HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-11, Page 11ad th rs., ter. ' WEf,NESDAY, OCT; 11th; 1961. THE` LUCK, '..OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW x ONTARIO. GANN PA WRNII FI 'Two', of . the 4-H •winners. at Dungannon: Fair • last Wednesday, are shown., On• the left is Bob McNeil, son of • Mr::'and Mrs. Cliff McNeil; . who live 1.1/2 miles west of Nile. 'Bob. had the . champion' Senior .Holstein' and was first .in: Senior Beef Heifer "class . ' the dairy showmansh'ip class... was tope shownman in the beef. Bob attends 'Goderich Collegiate, class: He is . presently attending On the ,right is Terry Dalton, OAC, Guelph, —Sentinel: Photo son of Mr:: and ,Mrs. Ray Dalton, .R.R..: 7, Lucknow. Terry won the• L�caICouple Wed At Dungannon RAYNARD MURRAY Norma Marian; daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. J. Radcliff Murray.. of RR. :2,Lucknow was' united in marriage .tot-i3ruce. William Max- well, son of .MMMT. and: Mrs,!Nelson Baynard of .11:R. 3, LucknoW on • Saturday, :October .7th;. at 2:30 p.m. . :The wedding took place at kine Presbyterian ..Church,' :Dion- gain dn, 'amid autumn flowers ; ;& • Rev Roderick McLeod offici ated., at . the cerernony. Given in.; Marriage by :her fa ther .the bride'wore a • .floor= • length gown of . white peau de= soie, lily point sleeves, round, Mrs Donald' Murray, R.R. 2,1 I• ucknow; sister of. ,the .groom, as ' matron .'of honour Wore street.:length dress of. dark -red. velvet, •and a matching .red vet - "Vet h el-"vet' head• band. She carried a eas- cane of=white:•'a'nd red'roses: Miss' Marjorie :,Ann '•,,Murray; niece'of the bride,' .:wore •a, red velvet.' -dress .styled similarly to themat-' ron , of honour and carried a `basket of white .arid. 'red: roses. Douglas Raynard, R.Fi;. 3, Luck- now,. brother of the groom; was best man Donald •• Murray, .the bride's. brother :and, , Chris., Ray - •pard; the groon's ',brother; .were' ushers.'' . • The soloist,, Mrs..Ray Laidlaw;. Wingham; ' • sang the Wedding Prayer'' and The Lord's My :Shepherd.. Mrs.' .Murray lson was organist.' The e'Vedding' dinner took place at the.,Luck.now. Legion Hall.. The bride's„' ;m,other- . 'received the guests in ' .a cogen blue dress ' of •Satin' brocade:.: and accessories of: rose:'and black. She wore. a''ter- 'sage of white : roses.' The.. groom's mother ,wore!'a bine ' 'crepe dress with black: and white ,accessories and. a corsage of pink roses. • • For travelling'; to Eastern (fin tario, the. bride •chose an apple red suit:• with black and white. accessories and 'a corsage' of woriawrim • • ■ 1 IN V� LATE 11 MODEL • ■ ■ ■ • Two 1961 Pontiac Laurentians, power steering,, power brakes,; , automatic; fully' equipped' $2,795 • ■ 1961 Pontiac • Parisien Hardtop , , ,r ;, . ,, $3,425 • 1961 Pontiac Stratoehief sedan •.., ► $2,495 •. ■ 1961 Chev • Biscayne. Sedan, {`automatic, $2,650., ■ ' • 1961 Chev Belair' sedan, standard transmission $2,550' • i 1959 Chev Sedan, automatic, fully . equipped 1,795 • 1959 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic rt ,, „ , ,,,. 1,850. of s' 1958 Ford Coach • 1957 Chev Deluxe, automatic.: $1,295 in $1295 .• . ▪ .1957 door Pontiae, automatic.' $1,250 :' s1957 Mercury Automatic $1,295 t, ■ 1957 Buick Sedan, -automatic • $1,295 s ' i 1956, Ford Custom sedan, automatic $ 895 •, A ..� $: 950 1956 Meteor. Rideau, automatic • .1955 ' Chev Coach, 'automatic e. 1955 Pontiac. Deluxe : sedan $ 7951 a 1955. Chev sedan ' $. 795 ■. w 1954'. Chev Deluxe . Sedan, fully equipped $ 550. II . MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE )EPROM ■ ■ ■ TRUCKS!• TRUCKS!! • gi 1960 1V erc ' ry, '/2 -ton Pick-Up'$$1,44.590. $1,49in . ' 1957' Chev : / -ton . Pick=Up$ 895 . • ma m '1956. Chev 1 -ton Express$$989.0551 mu L' .'1953 Ford %-ton 'Pick-Up'$45 ' ■. 1955: Chev 3 -ton Dump Truck;' ,....,.,.,,. • ■ ., • ■ Sprue M ■ S OtO�S 1. • Cities . Service Dealer ■ ■ . .Phone. • 173, Brussels El • white .carnations. oh■o■■imaimu,■mu:a■■lima.