HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-11, Page 6PA�GrE. ,SIX. rrav LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIO wn� f happ oet*:01.1: 1iell yoW... dl .r, • Won't evaporate • Non -foaming •..Non -corrosive Contains rust -inhibitors L.UCK DISTRI"4.~"..."."~••••#" CT BRO .' ni . meeting The 'first.+Brow e. �, for ' the season' was held .Wednesday, October 4th' with an attendance; of twenty. Garries:'were. played .until 4:15, . followed by Fairy Ring; .Inspection :and Fairy, Gold. Tire/ work periodwas deyoted'.to• Semaph'or..e:.; Packie introduced the Golden 'Bar :Brownies,; to; the mysteries: of Signalling,. while Brown Owl drilled. the 'Golde'n Hand Brownies; in .•preparing. for their test next Week.' . : • At .'• Pow -wow, ' congratulations were offered to 'four ':Brownies who have completed their Gol- den' Bar Tests. The six' with most pointe last Year was the, 'S.prites KI NLI U:iIj Mrs. Miller Hartwick of Kine cardine visited with her mother,. Mrs.. Ger.trude'' Walsh Mr. and Mrs. William 'Lloyd .of London' were recent visitors with Mrs. William Cox. and Rev,;. Benson Cox, Mr • and. Mrs: Bert Nicholson and Allan visited over the Week- end With :Detroit relatives. Mr. ' and Mrs. Karl Boyle and Carol of London visited over the week end' with Misses Edna and 'May'Boyle and other, relatives: here:, , ,Guests with Mrs. William Cox and Rev: Benson Cox were Mrs• Jennie Frid of 'Dundas, Mrs. Wm, Hamilton and Mrs:, Raymond Hamilton of Olivet:' '' On Sunday next, October; 15th,. anniversary services' will be -held in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. F. J. Parsons, 1,.A.., of Tiverton will be the guest• 'speaker'' at 11. a.m. and 7:30., p.m., There' will be special music. • ' Oh. Sunday next,'' the Anglican service ' will :be withdrawn in favour of -the :Presbyterian :An nive'rsary:,, services Mr .and 'Mrs Ted Evans of, Rexdale and Miss Donna Nichol- son of Stratford, spent the week end . at their home here.. The • WA. 'will Meet ' on Thurs • day 'afternoon.., .' . ' 'Some • from ''here attended „the •opening of the Bruce .'Lea; Haven at 'Walkerton' on Wednesday. of last ,.week. •�'. Mrs. Roy • •$chneller _spent a few days. .with relatives at Kit= chener." We ' .are . sarry to' .report' .,:that. 11/111-S. Chris Shelton , has 'been 'a' patient :- in the ' Hanover Hospital as' he result' of a .heart ' .'attack::' We the. he ,'improved . health. ; Mr and "•Mrs ' Dan• To11 Floyd .' .and ' . Douglas HStanley, Elaine' odgins and Patricia. GERALD sCRPOKS DOCTOR OF' CHIROPRAC/TIC Phone '545 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Be Sure. Your. HEALTH INSURANCE INCLUDES' 'CHIROPRACTIC,• Six' and'' the Brownie with niost points was, .Linda ..Boyle. The: Sprites - and' Linda '.received;. a hearty ' clap from the.: 'other'. Brownies. The Visit of Lady Ba- den-Powell to 'London -was dis cussed: • Donna Ritchie .:read: a story of the • Sunbeams, a . South • African story,and we all.- learn- ed the advantage of working' to- -gether. The :meeting closed with the Brownie' Prayer and Chimes.