HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-27, Page 12tir A • PAGE TWELVE: THE " LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW 'ON'TARIO; ■■ii•■1111 1mo1111• 1gnnat1111 111.10.1 •1./■11101.etr 110 ■ ■ • •. • . ■ ■ a:. - •■:. a • ■ ■: �• •1 restbie• .It • ■ reit Saving T0' YOU . ■ ASO ■: • •'ii FILTERS;.:. SPARK ,PLUGS, SEAL BEAMS a .16 ■ and QTHER ' ACCESSORIES ■ .11 ■;• so; ■ ,.. a' ■ ■. • ■: at. ■ ▪ , A. Jo, • •■• At•; ■ q.. 11sSeqSOn'- ■ ■ si al:., , g ry a • i. Don't, : forget To . Order Your. ■ ■ HEATING OILS ■.. ..... 0... au., • '..,1t0•1.,.. .. . ■ I i.:_ W. A.. 'Bud" H`AM•I L T O- N: . Cities Service ..Agent—: _.. •-Phone ••220-W; -I•Lucknow - Vi■ Ili,••••••• m••■ i mar■mainu'As•••■'•••••••ii■•••■6 LIONS CLUB �.wh:ich •reci'p Y rotated b 'sending.•'a; •., somewhat similar. , •Sydney • Club Continue from „:Pagepennant or. "banner" to ',Mr. Har- ratepayers if a money.b-law':w:as ton for presentation to Lucknow �• y submitted: ' ' , . Lions,.. This he did at Monday's meeting 'after', Secretary Gordon: .Frank Thompson; Charles` Web. . ,ter ;.and .Harvey Houston :.were.'Fisher. had' . read the accomlpany-' ,• «, " .ing letter: . • ,named to . � talk th� matter over", , with the'' V'il'la e"Council and .a • It was'received w.ith•thanks on: g . , ,'further motion won approval that' behalf :of. the .Club by' President •.this ..committee act as •"a public Frank. Thompson. •: • ' relation`s". �threesoirie'.in acquaint -Bulb Blitz ing ei • �hbourin ' : townshi ' coun` i .� •: g, n g. . g. P . The 'Club lan•s a -light., . bulb: • >p cils, with' the project which is: blitz and coin • can distribution • limier ` consideration i:• soon. It was suggested that ..a $ •'Presents Australian, Pennant : • hydro shutoff for a few seconds •. In. anticipation of a . world• on',the evening of'the blitz' wouldd:. :'cruise this summer, Dug Harton remind householders' that .•..the hadacquired• a': number of .pen; Lions wouldbe calling that even- nants' to t'ake with him as a good- 'e� ento m''t'he Luckno � .Because. of '.Thanks ivin' •fal- will ..mem from. L w g g Lions:. clith:i Loss of, sight .inter ling 'on : a'. regular •meetin, g night, red and'gs will ' .Dou'' mailed one to;•:October, meetin be held on Gfe.,g G:.b, McG:lyray,.:a fellow Lion in . the :16th and 30th: :Sydney, Australia, with' whom':he Dr:'D 1 'Finlayson reported on' had fraternized <a yea ago., • the trip to •Loridon . by Lions. Rae Mr:.. McGilvra resented' ' the • Watson,•W:; A. 'Porteous' and ,him- y p• `pennant :'to• . the' 'Sydney Club, •self, , to` join in..welcoming Cleve Ifairshea W.I. Mark Grandmothers' Day Grandmothers' meeting; for Kairshea Women's Institute was. held at' the home of Mrs. Cliff R,oulston on Thursday, September .?Othr with Mrs. Ira Dickie and Mrs. Fred ,Gilchrist as directors.: Mrs. Farish Moffat presided, and the. secretary, Mrs. Dickie brought various business matters before the meeting. It was disclosed that the Open' House:and .Harve'st: Tea held at • the Kairshea Hall, had been a decidedsuccess socially and financially. Notes of 'thanks. were to be sent 'to J. J. Houston for preparing .corsages for that party and to Denver Dickie to- gether with a gift 'of