HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-11, Page 12• `'AGE 1'VEI.VE THE LUCK,.N QW $E 1NE14, ew arrivals .Thi FAIL FALL, MILLINERY Drop in, and look :over our selection AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS ree Pick -Up and Delivery Monday and'. Thursday' Ladies' and Men's Wear Irncknow ROY .HAVENS Plumbing and ;Heating, Esso OJ: Burner Sales and Service ELECTRIC. HEATING Phone 73, Lucknow FOR SAFE, DEPENDABI Convertient'budget ternns UP to 5 years to pay. ; 'ARAYSLOWII!01 1A4ntat T THAT Mr. and Mrs Lorne Ham-. Alton have rented the apartment •vacated by Mr. and ;Mrs.; Bill, Griffin on Havelock 'Street. THAT' the 99th anniversary of the founding. will. be observed on Sunday when anniversary services are held at St. Helens •United Church. The congrega- • tion is already , making: 'plans. for. their .centennial anniver sary.' ` a year hence. THAT• the October',clinic 'for in- , fants ,. and pre=school• children 'will . be' held. •,neitt Tuesday.: There- will not be a •clinic 'held iii... November ' and in view of this • there 'may be, those who will wish •to attend next week's: clinic... THAT Ronald ' Manta suffered .• a.. fractured right wrist when he slipped from the horizontal bars' at the Public School on. Tues • day. He, was taken •to Wingham hospital. to' .have the fracture set. THAT the•open season •for -ducks ; and geese in this area, opened • on Saturday, and 'despite sum- mer temperatures •••some`: good bags 'of' ducks . were reported, as well• as a number, of part-, ridgewhich are•. also in season. CKNOW . ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, T Uth 196X By. Th'e Senti:nel,. THAT' a, •touring RCAF. band 'of of ;quite sornek prominence gave • a one-hour band concert at Lucknow District High School on Tuesday, afternoon. THAT Mrs, Christine, MacDonald. of Lucknow' will: observe her. '62rid birthday on Monday,' Oc-. tober. 16th and is enjoying very good health, and abler to be regularly/ at. church. • THAT Miss Dorothy Cooke was admitted to Wingham hospital • .'.last. week after ' suffering a back. injury in a 'fall; THAT Kerry Toll, 10 -year-old daughter of Mr...and 'Mrs. Au- brey, Toll of -Bast Wawanosh; has .been. hospitalized in Wing- ham as •a resultof being kicked last Thursday on the 'face and right side of her forehead by a: colt. Kerry 'Was, severely, cut, .:but'' escaped'. serious head in jury: Mrs. Toll is .the farther Marie McC'rostie:. ' THAT Lorraine Hamilton ,of Ashfield and 'Mrs •• :Francis. ,Smuck of London' .spent two • weeks hi 'Bermuda visiting with their sister;' Mrs. Harold (Don-, na) Gauntlett and Mr.' Gaunt- •'lett. Their trip ' was •made 'by, jet front. Malton, and needless 'to say.. was, thoroughly enjoyed. •THAT;. Glen Atkinson has.' pur- chased' the . barber ' business o f the,. late:.Wm. 'EumbY `of' Gode-• : ricand. is presently .operat- ing this, business on. Kingston .Street 'in 'Goderich'.. Glen esta- bushed•' a business. in Lucknow just east, of . Sanderson's, aft r graduating from 'Barber Schoo THAT it was back to' school and work on Tuesday after the • Thanksgiving ,holiday week end . with • its exceptional weather; and . which ;:marked .the'. last 'holiday .week -end. until Christ- mas. , THAT Mrs Williarn Russell has. moved into the apartment in the 'Anderson apartrhents 'form= erly occupied by :Mr and Mrs. A1,Baker. Mrs. Russely.has just: returned from a ,three: months visit ` to Western Canada and Plans. to make her home Lucknow. now. Her former hom _ e in Lucknowwas sold • sometime ago to. Harold Greer.. THAT !Constable Lou Boyce of the Kincardine ,detachment ' of the Provincial 'Police, 'is -sever . ing his ' connection :' with'.. th'e. force; and on; October 16th re ports at. Taranto' to ,assume his duties; as 'liquor licence' inspec- tor..far this area,' THAT following.' the •Suter-Tre- leaven uter Tre-leaven wedding ,rehearsal ',On Friday, :evening, in,, the.United Church,' Mrs. Elizabeth Suter;, entertained the bridal, ,party in ' Wingham ; THAT /members of the Lucknow ,Public School :staff •'tri: corn- ''mon ` with • other teachers in • the inspectorate of Bruce and No. 3,• attended the tea_ criers conventyon at •Southamp•... ton , on Friday, wh'il'e students. enjoyed . a. 