`.. r�iaia■■■■iia■■.a■eai.eeaea■Aa■■■am IIS Season ■ :: Country Fair At Dungannon School DUNGANNON: NEWS), • (Intended For Last Week) Dungannon Publ}c :School held` the: annual `sCountry. Fair" with the weather favoring; and a good crowd attending. The teachers, Mr.:. Ron Jewett and Mrs. M. Durnin,• .conducted an interesting program of contests and sports. Mr. Eldon Culbert, chairman of the school board assisted for the events and Miss Iva' -Carr, Mrs. Lorne Iver, ' and 'Mrs:; Wilbur Brown, were judges: Best pet, rabbit; Dianne 'Erring- ton, Mary .Lou Eienry; ,BeSt pet cat, Valerie Hodges; Best pet dog;,. (small) Bonnie ' Culbert, , Debbie Hodges; Best pet Turtle, Stephen Caesar, '. Jeanie • ' Stothers.. and Barbara Blake; Gold fish, Cathy Stothers; Pet • pigeons, 'Marsha Hodges; Pet rabbit • family,; •Allan' Park'; Pet cat family, : .Garry Caesar; Best decorated, bicycle, Brenda -Schultz,'' Garry Caesar, Johnny;Stanberry. and' .Martha• Eedy,;, "Best decorated tricycle;. Valerie' Park',, Barbara. Blake, (Laurie) Pentland and Jim Sto thers; Best decorated doll buggy; Brenda Schultz, Heather Park, Susan. Park; Boys 'best' cowboy costurzie,. John 'Stanbury, ' Steven. Caesar, "Gary Caesar.;'Boys Indian costume 'David 'Caesar, Dianne Errington; Girl's prettiest costume, Rodene' Pentland; Jeannie, •':Sto- thers, Brenda. Schultz; Girls fun-' niest costume,. ',Peggy ; Hodges,.. • Martha, • Eedy, Heather :Park; •Best dressed doll (blonde)Lynn Culbert; Arlene. -Culbert; Best; dressed doll (dark),'Martha Eedy,, Susan Park;, Best stuffed anima.la; Sharon' 'Sp!vak, ,Lexie .McWhin- ney;: Draw for a 'mat conducted by Eldon Culbert was 'Won . 1by. Donald Thompson; •Auburr, 'Best. soapbox • car,:; Ricky, Park, Angus. Stingel. •° Races .-pre-school, .Don . Hen •ry., 'Pli�lip Black;.,: Running race,. 7 .years • and under, Garry Fielder, Martha Eedy; Running` race, ;'.9 and. under, Jeannie Stothers, Douglas Henry. 11 ; and; under,, Donna Pentland,, Bonnie Culbert. Boys 11 and under',' Allan Park, Greg... Park;: 'girls 15: and : under,' Dianne•Park Pat Eedy; boys, 45 and ` Under, Brian ;Black,. Tom. Kovak . { " A 'ball.' game was held' after- wards. A stand for :hot .'dogs, coffee and ice';.cream was held. There was 'also a bazaar ' of 'fruit, arid vegetables,' jams and'. fancy Work in :the, school. The . funds Will be .'used 'for skating ,_and a bus, trip''}::: • • Thompson spent 'the week -end with relatives; at Flint 'and De- troit • Mrs.' Harvey Hodgins returned home from London where, she hasbeen a patient it Victoria Hospital.' LOCHALSH OBITUARY MRS, WILLIAM ROUTLEDGE: There passed away on Septem- ber 18th in the Sunset Haven Nursing, Home, Brandon, Mani- toba, Mrss. William; • Routledge, formerly .Mary Martini of Con.. WEDNESDAY, ,OCT. ll hr, 1f Mrs. R. G. Marlin, Con, 3, ;Duron Township;; two nieces, Mrs. Douglas Graham, R. 5, Lucknow and IMrs. Allan T . Mc.. Donald, R. 4, Ripley and. nephew • Austin Martin, R. 6, LucknowRoThere are also two ne;'phews, bert .S, Martin, Fort Frances, Ontar'io', & ' William F. Martin,., Vancouver,. 4, Huron, Township . and . of 13.F14' C, , Lucknow, • Funeral Services were held .'in the She was in her 13'44 year and ;chapel of :St., 'Paul's ' United Ch rch, Virden, on September the last member .of ..-a family of: - conducted by 'Rev. S. A, ' nine, ,five sons :and four daugh Walmsley. tens, • born to the late Robert • Pallbearers° were ste and 1Vlary • (Buci{in ham) Martin,. p grand oneers' on the` farm now ;owned. sons and: nephews. ,Interment was t• P. . by. Austen Martin. Her brother inWitten, Cemetery;. •Rishard.'s death occurred in May of this year at Fair Haven°Nurs JACK •McGEE ing. Dome, Kincardine. Mrs, Susan Catherine McGee, After the death . of her 'mother 67, of Goderich, died On Friday, in Lucknow in 1924'she went to September 29th, in Victoria Hos visit her sister: near,Lenore, Man- pital, London. She was . the �4 i clow of John, W. McGee, ' and was born in. ' Ashfield, a daughter of the "rate : Mr.. and' Mrs.. Peter Cooks She lived in ' Ashfield; Township until 19.18; when Mr. and Mrs. McGee, moved: do Luck-. now,,' They went to