HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-20, Page 10fr
not TEN
Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth caxneroni
of . town spent the week -end at,
Tobermory at a business" and $oc
al gathering of Bruce • Zone of
the Postznastes' Association.,
The business session on Satur-
- day was followed by a dinner 'and.
dance. On Sunday the group,
numbering about 25 coutIles, had
Alcruise to; Flower : Pot Island.
Won t•evaporate
Non foamm
Non -corrosive
Containstust-inhibrio s
were they had as ,look at the Na-
tional F.,ark•whiah•has been esta-
blished ..there:
Officers of the Bruce; Zone are
Harry Davis of Tobermory, prey.;.
Andrew Milne Elmwood, secre-
tary; Ken .Cameron;". Lucknow,
Bill Scare, Port . Elgigri and Jim
Clancy, Southampton, directors.
, In case our friends :h :Lucknow
Saw and • heard a bus -load of
Scouts and Cubs' an Main Street
last. Saturday, . you `will know
now it was -Kinloss, boys' return;
ing from the : Saugeen District.
-Field:.-. _Day , at: Wingham. The
weatherman smiric :'brightly and
briskly on about 600:boys, and as-
sorted citizenry, squ'•rrels, dig-
natories and hot do
Kinloss Scouts and .Cubs suf-
fered absentees due ' to the • fine
harvest'weather bbu't' according .to.
the' tabulationsJof CKNX, the
Scouts came third against 'seven
other centres,
We, were particularly proud of
the ' Cubs when they carne first
against. ' the-- best in the "Grand.
Howl event. Red Sixer; Gary Car-
ruthers led the Pack, and •it took
repea s -fir -the- -judges
•arrive'at: the decision we preju-
diced leaders had arrived. at long.
before, •
' 'Speaking of 'leaders, we too
were 'hit with„harwesting at home
This" Annual Field Day' is ,a
big; day for Scouting; in the Sau
Been district ,when -it is held
in Kinloss, Township, ,all our
friends.. can come and enjoy it.
Our first meeting for the Fall
was heldlast Thursday.' Most of
it was taken ,up with. selection
of participants and preparations.
for the Field/ Day. We have. five ;!
new members— Martin Benedict,.
a Second Class • Scout from'
Georgetown,.who has moved into.
our area— and four recruits from
the 2nd Concession, Bruce .Col
well, Mac McInnis, Bill Thomp
son and Ian Steeksma. Welcome
fellows — and good scouting.
WEDNESDAY;. ISP' 'Nth, ."190].
e To, Reside In' Guelph
ReceNed Word 0
Sister's `Death
Mrs. Dcfuglas• Graham, received,
Word last week of the death• . of
her sister,, Martha Alice, (Mrs.
John Wythe, Sr.). of Miniota
Man., wl o...had been. in Brando•
Hospital, for -the past•'nine ,months. ;
Mrs. Graham had 'visited with
her ailing sister severa1 times'
'while visiting`, recently in' Mani -
Miss Gladys• Graham .wtho has
written her Reg: Nurse examina-
tions : this r 'onth: started work
in ' Oakville . • Travalgar . Hospital'
this week along with three class-
,irtates: 'of..' St. •Joseph's 'Hospital,.
Miss Betty Hamilton :.pf , 'Nia
gara Valls . spent the week -en. d
-at the home-of_her parents,
and Mrs. G. Ilamilt'on
Mr. and .• Mrs. • Cliff •Roulston,
Keith . and Kenneth': -,attended the
Air • Force bay at Centralia -re-
eerily and also visited with re'
Baskets of. •white •riurr-s and dresses of French blue 'put!. 'de
1 roses formed the setting in:'Mei r- • sole' three-quarter length 81cc i es;
but Morley, .,Ray,'•, parry, '• Waliy •,latves in Londpii;-and Strathroy,, � �• , ,weal=•• 'rounded neckline 'arid' heli'->.hapcd �,.
and Lloyd were along Mr: . 'arid+ `.'Mrs: ` `Ted ' Collyer ``fig r
,. ,. • i egeheGuelhh� ''for' - t c ; �� t:: a '..
orial Hal
>•Our S•couts • pulled .off ;:a . sur- •Ysp.ent a few ,days: in New. York tuarl Coll 'the over skit t. Their headd
•and• were: ue is°:at:.a:wedding :in wedding ' •on:' Saturday,': August, French blue; peau de solo pose
pri'se � �up et by coming .•,first ' in g . ,. s g .