money 'for making . the sign aboard " for the: Delegates' appointed to ;•: • the Area Convention in Hanover on October 2Bth and 27th were. Mrs.., Farish Moffat, with' alternate, Mrs: Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs ' C. Colwell and . Mrs. ' Ted Collyer are to :attend 'to the .matter of sending • colored. ' slides • • to 'the Bruce Area slide project for 1961,. . Mrs. C. ';Roulston gave a..:spien did report ' of the Bruce County Rally' in Walkerton •which,, was'.' a -soca ga erin;g as we.-1-asa �rxost informative meeting, featuring an address; by. ` Mrs. E. .Armstrong.. The directors had prepared lovely corsages for 'the ,grandmother's . &:• they were formed into. a •kitchen, .orchestra'. contributing, a .lively musical number. Prizes were gi= veru :for the. oldest .gran dm.other, the youngest, the: one with: the most buttons on: her dress, the ,one With the' smallest waist,, ;& the :one . ,With the most descend ants°• connected .with : Institute ac- tivities. Roll' call "My grandmo- ther .;said";.: brought -• interesting:. stories .td lightThe motto :"God ::gave us• memories that we, might have' . roses ' in December;" was discussed, by; Mrs. Dickie and, readings' suitable to the day 'were given Eby Mrs.. L.: 1VMCDoug all, g „ g Mrs. F. Gilchrist and .Miss Dean MacLeod..:Hostess and :,directors. served lunch land Lions on a -visit:.o the Lon- don 'Fast, Club: . B,ob Finlay reported on the .exe- cutivetraining:' : sch•ool held at Grand Bend BUILD SETTER WITH TruSpan ''steel building . frames' combine :strength,:. economy and: space. ' The. 'strength of steel for long life.. '. • Economy .of wood for secondary framing. • Post free; maximum usable space. O Select your own roofing and 'wall cladding: • Easy'to' erect: No special tools required..': // 8ETTE# 81//LV/A/6t& s AT LESS COST Engineered to meet Canadian requirements and Canadian condit'ons, TruSpan steel frames are ideal, for farm , . buildings, warehouses,.garages, stores, auditoriums, air- plane hangars, restaurants, curling rinks, bowling alleys, • • etc, 'Ask us how a post-free building on beyours at a surprisingly economical price. Free EStinlate: Let us give you. a cbmplete' estimate based on your' building requirement$.. You' are under 'no''. • obligation. . HENDERSON iMBER LT6. Phone 150,, Lucknow, •fid .WED1�iESDA, r�. SEFT,, 27th;,. 1901 • • . _ •••••••1i • • • • • ••. • • i; • •• •. •. • •• • .•. •. • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •, . • • : • • i' • •, • COCOA MAT . IRONING TABLE, $8.95 value •, :. :, .. $6.99: s BERNZ-OMATIC 'TORCH' KIT,' '$11: 39 value- $7.88 • • • 'LAWN 1AK 20 . tooth'... 88c • ' EE, 3'.•1'0 value ... 1. 99 • • BLUE' ENA�MEL1✓ED •ROAST , $ $ o: , • CAULKING GUN :: • av 'a d'white 37c: &. 3.9c caulking cartridges;.. .black, 'grey Y n , • •:',:WESTI.NGHOUSE '/z H P STARTER. :MOTOR; $39.95 ::value ' $34:2.5 • • LOGING CHAIN ,"'$4 75 . value...:... •:. ,• • ': $3..8::8 • . SCISSORS,: 7bent handle,• 'regular' $2.49 $1.98 • . TIP: TOP 'M'OP, $.1.29 value 99c11k.. • GIFT. SHOP t Crests SUPER SAVER Thursday, friday,. Saturdu and all next week • •• ••. • ••• • •' •: • • • • --- • • •. • • . •• • •' • • •. • • • i' •. •: •• • •• •. 