memorial .•Cha .:el p FUNERAL ,SERVICE` Services . conducted accord- , ing to your wishes at your " Home,,your Church,or at our • 'Mmorial Chapel at no additional charge. , Phone 181, , Day . or: , Night JOH':NSTONE'S.. FUNERAL ;HOME. Phone 76. • • Day or 'Night USE .OF' FUNERAL HOME At; No Extra ' Cost Moderate Prices Established. 1894 WINGHAM' MEMORIAL O AL SHOP We Have` teen Memorial • Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven' Years, Always Using- THE singTHE BEST.. GRANITES Along < With • Expert Designing Nand / Workmanship.' Prices ,Most Reasonable( Ceme> cry Lettering a Specialty: R. A . S POTT • ON. Phone 256,. Wingham;• Ontario, G.• WILLIAMS Optometrist • Office, on Patrick St., just off `°the in 'St. in.` WIN HAM' Professional 'Eye. '.Examination Optical Services For appointment Please Phone 770, ; Wingham. E Z E, . N ro O.D. MacK , • ::Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEV EVERY`' WEDNESDAY Office Hours10:00 a'.m. . to 9 00 p.m.. Phone • ,Ray ' MacKenzie, Ripley . 96.-r:-24 'for appointment. OPTOMETRIST — GODERICHM F T. Armstrong Consulting: Optometrist The,' Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661)• LIJCKNOW CO OPERATIVICT' INC. Phone 'Lucknow • 71 TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL ,CONTRACTOt, Specializing in Eiecfrie Heating, Electric Wiring, and Repairs and / Ail electrical' .Appliances Phone '208,r-25,. Lucknow. CARD OF THAI The McNain 'family, of Amber ley would like to thank all those w•ho were so kind in so many ways at the time of their recent. bereavement. All these kind acts were very much' apprecii ated: • Mr.and Mrs. John Cowan -wish. tosincerely thank 'their friends: and..neighbours for the. purse of money received. ,before thein' de. parture ,from the corri;munity,, also for the many acts of kindness and help in the past Years. • We wish to' thank all those '' «who sent cards, flowers and: treats while Jerry was In the hospital, also • those who , helped, ' at home and made trips to London. Cora. arid Jerry granston.. The ' Stepping, :Stones : CGIT group • are very.grateful to , all. those :who so .generously support- ed their UNICEF campaign. The donations will help to provide medical' and food supplies for un- derprivileged. children. Mrs. Elwood Barbour wishes ' to sincerely :thank all those who so• kindly, remeMbered her .in many ways with cards, visits and treats while in the hospital . and since returning home, I' WW1' to ' sincerely., thank. all. those whd. remembered . me by visits, cards arid' gifts while .a patient in. `Wingham Hospital. Thanks' also to Dr. M. H:• "Corrin and: the staff of 'Wingham Hospi- tal.. . "Margaret MacDonald. IN MEMORIA "DESC'H In • loving memory of Mrs. Jessie (McDonald) ' Oesch, who passed away three years, ago,. October' 31st, 1958.. There .'is' •parting fibin froxn' those • we love,` . '• No' distance can' divide . For today in inernory's garden, We still wa'l:k side.:by side: > , Sadly Missed by Moaner, Aunt and family: COUNTER :_CHECI BOOKSL-we sell them, sing:yor in• quantities and -take orders for books speci- ally pedally printed to your require- ments. •, For.. prompt service,' phone.: 35,, The ;Lucknow 'Sentinel I TABLE ' CLOTH Paper in rolls of 100 .feet. long and a yard wide, suitable .for banquets, :picnics & any caterede:al. • The Lucknow Sentinel . hone 35, Lucknow. •#4' ' FURNACE OIL, • STOVE OIL, KEROSENE,. 'GASOLINE ' See or call WM. %A, "BUD" HAMILTON : Phone 220-w• Lucknow District Agent. for Cities Service rm sident iiled At Windsor (WHITECHURCH NEWS)•.. Harald Goyeau of, Leamington, was• killed on Saturday * near Windsor when his 'car smashed into a tree. He was in his 23rd year, ..He ° leaves to. mourn his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Albert Goyeati of Leanyington and one brother, Leroy of London. He was a former pupil at Fordyce' school. Aldin Purdon left on Mon- day , and Will attend the funeral :on Tuesday lin •.Leamington.• Elroy, Laidlaw 'Spent Wednes- day ednes-• day in Toronto. The marriage o#` Mr: and Mrs. Wilbert • iSehwichtenberg• ..took place in the Whiitechurch United Church. The bride is the former Marjorie Coultes; daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs, Albert ° Coultes: and the groom is the• son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Schwichtenberg. of Mildmay. Guests were from, Kit- .chener, Waterloo, Toronto, • Mild- may, Oakland, London; Chesley, Paisley, • Listowel, Grand Valley, Georgetown, Durham, Belgrave, Donnybrook and • other' local friends and relatives. •' ', Mrs., Victor , Emerson; 'seer..etary of the: •Grey -Bruce . Wo'men's: In- stitute, • and Mrs. Russel Gaunt a delegate "from the Whitechurch ;branch,' spent a very interesting - and enthusiastic: Thursday , and Friday attending/the Grey -Bruce Area Convention in:•dianover.: Mr. and Mit: .Relison: Falconer and family; of Sarnia visited'Over the 'week -end at the home of Mrs. .Cecil ' Falconer. • Mrs..'J. Musgrove of, ' Wroxeter spent last week. at the home of her • da:nghter, Mrs .Doris .Willis. 'Andrew, Henderson : of . Truro, 'Novia Scotia . is er'nployed •at Lloyds in .Wingham: and will be staying at the 'home of 'his' aunt,, Mrs 'William Dawson Mr. and Mrs. William John stone ofPai'sley.' and Mr: and •Mrs. Donald Dirstein 'of Brantford -visited On Saturday at the home of •Mr.: and Mrs.. Russell Gaunt., Mrs. Walter Lott returned to Paisley- ,with Mr. ''and' ';Mrs.: Wm, ,Johnstone . to visit With', relatives there.., Mr and Mrs.: Ross Smith and Kathy ' -Of Toronto visited on the' 'week -end at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel Chapman. Mr and' Mrs. •Delmar Wilson' of Markdale moved' pne day.'last. week to the former Alex Inglis home.; Mr. Wilson is employed with .Mr, Percy Clark in Wing7. ham. ',' Mr'.' Cecil'Fisher . and Mrs. E. Dunlop of Doori visited 'on Sun day at ,the 1harne of Mr. ;and Mrs.' Tom Morrison Mr: and Mrs• Albert .Cameron; Mr. and . Mrs William Lowe of' Ashton, visited 'on Sunday at .the home of Me, and • Mrs; 'Mason ,,Robinson. , ', • Mr.'. Charlie. Martin, Mr, Jack Boyle and ,Mr. Cairns. spent Sat;7 urday in London. Mrs. Williatn :Dawso'n Mr. and Mrs: Wes Tiffin visited with Mr. and Mrs. George' Tiffin in Luck now 'on Sunday. . • HELENS Mr, • M . Irvn, McCabe of Windsor spent the past ' week with Mr, and ," Mrs. Frank McQuillin,. Qver the week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs; IJarvey Webb were their; daughter, Mrs. David Gilmore and Mr, , Gilmour of G'uellph. Mr. Wallace Miller,. Mr, and, Mrs. Allan Mil'1er, Douglas and Lori :were. Sunday guests of Mr, -and Mrs.ToDickison of Wal. kerton. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre'and Don- .. ald . of Richmond, . Hill spent the week -end writh• her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. I.. Miller and Isobel. Mrs. Allan Miller • and Lori spent Tuesday with Mr. ,and.Mr's.' ' Wes Whytock at Teeswater. ust a reminder' of the Novem- bet m.:eting 'of the,W,I. on Thum, - ,day (to -day) at 2:30. Miss Jose- phine` Woodcock, District.- Presi ;dent of ;Bly th will ,be guest speak- er. Family Gatheriaig A. family gathering) •was . held on Sunday, Qctooer 29th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. This was the first get- together :0 . the . Sam 'Sherwood farnilyin a number of years. Present on' Sunday were Mr. and 'Mrs.. Charles Sherwood of ,De- • troit, Mr. and Mrs.: Jim. Banc our. Of London Mr: and Mrs. Jirn Sherwood of Goderich:;.- Mr --end '`'"- Mrs MEarl . Shex od, Neta, .and'. Ernest ' of Carlow; .Mr. and Mrs. Les ' Ritchie of Lucknow; Mr. and " .. , Mrs': Gordon Gontier and Jamie ' ... of. Toronto; Mr. Albert'.' Rundle,. :Lynda; Ann .'arid• Grace of .Qsh " awa and Mr. and ' Mrs. Gaunt and Murray.• Mr. and Mrs. Frank McWhin ney;.Marie, Murray,,Lynda;•Doug..- ;las Kenneth, . ;Katharine and David of Underwood .moved this. •:' :past week :to' .the . former rred Webb house: 'Mr. McWhinney is • ' employed. ' with • Mr.' Andrew• Gaunt. Lucknow° ILO:viable Lassies. • - The Lucknow Loveable Lassies• held their fourth: meeting on,Oc- tober 30th. Thera was :an atten- 'dance of ':twelve answering the roll • call with,one way a''girl, may plan .her separate to .flatter her figure. Wendy . Emberlin, *read the minutes of. *the last meeting.: The girl's .worked, on their pat- terns and 'were given.:home`'as signments ':• and reminded. to be: at' the Town .Hall 'on Saturday,. November .4th: at: 9:30 a.m 'o. .414 4 TIME TRICKS r1: The • 'time change. has 'a' way of playing tricks. • Last. week w'e:said .if • you .forgot to' turn back'.., your Clock, ,church would .be about over when you'd,. arrive • eerner elim•en-tary'"I'f you ailed to turn your• clock .back it would say: twelve o'clock,: when standard: time. clocks would read; ` 11:00 o'clock. tutactually if wouldn't work t that . way.' You would go to church . at 11.00'.• a.m.. by your clock, . which would be 10:0.0 a.m... , standard time. . So' theoretically you would be an hour . early for the start, of the .service. Still. with: r'n e? edlar Agency Golden GIow Egg Pickup Twice Weekly LIFE AIRY, BEEF, NOfi and POULTRY CQNCENTR Modernly Balanced - Moderately .Priced ... Balanced Feeds, Mill Feeds and Chops $uIk or Bugged Daily Service �clstel afld On. Luclrnbw Branch, Phone' 78 "THERE'S A NEW LIFE FEED.' OR EERY NEED''. • 11