HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-11-01, Page 2PAGE TWO THE..LUCK119W SENTIN LUCKNOW, ONTARIO EI: ES }AY , NO T, 1st 1961 :Kolb vor Grade 13 Award On Friday evening at the Wingham District High School, Miss Ruth Hodgins daughter of ltf_r. and Mrs. Charlie Bodgins of Winghain and a Grade 13 student was Presented with the Dr. Ceived the school diploma for general and ComMercial profici, ency being arnong the top three students in her grade eligible for in ward', Ruth Was also accom- panist for part Of the ,program. Ruth's mother is. the forMer Jean Ruth'S aunt, Miss' Marion Hod- gins, a Unifed Church Missionary - froM. Western .Canada and form- erly of Con. .10, Kinloss, was present for this 'caseation of the. aWardt. presentation. During he visit to Wingharn Miss :Hodgint delighted,tlie pupils pf.Mrs, Grace Webster, Mrs. Jean Hodgins and Miss Phyllis Johns when the gave ' an illustrated talk .on her wQrk in the West: The: Classrooms were loVely with Hallowe'en de4ra- tionf and, the PupHt sang Several ohOruses:.A guest at the prograrn was Miss Itiga"Ottomyer who'has arrived recently' fram Germany.. ars. ti,ecked., eek -End Collision Four. district youthi fattunately escaped. with minor injuries in Wineasam about 12:30 :a.m. Sun- day Morning.' Driver of the, one ear was • James Robert Venuss (better knoWn locally as Bob Harris), who, police report, ran: into ,the •rear ' of' a car driven by 'Fred Passengers in .the Ventisf earl .• FROM were three brothers, Kenneth, TOrrismy Ballentine is' back in I John and Donald Johnston. 'the hospital again : with . prieu-1 . ' VANDALS. AT WORK AT TIFE WEEK -END A' pop bottle . wag hurled through a rear window at , the Post Office early Sunday morn- Annther e§capade' that night Was: the szna.4hing of a lawn fix- tur at June, Coall,Yer's apartment. In addition several plopog, got the "egg treatment?' ' id, Jos. Hallowe'en!.. y chdilidg.rt t'Q. .1 tQe0n f tuhl ec athilnilluV1 Hallowe'en patty on Tuesday night in tbe Arena,. spdnsored by the 'Lucknow and 'District Lions !Club, under the chairrnanship, of Blab McIntosh. The Committee n,ni narn8ers in charge were in cos., F n Short Of Objective main s reet e 9innd PtltraLduedcknialaw'e With' the ideal campaign for 1 the direction .,of Mr. Elwin Hall; the CNII3 hearing its gonipletionl and returned to the Arena where just $73.00 shart of its,, minimum envied the task of the judges, • The following .is liSt Of the Mrs. Otant MacDiarnild and Miss donatf .contl,-ibuting • since Sep- !Huth Thompson: . temb.er 30th: There were siX classes for pre - Lloyd Athton,'$2.00; Ken•-•caine- 4chool, 'kindergarten and Grade ing, '$2.00; Milton Rayner, $2.00; 8. By actual count there, wete Mrs. Harold Treleayen, $2.00; 146 children. lined up befOre the Mrt. Clatk FirilaYsOn, $2.00; !judges for cash Ptizes .of 75C,' 50c vin Morrison,. $1.00; Lady Fores- and 25c in each group. 1 111106..E LUCKNOW DEBENTEIRES. ..tfoR $10.00; Mrs'. Jim McNaughton, $1.00; Miss Ristth Thompsan, $5,1)0; Chas. Bristow,.$5.00; Mrs. William Bushell, $5.00; Mts. Grant Mac - Following 'the judging . there was a.,,libetal Peanut scratable: 'and as' the children filed from the' arena. each received a choco- , the judging the Band wat generous with their selec- Prize'. Winners were: , Pre -School ,---, . Sandra Finlay;' Tammy Barger, AudreY 1 Interest for further particulars. eentaet MuniCipal Office Lucknow Agnew, Treasurer • Humphrey, $2:00; Ross Errington, Kindergarten 7--. Beth Ilallain, $2.00; Mrt., Eunice Gillespie, $1.00.;' Ian MontgomerY, Donnie Brooks. Gardan Morrison, $2.00; Carineron Glade. 1 and .2 ,-. Dale Hunter, MacDonald, $2,00; Don Cameron, I:Bradley Patker,..Iininiy de Boer. Light Lodge, A.k. '.&- A.M., $10':00.. 