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dunga.. ,nnan Gl,ests
„City 1.Vedding
'(Intended For Last' Week)
Mr. & Mrs; Ronald Van Horne,
Barbara, Becky and Ronald of
London. on Sunday. visited • Mr.
and Mrs. Irvine Eedy, and ,family.
1,VIr. AlvinRobb; .Ashfield„ on
Sunday visited , his aunt, Mrs,.
Ethel McDonald; •
• Mr: and Mrs. Gleet Weaver • and
family on Sunday visited the
former's_ parents, Mr. and '1VIrs..
Lovell. Weaver,, Ohatham.
Mr. Jim Blake, student of .To-
ronto .University spent. the week-
'end at the home; of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs,. Cecil Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rudolph of
St. Paul Minneapolis, visited .one
day: last week. with .his cousin,
Mr..•Gordon Congram. The lady
was • formerly• Frances' Douglas,
whose father attended the school
on ,the 4th Concession, West.
• Mrs. Cora Hughes' and friend,
Mrs. Elsie Stiles,. Toronto, visited.
the former's Errington relatives.
in this, ,district. •
Mrs. A• Corby of Victoria,• B.C.,
is visiting at the home 'of her
nephew, Mr. Glen, Weaver,
Mr. • and Mrs, ,Arthur Elliott
visited a few days, last week' with
their 'daughter, Mrs. Oscar Cut-
hill, • ,Mr. Cuthill and Paul at
.Walton .
Mrs. Winnifred. Widcomle of
Winclsor . returned home after
visiting for three weeks with
relatives,. here and attending the
wedding of her, nephew, • •Douglas.
Hefford, Toronto.
Congratulations to, Mr: -and
Mrs. William Stewart' on, the
birth of .a daughter at Goderiel i
Hospital on Saturday, .September -
•30th. • •
Visitors with Mr. .and Mrs.
Herb 'Finnigan recently, were,.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill McClure,' Con-
rad; Bob, Bruce . and'' Rickey, ,of
Elmira, Miss 'Shirley Hill of St
Jacobs, ” Mrs: A. , 'I", Hefford and
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas' Hefford
of Toronto, Mr. • and Mrs. John
,Finnigan and son,. Keith; • of
Mrs. Frank • Pentland spent a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Lloyd Pierce, husband' ,and new
son, Richard Lloyd pf London.
• Mr, .,Tack Smith, Clinton, visit -
e& at the home • of his nephew,
Mr. Frank Glenn.
Mrs, David Durnford and. lit-
tle son, Brian of Toronto are
visiting her parents, Mr. ' and
M•rs. James Wilson;th con. of
West •:Wawanosh, ,
Mr. Colin Fingland,• Wingham,
;gave the 'address. ' at the' United:
Church Sunday, and spoke ,con-
vincingly • to the congreg ion
,con -
saying "Get did of ' everyt ing
•that, .keeps 'you away from, God.''
,Rev; I. G, •Perkins,' officiated at
the marriage in Donlands Unit
ed Church of Miss Helen Edith
Elizabeth Hanna, daughter:' of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hanna to Mr.
William Douglas Hefford, son of
Mrs. A, J. Hefford and the late
Mr. A. J. Hefford. Entering the.
church on the arm of. herfather,
the • 'bride wore a . floor -length
gown . of white satin ' Peau • de:
soie and lace bodice;. wrist -length"
sleeves, Her finger-tip • veil was
gathered'o a' feathered • c'oronet.
headdress' and she' carried a cas-
cade .• boiitluet of red roses and.
white carnations: • •
r' The` bridal , attendants .were
.matron-pf-,honor, ' Mrs. . Robert,
O'Neil, and bride's ' maid,:. Mrs.
Roger Coliman.••Th'ey wore 'street
length dresses„. Mrs. R. 'O'Neil.
in 'gold'. .and ' Mrs.' R. • Coltrrai in:
emerald green, fashioned in grin
cess,`'lines, scoop:'neckl'ine, :short
sleeves, bell -shape 'skirts and
their satin bow,:• half -hats were
Mr. •Roger Coltrnan Was ,best,
gels cows back to profitable ,milking sooner : +
dNgeffective against more Mastitis-. o other dru � •or antibiotic • is effect
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Liquid Terramycin ,milks q out com letel with y .p y in 72; hours:Con-
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after treatment Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis comes in con
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man and the ushers ,were Mr..
Roy Hanna ;and. Mr, G.ordon Han-
na,, .brothers. of the bride • and
J. C. Durnin, Kitchener,' cousin
of • the grgom • .
The bride's mother Were .a blue
lace dress.:and feathered hat. The
grPoln rnotner was • in mink
crepe with satin !trim . and . feath-
ered hat Their corsages. 'were
Vredalleyroses., fern • and Lily, 'of the
The reception•. was • held ' at
Margaret's Hall, Danforth Ave.,°
Where seventy guests enjoyed a
turkey dinner and. evening. of
-Mr, and Mrs. W. • D Hefford.;
heft for a! trip to North Bay and
Si'.idbury, later making their home
in . Toronto. '
Tie ' out-of-town guests were
from: Dungannon, Listowel, Lon-
don, Kitchener,' Elmira and Wind
sor. / ,
Mrs. Mathew Shackleton enjoy..
ed 'a few days last week visiting
'her .sisters, : Mrs.. Howard Durnin,
Mr., ' and Mrs. Clifford Webb,
Goderich, • also visiting 'friends- at.
the hospital,' her aunt, ..Mrs. Jas:
Cornelius;` Clinton and one of
the highlights..'was a birthday
partyforher aunt, Mrs.' Marg
aret • Gray (Hawkins) who was
245t-.ha.whose birthday was, ob-
served • on Monday, ,''Septeiiiber
: •.
