HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-01, Page 5•
WED'NESDAAY'x: NOV. 1st, 1,961,
first ,point Sectionul JRaJI
Church Women -Held At
The first Joint• Sectional Rally
of the Women of the ' Woman's
Missionary Society and the Wo,
man's: Association of. the United
Churches of West: Huron.' ,was
held in Auburn Church
on October 24th,
The vice-president, Mrs. Bert
Alton opened ,,the- •rneeting with
hymn. 376 -:.with Mrs. ' William
Craig at the piano.,
Mornio•g devotional 'was. taken
by Mrs. Fordyce Clarke and Mrs.
Tait Clark of •Smith's Hill: Rev..
Lewis 'of Auburn 'w.elcomed the
ladies. and Mrs, Alton replied. •
The minutes of the laast West
sectional meeting of the Woman's
MissionarySociety was read lby
Mrs: C..Cooke.. Mrs. Harold Phil-
lips •read the report of : the .last
*West, Sectional meeting of, • the
:Woman's Association. Reports
were.: given by Mrs. J. Sutter,
;Treasurer :of the Woinan's Mis-
sionary Society; Mrs. M. • Bean,
Treasurer. of the .:W.oman's As-
sociation; Mrs. Sydney Thompson,
Literature Secretary and Mrs.• E.
McKinley,. Christian Stewardship
A short ski
ches Fire, was gi n by Mrs. Ce-
cii Blakey Mrs. .Lorne Ivers,, Mrs.
Herb Finnigan, Mrs Esther Riv-
ett and Mrs. Fred, Young, all of
nrt .
tewardship Cat -
The offering was taken • and
the ,dedicatory prayer given by
Mrs. Bert ,Altos, followed by
h.ymn.. 31.
Mrs. F. C. Ball' of London Con-
ference was guest speaker in• the
: norning;• speaking on different
methods' .of . studying •the Bible
.as a group,
Dismissal prayer was given, by
the president, Mrs. G... W. ' Tiffin.
of Wingham.
A lovely noon luncheon, was.
served to about 25 guests by the
Auburn ladies.
•The afternoonserviee opened
with hymn 20; •Blake's ladies,'
Mrs. James Arnold • and Mrs.
G. W. Kaiser had charge of the
devotional ,period. The roll 'call
was answered -by sixteen socie--
ties: •
The • offering was taken and
The ''Bible's , Natio..nal • M essage
We believe that the Celto•Saxon • peoples
are 'the ''de'scendants •of God's servant
rage and nation'. Israel: 'that our:: ancient
Throne is:•the continuation of the• Throne -•
Of., David; and, in view of present world •
conditions, that a general recognition
this 'identify' AND. its . implications is a
•matter•.of vital and: urgent,importance:-
;For' Your Copy' of. Our, FREE. Booklet < •.
"An Introduction to the British -Israel •Evangel• :
Write to 'the: Secretory
•• Jr: Ontario
P.O.. Box: 744,: Station B, Oftowa, Opt.
Mr. and "Mrs. Andrew Jamie'-
son, Woodstock, were' Sunday
Eguests: :af Mr. and ,Mrs. George
•Mr. and Mrs Colin MacDonald,,
Mr, and Mrs. Will Granger of
Blyth visited •Mr,.:and -Mrs Ed-
burt Bushell, :
Mrs. Prank Currie and. Darlene
spent a couple of days in London
Mrs. Thomas MacDonald and
Mrs. Gordon MacDonald visited
Mr. and Mrs,. Lloyd McClure of
Mrs. Frank 'Dore, Dianne and
Ronnie visited Mr. ' • and , Mrs.
Lawrence Fry.. ”
Mrs. • Don McCosh presided
when the Grey -Bruce Area Con;
vention, ret in Hanover Town
Hall, others .present :.were Mrs.
Stewart Needham, Mrs, George
Harkness, Mrs. .William Arnold,
and, Mrs., Frank 'Dore.
Dianne Dore celebrated her 5th
birthday With, Margie ' Collins;
,Wray Thompson, Vickie, Cathy
'and,. Jimmie Dore.
Mrs... ' Edburt Bushell, • Miss
Edna Boyle;, Mrs. Burton;Collins:
and Margie 'visited Mrs. Morley
Bushell; •
Susan Farrell;- Ann Mackay, .&
Joan Thompson took part in the
Mrs. Lewis gave 'the ., dedicatory.
prayer _ ..
Mrs..,Tiffin introduced, the
guest. speaker, Rev. A. ' C. Coles
of Fordwich,, formerly of view-
•foundland. In his very interesting
talk,' he gave much ;information
on the work •of the church in.
Newfoundland since its begin-
fling • three hundred years : ago.,
He was thanked by Mrs. Bert
Alton , for his very .informative
talk. Special music for the •.after-
. noon ;.was supplied by- Mrs.. R. C.
Procter .and Mrs, Harry, Worseh,,.
Goderich. Mrs 'Tiffin and Mrs
Phillips explained. the working..of
the . new ` 'society; "The• Huron
Presbyterial .Church. Women"
answered many quesitoris 'in con-
nection with, this new Venture;
Mrs., R. W. Hughes thanked' the
Auburn ' ladies and all, taking
part in, any. way for a day well
spent. '
Mrs: 'Harold. Phillips closed the
,meeting .with. prayer.
public speaking in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs,.James Brooks
were Sunday ,dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William. McCreath.
Mrs. Carl .Pollock ,and Mrs.
Clyve Munro spent Tuesday with.
Mrs.' George Emerson.. .
Miss. Margaret .Robertson ;and:
Mr. Donald Robertson visited Mr.
and Mrs, Russell ' Collins on
Thursday .evening.
