HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-01, Page 7ESDI
1st,., 1961 •.
You've probably noticed ttiat
this columna has;taken on a, little
higher- .tone of late. There's a
certain, je• ne sais quoi, a soupcon
of noblesseoblige and a dash of
sumnia cum laude that wasn't
there .before,. 'And it isn't be=
cause .I'm scared of'that lad
, y in'''
Beamsville •who reamed me out
a couple of weeks, ago.
No, the reason for the new note
of.gentility,'the touch of sophisti-
cation, is that the Smileys, have
finally arrived. Years of strriggie
and verty, of hardship: and. pri=
vition, havepaid off. We have
made it. We have acquired ' the
status symbol, the nadir. • of Both-
'bigness,the acme' of asininity.
We have two . toilets.
• 1�he
n I' think of what'we have
gone through in our pursuit
this pot,of .porcelain •at: the end
of the rainbow, .I could cry Lots
bf•these; young: newlyweds ncowa-
ve d
moi t into'.a• new*home'
ays.., x'.8 .hnew,.
• with .a real bathroom upstairs
and a powder 'room on: the ground
floor:.: :We didn't even have .one
Bill Srni'ley
toilet of our own until our young
est. was old . enough td be self
supporting inthe bathroom,
Let's see.:' When we• ' married,
the Old Girl , and I took a fur-
nished room in the city, close to
the uiniyersity. It was even closer
to the redlight 'district, ;We shar-
ed a 'bathroom with' the . eleven-
teen occupants, of the second•floor,
Every one of these was a baggy=
eyed "slattern ' in a dressing, gown
who spent hours every day fry-
ing opions over a gas' fire on the.
landing just outside the bathroom
door:.. ,
Our .next abode ' was a .three-
room flat in they factory . district.
By* this; time. Bre had a ,year-old
son. Don't ask me how that ' hap-
. It'a long story.: Ilere we
Shared the bathroom with only
the landlady. She was a bit pe-
culiar, but not a bad old skirt.
She had ' a wall : eye, a habit of
-sucking snuff, .and a passion, for
antique furniture. You had to
climb ..over an 'old setteeand low
er -yourself from an ancient china
cabinet to get into the bathtub.
That bathroom brings back
fond memories. Once I was giving
the baby a bath. I had soaped
him, and he was . a$ slippery as
a speckled trout, He eeled out
of my 'grasp, ker whunked his
face on. the, tub's edge, and bel.--
lowed. His mother rushed yin,
snatched hirci, examined, ,hide,
found he'd chipped a tooth; and
promptly tried to break every
bone in my head.
Another time, the same kid
who could just toddle, got into
,the same bathroom, and. managed
:to shoot the bolt, from the inside.
I know it's a classic situation 'and
has happened to others;. But if
you want to know . what hell is
:.like, before you get there, try it.
* *
Inside. isthe- tiny •boy, wailin
piteously. Outside, are: h;s father,
telling the child, who doesn't un-.
derstand,•a word', of it, or anything
, ow o• un oc e oor, e
mother, screaming at the father,to..
do . something ibefore :baby suffo-
(in a bathroom r ):; :the land-
lady, moaning, wringing • here
hands, and imploring the father.
to . get him, out but not to, break
the lock, • '
I • broke Vie lock, all the skin.
off ' my knuckles;,, and' the third
comrnandment, in that order,. but
we got .hien out. From those ex-
citing _. ti•tmes,,We, moved: to a :small,
town, and : life .declinedinto a
Series of ;dreary bathroom sharing;
in• various, old' houses, with . other
on couples d, their children,
young ... sc
. • . P an h ..
all Of whom' seemed to have kid
ney conditions.
keep 'emhearth(
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• Then came the'. great day when
we had a hquse all to. ourselves.
The bathroom :apparently-' had
been installed in honor.of Champ-
lain's first visit. Oh, it worked.
But • you- had' to take. ,the top off
the ' tank and fiddle with the
bulbs every time you flushed the
toilet, .And you had to wash with
your stomach against the . sink,
because the extra weight of the
water would .have torn it right
off the wall;
You. can imagine what happen-
ed. My wife went a bit psychotic
'after; all those years: of fruitless.
pounding on thedoors of shared
bathrooms; We wound'. up•' witli.
a bathroom that would not. have
:disgraced '''a ;sultan's . • ,boudoir;
complete with shocking pink fix-
tures, .mother-of-pearl toilet seat,.
and a $1,000 bill at the plumber's.
But • all ' that's .behind. We've
moved into a . house witha down=
stairs; johnnie, and there's a new,
grace and elegance in . our :do=
mestic, life. However, it's taking
'a while to get used to.: We some-
times find ourselves halfway; up-
stairs.before•we•reinember•it,. and
are torn between going on up -;or
going back 'dowri`a tough :deci..
cion: And ' I 'still '''find 'that. the
ninute:.'I get established .i n. one,
of: there -and it'• 'doesn't matter
Which, tine=there's .. a kid beating
• on the door and pleading 'in• .agon-
ized accents:
Presbyterian ` Evening Auxiliary.
The October Meeting . was held
on Tuesday evening at the home.
of Mrs. Jack .Pollock near Tees
water:: Mrs. Robert MacKenzie
was in , , charge •ofthe meeting
which 'opened with the Call to
Worship, followed "by .a .hymn .:.&
prayer by, Mrs. Howard Agnew.
Mrs. Noble Johnston .gave.. the.
Thanksgiving • meditation. The'.
scripture •reading was •followed
by ,the Bible Study on "Ruth" by
Mrs. James. Little. Miss. Maudie
Fisher and ' Mrs: '• Ross. ,Gammie.
took the topic which was an "Out-
line of Thanksgiving down
through: the Ages." The meeting
closed with a hymn and. ,benedic
tion. A .social, half liourfollowed
South Kinloss W.M.S.
The Fall Thankoffering meet-
of South Xinloss W.M.S. was.
held in the .churel# on Monday,
afternoon, October; 23rd. Mrs. H.
Buckton presided and the scrip-
ture . and meditation was, taken
by ' Mrs: Douglas Graham. with
the opening prayer by Mrs. Ross
MacMillan. Readings, were given
by Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and '
Mrs. Ted Gollyer'.' Special speaker..
.was R.ev. Rod MacLeod: who bas-
ed his ,talk .on the story of Dorcas.
a7 tabithe • given in Acts 9 • clas-
• sing her • as a women . who'b Was
wanted and who was missed on'
her passing 'because cif her; good
and, charitable actions.: She was •
a disciple whose •talentwith the
needle ,.,clothed the poor. 'widows
at..loppa. Because of •Christ's' love,
Women were last at the; cross and
first at the -tomb and through.
Bible records ,and: down ,through,
succeeding, ages. women have done
much to advance the kingdom. of
God. The story of Dorcas . i$ a
challenge to woineri .everywhere
to ' use their talents, be they one
or many to further the progress
of the. Gospel and to work While
doors of opportunity remain open
in.' those critical times in. which
'We Live. Mr. MacLeod. was thank- . .
, ed by Mrs. W. F. MacDonald:. and
presented,with.•a small; gift.'Pray-
ers were, taken by Mrs. • Graham,
Miss Dan 'MacLeod. and; by Mrs;
Rod; MacLeod, who also presid-
ed at 'the piano
Mrs. George Linley of ,.Detroit,
the former 'Grace Carieron of
this community, :says' in :renew
ng her subscripti�n: 'We .have
enjoyed The 'Sentinel so very
much over .many:: years ' and to
lose .it :Would be., like dosing a
Have ' You 'Renewed. ,Your. Sub
scription' '..'
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