'holiday,' ' • THAT Mr:. and Mrs. Sid' Plow- right '(Ruby Nixon) of Oshawa Were . ` Thanksgiving visitors here. Sid is employ eel• with General got -ors and with re-. tirernent in the offing,..in / a year or two, ;they are eohtemp latii g're-turning to LucknoW to build a home and reside here. i With this! in 'mind they have been in tie market for a building lot. 'Ori Saturday. they. initiated proceedings to acquire the corner lot on. "Outram and Rose Streets, across:, from K. C. :Vlurdie's residence, This pro- perty is ` ownie try John Robb of. Kinloss wlf0 purchased tlrs BIRTHS GARDNER —. At the Wingham General'.Hospital on 'Wednesday; September lith, 1961, to Ml. and Mrs. James Gardner,:.Lucknow, a. daughter'. ionountonnuoixotannunloinotiolisinienointinnnitiiinimiammunon. I to to a or in a ■ i ii ■•: ■ . ■ i WHILE THEY LAST i• ■ CILUX ENAMEL a • 'One, . Coat •• Magic : r, . •• .C.ILT' ,........ /..ir A ■ to - tor• ■ •■ '• il' s. to .l ■ ■• • ■ FIJtAY':CEcORAT▪ • •It • GIFT SHOP ■. • V�Ilpape , C -I L Paints hone 218 • Lucknow m illinitis■Iiiiii��iif ilslli~'nkore�ir■ oirli `i :ItsNaoe■� ' ■■o si • CILTONE - GLOSS'. A complete range of • colours ■ ■ Baa ts.$1ij9_� ; Half Pints GALLONS ON SALE AS'. . MARKED ■. ■ ■ • • YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND, Highland Pride Coffee, Our exclusive top seller;; Kleenex. Tissue : a . ee.. Regular or Chubby. Save. 19c FShorteniflg} Sale Schneider's for all baking. Save Cat' Food Sale lbs. 4 tins, 'Purr. ' Brand, '7Oz. Bargain. Save 10c, • • �Ihs.• arrgarine. Super Sale 4 Delmar Brand., Feature. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL FR}SH, FRUITS' GETABLES: ARRIVING • DAILY ......__:and V ..E 'Grapes,' Peaches, Apple's, Potatoes, Celery Values :Effective eve' Sell For Leas • October .13, 13, :14• ` Phone -119, lfiuclraow. I lot and the adjacent home from Wallace 'Wines'; Prop., Phone '36 , Meg Johnson, 1 CLEARING AIILTn HOUSEHOLDL:.EFFECTS, will be held, . for •:the ESTATE`. OF ; THE ' LATE /WM. MURDIE, WILLOUGHBY ST. .uck�ow,Saturdayf Qctober, 14th. at 1:00 p.m. �, Electric Frigidaire Electric Stove .+ Complete Dining Room. Suite Porch Furniture .4 Complete %Living. Room Suite Kitchen. Furniture, Bedding,, Linens, Silverware, Dishes of All .Kinds Dressing Tables i ElectricLamps Twin.. Beds Antique • Chest of ;.Drawers Dressers, .Tabes, Chairs, Electric' Radio, '.,M'irrors Kitchen Utensils MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION; Provincial Sales Tax of .3%b Added KEN . MURDIE . Executor DONALD B. BLUE, Auc Garden Tools THAT Mrs. Clarence Collison, who. was previously employed 'at. the, Bank of Montreal corn-. rnenced" work'. there again last Week • THAT Ronnie Thom son , ` son of. p. Mr.: and: Mrs: Frank Thompson'. of Kinloss Township; is em- played at the. downtown ;brand of •Silverwood Dairies Ltd., THAT, Fraser. MacDonald' of Wa- • dena, Sask:, has memories stirred, by., such items as. Mr: : and Mgrs. George' Stuart. and' Joe moving to Lucknow., Such items, he said; bringback, plea-. sant memories of life as he: found it ' in surest Wawanosh around St. 'Helens ,and: on into •Lucknow in the years . of now long ago. • to:, sail' on • Wednesday, October lith' on the Invernia.• and is. due tO.:arrive :in Montreal • btl' the 18th. , From where he wrote the note, he said he. could lock out over the .Sussex Downs 8; see countless hundreds of ;heap 'grazing.. In that area they•cut. and roll sod': like "jelly tolls, for . shipment to .'United ' States to sod Uncle Sam''s, gokf green, The English farmer; he ;notes, bales . his hay then makes a rick or ..stack about 20 feet high and the s•anne : width, which he ",thatches." , • THAT 'motorists who, Tye' the county road between LUCl °'' and Dungannon -will bene from the white lint painted ee :.the. blacktop last Wednesd# THAT ;word' from S. J. ':Pymm by the 'Department of high' IS to the.effect that he planned .ways ASSORTED TARTS 50c dozen Date. and Nut, Chelyy# Raspberry, Butter Chocolate Marshmallow dolls, 49c SPECIAL =SAVE 6c CARNATION BAKERYjtucknow