Miss Evelyn Osborne is in St,
Josephs Hospital,London Friends
Wish* tier a speedy recovery,,
Mr. and Mrs. Burtgn Collins
and.' John and ' Sandra were re-
cent visitors. with Mr. and' Mrs.
Jerome Schmidt,, IVlildmay and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude :Dore.
Miss' Eva ,Culbert attended the
Public speaking in Lucknow • on
Wednesday evening, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nlac=
Donald and family, Mr, and. Mrs.
Frank Currie, Darlene and Brei-
da .were Sunday guests of Mr, , &.
Mrs. Morford. Mackay,
Miss Rosalyn: Swann,. St :.Jos
eph's Hospital, London, Mrs,' Rus-
sell ,Stanley and 'family, visited
Mrs. Helen Swann. .. .
Mi.. Robertk McCosh .was ,•a.
Sunday Visitor with. Mr. and. Mrs.
Don McCosh.
Some :of the • Grove folks . at-•
tended the reception in.Lucknow'
for Mr: and' Mrs. George Rich-
ards 'of Toronto.. •
' Mi • Reg-•-Brimstone---who -•ha
been employed :.by Mr. Francis
$kyle is returning to 'his home
in the Maritime Provinces.
Visitors with `Mr. and Mrs.
Burton Collins ,on 'Sunday even-
ing were Mr. • and Mrs.. Dan Mac,
kay,: Mrs. .George Emerson and
Bob, Mr: and Mrs. ;Gordon' P,at-
terson, `Mrs.. . MacDonald, Fort
William, 'Mr.' and. Mrs;' Andrew
Patterson. • :
Miss..MVlerle Stewart and Miss
• Vera Dore' visited: Mr.. and Mrs
Claude Dore. •. '
Mr.. and . Mrs...Victor Gawley,
Marlene •and Gladys:' attended the
Anglican Fowl Supper at Bervie.
' The fifth meeting,of the Purple
Grove Sample Sewers was held
at....he :home. of Gladys Gawley
On, Saturday 'afternoon; The roll
call a 'pattern alteration and how
to make it, was answered by 7,
members, :followed by'. the
pledge;,. They wrote notes on fit -
• Chil.dren.'stray. Ora husband, is late 'get.•
ting home. Or you are worried about
someone . who is ill. Sq often: a . simple
. '
telephone call _ from you or
to' you
quickly setsfear's. at: rest.. Any time of
y ,g
da � or night the telephone can suddenly'
become one of themost important things
in your life
Y •;
ting their ` gar?nents and then. ,
worked on the garments. Home'
assignments: were to work on re
•cord books and have one 'of the
garments ' finished by the next,
Mr. and .Mrs, Russel Collins,
returned home after spending a
month in ,Western Canada, ,
' Mrs. William Hughes, 'Goderich,
Nl1Ss `Edna ' Boyle,' ,Oriili•a~--Were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and -Mrs.,.
Aurel Armstrong. '
Mrs. ' Gertie Bushell, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Russell •Bushell 'and Bob
visited Mr. and : Mrs. Edburt. But.
shell, Katherine and George . on
Sunday evening,
Fr r AshfieId
o me
r• Died:,:111rn ste
J �...PATTON:.. '
REV." ,'w.., •
Rev. W., ,J. Patton, ;a .resident
of : Wiarton since his .retirement.
in 1952, passed. away suddenly in
Westminster Hospital, London, on •
Wednesday, .October 18th, in•, his
'81st year. • •
• Mr: Patton was minister ,at the
Ashfield- 'United 'Church Circuit
' from 1934. to 1938. He succeeded
Rev.. Campbell Tavener and was•
succeeded by 'Rev. J. Wilken.
• Rev. Patton, : a "Son • of the late
Mr: and .Mrs. Joseph Patton, was
:born in Lyle, Ontario, in 1881..•
He received 'his education in: Or
illia ,and the University of: To
ronto. In 1919 he graduated from
Knox 'College, Toronto,•; and., took
his first Charge in the 'village ;
of Shallow Lake. Rev. Patton
later `;had .,charges at Redverse,
Sask., Brynonston, Ont.; Ben-
miller; Ashfield, , Gil Gi4y, anti`
•Sombra. He :retired from active
`mn•istry 'at; Sombra .in..1952. •.He
then retired to; his summer home.
at :Sable `Beach and :' spent. his
• .winters ••in :Wiarton: He: supplied
•on'numerous bcc.asions:at his first
Church, "Shallow Lake:
Mr. Patton was;presented 'with.
the .Decoration .of Chi:vallry for ..
outstanding, service:' in• that order:
from the 'Grand'' Lodge I.0.0 F.:
of OT tario, 'in Owen. Sound in
1956:- He Was . a forrner Grand
Chaplain of the T;O.O.F. '
In 1919' he married the former'
Annie Elizabeth Brown who sur-
' wives; him.•
Also surviving /are, two dohs,
Tnr•nias of Germany arid Jaseph
of'Barrie. and one dazghter,'•Es'' •"
'.1) r. k. Hodgins of Ott
taWa. "'.
'Rey. Patton rested at, :'the
George Funeral' Home, Wiarton,
until: Saturday, October 21st. The
funeral was held at the Shallow;
• Lake 'Untied Church. Pa'1lbearers'
were all ,nephews. of the -deceased. •
They *ere Byron; Claude Lloyd
and Lyle Patton, , and Albert and
.Nugl ' Grover. • Interment was,.
made . in Boyd's 'cemetery:. •
Phone 545
r $'e Sure Your
• . CAR.>l: