HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-25, Page 1re' :t
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Tractor Accl ent
Prominent Amberle,
Arnberley, an area that has ex-
perienced more than its share of
tragic accidents in the past few
years, was hit hard. again on
Thursday • of last week , when:
" • James S. McNain met death in a
tractor accident.
Jim's sudden death saddened a
• wide area surrounding Am'berley
where he was . well known and
Silo filling was in progress' at
the McNain faun last Thursday
and neighbours, as they do,'. had
spent the ..day working .at the
'MeNain ;farm., Elmer Smeltzer
Leonard Irwin .Were still there
when ' Bob McNain, who ' works
with: the Waterloo Cattle Breed-
ing Association, .and ' lives.. at
borre, .returned to the farm Bob.
Some business: in Lucknow-
and accompanied by Elmer they
left shortly before 10 pin With-
:. • Irwin leaving for home.
Jrm' had a load''of' hay that he.
(Continued, On Page 13)
CHECK YOUR LABEL DATE Luc,. l... OW . YJIflanain. Oor on
lams life Of,
District Farmer
le• COPY 10e
The Sentinel mailing list
was revised Thursday,, and
subscription payments receiv-
ed in the previous several
weeks were advanced•accord-
ingly.. •
Toronto. Re Y,fliighum Vocationa
Representatis of the Lucknow warrant such a • school,
and District High School accom Monday's Toronto• meeting was
panied a deputation from Wing- to get the "feeling of the, Depart-
ham District High School to To-. 'ment," and Lucknwo represents--
ronto on Monday to, confer with Lives' sat in, to 'hear • the matter Y
The date on your address . Department officials, regarding first hand. They will • report back
labelwill 'In,dicate th* ex- a new approach to solving the• to.. the Lucknow Board at Oilier a
Airy date. For instance if it problem of the vocational school special meeting to be called;;.. or
reads "Oct. 61"the subscrip- program being. projected into the at the regular November meeting.
tion expires at the: end of the secondary education curriculum. It is pointed out that if Luck-
month. "61" means .it is paid Board Chairman Art Hodgins, now _did consider such, a proposal,
until the end 'of the year. vice Chairman, Gerald Rathwell no students: ' desiring : technical`
A .glance at the• label will' 'and Principal Brian ' P• `Howlett rather than academic training
tell the tale. If you are in i comprised the Lucknow repre- would, go to Wingham Until Grade
arrears .prompt • payment will sentatives, The Wingham deputy 10, ;
be appreciated., tion_•was cornprised • of Chairman ' In event of the plan being adopt-
A. D, .MacWlliam, R. S. Hether- ed . the ' • Lucknow Board would
r In
rngton and Principal F. E. Madill, bei responsible for the ,tuition and
The Wingham conian, ittee ' met transportation of such student's,
_` rr centl with. the Lucknow Boards___:&§_58._. 7`• -room aiddi i is: th-:#
inners At o�.
• 7r-7-With—the/ that an adds Wingharn Board's . proposal, we ,
proposal ng ' � ,.
• tion be' built to,• the ' Wi ham understand, . and if such •additign
School which , would provide: ac- was approved the cost. of ''the
en • House raw.
comodation for vocationalschool ' construction ...and equipping of
Lucknow District Co-op' held a ,'training for students in the two these vocational training class.
districts, - at least, without launch-. rooms would be , borne, entirely successfulOpen Bowe last
ing into the ::major: 'project of.. a by the Provincial and• Dominion
Friday and' Saturday when many self ,contained ` vocational school, government§:
of their customers • had a. chance •
Mrs Annie Jewitt a.
• fall at. her ..home .on Monday', of
, last week resulting in a fractured. The 'children ' of Lucknow and . ments of .
Lions .flan Kids `'
Hallowe'en Party
Up to ;this 'point their has; . been ' It 'is. .recognized that this. is • a
• to 'View.' their ebuilding
e n w adda�•
• �no unanimity 'aanong,such centres matter that:requires serious con
tion and • take. advantage of the' as Hanover Walkerton, Kinard= sideratio
bargains •. 'offered ., in�'.' •connection � n, ,with an. eye to ;future •
m Portl
e n C e l
with the event, and to have .'cup.
Elgin, , h s ey, Luck- consequencesf' and we understand
now and .Ripley, as to where a the'Lucknow Board of ••Educaation
'I 'coffee and 'doughnut ' • 'li
vantaeeously located to serve the • the reeves of municipalities in
o . comp ., vocational school "might
• . g be � ad Will confer in tithe "''ratter with
' • right wrist. Mrs. •'Je'witt had , the, . District are invited to the' annual were 'served by Mrs Glen° Aitkin
•arm put in 'a cast at" Wingham
hospital and •, 'on Saturday "was.
able to return home.:
A. year ago last April, Mrs Je-
.witt fell and 'broke her right arm,
T0 Seek
.For ire: `U��NICE
Merriabers of. the C..G,1 T. , of : the
Presbyterian ' Church plan to
''make '' their '' :regular. •Hallowe'en:
time'c'anvass• for the United Na-
tions' International' • Children's
Emergency: Fund, 'now more brief-
ly referred to as the • United;
Nations Children's Fund:::.
Iat's 'an'.appeal that s'hou?d touch
the •heart, and'brine •a 'generous
re sp on•
e p se.
Locally the members
plan ,to makea,house-to-house
call on Friday
aft noon, after
\four, 'O'clock. '
UNICEF'S program
• S p g
has crow become an.,established
tradition in over 1500. commum-
ties across' : Canada'. Churches,
• schools/and, youth . groups .have
endorsed the program since : its
beginnings in ,1955 and as a re-
sult, close' to 3/4 • of 'a 'million dol -
lap, has been raised -by ',boys .and
girls who. want:. to share their
., : Hallowe'en fun with others less
fortunate• ::.
Hallowe'en.; party Staged' by :the:.son, Mrs.' Don. Elliott and ' Mrs..
number; of ,students required tothe. school, area,.
Lucknow and District. Lions Club.
'The place is the arena; the date
is next Tuesday, October 31st, ,&
the time : is ''7`.30 There . will be
a .main. street costume parade , to
the arena. pledby the, 'Lucknow
,District:' -High' School Band. • -
BW Hall. •
:Gordon Finlayson of •Lochalsh
was the winner of an Electric
Fry pan in a prize draw, ' with El
wood Elliott of Holyrood winning
500 abs of 'hog grower; All en-: , .
ere Timely T
ark Reopening of Renovated Chun
tries. in • the :draw will •.now be Anniversary services on SundaY . was Rev ''Carl Zurbri ` of Olivet
, gg...
Six' costume classes will 'be ,sent to the . United,'Co-operatives• at the Lucknow, United. Church. United.. Church, Hamilton_, •one :of
Judged ed ', at. ' the arena ' with. cash Of 'Ontario where.` a:':refrigerato,r were timely, ..aa they marked the the prominent: young leaders in
prizes of 751c, 50c and 25e. •These freezer will be 'given'; away to a reopening of the'. redecorated'
classes are for Pre-school; kind-• : •lucky Coop customer. All On . sanctuary,' The Major • renovation
erg arten and �:ublic school child .tario Co-ops participating in Open program , which: has; .:been ° under -
ren.. .
Public School children will':H.ouse will' send entries for this - 'way for the past ,few weeks is
be judged, by . grades 1 and 2, 3 contest.
and 4,- 5 and 6, 7 and 8. The judg-
ing'',will •'be done in the, above'
groups without distinction • be-
tween fancy and comic
Then• there Will; be, the usual
peanut scramble and treats for
'the children: et
the church:' • /
• In . the morning'' he spoke, on
"Treasures, • New : and • Old".; An
niversary time -offers 'a : Ventage,
now all .but .,completed. The Job-, • point':. !to ` look hick. on the old
'by.. entrances • .and ' • stair tiling treasures 'and; to. look– forward.
work, ' remained •to be done. • .'.with anticipat'i'on t'o.•the'new:. He
•Interior ;.'.a decorating.: included •went" back to the ,days of :.the
applying tentest to _the ceiling' • .(Continued on Page ' 3)
Which has been painted and•. a
border design' added The' :entire,
QOSe auditorium has been bri•Qirtened
the • :appearance• of a moose by harmorirzin; pastel shades:.'
Id Light Team
The ceilingbeam of
..s an • oris :
WAS DELEGATE:TO'•MEDICAL' a' dead one, that is- caused•�much ....,• •Confets mental design 'have been light Degree
SERVICES CONVENTION,interest on Cam belle St.• on Tues
pcolor ran
day •,morning.. It heralded the re-er;ed in of g i ed an var-
d Over 20 . members of Old Light'
1 rid attendedthe•hunters. nished, . as have. the seats. The • Lod _e otor' g
Gordon Kirk a•turn of a party: ;of .local, g m ed to Byron' Lodge.
. in' "f the Co -o eraevidence organ. recess was also :redecorated 'at ` London : nn '
annual Meeting o p , that n'iorning• and was Monday evening
w'ith'•symbohc desi ns•added: The
tive Medical 'Services Federation that •the ' of their moose..They b to repay : a fraternal visit 'and'
Y g.
of Ontario *held at Carleton Placebagged the 800 - ound commtnion rail has • been re- confer a degree afor the host
ina.. ar Count rom-Thursdaafternoon.One member moved ,and•: