HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-20, Page 9WEDNESDAY, SEPT:. ;20th,,. 1961
Launch. Appeal. In -
Aid Of The Blind.
Put the World at the fingertips
of t1 e •blind is the challenge from
the Canadian National Institute
for. the Blind to the residents in
• the county areas ;of'. Middlesex,
Perth. , and Huron, 'Ikhe annual tri-• .
county :campaign will take place
•during the next two weeks with
an objective of: $15,100.00.. The
• United Appeals. in London and
Stratford finance. work of the
CNIB; in these •cities.
• E, F. Wheeler, • CNIB 'District
Field Secretary, has delivered
campaign material to . the 32,.vol
• unteer carnpaigti chairmen
throughout Middlesex, Perth and,
Huron.: H. D. • Thompson, local-
' campaign. chairman, is' sending
' otrt' •letters appealing for. sup -
.port• of the 'CNIB's comprehen-
sive, service program., ranging,
from welfare assistance to, em-
ployment.. Besides social workers
and employment. officers, , a
CNIB ' Home Teacher ' ' travels
W.A. "BUD"
through the three .counties, giv-
ing lessons in Braille, leather
craft and many other skills, Which
put the world at the fingertips,
of the blind " • •
While travelling through the
three counties • last Week,'' Mr.
Wheeler arranged for an elderly
blind widower in Listowel to be
admitted to Tweedsmuir Hall,' the
CNIB's distri''t residence and ser-
vice centre located. in London &
arranged for a young married
man • in Howick Township' who,
has recently lost ` his sight, to be
enrolled in the'' adjustinent train-
ing course at the CNIB head-
quarters in Tor.onto., .
$15,100.0Q: is. •. the rninini,um
amount required, this yearn'to'
maintain CNIB' services., to 60
blind people n . Huron ' Counry,,
Your gift is essential and needed
now. H. .u. Thompson, Lucknow,
will.•;welcome your donations.
Culross. Couple •
Mark Annivecsary
I, Mr: and Mrs. Peter: Moffat of
Culross , quietly observed their
35th ' wedding anniversary. .on
Sunday, September 17tr at • a•
family gathering at -the home, of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne' ''Peter;; of
Bervie .. ..' • ,
Mr. and : Mrs. Moffat have' a
family ,.Of four. daughters • who
were all `present including: •Mr.
and. Mrs Lloyd'Buckingh'ain (Ag:-
nes).:of •Kincardine,••.Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Gibson:'(Evelyn) ,of,'Arrbe.r
ley,: ;Mr, and - Mrs: Loran Peter
(Ern'ma). of Bervie. and Catharine.
Moffat''' of Kincardine.: '
Very . delicious turkey dinner'
was served .at• 12:30, after wheh'
Mr.. and •Mrs.' Moffat • Were' 'pre=
sented • with 'a`. Kroehler . rocker
with•" the best' Wishes .of .the
family ; on .theoccasion of. their
anniversary. They; have,' 10
Doctor to patient "Look. atit.
thisway. -You're in excellent.
:shape. ' for :a mane of sixty-five.
Forget. the fact that you're only
forty --,three." •
renatiOROUGB, wit
is the quickest and easest wa
to fell trees. Canada
professional ch
complete with TWO 16"' chains.
R.R. 2, , Holyrood
hone :Eervie •2424
Church NI
In A mberl€y. Area
'Mrs. Eldon Bradley •opened her
home for the: Pine River W.M.S..
group meeting, f'or ,the boundary
and 'Ashfield • onTuesday after-
noon with an attendance •of • 16,
Mrs. Ross Shiells. presided and
the meeting was opened:by sing-.
ing, "O. Master let me Walk with
Thee", 'after Which the .scripture
reading. was 'given by Mrs. Wm,.
•Kempton • followed with prayer
by Mrs, Gordon Elliott. Mrs. Sam
Gibson read:,a paper which had•
been given by, Mrs. Eldon Brad-
ley's mother, the 'etc Mrs. Wal-,
ter Brown, at a meeting some
years ago and was • based on fel-
lowship.. verses of scriiptureon
the same theme were", read by
members of the group. Mrs. Gor
don Elliott and, Mrs. Wm: Kemp-
ton` sang a, duet, "Sornewhere the
sun is shining" and was followed: -
'with a reading- by' '_VIrs, Gien
Campbell ',entitled ' "Habits.' -IVIrs: •--•- -•-
Will.iam Ferguson. 'gave .a fine`
address; stressing' . the • need of'• `.
loveand faith in our -daily 'lives
and ' a reading, by Mrs. 'Eldon,
.Bradley .on !Peace, -C-;ohtentment
and Happiness .was enjoyed. Af
ter 'singing' `,`Blest be the tie that
binds" Mrs. .Ross Shiells gave
the closing. prayer. ..An interest!..
ing • vontest 'was given • after •
which John Bradley played two
instrumentals, "Bless. this House"'
arid "Just .. a' Closer ;Walk with
Thee."' A'dainty lunch Was 'serv-
• come' back.