First ":Aid. This was largely, bo- Newark, RI.- • . , :19th at.two p.m; of Alison ..Loretta with ' dainty veil They • carried
y Webb and David Lee Gilmour.,' white. baby 'mums, with tints.' af,:
cause .our boys remenib.ered that Miss'Mildred"; Ibbotson of Ber-First; Aid. means'. lust 'that' ---'• do- vie is' ` assisting at the hom''e' of • Pathe W' .A Yoang .offi•eiated blue:
Ing the most important thing first: Mr.' and 'Mrs. Allan Graham..'Mrs..
. The bride is.' the ':daughter .of Mr, ,•Grant Gilmour of 13w gess •r'
n. this ' case they ' stopped " the • Graham returned home'.on •Friday Mr • and Mrs, . Harvey'. •Webb of• viile, , brother. of the groom, a,.•t.ed
IR:R� 1,' Lucknow and 446:green? groom as groomsman.: Mr. • Dan Rose of' :.
bleeding of the `-'victirr" who was: after being'. a, patient an •Victoria• �, b • .
Walter 'Dickie ' before . fixin his :Hosp;ital,. London .; for . seve.,ral is the son: of Mr. and Mrs.: A H:• Newtnarket and .Mr.. Bill Orth
g Gilrnour of Bur essville:
"broken Seg'';::etc The other. First weeks,.. g. of B'urgessyille were' usher s.•
D n' " Mr.' Kidd 'of Guetph .w.as • the he wedding dinner at Loin
Aiders ' were Gordon Passmore, e ver Dickie and Terry : Wily ; , At..t 0
Donnie Bannerman,•ran r son . attended , Westerna •Fair tori- 'organist and :,Rudy Comacho of, inanity;:. House; Ontario 1 i real
Prank' Stark ' • Torun -to was soloist,'sing ng The' , •
e e' the bride s, mother.
don on' Saturday and.were. over-. oll g
and 1Vartin •'$enedict:Lords; Prayer &,Weddin.g Prayer•, 'ural G
• Other '.bays bringing . in points, . night,, guests with . Mrsr Grace received . in .a. mottled kreen and
•The- bride chose:an;'original fu11 " ,.. :
.Were Bob' . Wall ' who earned . 2 'Maclver: and. boys. 4.:: ... brown sheath ' .with dariz. ,leen
length ..gown.` of white ,p'eau de
seconds in.. High Jumping and. Mr.: John MacKinnon had; .the accessories and corsage ,of.i white
g p g sore featuring, finger tip sleeves , ' ,. , ,. ..
running. ' Frank Stark. took a .3rd o beak a bone in cymbidium ;,.The grooms mother '
in. broad lumping. fin other run- g assisted and•:chose' a, •beige•• lace
misfortune t ' .. r -
his • foot: and now has a walking,
and a - rounded' °neGkline'dain1t'ly
ningraces thirds. earned' shea'th'.w.th da'rk''brown •acces
by -Donnie Wall and. Martin Bene: p series; and corsage of pale • green
dict, with a' second place. by•Barry ' cymbidiums
Johnston.: ^ tr I? p l g
cast• on it. ,F/decorated with seed .pearls The
bell-shaped skirt fell to a;`flow=
ing court train, `the finger-tip veil
fell; from a' ,eau de sore . ill -box.
hat. The..bride. carried a white
Bible crested` with two white .
chids and streamers` of : rose buds
and stephanotis. •
Mis. Ken/•Grewer of Sudbury,'
sister of,:'the .bride was matron, of
'honor and :Vies. Bilt'.Oith `of R.R.
1, YBurgessvil1e, sister . of ;.the,
groom was bridesmaid. Both . at
tend:ants 'Wore. identical• ;sheath with, the "Information Branch;
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Eur trave l'in the bride wore~ '•
a pale;green Silk .suit, 'dark green.'
acce'ssories and ,corsage* of .white, • .
orchids,. •
Mr and Mr$. Gilmour will re- •
Side, at 105 Water • St.,, Guelph
:.The *groom is a graduate of
Ontario Agricultural , College in
Guelph 'and is employed' there ,
County' Objective $6,O00+00,
Send Your Donation Today. To:
V ... r
Thom pson, ". LucknoW1