HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-25, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCT. 51h1, 1961•. THE.. LUCKNQW . ,SENTINEL, LUCK QNTARIQ RAGE Som, e. people would. like to take all the fun, danger and . ex- citenient out of 'life. Quite a few of them are editors. They're .worsethan preachers -- always. scolding away ;at us about some ., 70 2 M/ll/ON CANADIANS.. • . I\\ 4 \ ♦ ' \\\\\ STALMENTS 'DOWN:. PAYMENT OF 5%- $2.50.'FOR A $50' BOND, $5 FORA $10.0 BOND, ETC. AL' ANCE 'IN. EASY'INSTALMENTS OV,E.R. A'YEAR'; BANS MON 'R AL goaWORKING WITH CANADIANS !HOARY WALK•,OF LIFE SINCE•:1817 D 335 • IPICE By Bill Smiley thing If it isn't highway acci- dents?, ccid.ents,it's fire hazards,' and if it isn't that, it's boating safety. They `keep nagging at us to stay alive, but what we want is to •• They're • at it again, right now. They're rewriting 'last : year''s edi- torials about hunting accidents.. It's the same old' song. The only boncessiori they make to novelty or variety is to stick a new title on • it. Last year's warning• was. called,Death Stalks the „ Woods. This • ear it might be Hunters Harvest 'Annual ,Crop, or some- thing of, the sort. . *: * •I; wonder, who reads those edi- •torials. I would lay a • small bet, that the only Aeople, who peruse them are the •same, ones who read and .shake their heads over the editorials' .about highway acci- dents, foolish fires' and unneces- sary drow,n'ings, : I • have •a mental picture of .this .reader audience. It :is made up' of: gentle' old ladies who :have never learned to 'drive. a. 'ears never .smoked a cigar in bed,' never . ridden in' anything ,faster than -a • rowiroat,, and never hunted anything wilderr, than a: husband. This, 'puts the editors .lin the. :same position as the :preachers who blast away at sip on Sunday morning to handful of the faith-• f While all -the. si 'nei s are at ul, e a n home ;in bed recovering from' • their 1.Saturday night activities.: whose 'flag" 'Was ;a Kleenex into which he was blowing his nose? Who can point the finger :when this hunter, hears; the 'snarl . of a sabre -tooth tiger, drops to one knee, and, cool as only a, born. killer can .be, • let's go with ?uo }: barrels; right through the rear tire of the tractor the farmer has.' been trying to get started, just the other side of that copse?. Preach on, you editors.. • But. you're wasting your. time. There's;- Fno• thrill in ,life to equal that of reep ng t ough the woods an. a freezing fall day, with the bird- shot ,ripping through . 'the, leaves p just above .your head, the high- powered shells slamming into the tree ',four inches lefts; of your heart; and .the hope that you. may .get. 'him the next time he. lifts ' his head- thing.. ead- AMBERLEY Rev.. J. C. Hutton. spent a few days in' Pembroke visiting with Mr. and Mrs Donald Hutton and little son:. • • The sudden passing of 'Mr.. `James MeNain as . the result of an accident at his home on Thurs- day evening, came a, a' shock 'to, the family and' surra nding com- munity. lie '.had many interests in church' and lodge work, where he, was,' a faithful member. Sin- cere syhipathy is extended to Mrs. McNain and family, at this time.' A number from this vicinity. attendedAnniversary' service at Lucknow United' Church 'on: Sunday. A large ''crowd attended. and enjoyed the •services: • Chester Campbell' held a suc- cessful 'sale' of cattle in, Ripley. • A11. I can say is that it serves the editors :right ' They're trying to take all • the thrill : out of hunt "ing It's .'a. "damp, dreary, ;cold . sport' at best. The. only element in it that appeals to the man of . spirit ,is';w the danger And ' sin e. there 'is little 'danger. 'of' being: trampled to .,death by a rabbit,, torn . to bits by a' partridge, • or ' Smashed 'to.a bloody, pulp by: the charge • of a 'tri1d duck,:, the "hun- ` ter mustgethis kicks,ain this country, from the: constant aware- ness that wareness`"that there is probably •ane - their •hunter drawings `a, 'bead ' on'.: ' hitn at'this. very„ moment: • ' We used;'to satisfy our, ancient lustfor hlood 'with • wars'$ut there's no • fun, ,in„' it .any more; .' no man-to-man combat; nothing .. . but a mbnatonous ' manipulation • of sIaughtering•'rnachinery.. As a result; the only".".' way in .which .a man can assure 4hiniself of. ,his„ physioal endurance and. courage„ in this effete age, is to 'take to the ; woods ` in 'the,' fall and :pit 'himself , against . the, rest 'of the fellows in • the red. coats every. man :'for himself: ' Let's' take.'a look at this hunter. He 'may look like a" pot=bellied merchant, or a ; flabbyschool, teacher;.. ora soft -jowled lawyer, but beneath that disguise lurks the adyenturer, .the real fang-' li aitd-claw' killer. •' rt * * • This. killer 'has 'reverted about 4,000 ,years.'That red -veined nose sniffs the. air. 'as' cautiously as did, that,of .his stalking '• ancestors. Beind, those bifocals, piercing eyes sweep every inch of ground for a' range of as itnuch :as : a, hundred feet: That's not really a 'shotgun he's carrying, loaded, cocked 'and ' pointedat his left. foot. It'sa boar spear. •. ' incredible to pith: of pure cbldh ner ie;He senses danger and sudden death all about him; and revels in it.. • Who can; blare . him • °w'hen: • he he8"rs the, .grunting cough of a lion, ylrhirIS. iii one graceful move .. ment, ',and 'fires a 3(100 into ;a' cow with the heaves? Who can• scorn him', when he snap; "off. a beautiful 2001yard shot at the white "nate" . or deer, strolls up •'' to clairrr his' 1quarry4; and' learns that, has j'ttst shot 'the cap, off a hunter, ne RAL INSURANCE AGNEW on Saturday..,. Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Irwin and. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Courtney were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steele of Kincardine. Mrs. Archie Courtney returned home from Kincardine hospital: on Sundy where she has, been a patient for the past week with an attack, of flu. Mr. and Mrs, John ''Scott and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and, Mts.. Bert Mason .of 'Kin- cardine, Mr: and Mrs. Donald' Courtne y 'and' Carol.' and Mr. and ,Mrs. Norr... val Nesbitt 'attended the opening service at, Paisley. United' Church On Sunday. , •:. " • Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Young of Detroit visited With 'Mr. and Mrs, Walter Brown and. other rei,. latives last week.: • ' Mr. and `Mrs. Irving: Benson of Detroit spent the. ' week -end 'at .their cottage . and "visited.. with Anaberley:.friends 'on, Saturday' evening. • The, fine weather . over.' ; the week -end' brought visitors to, their cottages once again..:. Mr. and. ,Mrs. Johne Fraser and daughter of, Detroit visited with. Mr. and• Mrs. Murray Walden and Mrs, Elizabeth •McDonald at the week -end. : Mrs. •Thomas' Fraser returned to her home' in Detroit last week after spending some time with :