CLEAN as New
SOFT as New
from, our SanitOne
includes Soft -Set®'
�t n.o, extra. charge.
1. -Ise 'fie results'' •
for yourself
Call on .us Coda
ed by Mrs, Bradley. and . con -unit -
tee. Conveners .for.. the., Meeting
were,' Mrs. -Eldon Bradley and
Mr.- James :Bradley,
Mrs. Arty° Messenger. and Mrs,
George Messenger• were hostesses'
for :the .joint. grou•p•.meeting of
the -'4th, • 6th and 8•th cone . ssions
on. Tuesday evening- =ith tan at-
tendance ...of 'twenty -.one.
Leonard Reid presided ••and:.open
edd the meeting with ;prayer which
was '.followed by, a hymn;. The
1 -scripture 'reading' w.as. taken by
Mrs. John Ferguson : with com
men ts. ,'by Mrs". Mervyn • Hooey.
Interesting, readings were ,given
by „'Mrs. Allan 'Irwin .and :Mrs:
'Bert IrWin. and a report of the
Missionary 'Dominion : Board Con-
ference' held in •Toronto." recently
was '.given; by Miss' Winnifred•.
'Warren retired missionary from
China,: which :was informative &
interesting'. to;`all:` Miss Warren
has from time to time visited 'the'
group meetings and related her
experiences. as ,a missionary:,Mrs
Delbert Wilson .'gave the court
esy remarks and Rev: .J C:` Hut-
ton •closed • the' meeting ..with
prayer. Lunch was • served and
-a social hour ;wasenjoyed::'
.Friends arid relatives •attend-
ed' a' happy• event on -Friday ev-
ening'on the .occasion • of Mr. -and
`Mrs: George ; VIeDonald's 25th
Wedding anniversary: which. was
held in ''Reids- .Corners' 'Cornmu-
pity .hall. A, dinner was served
relatives,,and 'close friends and 'a
program and dance with the skirl!
ofthe bag pipes c� ere' later fea
•tures of :a pleasant • evening. 'Best
'washes tor, many happy, alliin er=
sat les:. are extended,* to Mr..•. and •
Mrs, .MQ:lDanald.. ' ` ' •
• •'
Mr's. Water. B'rotvr is t-•isiting:'
Sttr.mford With. her soft -if iatx.il
and ,daughter.. Mr. and llrF: Geo.
Pr. rt;et'• anti : ra.nd..>n.'Clifford
.. Mr. aiid'-,Ch,cster...Cantp-
:hell and, fate of ',London visit-
,ed .n: the •-vi(:n:'<<' the 'vel:•tek
end :a' d attt nacd t.ii John:�to r�
:\I'ic:Uo" i` i, Nt•ccicl.r
NE.=,i4 .lc ng a
i3u' c4 c epur•' in C,t cterien. •
'l tti f, E i)�,1 ....i e'c•e 51,ti't .:,group
'ti•.. of ♦1, Pme illi l'•t��t' �.�l.J.'
-*held,' i y C
ti I9 ,w th an•"attend"tno "9
;t '.Lear'tiard El o
:tfl'oF Mrs l tl.vin 1-1.=uder:st ri. pre-
.g dt.d and• the meetit.'was* ..o'pern-
ed tt.:`h .a hymn followed with.
the s'c ipture reading. by Mrs..
Let`m i .tit bonald
Courtney .gat,e a reading entitled
"What life. niean.' ' to you' and
Mrs, ,Kelvin Henderson gave a:
shepher ds .:'presentation • of : the,*
23rd ?salni. which was, interest -
Ing. A duct ' by Mrs.Robert
Courtney and Mrs. Melville 'Hen-'
ray actornpanied by Mrs. James•:
Nesbitt was enjoyed. An inspiring;
address, :`°is • anything too hand
leave' Clewing At.:Sepoy.5fore
for God!' ' years. given, 'by''Mrs Os-'
•car White--of--Olivet after which, -
Mrs.: J',.! C. •Campbell gave:' 'the
closing . prayer. ;Lunch',. was .'served
and 'a social hour: *as: enjoyed..
