HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-20, Page 13WEDNESDAY; SEPT. 20th, 1961
Overflow Ongregatio'n's Foimer CarlSievert:
Was a guest with',and
• We are sorry to know Mr. Wm.
Minister; At Dungtnnon'Annivertary ,,,,,posh Township, farmer, wasth Con. 'oWeW
Cranston, Of st '.at•
admitted to Winghairi Hospital
On Sunday Dungannon United
•Church observed anniversary
services morning :and evening
•with record crowds At both ser -
'vices. A public address system
• loaned by Mr. Keith Arthur car,
• Pied the Service to the overflow
congregation in the church base;L.
.1re/it. 'The 'Church was beautiful
• with autumn flowers and placed
atthealtar were, lovely ,tteu-
, 'quets from. Mrs. Etta belle. Brad-
leY.,in memory of her grancIpar,
• ents the late Mr.'and Mrs. Herbert
• . Mr. 'George D. Watt, pastor of
St. Pauls United Church, Oak-
' . ville for the past four years re-..
: turned and was, greeted by his
;many friendshe, had known and
• helped inthe • past with' his fine
Christian contact andpersonalitY,
• "The certainty of G6d" was. the
title of his morning Address. In
• the evening "Dare; we Listen"
:was his Stirring message. Mr. Watt
recalled the happy. times and
• also with Wit and humor, reininis,
• eed of timee of labor and Con-
•. cern While here. Mr. Mel Thomp-
• son, tenor soloist Of Christ Church.
•• Cranbrook, Bloomfield HilIs, Mi-
chigan, favored .with solos "'Pray-.
•'et Perfect", "If with all • your
hearts" and "0. Divine Redeemer"
.• .the Morning.' In theevening
• the - Harbouraires, twenty-three
voice choir of Goderich, conduct-
, ed-by-lVfr.7-Ge-orge-Buthanaxi arid-
. • accompanied by Mr, Ed Stiles at
the organ, led., in ;the worship
••of Praise:, Again .Mr .Thompson
• • sang to the appreciative audience
and this time "Holy City" with;
• great Strength and expression, Was
his ' Selection.. The HarboUraires
•sang :LaUdamns and:;; Sanctus as:
two 'numbersduring t service.
They were very. pleased': to have
Mr. Thompson again in their
inidst, having met on musical Oc-
• ' •
Heinakes Miksie his prefessi9n
as'a music teach'er in Detroit High
School and the close association
is an inspiration, to, all. Mr. Watt,
;after aiN'yearS as pastor at Dun-
gannon; ventured to QaTwille 4
years ago and began the build-
ing of a church ,and estahlishing
a congregation, where five Years'
ago was but an apple orchard,
but now a growing metropolis; &
where he has done a great work.
'Meeting' Mrs. Watt and chilclren,1
Wendy, Donnie, Virginia, Valerie
and Heather was a pleasure. They
were entertained at the homes of
Robert Irvin and Cecil Blake. In
the afternoon, Rev.. Watt visited
..patients at Goderich Hospital and
many other former .neighbours. &
friends. In the evening the anni-
versary Committee Was helped in
senVing a •soCial. cup of tea to
enda- grand day. " • ' '
Mr; and Mrs. Victor Errington
on /Sunday were visited; by Mr.
and •Mrs. John Durnin, Auburn
and Mr. Roy Black, Lucknow.'
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Petrie and
• Kathleen Of Kincardine visited On
;Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
'Petrie and Mr. and •Mrs. Jack
Park... . • • •
for cliagnQsis and a heart condi-
tion. •
Dungannon United.: Church Sun-
day School will meet next Sun-
day, September 34ttli at 10:45
a.m. to join with the congregation
for Rally Day service,„Mr..Brian
Howlett, principal of Lucknow
High Scheel.' will be present to
give the address. •
-, -
• Harvest ,Thanksgiving service.
was held at St. Paul's" Anglican
Church cin Sunday afternoon with
Rev. Wilfred Wright the Rector
in charge. The church was pret.:
tily decorated with fruits, • Ye-
getables and flowers to .remind
one of the bountiful hanvest. The
'Right Reverend H. F. •Appleyard,
Bishop of Georgian Bay. District
was guest speaker: The sacrament
of Holy Communion was observed
at this servke. •
• Miss Isabelle Fox, : On
Monday 'visited her aunt, Mrs.' A.
• Tebbut at the ' harne, of Mrs: I.
Henry. .
Ripley, Fo!k.Mark.
:R ist
. .
There, Pe A
•..e • . • , • !I.
Slight Raise In Prices
In The Follolking Beauty ShopPes:
• , • • . .
Lorraine's.: Beauty Slioppe
• Beryl's: •
MacRae Beauty Shoppe
• ..:Betilty'.'s.,::'''Beauty..-::•$.hoppe•::.•._.
SHAMPOO and FINGER WAVE will be $125
HAIR CUT, will be , ' $ .75
PERMANENT WAVES, will be '..., S6.00, *8.50; $10.00.
and Mrs. Jean Cumming. Others
Who assisted with the music were
Elliott Carruthers, Donald Robin -
'son, Clive Munroe,' Bert Mac-
Donald, Walter Collins, Murray
1VlacDonald and George MacDon-
• 'alcl and Mrs., Joyce Courtney.
• • .
A real enjoyable •event • fc•r all A shor.t program was; given; at
• Re'. and Mrs. • D. Daniels of
Ingersoll visited Mr., and Mrs.
'Thomas 'Webster.. Other visitors
Were Mr. and Mrs. William Brad-
ley and family of Goderich, and
--Mrc-and-l'irIreii-Thomas and
Lynda of Toronto for the week-
elld. •• • •••
• • The. local' .L.'0.L.,, NO, 324 will:
• hold, the Orange Service, Sunday,
•September 24th at 8 p.m: "..at St..
paur,s, Anglican'. church.. Rev.
Wilfred Wright will deliver the
'a,ddress. .Visiting loclges an
dthers are invited to attend. •
- Mr. Mel • Thompson, Detroit,
who was 'guest , soloist at the.
Dungannon United Church for
• was the silver :wedding anniver-
sary of ME.. and Mrs: George
• MacDonald which was • held in
Reids CornerS, Qonirnuntiy Hall
• on friday evening„
-Hltorf0Dona1d 'participated at;
Pine . River, prior to'lheir moving?
to Ripley, in. Churth from Sunday
Schaal . Superintendent • to
other" •affic,es:- Mrs, lylacD'onald.
(Irma • Shiells) . helped. in many
capacities, inthe church,
and Ladies'. Aid. They were 'part..
of the popular MacDonald Orches,
ti -a which consisted of ..George &.
Murray MacDonald, violins; Gor-
don Boyd,' banjo, and 'Mrs. •;Irma
'MacDonald,. . Piano, They assist-
ed at most entertainmentS..in the
• corninunify : and 'Outside . it as
we • ' 1• •• . •
A lovely dinner was served by
• Pine...River Ladies Aid t� :about
100 guests. present from a
tante Were...Dr. and Mrs. Werizell,
and tarbaia; Mr. and Mrs..And-
:reW MacDonaidi Mr. , arid • Mrs
Harry MacCallum and Mr. Aud-
• revi Carnegie from. Detroit; • kr;
and Mrs. Wyetli Allan,. Ann Arr,
bar; • . Mialiigan; ..and
Steve' Elliott. "Port. Huron; Mr:
and Mrs: Archie : MacDonald, Or,
I illia; Mr:. and. Mrs. Bert *action-.
ald;. :Mr. and Mrs.' Pony. Etue,
Pipe Major Miller and Mr. and
Mrs: • MacBride, .Qoderich;.
Mrs. Rudy Brandt and .Kathie;
•Toronto, Mr: and Mrs, . James'
Wicks, Stouffyille.; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Morrison; Toronto; Mr: &
Mrs. Carle Dickson, Kincardine.
And; we Must ',not forget 'Mrs.
Christina . MacDonald, who is.
over ninety :years 'of age.• 'and
spent many of, them on the 2nd,
concession of. Huron, • also her
ister, Miss Janet 'MacDonald of
• The rest of the dinner • gUes4ta
were ',from the Surrounding com-
munities, '.reiatiVes and, friends.
Rev. 'J. C. Euttani• :The 'MacOoti-.
• aid's former', pastor,' was 'Master
,af • Ceremonies for' a Short pro-
grarn: After the dinner4 a toast
Was given to • the:. bride and
groom of 25 years ago by. Rev.
Douglas' Dunlop of Ripiey
ed. Church, the MacDonald's pre-
sent pastar and was responded to.
• by Mr. Donald Blue . of Ripley,
Musfc was supplied at: the din-
ner hour by Pipe Major Miller an
the Pipes, Two soloS:Were given
by Miss Bertha. Blue, Mrs.' Joyce
Courtney accompanied her.
• Short addresses were given by
Robert garrison, Archie MaCDon-
• ald, :Andrew MacDonald and Dr.
Weri2eIl: Mr. George MaeDonaid,
in a slrort address; welcomed the
guest& gave thanks to the,caterers
and also 'expreSsed thanks for the
;casions before 'at other places. anniversary services on Sunday,
„. .
It's ex, -Wednesday and Thursday
EPTEM-PER 27,.. 28
Commences With The School Children's Parade, ',featuring
Pony Riders, Decorated Bicycles and Tricycles
'At The Grandstand
Rural School Song, Yell and Public Spealing competitions —
. Freckled Face, Pony Tail and Biggest Feet Contest— Baby
contests Oldest Lady and Gentleman on ground and
other interesting featUres. •' •
• , ,
, • • • •
• ' , ,
• ••
, .• 16 *
Dance. :At Night
• ,
e mmnignt iuncnu
Mr. Donald Blue, Master -of Cere-: 1
Monies,• :in' 'Which • a •special fea:-
lure 'was the: dancing : of the°
•Highland Fling by Miss Louise.•
pipe by Pipe Major Miller, who
also played for a Sc'atch Reel,
another yery :enjoya.ble feature.
