HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-10-11, Page 2PAGE, TWO
.�� ,. ..
Ctr. Geddes II<onored
Amberley ladies Met at the
-tome of Mrs. W J. Courtney on
Wednesday afternoon:to honour
Mrs. Sam Geddes, who ismoving
to :Ripley • to, reside.' Afternoon
tea was served and a social time
•d afterwhich a gift
inhj.ss heve P��s�ded For. Opening Of
Brueele�.. Haven A# 111[a�l��K#ons
(Walkerton Herald Tirries) ' chased for $3,821. 'On a visit to,
Brucelea Haven, the new.•�$809,- the House of ' Refuge in Strat
70.0 building at Walkerton, de --ford, the Committee was, pleased`
dicated to the care of the elderly with the building there and in
was enjoyed w is citizens. Of Bruce County, was stru,cted the architect; ,Tarry J.
officiallyopened on Wednesday I'owe11, Stratford, to prepare
was presented to Mrs Geddes. lans along the similar lines,
Mr. and. Mrs :James Mills of b3' Ontario Welfare Mniste"r; p The tender of Sawsey • and
Weston were 'week -end guests of Louis. P. Cecile.
Young . also of Stratford, for $16',-
with equipment and furnishings,
spending a week With relatives b '
..'structure' roug
in Lucknow, Ripley and, Amber ultra -modern , com- The .•building Was completed �De-
:ley. •• ..menced at 2.30 p.m, . cember 1899, and the first'resi
Mr. George Edmorison, Mr, &.' 'Aecommnodation for older people' • dent was admitted during the first
Mrs.. Leonard, Courtney visited In Bruce• iS now second to none week of January, 1900..•
in Sarnia on Sunday with Mrs. .in the province,' said Mr. Cecile., The first officials appointed:
Matthew Campbell who' resided. The;; 'increase hi. Population, and. were Joseph M. White,. keeper,
at Lurgan' for a time.
i the trend from:country to town,' arid .Mrs. White, matron. Since
andthe increase in ,
1VIr. and. Mrs, Art S'meltzer: • The ribbon -cutting' ceremony_,,
440'was accepted and together
1GIr. William :Blue of Detroit is which was held in the courtyard
at the front' entrance of thelarge 26 598
h 1 ht the total costs to
life' span that time the' late John Wiles
' • Shower. Bridarranged
were the reasons he gave, for the held the pgsition and the'• present
A ,well .'arranged Shower took. greater need fo. r accommodation, :
:room superintendent •is• his son,• Russell,
place River
Sunday School Dean C. ''B', Meyer of . Sacred who has held • the post'.:' for 35
of Pinea Rivver United Church on Heart RC Church; , Walkerton, ''
Monday evening; October 2nd in :years
• • New • 'Building
The , new •building will provide
a home for. 102 older 'people of
Bruce ` County with nursing' care
for the high 'proportion of the
residents. The new• Home has'
been designed for three types of
patients. The special care or sen-•
ile • patient,' for• whom • a special
degree • of . supervision is required;
the:."bed' care" patient,:' who .re-'
quires assistance and is riot cap-
able , of moving around without
Whelp; and the "amnbulatory or
normal care patient, who is fairly
independent and can move around
without : •assistance. '
The 'building is deigned• with
two floors and a • partial: base
Ment. • The upper floor,. is• corn=
•Ludlow, of ,the homes for the aged posed of. bed -care and: special care
branch, dept ` of .,welfare; Arch;= ,rooms, together with the neces-
tect A: W Cluff, W.:, R. Chilman sary ancillary #accommodation ;:
of Tope Construction, who erected' The ground floor contains the
the building, and Thomas Alton,' lounge, dining room, kitchen,
county treasurer.
honour of Miss• Gladys, Reid, gave the opening prayer at the
whose marriage to Mr. David cerern(ony held outside the wing.
William Nesbitt `of Blyth an Rev: William Henderson of Knox
event , of ..the :Month. A large Presbyterian Church,, said the
::crowd attended,: and to: the strains, prayer' of .dedication.
of Lohengrens • wedding march The chairman �f . the'Nome's
played ` by Mrs;. "Ernie' Gibson.. board of. •management' Hargld
. G•1a'd-ys: was escorted to her chair Percy, . reeve of ;Kinloss, presided
°bf;honor by her::sisters, Mrs. "'Jas, for ..the opening program, : durng
Bradley and .Mrs. Jack Liddlir. which' the• .following •were among
those who spoke,_ Ross M. Whitel-
Ai short` program ;was' enjoyed �
'with Mrs, Leonard Courtney; pre='. er, M PSP. for :Bruce;` who' intro
sliding. The opening number was duced Mr. Cecile; John ' W. Han-
a `.:trio' :b : Mrs.. Perrin Lowry, na, M X'.'P for Huron -Bruce, who
y ; replied Eric A.. Winkler, .1‘11-13:
• Ms; • Rober �:Courtney and 'Mrs:. •
. for `•Grey -.Bruce; Andrew
• ' Ernie Gibson �accornpanie� ' by bin5on,; M.P. for • Bruce;: Douglas
Gail; Boyd and was followed with
Mrs: C Kreutzweiser, ; Bruce. Warden;.
in byMs:J. C.
/ .
a fiumorous reading :Mayor ' `William Winter; •acting
Campbell-`Duetts• by June Ackert
r .uthers aco an director, Norman Drew' and L. E.
and KarenCar . mp
,: led' by Mrs:'. Baynard 'Ackert • were
enjoyed as :was an entertaining
number by Mrs. William: Fergu
, son . after which Mrs. Norris • Mes.
•senger .gave an interesting, read
ing entitled,
"rA xother-nlaws,
Prayer." ;The 'trio gave the • clos=
ing number afters; which ' Mrs:
Leonard Reid read' : an -address.
Glad. s - was assisted in ;unwrap
•. - ping her gifits .b 'her sisters with
Louise. ` C`amripbell reading : the ac-
companying cads.. :The bride:
Made a fitting reply and : invited•:
$he ladies to her '. home • in ' Kin
cardine ,Where her, ' trousseau and.
gifts were displayed. Lunch was
served ' and a social time was eri=
.,joyed: A number. of .ladies went
•• -on to , Kincardine . ,where. many
The official •opening -.was .'fol-
lowed, by
ollowed;-by a tour of the structure's
cheery,•and spacious: interior; and':
then., tea and sandwiches were
served, which .were prepared prepaby'
the .'sizperinterident,4':Mr: Russell
Wiles, '' his wife; ;sand staff All'
Bruce County°citizens, and others
interested Were -invited to attend,.
1'aundry;' chapel, craft room, 'and
offices, together with some .am-
bulatory bedrooms
•The' boiler• room,maintenance
and :store rooms are: in the base-
Ment, the :only rooms used by' the
residents are the assembly and
game rooms.:: These, are : directly
accessible. from `th'e elevator, arid
the grade has' been adjusted to.
and an estimated 400 were' on form a pleasant area and; to give
hand for the event full height windwws,,and
this 'sec -
The new structure replaces 'a 'tion.
building which has' served the The plan in 'the shape. -of '•a
County ;.of. Bruce for more than "T", . with the .elevator' and main
stairat the junction, enables .one
nurse : to -be on duty: and yet be,
able to,;supervise;,all'bed care and
Special .care patients. ' The:. ambu-'
latory. patients who' are on the
ground floor for easy access to'
the maul' rooms and the outside
do "not require a nurse; ori duty:;
Legions • Furnish Chapel
The initial move towards se- The ,,lounge ` and :.:dining room
curing , a House of .'Refuge for
Bruce dates backto the - year 1881
• when, at the December; session of
the. Bruce County • Council, Ed -
Ward Leslie; Ree ie of Kincardine,
and William Bradley; Reeve: of
lover ifts were. viewed: Arm 60. Years and which will ev• entu-
Y •g . ally be removed. The new add;-'
rangements for< the shower, verse•
made b Mrs. Elden:Iowr Mrs, tion was built' at.:a cost ".$809,700
y y' including furnishings,' and is . at
`Leonard Reid and Mrs ;` L.eoiiard g
Courtney: •:* •.s'tached to the east side
of the
ex,: '
.stingHome.The two conn cted
Mark25th Weddirig •AnniverarY buia�Ings are:presently used :in
A happy' event took Place conjctLon,, with. one another.
cently when Mr. and: Mrs Wm:•
Wilkinwere•-honored, on'`the' a.
rasion of their 25th• wedding •
e, an
niversarY.; TheY wereT1asantlY
surprised ;'with a family dinner
given them by .their :son ' and.
daughter -iii -law., , Mr. • •and.. Mrs.
