HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-25, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCT. 51h1, 1961•.
Som, e. people would. like to
take all the fun, danger and . ex-
citenient out of 'life. Quite a few
of them are editors. They're
.worsethan preachers -- always.
scolding away ;at us about some
., 70 2 M/ll/ON CANADIANS.. • .
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$2.50.'FOR A $50' BOND,
$5 FORA $10.0 BOND, ETC.
D 335
By Bill Smiley
thing If it isn't highway acci-
ccid.ents,it's fire hazards,' and if it
isn't that, it's boating safety.
They `keep nagging at us to stay
alive, but what we want is to
They're • at it again, right now.
They're rewriting 'last : year''s edi-
torials about hunting accidents..
It's the same old' song. The only
boncessiori they make to novelty
or variety is to stick a new title
on • it. Last year's warning• was.
called,Death Stalks the „ Woods.
This • ear it might be Hunters
Harvest 'Annual ,Crop, or some-
thing of, the sort. .
*: *
•I; wonder, who reads those edi-
•torials. I would lay a • small bet,
that the only Aeople, who peruse
them are the •same, ones who read
and .shake their heads over the
editorials' .about highway acci-
dents, foolish fires' and unneces-
sary drow,n'ings, : I • have •a mental
picture of .this .reader audience.
It :is made up' of: gentle' old
ladies who :have never learned
to 'drive. a. 'ears never .smoked a
cigar in bed,' never . ridden in'
anything ,faster than -a • rowiroat,,
and never hunted anything wilderr,
than a: husband.
This, 'puts the editors .lin the.
:same position as the :preachers
who blast away at sip on Sunday
morning to handful of the faith-•
f While all -the. si 'nei s are at
ul, e a n
home ;in bed recovering from' •
their 1.Saturday night activities.:
whose 'flag" 'Was ;a Kleenex into
which he was blowing his nose?
Who can point the finger :when
this hunter, hears; the 'snarl . of a
sabre -tooth tiger, drops to one
knee, and, cool as only a, born.
killer can .be, • let's go with ?uo }:
barrels; right through the rear
tire of the tractor the farmer has.'
been trying to get started, just
the other side of that copse?.
Preach on, you editors.. • But.
you're wasting your. time. There's;-
Fno• thrill in ,life to equal that of
reep ng t ough the woods an.
a freezing fall day, with the bird-
shot ,ripping through . 'the, leaves
just above .your head, the high-
powered shells slamming into the
tree ',four inches lefts; of your
heart; and .the hope that you.
may .get. 'him the next time he.
lifts ' his head-
Rev.. J. C. Hutton. spent a few
days in' Pembroke visiting with
Mr. and Mrs Donald Hutton and
little son:. •
• The sudden passing of 'Mr..
`James MeNain as . the result of
an accident at his home on Thurs-
day evening, came a, a' shock 'to,
the family and' surra nding com-
munity. lie '.had many interests
in church' and lodge work, where
he, was,' a faithful member. Sin-
cere syhipathy is extended to Mrs.
McNain and family, at this time.'
A number from this vicinity.
attendedAnniversary' service at
Lucknow United' Church 'on:
Sunday. A large ''crowd attended.
and enjoyed the •services:
• Chester Campbell' held a suc-
cessful 'sale' of cattle in, Ripley.
A11. I can say is that it serves
the editors :right ' They're trying
to take all • the thrill : out of hunt
"ing It's .'a. "damp, dreary, ;cold .
sport' at best. The. only element in
it that appeals to the man of .
spirit ,is';w the danger And ' sin e.
there 'is little 'danger. 'of' being:
trampled to .,death by a rabbit,,
torn . to bits by a' partridge, • or '
Smashed 'to.a bloody, pulp by: the
charge • of a 'tri1d duck,:, the "hun- `
ter mustgethis kicks,ain this
country, from the: constant aware-
ness that
wareness`"that there is probably •ane -
their •hunter drawings `a, 'bead ' on'.: '
hitn at'this. very„ moment: • '
We used;'to satisfy our, ancient
lustfor hlood 'with • wars'$ut
there's no • fun, ,in„' it .any more; .'
no man-to-man combat; nothing .. .
but a mbnatonous ' manipulation •
of sIaughtering•'rnachinery.. As a
result; the only".".' way in .which .a
man can assure 4hiniself of. ,his„
physioal endurance and. courage„
in this effete age, is to 'take to
the ; woods ` in 'the,' fall and :pit
'himself , against . the, rest 'of the
fellows in • the red. coats every.
man :'for himself:
' Let's' take.'a look at this hunter.
He 'may look like a" pot=bellied
merchant, or a ; flabbyschool,
teacher;.. ora soft -jowled lawyer,
but beneath that disguise lurks
the adyenturer, .the real fang-'
aitd-claw' killer. •'
rt * * •
This. killer 'has 'reverted about
4,000 ,years.'That red -veined nose
sniffs the. air. 'as' cautiously as
did, that,of .his stalking '• ancestors.
Beind, those bifocals, piercing
eyes sweep every inch of ground
for a' range of as itnuch :as : a,
hundred feet: That's not really
a 'shotgun he's carrying, loaded,
cocked 'and ' pointedat his left.
foot. It'sa boar spear. •. '
incredible to
pith: of pure cbldh
ner ie;He
senses danger and sudden death
all about him; and revels in it..
• Who can; blare . him • °w'hen: • he
he8"rs the, .grunting cough of a
lion, ylrhirIS. iii one graceful move ..
ment, ',and 'fires a 3(100 into ;a'
cow with the heaves?
Who can• scorn him', when he
snap; "off. a beautiful 2001yard
shot at the white "nate" . or
deer, strolls up
•'' to clairrr his'
1quarry4; and' learns that, has
j'ttst shot 'the cap, off a hunter,
on Saturday..,.
Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Irwin and.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Courtney were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Steele of Kincardine.
Mrs. Archie Courtney returned
home from Kincardine hospital:
on Sundy where she has, been
a patient for the past week with
an attack, of flu.
Mr. and Mrs, John ''Scott and
family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and, Mts.. Bert Mason .of 'Kin-
Mr: and Mrs. Donald' Courtne y
'and' Carol.' and Mr. and ,Mrs. Norr...
val Nesbitt 'attended the opening
service at, Paisley. United' Church
On Sunday. , •:. "
• Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Young of
Detroit visited With 'Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Brown and. other rei,.
latives last week.: • '
Mr. and `Mrs. Irving: Benson of
Detroit spent the. ' week -end 'at
.their cottage . and "visited.. with
Anaberley:.friends 'on, Saturday'
evening. •
The, fine weather . over.' ; the
week -end' brought visitors to,
their cottages once again..:.
Mr. and. ,Mrs. Johne Fraser and
daughter of, Detroit visited with.
Mr. and• Mrs. Murray Walden
and Mrs, Elizabeth •McDonald at
the week -end. :
Mrs. •Thomas' Fraser returned
to her home' in Detroit last week
after spending some time with :