The -men. taking pant Were, Bert
MacDdnald, George MacDonald,
Andrew, Nfacnonald, and Donald
•Elite, The, ladies were; Mrs. 'Eldon
(MacDonald), : Henderson, Mrs.
Clive Munroe. and Mrs.' •Donald
Blue; Step, dancing was.• given
by 'Bert. MacDonald arid Andre*
• MacDonald. Floor Manager's arid
callers .were Chester EmniertOn,.
Donald. Blue and Tony ;.Etue.
• • e
. A . 22 -year. -old Kinloss • youth
was convicted Of. smashing off a
dozen mail boxes between Kin-
loss and Chepstow. He *as given
suspended sentence' on . 'a .4100
bondto keep the peaCe. Itestitu-
itan had been made. . "•
• • Jack Price ofGOderi'eh , nephew
•of Mr.. and: Mrs; P., M. Johnston'
of town left last 'week for. Pitts-
burg, Pa., where he will play
hockey with the Pittsburgh Hor-
•' s' • •
.• ••
pen To, V. isitors
Because of public interest, the
Douglas Point Nuclear Power Sta-
tion will be open to week-end.visr • ,
itors during the fall and winter
months. •,'
..More than 35,000 persons', have
viewed the: project, Ideated rnicV7 .
-tva-Y--btween Kincardine and
Port Elgin on Lake Huron, .since
an information centre for. visitors
was opened june 27th
Chief Guide Ivan Lloyd, ;forth.- . •
erly of Lucknow, Said' Douglak/
Paint, • which is: .; Canada's first 1, •
full-scale nuclear Pawer. station; . .•'
has •becanie. an ,important tourist
attraction ,in the area.yisitor$
have averaged about 450 a day.
• Highest' attendance was .;
2,114, Mr. LlOYcr.,said, • .
',Beginning September 16th' the
project's '• Iritoritiation. - ' Centre, ." •
.sponsate'd by Ontario Hydro and
Atomic 'Energy. of ,Canada Ltd, • ..
will be, open .from I p.m.' ta.4 pan:
Saturdays 'and Siindays.,
Slimmer ,hours were from 10
to 730. p.m., seven days a
Service : , organizations; schools,
and other groups wiul still',he able , • , . •
to arrangeweek-day tours by ' , . •
contacting MrLloyd, • : .
Guides ••glAte visitors a detailed 1' "
explanation of the; development
andtheproject •can be vieWed • • • :i
from 4 lookout: bridge, „
• 144
• '` 4 4.
; „
. 4 4
•• I.^ 4.
• • .,'",s; 4'
' • - •
• • "
I •
Man. is 1/1 Nemilimpomigimmaxiewso
• . •
.111 ' LATE
. ,
e Look, . For, .Trouble -Free Driving •
• Two '1901, Pontiac Laurentians, power steering, power °.
brakes,,, automatic, fully. equipped• .. ••. • S2,795 •
III .1961, Pontiac Parisien Hardtop 83,425 • • ,
•1 1961...Pontiac StratOchief; sedan . ' ' • 82,495 •
1961: Chev Biscayne Sedans automatic , $2,650 al '•
•4961 Chev Belair sedan, standard ;transmission , • S;550
1960 Pontiac Stratoehief sedan, fully equipped • 82;150 ,
1 1959 Chev Sedan, auforria,tic, fully equipped . • $1,795 •
pi 1959 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic $1,850 me:
1, 1958 Ford Coach ' 81,295 1•
• al 1957 Mercury •AutOmAtie "4 4• . .. S1,295.'`•
a 1957 Buick Sedan, automatic . , . . t.*443 81,295 •
'• ,196 Ford Custom sedan, automatic . S 895
▪ 1956 Meteor Rideau, a,utOmaticarr. 4, 44 'roe 1•11,4iii 4.6 S 950
Al 1955 Pontiac Deluxe sedan ,•••0,684444o.1•11.144:48•Vd..:4:164410.1s . • . * • 795 •
• 1955* Chev sedan •,1•••Iii.riiiYarr:“itEl'orr;vrii.iliriii;ioL es 00..44 r.,:r • .. .S 795 oi
• 11( . 4
• 1ANY OLDER MODELS TO CiloOSE 'Fitolvt •111
• IN
many useful and lovely gifts. Mrs. 2 TRUCKS!
: 4' $995 m
James MeNain brought ;greetings 1955 CrieV 1_ton Dump 411' •
fr6rn Pine River United Church ..10 •
Ladies Aid.."'" ' ' ' 1. • ., • • , . or
f1c3ahorTey•shdtderaa,n(hMcapinallang.wyaigWanesgirt. )thh, T.eGhnheoeyItn-41aMaclree reGaldeyn,
z ••• -
Brussels - .'''sMotors
Boyd Cities Derw1eeDealer mimw1I0-,''st,. ew1'11°▪ ' ' •
. .
Defnaiel Steele, , Robert .Courtney
„, .__, _ _ •
,. ,
'4' • ^ I
' • 4
• 4 .4,