Carr Wlkif At the knotty Pine
Inn, Kincardine Later ` in the Greenock, moved "That the. Coun- dry kitchen storage• • and loading.
evening. close`;relatives and their ty, Clerk ,Obtain information as to dock.' ,Thechapel, craftsrooms
families 'gathered at the Wilkin the, cost and •maintenance of the arid. tuckshops have been ,placed
bome where an ' enjoyable even- lately established Poor House in in the link to -•the old buildings:
ing ;was ,spent: Many lovely, then gifts the; : Count • of ' Wellin ` :ton," A The: Chapel is' small and non -de -
were presented to the . couple. le' Y •
_.. - •• , g `
p • committee Vas, -appointed nom�natmonal,, .1tis being fur.=
Eest,Wishes are extended to the
for ' Many' more ha `p. anniver
Mr. and Mrs. .James': McNain.
and 'Miss ,Helen' McNain visited.
with • Dr. and Mrs., Stewart Sims,
of ; Toronto on Mon
day. : • • 'Lieut: -Col J- N. 'Scott as its Chair,:
A capacity crowd attended man.
Pine . 'River United . Church ..pn 'Col. Scott laboured untiringly,
• Scott g Y,
but it was another ten years be--
fore he had the. honour 61 laying
the' cornerstone' on • June 24th,
1898: in the meantime two •votes
of the ratepayers Were taken, In
1893 the majority' ago ist estab-
lishing �a House of Refuge was
are directly ahead' of the main
entrance and open:_onto .'. a ter-
r ace which leads to •;the gardens.
a , g s.,
Staff • rooms ' and lounge are on
one side'of the e •reniainler • of
the block • with.the kitchen, launv
and at the next session 're' 'osteo nished•' by 'Royal Canadian Le--;
favourably ,for the establishment:'gion' branches in the County,: at
of the,' House • of Refuge. This a ;• cost of : close to ':; $4,000: The
:however was not met with much furnishings .include ' cathedral
g g
enthusiasm and . it was left in stain= lassed, windows, carpeting
.abeyance. until '18.88 when a new on .the,'dias, pews; and a Book of
Committee Was "; formed,. : with ''Remembrance in.which ail the
,faller; in the two World ' Wars'
from Bruce County will be listed:,
The 'craftsroorn will be used
for sewirig, • m.eriding, ca'r. entr'
P . Y,
rug making and other handicrafts
which are designed to keep the
old people ' active:, A rally
. ;a Y of
Bruce 'County Women's Institutes
lately voted funds'' towards fur-
nishing a beauty parlour for the'
On the second floor, for. senile
arid, bed care patients the• eleva-
tor and stair are located at the•
centre of the "T" with the nurses''
station .nearby: Each .ward has. a
small, kitchen and • dining• room
for serving: meals, and there ar..e
washrooms, utility ,and . linen
rooms with locker space for the
• residents? possessions. s.The • bed
are e air.....
an ed.with!
don Pry. Mrs Ernest Oibsbn r •
was! e ton was chosen as. the site room. .Each has• a bed sn•iall
pied music for. the. !service ing Over siyxt r btti t i h
Sunday, when' friends returned
douse and folks from• the resort
• areas came to worship. Baptismal
service " was conducted' by. . Rev.