4 ANGEL CAKE PAN; $129 •value CORONADO SUPER WASHER' CORONADO FRYPANS. .104.95 •• $,i 3 8 and :125:4998 .8 • CORONADO VAPOUR KETTLE 9 9 • Plastic. Windows,' Hand; Saws and . Hunter's lanterns:. •; • Footballs, All At Special Prices • • • • .Thesebargains and many mor • , and 11 1/2",, See Q. Handbill •• • • • of • Webster &MacKinnon • i i' YOUR LOCAL.. 'CREST : HARDWARE • • Phone 50 ; . • ' Lucknow • ••�•••••a do•sio•ii••••n•ui•••n•••us•••w•u••••a•i Former �111inister's Daugh#er Passes REV: MARGUERITE,: COSENS The funeralservice' for' the late Rev:•Marguerite Cosens, who passed: ' away after an illness of a few' months', was'.condiicted at the McGuire ., and Low ,..Funeral Chapel in Uxbridge :On: August 26th. She was in:her ;30th :year. and was a 'daiXght.er of Rev,. and Mrs.: C. W. ,DeWitt. Cosens. Her father ministered on the. Ashfield Circuit from 1921 to 1926,. . and her grandfather, li:ev.T. Cousins, Was minister of Lucknow :Methodist Church ' at. 'the ., time of,. Church Union. The',Cosehs have ,a 'SUM - . mer cbttage at Point Clark.,' The ' Rev. :Donald Jay; Trinity` United Church,' Uxbridge, offici ,ated, assisted .by the Rev...Donal.d McLean , of •Keswick, represent- ing. York -Presbytery 'and the Rev. Gardner Ward of High:Park. Unit ed Church,' representing Toronto West 'Presbytery. Irterrnen.t' fol= lowed in' Listowel cemetery. Miss Cosens was born in,Spring„ field, Ontario,. February' 24th, 1926. She attended public school' in Stratford, Clinton And Esse,. After' graduating ',from Essex High School she enrolled ht Tor- i onto or -ionto' Normal School where she hattained her Kindergarten Specia:. ist Certificate, ' She, entered '$odial• Service . work with the Traveller's' Aid in Toronto' before attending: Vic tom College of the University; 'of Toronto. 'In 1952 she graduated with ,a Bachelor of Arts degree: • She continued her studies at Em Manuel College, serving student pastorates, in the summer months •at Trout : Creek, Ontario : and Monarch, Saskatchewan. In 1955 she was•. ordained as minister of the' United Church of Canada,, and commissioned 'that year by ;the-Wornan.'s Missionary . ,Society as a Missionary to Japan. She studied • Japanese - in Tokyo then roved to • :Shizuoka' where,: herministry began.' She: returned ,borne' July 1960 on ,furlough,, In September of. that year she entered: Emmanuel College to work on her Bachelor of :Divinity (I.D.) Thesis and Bachelor of 'Religious Education (B•R.;E )' degree; She is survived by her parents, Rev: •and Mrs. C. W. DeWitt .Cog- ent, Uxbridge, ,Ontario and: three. sisters,, Kathleen (Mrs. J. A. Ross) of Vancouver BC:, Eleanor-. (Mrs. J. • L. McFadden)', of St. Oath arines • and Bernice: (Mrs. R. P. Millis) Matheson, Ontario. , - • OUR DISPLAY 4ACK of card boards and bristols , has all 'col ours, and; all prices from' lac a .sheet to. 20c a sheet,. The i:..'uck- iidw Sentinel, phone 35, 'Luck' now. Typewriter ribbons ter any "make . of Machine are riottw avail able at the. Lucknow; Sentinel.; No. matter what the machine, we have the ribbon. ' Phone ' 35, Lucknow: ac ho' 'bu A; de WI brt his Dit est los Co . no fro to• Os •:. .0 • : •` • •:, i • • • . • 111. • •• • .. O . •• • • • ••. ,•' ,;••' • • • 1064