■:q■uickm■-eeensiet■•itnn�iene • The bride and groom will re, side on the� groom's farm in' West Wawanosh. . Thebride is a . graduate of Stratford Teachers' College. EDD1NG BELLS Joan Alice Akey Of Si. Catha-, tines and Donald. George RIchr in a ceremony ,at the College 9i-.1'frid4Y., October 6th at 1 p.m. lege officiated. „ The: bride is a danghter cif Mr, rines, and 'the. grboin is: a son, Of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Richards, COMING EVENT BRIEFS, .,Sunday, Oetober '15th, anniVer- sary services •at Erskine' Presby- terian Church, Dungannon, • - Sunday,' October 15th; anniver= sarY services at .St. Helens United ! Thursday,. October 12th,. cash bingo at Legion Hall. Tuesday,. Octciber. 24th; ', fowl Supper !at. LucknoW - United Church. COME TO THE a a ERICH DEALERS UNDER F AT TH DERICH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 7:00 t l• VES from . AMERICAN MOTORS GENERAI,, MOTORS INTERNATIONAL. and Mr, and Mrs, RObert Steele- - ROSES TO-, TRE MAST '200 LADIES — FREE! . Children Must Accor4ahind BY Adult's of Detrbit, , Mr. and Mr's bon • Sales and Milan:to. Consultants VVill Be On Hand To .Help You Holahan and family' of Clarkson and Mr. and Mrs. C4`rant Camp- efiffe$hotents. .Entortainnient • 6 ew Lake Cottages in Huron Twp. Raise Total Assessment To $34,913 . , Huron .Township Council met On October 2nd, With all mem- bers present. .Minutes .'of 'last meeting were read, confirmed . :The, Assessor presented the as- sessment roll on !which the: 1962 taxes will be leVied showing an increase assessment of $34,913. The ,increase was mostly dile to 26 new cottages.: built this year fllhalVlilakti:in4d'59''7bey°0.ttMagae;'stiinn:MtheeKTin9.n7onn-, that we accept the •Roll 'as !pre., . Moved by Lowry -Martin,, that !We hold Court of Revision -on 'nekt regular meeting, November AMBERL'EY Mr: and•Mrs; T'Z'Bell; Ted and irohn; Mrs: Glen Campbell. and MiSs, Glenna tainpbell spent., ThankSgiVing! .! week -end , with arid MrS„ Lloyd: Conway Of Mrs. Harty Bell of Prince' Albert, .Saskatchewan; are yisiting ,yer: vicinity. The Bells 'were ,for' - mer residents of the Second eon.: 'cession of•Huron",„gand Were ,rnem- ,bers of the family of Mr. and Mrs,' Allan Bell. Mrs. Allan Bell Was the former Agnes 8meltzer. Mr.• and Mrs. Alex!Nesbitt and •Mr..land? Mrs..- Norval' Nesbitt On , The- Courtney families held their annual reunion at the home di Mr, arid! Mrs. Robert Harris ,ShirleY Courtney)! on Monday. A family dinner was neid. on Sunday ,at 1VIr./and Mrs. Arthur CourtneY's home Mr• and Mrs. Lloyd • Courtney and family of ,London 'Mr and Mrs Grant Rice and family, Mr. and Mrs'. John McKay and family and .Mr. and Mrs'. Bob Harris and. Mervyn] Courtney df Were, pre- • of Toronto ,..TiSited. with Mr, and Mrs. John ErnMerton and otherl relatives on 'Sunday; ' Mits Louise Carnpbell who! has been .oti two weeks Vacation, ,Vis- ited with MiS8 Agnes Campbell ..Martini-MCKinnori, that we Presbyterian : Cemetery 1, Bbard for: perpetual carp. t McKinnon -Walden, that We ad - grader and 'two then .to operate the spray' ti4Ck for. spraying eat.-' Minister of qViunipiAal Affairs ,to repeal the Snb-clivision ContrOi By-law front reeOrds.. , Moved .bk. Walden -Lowry, that the folld*ing accounts. be paid; 'Cetrietery Ivan PolloCk; care, rnetery Board, perpettt4' care, $400.66; John MoCharles, poultry 'McLennan,: live' stock ,, valuator, 3.50; Hugh Camercin, assesSing.'& postage, :314:25; Roy Marshall, covering Lurgan ,durnp, .10.09;. Doris MacDbnald, Care 'Of/ hall; 13.50; RegiStrar of 5.47; .,Earl Tout, placing ,Federa- TglePhone, phone, in hall !.and; Chester,,,Ernmertori,. car and time time t� Toronto,, 8.00; Earl Tout,:' time tO'TorOntp, 8,00; Post Office,. RciacIS Steve Irwin, •Super- iptendent; $325.00; Ernest Wal- ing...gravel; 37.95; Ray -Stanley, hauling kravel, 47.25; Bill ketrip- ton, hauling gravel, 12.00; N. Barnard, hauling gravel, , 26i95; Burlin:gton, Steel, bridge iron, 52.97; Owen king, Shoel rental; 54,50;• IMperiai Oil, ,diesel fuel, 200.45; Grey -Wellington,. told ' grader repairs, 171,69; Frank'S garage; truck repairs, 6.10; Ben- son- Hardware, cement for 13ricl- gcs, 709.67; *Pollock Electrit, ce- ment, 373,89; Lorne Ritchie, weld!ng; 21.65,', Steve Irwin, tolls ; and postage; 23.86t 11„ IVIactach- 8.513.00: Hanover Transport, freight, 6.77; John 'McLean, eleank. in,g fence bettotn. 15.00; Moved by Lowry -McKinnon, that•We adjoUrin to moat on New-. ember 6th. „ A. • •