J. C. .Hutton and the following
• children were.: baptized: Craig
Hutton,' ',son ' of . Mr: and Mrs:
Wayne Johnston • , of `Torottfo 2,378, but in . 1898 the Majority
• Mary Elizabeth i_.. T.
zabeth and Donald Wmn= in favour was 2,477 • This second
gate Nichol, 'children of Dr, 'and. vote of the. r.atepayers held. Jan=
Mrs, •• Walter Nichol of Toronto; •uary"'3rd; 1898, was so pronournced
, Murray Brock, son of , Mr.. and that the County, Council` advertis-
Mrs. ,
:Murray Walden; Movita ;ed for a .suitable site, • Over 50'.
Jacqueline, .daughter, of Mr.' and.I o€fern from it ^ v. ` i..
a sover the Coumtyi
• Mrs: James' Bradley Darr r w... • , • eive, ..
y, y were r'eceiued.• It w•as decided
Wayne, son of'; Mr, and Mrs. ;•that' onl.`. ..farm
Floyd :Johnston of .,•Kincardine Paisley' tns adjacent .. w,..,,.;
s �, Walkemton, Kincardine
Brian Douglas; sbn of Mr, and and to:Port Elgin would be con
Mrs.,. Perrin Lowry .and , Josep•h''si�d,ered. It :'%-a,s not until forty -sic
Alfred, son of Mr, and Mrs. Gor- : ballots,
had 'been• cast that Walk•- either two or four people i each �
organist and the Junior ch sr -' , ,; . is ` • .
ag ri.� sup- Tho present site, then contain. .dresser, chair; and .small. locker
EUIiESP. M, OgT'. ,Igth% 1961,
To mature December lrr5',
•1968..04'. '1971•
PRICE: 100.00 flat
Durnin Phillips,' Dungannon
44 King Street West,
Telephone.: . ''EMpire' 4-2236
i •Events
r Nuti a e
Thanksgivrng,'visitors with Mr.
arid =:Mrs;- ` Fred .McQuillin , were,
Mr..•'Ivari McQuillin of Elmira
Mr. and 'Mrs Barry MCQuillin of
Kitchener. ,
Mr. -and `.Nlrs Ken G
Sudbury.: spent the . week end
with Mr. and :Mrs.. Harvey Webb,
:NancyWho has spent' :the past 3
weeks with, her grandparents; ,re-'
:turned ••home to Sudbury..
Mr, Murray Gaunt is ;spending,
his vaeatioli in Bermuda.
l�rs. Vera' Parr • of Kitchener
is.:.visiting: :her daughter, •Mrs.
Gerald. Dorscht,• Mr. Dorsoht and
Recent visitors in . the: village.
were;: Mrs. ,David Todd, Mrs; Vera
McIntosh of St. Catharines and
Mr. , and .Mrs. Neely Todd and
famnily'of Stratford..
'Mr. and • Mrs. Irvin •McCabe
Marvin and Brian < of Windsor,,
were week -end visitors with Mr:
And Mrs. Fred McQuillin , and
Mr. and Mrs. :Frank `VlcQurllin.
A trousseau :tea at the home
of Mrs. J. R. Murray in honour,
of' . her daughter, ' N , 'Norma, o was
hel d on , M on M day. and 'Tuesday.
evenrings, .October. 2nd
Assisting in •"showing gifts and
trousseau on Monday were :Mrs.
Donald Murray, r . y, Mrs, Ross 'Dur
nin, Miss ,Patsy Foran, Mrs.. RaY
Laidlaw and /Mrs. Davi El
d phmck
da. to=da clothes..
Y Y The• senile
residents' are similarly catered.
for, with the • addition: ositting;
f, . si in,`
rooms, one for men' and one for,
women, • as ' these do not nernaall
use' the main lounge: a
'Sick Bay.
There 'is ' a smalls s sick. bay. for
isolating old !people Who are ill
and a special quiet room ' near
the nurse, ,for use at the end:•.
These rooms have, been located
off ;the, main .Circulation ;to 'give,
privacy and quiet , - -
:There, are bed• care rooms in`
the junction With' the old home,
and this wing may be eventually
extended ; when 'the old home is
i,emoved. Beneath this extension
on the ground" floor will be am-
bulatory care rooms.