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Bell of
Cleveland arid Mrs;: Charles Lor-
enz of Liicknow visited with'Mr.
and. Mrs, , Ross•., Shiells on Thurs
day evening., •
•The• Boyd families 'attended the'
funeral of Mrs:. Alexander Mc-.
Kenzie Of Detroit 'on Saturday
• 'The Ladies Guild of St, Lukes
Lurgan,• held «their meeting in t'he'
Parish. Hall ,on 'Thursday . even-
frig.r. •
Mr., and.' Mrs. ''Mervyn Eckonier
are .on vacation this',, weeks,...
The Women's Institute meeting
which' was to be' held'on Monday
evening will be held .on : Thurs-
`day evening at .8:3a in -the White-
church .Community Hall. •
Mr. grid.' Mrs. , Derwyn Hill and
Children spent Sunday in Toronto
Mr. Bill 'registered at ' Knox. Col- •
,Rev.and Mrs.;'George Watt and
family . of ' Oakville isited over;
the week -end, at the home
and ' Mi s.:'.John'.' Watt.' Rev..
George Watt Was in . charge; •of
Dungannon Anniversary Church`
services Oh. Siinda3
Mr. and Mrs: Winslow Graydon
_of 'Long 'Branch visited one day
last . week at .•': the 'home of Rev.
and, Mrs. John'•'Watt.
Mr: incl. Mrs., Harold. Kucke• &
•Mr , and Mr.•s. George McKillop , of'•
Hario�.er. visited':on: Sunday' at' the
home; of ...1 Tr, and :Mrs. Russel
OaLOA t.. • .
Mr..and Russel Gau'nt.'and
l?n 7 ild'iici ..Gordon 1Loffat err.
joy"cd,: T:;iu'r,5da - ::at" Lond in'Fa i
It. and Mrs, Harry Io,ss and
f rniil,� of '.131 tt,v i'.!e. '1i and
Intim '_MeCL. n gha-n • and.
r:rtti: i;t
of .St. ' Thomas, t .:ted ori
S'ltiida�' at . the home •dt•
Mrs.: BcSn M,;Clcna4 h'an. • '
,ThI c rot'rlintinje extends deep=
est \`iii'; t 'i; to'. the Henry him-.
: • on the , tidderi
,"t`iiliani Henrytvho passed away
on ' S:atui'tiay in' lt,s .6.11h year,
Mrs.` .t'`. T." Bos : Of Walkerton
is .spending g . a few day,
friends in the community.
Mrs.' and Mrs. ,Russel :More &
fancily, \'1r.' and' Mrs: •Basil Thom-
son anl' fans 'y...of Proton, 11r. &
Mrs,. ,Stanley Moore and fanii',y.
Mr. and its Walter :.Tames and
family ot" Woods'to•ck, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Moore and'fartill'y of'
Astaire Mrs., dean :Moore' arid.
family, .:R2r. and Mrs. Bill '' Mtynt-
gome,ry, Mr. andMrs. • .p`red
Moore, Mrs. Irene Spading
,Wingharn, lVTrrs.' .Barge.* and -MM-
mie• Of. Luckri•ow, Mrs., Wes Moore...
of 'Tor onto, rs. gm.
W.elwood:.and Mrs: Arthur Cronin':
of Galedon, • 'lylr. and', Mrs. John
Falconer . of • Kitchener and .Mr -
and. Mrs:: Milian Moore ,of White- •
church. 'al -1 attended 'the'', funeral
of.Mr s Arthur Moore ori Mgnday.
What this world, needs is a'
summit meeting on . the - level:..
s ittle as
rnHOUSAW»S of ':very
3 b,usy dairy farmers
are getting slow milk -
ing because—while the
vacuum, pump. is still
'Clunking •along' after a
fashion - it is just not.
'big 'enough or snowing
enough air..'
:The"right pump 'will
help, speed your -Milking
and• pay for itself in
hours saved., 'Th.e
Surge Plan makes it
easy to buy a new pump..
Right is reserved'io with 'raw ,
�. this prOpbsOion int ahli time.
Phone. KINCARDINE 3664