HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-27, Page 9WRDNISDAY,,SEPT, 27thri 19.01, THE ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE. PHONE 332 ' LUCKNOW rer�. . Accessories McClary-Easy automatic dryer REGULARLY $219;00 SPECIAL 1.4J'.77 Former -.Resident Sell Equipment 0 U ed Ate Brandon Old Area Schools wis....ss.••NEWSY, • . Mrs: Dorothy Crosier •and, Mrs John.MacDougall Of Delhi visited. last :week.. witch •Mr. and ' Mrs; .Leonard Maclnnes ;and boys.• a .. • Word' was received • of the pas- • sing qf. Mrs. William Routledge of •Brandon, Manitoba. She was . the 'former Mary Martinwhose• early 'life was spent' on the 4th - Concession;. where. her ::nephew, Austin Martin now resides. After the. "marriage of,<'her'brother, Dick .she and :.her°~ymother • trioved. to : Luelknow'' where' she 'lived :for 5 years be'fo.re going ;out West She has 'bee.n 'in ...a nursing Borne. in Brandon. 'where, herr niece, Mrs. `G Douglas 'raham.• visited', • her. just a few weeks ago. Bill Buckton has resumedhis studies.at,•:Toronto. .University •& Sandy • MacKenzie at: :Western University;. • Miss ,Helen., Campbell of . Kit- chener was 'home . for the week- end on :'Saturday.. She' 'and her ,mother •. were guests• at , a. trous- seau tea •for• Miss:.Audrey Hatnil'- " ton of Godericli. Mr, and Mrs.•;Lloyd .MacDougall • ,and Grace and Mr .and Mrs. Geo: Moncrief,'and family "'nisi ed,.,on Saturday, with'Mr: and Mrs, •H;ar-' • Vey 'MacDougall'' andMr and Mrs: Clair. Mae•D.ougall' and Anna • of , O'wen `Sound•. ' Mr, .and Mrs. Fraser Mac:Kin non 'and ; family and .Mrs. �.P; L. 'MacKinnon and'John.,were guest's. Sunday .with Mr.. and .Mrs. •Or= ville . Elliott and. family.. licious 'turkey "dinner was.. enjoy_ ed'to celebrate 'the 'birthdays of MP, •.• MacKinnon and.• Donald. •Eltio'tt. " . ' ; Mr.- and Mrs.. ` Lyle MacDonald and June • of Sudbury visited :Thursday 'and' :Friday , at the home •of M;r. and Mrs: Ira Dickie,: They were .en route to Michigan State'' College' at Lansing where Arne' is a third ;Year student.',• L.oca!y!'. Register Forms Carbon ,Sna outForms Geis. and Oil Truck' Forms; Continuous Business Forms: •Caunte .• r Check $odds Restaurant.Pads . ' • Available At The L ICKNO» SENTINEL (LOCHALSH 'NEWS) A . large • crow gathered • at d ,• Lochalsh School. on' Satu. rd'ay for the: auction sale' of books,. desks; pianos, etc.,''from•' the various' schools in the• area. Emile •Mac Lennan was ,auctioneer ,and .Roy MacKay 'did the book keeping. Mr. and : Mrs; John MacRae spent Thursday in' London. • Mr:, and Mrs. Robert, Johnstone of Detroit visite with .Mr. and, d• Mrs. :Duncan . Farrish' and family, recently.. �/ . Mr.and Mrs: Jack MacLehnari 'and babe are visiting Mr.' & Mrs. "Emile MacLennan. Mrs. Kenneth '. Parrish visited. in 'Goderich for :a few days. • Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Janson Of Oakville visited :with . Mr.. and Mrs: Oliver.:.1VIcCharles On . the •w:eek end.' , Mis ss• . Alice .'•Brooks of,. . on Lon'd ° ' • spent •the • week-erid with'. .Mrs. Marion Brooks, Marilyn and Ron- ald. Visiting, . Mr. .;. and Mrs,' D, .A. n Mi MacLennan is' • ss Annie. : Mac- . Lennan :of Chicago.'. • Congratulations. to . ' Mr..' and. Mts., Gordon Finlayson , on .the birth of 'a ,son and to : Mr: and • Mrs: •.Gordon .'Robb, • •the •`.arrival of : a 'daughter 'and to MT.... and: Mrs. Ross M,acKenzie, • a :son:. • The W.M.S. meeting of Ash-' field:. Presbyterian Church. was. held • on Thursday ; afternoon•' at. the home of . Mrs.• Duncan Sirup- son, Mrs.' William. Ross was lead= er. ;t. N' ens : r Brid 01111111111.11.110.14011#1411-111. i r. (ST. HELENS; NEWS) On Wednesday, evening :amid, a •setting of autumn flowers,. Miss Norma Murray was guest of hon,- our at a miscellaneous shower' in St. Helens Hall. About 100 ladies were present .,and the bride 'was - escorted to. her seat of honor' by the groom's sjsters, Mrs. Donald Murray and Mrs. Russel ' Irvin.. Also assiisting,;in opening; her gifts were • 'Mrs. Ross ..Durnin, Mrs.. Donald ,Reid. and' Mrs. •David• Kirkland. Norma .thanked the ladies ' and invited them to her trousseau tea on October 3rd in the . evening. Patsy Foran was chairlady..for the evening with. Mrs. Murray , Wilson as pianist. Readings; weregiven by Mrs.. Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Jim Aitchi- son and"Mrs. Ross. Errington, Musical numbers were given by 'Mary' .Lou .McAllister;' . Sheila McQuillin .a'nd., Barbara. Pardon.' Mrs, Bill Kirahax had an 'auto mobile contest after which 'cake and ice-cream was served ' .Mr. "John Durnin of -9th: Con. Of .West. Wawanosh is a patient in . Wingham • Hospital. ' John, re- ceived a, dog ;bite : and . received, a tetanusshot: Afterwards he' ,suffered a.. reaction' and is •pre sently ' hospitalized, • The' October meeting of the. W.I, will be:.' held on Wednes day'. night, October, 4th at ,8:30" in : ' the hall. , ' Motto, Education means developing the .mind, •not• stuffing, the •rhemof y; by Mrs. Lorne • Woods. Topic, Citizenship and Edu cation, ' `Mrs.,Harold' Gaunt. Lunch and .program,' Mrs'. Charles' McDonald and Mrs T J: 'Todd C:ontest,;.The`.most`original hat,.; a :hurnorous. creation Cathodic laymen To Conduct Census • Twelve thousand Catholic lay- men and .women :. are being ; re cruited in :all: parishes in the. Dio- •cese of .London .to: conduct 'a nine county` census between. October. 29th, and Novernber 5th. • Announcement was made in all district Catholic churches recent - 1y :-. and 'organizational • Work ..on ' • ZION • Mrs, Harvey Ritchie returned home. • Sunday . after being .: "Winghain .'. Hospital; ' fol • a few' days. . ' A kitchen. 'shower was held .at 'the home of Mrs. Nelsbn Ray-: nand i:n honour, of; Miss.. Norma 'Murray' whose Marriage' will take •.plac.e i.n , October...' Mr, and Mrs. Allen :McAuley of, Ripley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ritchie. Torn and Doug Hackett visited Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Will. Irvin. • ••• Mr. D. 'A, Hackett visited iii 'London with his mother, who"is. in. the hospital,: • • Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Eaynar d;..: Douglas, ;Bruce` and' Chr ii visri,ted. Sunday with Mr" and Mars. ald Nlur;ray. •••••'• Mrs. Robert Irvin,' and' ;.Betty visited Sunday with :Mr; 'and Mit.. Will Ritchie • • Sunday ,Sehdol will be,;at',10:'15, and Church at 8,•00 t ,iii, for the Month of botohcr, The absent-ininded ''profess•or • paused to chat e' a while with or of his • students,' .th6h asked,: "Which way `was I going when . I: stopped to 'tallt to'yea?." "That way," the student point-. ,ed.• '• '• ' • "Good,'' murmured the profes� sor, "then r ve •had my lunch."' 011/11 1111! UI It • ,■ • • • IT'S THIS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28th the . local level is already under way.' The subject was • .dealt with in a.. pastoral letter • from Mast Revs John C. Cody, Bishop of London: . An. official• release describes the census • asthe first •.door -to-'. door enumeration in the:101 year old :history of the •Diocese.. Work- ers •from;• 136 parishes, ..and .26 missions inthe counties of Mid'- dlesex, •Oxford, ' Norfolk, Elgin, Perth,, Huron; Lambton, , Kent Essex' will " 'call at every -home seeking an "accurate tabulation of approximately.200,000 Catholicsin 70,000. families` 'presently shown on .parish records, 'It is expected that 'another 5,0:00: will be enrol- led frorri •among 'the thousands whose work :`in the • post:' "war Years has • been responsible•for unprecedented • shifts 'in . Wes- tern Ontario •population.•` The primary purpose is to ob-• •tain an a•, curate .count of Catho- lics to f' ilitate ,the ' work• of the parishes, . and to . make '• possi.ble. a teliable . assessment Of. the pre- sent . and foreseeable : needs, of the Catholic population 'in . matters spiritual; and educational..: Similar. enumerations have been: held .by Protestant churches in .South-western .Ontario in, recent' year's, .and. some Catholic parish •es have taken a census within: their own. boundaries. - In connection with this forth- coming orthcoming census, Mr. and Mrs. Cy- ril' Boyle have been- named c. co- chairmen of the " St, Augustine. parish, and. Mr,. arid. Mrs. Donald MacKinnon .the head of 'the pro- ject 'in. the St. Mary's• Mission .in Lucknow. •• • LEARNING .LASSIES HELD .FRUITS DISCvSSIQN The third meeting of :the •Col= wanas'h Learning:. 'Lassies :was held at 'Mrs.' Frank "•R'itchies on September 19th ' The meeting was.. opened by .. the ' 44-1 Pledge: Thirteen , Mem- bers answered the roll Call: The.' • next .meeting ..will. be ,'held-. at Betty Alton's. ' • Miss Gilchrist; home economist .•was unable', to attend. the' ;meeting... The main topic of discussion was Fruit•' A11: .Year.' -Round,; :which dealt with Canned - fruits, frozen •fruits•and 'dried fruits: 'r J ,anne. Crozier p,d rr%onstrated ,. e,. . ;how :to make 'an oven -steamed.. pudding' and. Mrs! Ritchie demon= strafed': how to make ":• a lemon sauce. ' ON D!SPLi he 1,962 'The 'distinctly Fal'con, lines ,of Athe • 1962 ' Ford 'Falcon have been � g styling retained while ad in •refiner ments, to the exterior and,mechanical 'and engineejring' improvements nts 'that dFa1c� n make this `bestselling'' Canadian corn pact . now even MORE. ';ecc no'inical • tomaintain than at any time •sirice its • introduction in October 1959. .• SES THESE' . ':SPARKLING ' NEW . MODELS • FORD •- FALCON SALPS� ► d SERVICE IC • y PI-IO,NR '4 LUCKNQW . • • • • A • • •