0ail Jainiesazi,, John Emberlin. verb,' :hurt, suffering deep lac- . - etations„,and chest iinjUrieS:, Rosalene. Phillips, Janet : Car - The occupantt -of the .other car - Observation bilt ' were all ' dis- charged 'on. SundaY,7 ' - 0 !'' ' NE S BRIEFS . Both cart Were' badly wkeeked. Fred Deacon Was. the most se-.: e eople of Bruce Front e Bruce ount ren's ociet NEARBY 'draw for a portable TV set and • DOCTORS': BILLS PAID NOW NO. .AGE LIMIT s pitat. for individuals qi• families 'available .in Luaknow• and 'area.. Past health no longer means you are, deprived of this , vital prOtectionoFor further inforMation .and enrolment; fill out coupon and mail to 129 HOLLYWOOD AVE., WILLOVVDALE, ONTARIO NA ADDRES ear Friends: The support this Community----haa-given-to s our :Society in the.past has meant a great deal tarthe unfor- tunate children of Bruce -County' whom we serye: Your .donations haye'helpe&to improve this ,service manY- ways; It is our sincere hope that yon' will' consider it worthwhile to continue yOur :supPort this year. Our Anntial Drive for Funds is now underway and once again our target is a comparatively mosdest- $3,500'. 'We hope'to achieve this goal and thus be able to earry .Ori with our Protection 'Seryices for the 1961-62 period. Some of the things your money helped us to ,,do last year are shown ,below. .• • .221 children supervised and protected' in their 'own 42. children brought itito, care. Otir total, now is 'over 90. 43 unmarried tnothers, assisted and .plans made for their babies. .1 with ..theit: annual rurntnage Sale 1 ptietor of The Market. Stoke in ition.heated Motel jiitt tailth of Wing-, .of a new:12-unit electricallY- • Ihani:. A.'. tetidence adjoins the Ino., John E. Bannister. Manager of i the Zurieh. Branch of the • Bank 1 of Montreal, and forrrierly '.of The autainatie fire. alarm .sy I stem at.,Brucelea Haven, 'the new .hOme for the. aged, at .Walkerton; has been ;giving trouble, With , 'five false Marini sounded' in the Pasi few 'weeks. Each roam .in the building is equipped with a eeilirig :heat .dete0or,' which Op Sets off an alarni. An investiga-. tion it being:Made •by technician's ' .Mel Hackett, a native of Ash, - field iina tteasurer of the arena buildhig,,futid in Port Elgin, re - 'ported that over $13,000 had been cleared for . the ''ftnid frain the" summer eottage,draw. Mel is also' President of the Pott Elgin 'Cham- ber of Cominerce, which has rnade AS. second $1,000 .donation tO ' the building' fund. The 'Chamber Made 1 over $3;000 frOin beach : bingos. Proceedt of the 'Winghain nos, /tailed '$1,054.86: Over a period of .'s2LY.,170r,soesthvirehAienhxihlioa:ybheeans r:piseendt on suPplies 'and 'egniprnerit for loirof fhe year after' filling the 'posi- pbstmaster at .<Teeswater have been receiVed,. tO succeed: Mei . Donahue whO retires at the end Knox Unit0d Church at Paisley . ' 74 Court cases presented. 18 adoptions completed.' 317 services provided in othei instances where treatment was completed within 30 days. thildren •are still being' beaten cruelly,- starved, , exposed to irurnarat Acts, damaged emotionally and de- serted and grossly neglected in other Ways' as well. You ditions in Bruce County by helping us.how. Remember, this is YOUR Satiety and these are yOur 'other' children! We promise you' the 'hest service 'that we can give -e• know lhat you will want ta help us give it: Sincerely yours, • take tuary hae arisen on. the ashes Of the old, at a•cost of about $66,000 Of which $17,000 remains 'Ont.. - ,Zurich Connell held. a stotmy session befate ,deCitling to ?Call 'a public' meeting to learn the -feel - Mg of. the: ratepayers :regarding the conttiuctiOn , :of 'a ,proposed $10,060 Municipal 'Office.- • Dixon; a dentist' in • !IA.f.alkettan for many. years; died in, Walkerton hoSpital.' at the age. Dixon served in the- Firat, World War with. the Iloyal Flying Corps. fook over cominand,,Of the 97th. niobiliZed the unit ih 1939 and:, toOk it ovez•seas. -1:943 he trans- ferred, to the /loyal ',Canadian Dental. CorPs. • • • • • • • • • • • • • FREE ELECTRIC (BLANKET FOR ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER BUYERS ECTRIC a ue of Blanket i • • • • a ELECTRIC' 'CLOTHES DRYER. ' . - • • o 0- : 'Free,Electric .Blanket, value $29 95' t . : ' .. ' • ' " ' 1: • e .. With the Purchase of a • • I., .Fiigidaire• Thoi . or, omingon :. • Electric Dryer . . .... • • • • • • ihone 110 .R: T ' Lucknowil .. 'II. . • .. , , • • thinking o .28 ni oi tu 13 df