. Some have had recent word
from' Mr.. and.. Mrs. T.. Carman
Anderson,. 'Islay, Alta: They are
on a tour to, the Canadian 'West.
t present 'time' Carman is work
:g' with ,a harvesting outfit and
Louise is' nursing in' .thehospi
tal:• As intended •they are. Moving
=their camp -trailer southwards at
the end of Ocober and may win=
ter in .California. ,They : like . the
•West Very:much: `
•• Public. Relations was••'the' topic
'taken by Miss .J., ''Woodcock,. Dis
rict' President . for "'West`' Huron,'
,When he ,spoke ' at Dungariri,on
W'omen's. .Institute ori 'Se'ptember
.28th at the' home:of Mrs J. Ryan•,
'The: roll. call,' . "How . to train a:
family to. be tidy"' was answered
by `, .sixteen . members: and • one
guest: ..A needlework: 'course is to.
be •sponsored by the • institute 2'
days, November-:lst• and .2nd, 'at
the Orange .Hall . in D .ingannon,. •.
from_.10 a.m. toll p m 'Mrs. Popp'
and Mrs :Hugh. McW1nney.'. were,
named. delegates • for the 4'411
Rally at El'invlle: Mrs:, Popp. was
named' delegate:for'Area .Conven-
tion • at London, October l Otl .and:.
'11th. rt was . agreed the lathe's of:
the' 'Institute would 'sell' tags for
the'.Blind', on Fall Fair` day; Oct
ober 4"th Mrs Ivers read the to-
pic ''zGod... gives' everybird its
food"'•and' Mrs. Rutledge 'read Ari
article ori quilts and quilting pat..
W. A. .,BUD"
• The /fifth` meeting of the Cot- •
wanash . Learning ' Lassies ' was
held at 'Caryle ' Menary's on' Oc-
tober 3rd. The meeting was op-
ened with •-th'e '4-11: Pledge. , The.
.roll call was: answered by twelve:
members. The • roll ca=l was, Fruit .
I • ate'' Yesterday. The next meet-
ing will pe, held' at 'Barbara Nel-
son's on ' .' October , l'Oth. .:They , •
took': noteson • these opics, .
..Fr'uit for Dinner, . or • Supper,
Fruit in the main course, Fruit
Salad ` plates, ' Fruit for, dessert;,
serving. fruit .D.esserts.: and Fruit
in the carried lunch. They were
shown how :.ta' :make a:' Cherry'
Pie. '
BORN. September; 27th ' at:
Goderi-eh..•Hospital; 'to . Mr. and
., •Mrs.:Arn.old. Rivett,' a '`da.ughter,.
a sister • for Dia ia, Cheryl , :and
Dnny• .
' `. aThey. thirds•meeting of Dungan,
'-non. Fruit' 'Lassies was held
`d . Fri
.ay -evening, and •8' girls answered;
the• roll call by, naming •"My.fa`v-
• ouri•te variety `"of apples. and
:why •Sharon Stewardson ; read,
;the •minutes.• The •discussion was:
on • canned; fruit, „frozen ;fruit, .. 8&'
dried fruit. .Three: grades of can -
.reed' peaches were .examined,: Mrs:
'1VIcWhinn'ey, demonstratedoven-
steamed fruit,:pudding; and :'Mrs:
'C. Biake, the fruit sauce: For. the
home „assignment 'they are to try
one of therecipes and . record •
how the family •liked' . it: They,
enjoyed' sampling the pudding for'
lunch..' Meeting 4' is to' be, held.
on Thursday at 8 p.m, at Mrs:
H. MdWhiririey's:, • Lenore Petrie
is to. be 'press • reporter for the
remaining meeting's.
Kintail. Fruit 1Vlada'
The, sixth meeting of,Alie King
tail Fruit Maids Was; held at the
home Of Mrs..`iCollinson.' Eleven
.rnenilers answered the roll "call
which was' `Ways to.' Use .Dried;
Fruits." Mts., Ross .took the dis-
cussion. Mrs.. C;bllinson dernon-
strated 'and, prepared , an apple 1
tlukk., 'bread and, Mrs, Ross pre -
:pared' and' ciemortstrated d toma-
to salad With 'egg filling. .The,
,girls tasted the toi' to salads At
sandwiches with different types
of fillings.
in a hump
may l''ook.strange,'but..ifserves•a•prac
tical' purpose. On the -desert, the camel,`.
must go without food and water for
• longperiods of time. But he is' able to '
' store nourishment in his hump sufficient
to bide himself over the lean days that •
Might lie ahead: '
There, are apt to be lean days for every -
Ona Life insurance' can help'•tide you
over many of these.for it provides cash .
at times •of greatest need. A Sun Life
insurance program, for' example; can
• iafeguard-your widow's independence,
your, children's education, your home,'
and your -ret cement years. ,Let tie tell.;
1Vlodern'husband: This cake is:'
simply delicious dear. Did you
. [buy ft )iourself?
J. Kinahan
R.R • 2, LucknOw
nghann 717-w=4