' - Costs `
The cost totalled $809,699 in:-
n:cluding tender ,of $685,467; laun-
dry equipment, $7;10(1; 'kitchen
equipment,,- $21,680;; furnishings,)
$41,625; contingency, $10000,• in-
surance, $1,200 and architects'
fees, 8'42,627, Tlie Department of
Welfare paid '50 per cent of the
cost. Money accumulated from the
sale of land, .and the farm .
and equipment -Was $40,000, which.
;eaves; a balance • of • approximate.,
ly $365,000' 'raised by debentures.
Pouring, tea during' the evening
Were, Mrs: Nelson R.aynard, Mrs;
William • Ritchie; Mrs. Mason Mc- .
Allister- .and .Miss Margaret, Ro; •,
binsonassisted by ,Dorothy. Tay,
;;lot and, Barbara P.urdon serving,
On Tuesday evening the gifts
and trousseau were displayed:. by.
.Mrs.. Donald ` Murray Mrs. 'Don
Cameron, Mrs/ ' Russell; Irvin &
.Mrs. ,Fred .:S•hropshall..In the 'te:a."
room, Mrs.: Raynard; Miss:Mary,
Murray, 1VIrs ''Joh Cameron,
Mrs. George' Stuart ..and Mrs: A1- •
bert Taylor• •poured ,tea assisted
by Dorothy. Taylor ; and Mary `. •
Bea Purdon Guests were ' receii-.
ed ` byMrs. ` Murray, the bride -
pleat, Mrs: - .. Baynard • and '` Miss
Mary,. Murray.
W.I. Meeting
:Twenty-three ladies ans•.vered
:the roll ',call "What: I •-read for••
Education:"•••The topic oh' °'Chir..,,
zenship" was ably givenby Mrs.
Harold Gaunt: and the ..Motto,
".Education :means'deveiapi;lg the'.
tnind,, not stuffing the na :aor�7''
'was•full•. of fruitfulthoughts and
.given. by Mrs Lorne • Wooc?:s Bal
ante' in -the' treasury was :$1.70.69:'
!The, St. ' H'elens. ; W.tare • to Qryt r=
tain the 'Senior. Citizens ;on No-
,vember. 15th at the Huron County
Home.. *at Clinton. • The London
Area Convention` is to be held -ori
October .10th: and llth with -Mrs.
`Mintz 'appointed as ` a , delegate.
Final, ' plans were made • for a
Social Evening on 'October
Mrs, Howard Robinson will tell
of, her' 'recent trip abroad., this...
summer. All,; ladies of the corn-
'riiunty ,'are cordially invited•
along with other neighbouring:
branches. The 'annual- 'Armistice
.Service :was planned for Nos em= ,
ber 12th •at 2:30 ' iri the,.hall, •A.
Contest; "The Most: Original fiat"'
`proveduite' entertaining.': The:
judges,: Mrs: Bob' Aitchison ands
Mrs. `Harold . Cooper chose: 'Mrs.
William Rutherfords, a• kitchen
gadget hat. and Mrs. Ross' Gam- • •'
a• vegetable model asi ties..:
Our president, Mrs:Charles Mac-
gave a few words of fare-,
well to one• of the; WI. members;
Mrs: Rae Russell Who sails for
her `nativeland, England .on
•day..Mrs.. Wm: Rutherford :play-
pialed -aP. iano' ` Solo and Mrs: Bob
Aitchison • gave a.. Breading. on
"Thanksgiving:" •.Lunch was ser-
hby 'Mrs. Tom Todd and' Ii
arles McDonald.
Anniversary services tz'iil IW
held- at the United Chut•e.h this
corrin Y
g d •Sun a , Rev. G. W, Kai-
ser will be guest speaker ;n.•tlle
,morning and ,Rev, H. W :StrsP.
'in • the evening. Services at 11;00' .
o'clock .and 1130 • p.m. E 'c`ry otic
wejc6 ne.` .
-Mrs.. 'Robert ., McC• will and
George 'of Hamilton wei'c `ITh ni:s
giviri' :Visitor' with Mr. ti'ni �1t;^
g S
William Pardon and gtiyr.r re's'
Lives. '