Goderich in 1924. •Mrs, McGee was "a mem itoba, where she .married William. Roiutledge of that area ' in 1922:' As a widow, she,• moved to. ,Vir- den in ::1940 to live' with her .niece, Mrs. May Routledge; who with her family, gave, her 1oy ing ,care 'Until her . crippled con dition necessitated her, admission, to the''nursing home in Brandon; ber of Knox 'Presbyterian Church. two years ago.. • Surviving are . two' 'sistars, Mrs. Leftto mourn are: her. step: Bruce. (Bertha) Holland, Clinton, daughter, . two` step sons 'and and Mrs. George, (Sadie)' Hackett•, their fami:lies;' and :nieces, Mrs.. ,Cochrane; ; and . two.. brothers, , May :Routledge and Mrs. Etta Thomas Cooke, of Godericl i and Drummond" of. 'Virden, Manitoba. Peter Cooke of, • Zion. Another: deet; .Mrs: John. Wythe Rev.. G. L. Royal officiated 'at of. Meir iota, Manitoba passed' the funeral service: on Monday, away three days previously.;' October 2nd ,at'the''.,S,tiles: funeral In this. area, • "her passing is• home. Interment was in' .:Mit mourned.: by her 'sister-in-law,: land cemetery.,; imams sas ■■i■ii■ ;Emma ■ ■■■■■■■•■•■■■■mmus ■ ▪ ; Look Fon, Q ■ N. , . Look, Fon, Va.e. i.e,_ Look Fon, Sa.vc mss- ua.Q,ira5 ■ . ■ KNIIIT 111. t srs eeaaea�...1 1 .. ■ E . a i enotan■ SaII Entire Stock Price ■ ■• ear .P.'••• ■ • ii. ■,. 1' . crim ■' . E �. ter- - �Y:. r s'v �.. �. ... .! .� . ■ - .. ..� `i.:t k'OsyH,ac:,... �..�'" 7 '�+::: < 9. e..'".. ''k . %7 ,"vV $. d.'s, '■ ■ • ■ fra . ■' ■ . •• • • • hester -eId S u - es rO•m 13 y: i .: KROEHLER ROCKERS. • $45.00 1 @ 6.50 �P �: TABLE LAMPS, from .'• . , $:50 ■ ■ ■ 2 STEP TABLES and 1 ':COFFEE: TABLE , :.. $27.00'. : CLOTH '' RUGS 2.7 x 54 ,, $ 5.50 M El WOODEN CRIBS with spring ..filled mattress ;$32.00. ■ , "MIRRORS, 20 x 30 • • • • ■▪ " 0 a ■: ■ ■ CITIES SERVICE ■ : • 'Vir. Parney of'Ridgetown is `■ " : ■. visiting • his 'daughter, Mrs. Lorne w ■ �. • a aLuther`, and Mr Luther. 0 - a: •. Mr. Ken MacLennan .of Tor- ■ ■_ ■ �.4AA�■1A• ■ onto is visiting his brother Emile ; NI and Mrs: MacLennan • is Nom.,.: 1 ' 1 : '' i/ : Mr..,an.c! Mrs Dave Elphick . ` ■ aid- ■ were' ■guests at the •'Kayo . r E ■ Murray, wedding on Saturday.' • At A ..great Savinq 'o You Visiting Mr:: and Mrs: Oliver ` McCharles' were Mr. and Mrs. ■ Allan :VMCharles and Angus Mc= ■ Charles of..Leamington. • ■.. ■' ■ Come In and Have Your Anti Freeze Tested is it a. ENQiJIRE about our i Cities Service Furnace Finance Plan 11:: ■ FUEL OIL'' TANKS ,N STOCKS 'AT ALL TIMES 5 Piece r Sally and Louise: MacDonald mi of Windsor. .Spent the weekend . •■ '• ChrOm, e• ,Sets .. l'i ' from ' : 4900 ... • $ ■t ■ . . ■ with their father, Mr. D"an Mac. - Donald. • Shirley Brooks of Toronto and Alice Brooks of London spent the Weekxerid with 'Mrs, Marion 1. '■ ■ 'Brooks, Marilyn and Ronnie. ' . b Mr. and. Mrs. Dan MacLean ' f n; • Vic•. Bedroom 'Suites f.rom 75 0Dunt , 'Forget To°. Order.' ,Your spent' the week -end in Golling-ywood with Mrand, Mrs. •Allan ''■ MacLean and 'family. .! KNEEHOLE DESKS, 'at v '. • . _ _ $3'5,00 I w l Smooth Mattresses at $29.00.', Others at Top` ■ 1. HEATING OILS e „Bud"m HAM-ILTON• , . r' Cities 'Service Agent Phone' 220yW, :Lucknow 16 ' ignition trouble. 1■a■f■iii■Iiw�t■11r'araaiii■it~■at~iiiiiaaa%"irawaita■ra� ' g 'Barbara F • inlayson of: Guelph' Ai r spent the week -end .with her' parents, Mr; .and Mrs, 'Gordon Finlayson. JOHNSTONE and SON- i• :` Hotine Fyrnishm s' Funerfal' .Directors; r l`or every student with a .spark ■ ; .. • r oi', genius there are a dozers with:•Phone i6i : ' Lucknow --• ' r:. n •rlrrlaiarlrlrsIru■u.■a'l:jrwi.jlj/ 'vial■IaIu■MM�/M