HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20th,, -1961
Council Repeals
Subdivision Bylaw
Huron Township' Council met
on September 5th °with all mem-
bers present, ,
A petition for a Municipal
Drain: was accepted from the
owners of lots 30. to 34, Con, 4
and the firm of Archibald, Gray
and MoKay was ` •appointed . to -
make the necessary survey.
Council, passed. a. By-law to re-
peal !Subdivision Control By-law
number 1180, subject to the. ap_
proval - of the Minister ..of Muni-
cipal Affairs. •
Application was 'Sent to the
Department of Highways • for In-
terim. subsidy ,on road and bridge
expenditures, to August.
The, following accounts' were
ordered paid by .the Treasurer:-- •
Cemetery — Ivan, Pollock, ce
metery, " care, ' $98.38; Benson
Hardware, Supplies, 3.30; 'Harry,
'Coiling, top. soil, 7.00.
_Townsh Doris MacDonald;
care of hall,' 29;90;.'RoyMarshall,
covering Lurgan dump, 59,00;
Municipal. World Ltd:, " annual.
Statutes, 5.20; 'Kincar, dine News;
printing, .15.03; 'C ',14. Stewart,
paint and, painting: Township shall,
62458; Kincardine Cleaners,-
.cleaning, and dyeing drapes,..117
60;, Ripley share of • de
ovation' ' day: expenses; 11.50;
Dave : Moore, garbage .: collection;
Bruce .. Beach, 425..00; William
Wilkens garbage :collection, Point
Clark beach,' 410.00; Emile Mc
Lennan, live stock" 'valuator,: 3.50;;
ameron : V acley, ' cow killed`
by dogs,- 85.00; G; Cook, dozing at.
Lurgan dump,, 00:00 G. ''Cook,
dozing at • Ripley dump,. 35.00;
Post Office, unemployment -
Stamps, 9.88; • Ripley • . Hydro,
Townships'. hall, 6.48.1- '
'Roads .r .H.. Hodge, :grader • re-
pairs, . $56.15; G. Cook, hauling
gravel,. 44;:Q0; Pollock' Electric,
cement, 1.37:81; Harold Congram,
cleaning., ditch, ' 30.00; 'Morford
McKay;' grader repairs, 8.80;' Rip-
ley Hydro, Township •shed,• 2.50;
R. H. Martyn,, :fire insurance, on
hed,:' 34.40; James Elliott,•,fenc,-
ing; .5,950; 'Benson Hardware, ce-•
Ment and: wire, • 362.88; Harvey
Thompson; hauling gravel, 9.90;.
Harry Coiling; •hauling gravel,'
35.35;' Coiling ;:,Brothers, hauling
gravel, 11..00; Bill Kempton,:haul
ing gravel, • 1.46.75; D. G. Mac
Donald, gas and oil,'364:90, Elmer.
Courtney, grader repairs;,. 25.00;.
Canada Culverts Ltd:, newt: 'cul
verts, 712.50; G: W, Crothers Ltd:,,
grader ` repairs, 53.24; ' R Mac-
Eachern, paymenton •Clark's
bridge, 1,53,700;' Frank's garage,
• Miss 'Margaret Robertson :and
'Miss :' Annie McLeod : visited Mr,.
:and Nlis. Bert Bain, London and
also a`:tel ded Western. Fair: •'
At Berve, United Church on'
Wednesday,' the Evening Auxili-
ary 'Was' hostess to the Bervie.
W.1V1 S.. inlOss, : Charmers, ' and
Kincardine. W:M.S. groups.
Mrs.. Howard'• aollands and pu-
pils had 'a half holiday. Friday
for -Kincardine Fall .,Fair,
•Mrs.. Ross Shiells was a recent
visitor •with Mrs. George' Emer-
. Miss Annetta • Forster, Toronto;
spent • the week -end with iMr.• &
Mrs. Walter Forster.
Messrs, " Dick McCosh, Jim
'Bsrooks, •John Brooks, Bob Erne''
son,, Mrs. George Emerson, Mari-
lyn Thacker spent ,Tuesday. in
Loridn' Fon at Western,
Armstrong: visited Nlr.
Frank Currie • •
Mr:..and Mrs. 'Ralph Grubb' &
family visited Mrs: Grubb''s
ther, John Zimmerman at Vic-
. toria Hospital" London '
Miss Sharon Craigie' visited.
Miss Annetta Forster.
Mrs. HelenSwahn and'Mr, Nor-
val Stanley spent 'the : week=end'
with relatives in London.
Sunday guests of -Mr.' and Mrs
Dob .McCosh were , bir, and Mr$::
Torn' Walsh and Karin of'Kin-
Cardin°, Mr. Frani. Colwell, Kin-
loss, Mr`.' and Mrs. William. :Ar-
noid .
Mr. and Mrs. George Emerson
were guests•at the' wedding of
Leona' MacDonald and , John
Johnstone' in Ripley on 'Saturday:.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dore,.Nan.
cy, Rcinni'e and Dianne spent Sun-
day with Mr.:,,^drid Mrs .Richard.
Kidd, Met ritton:
Mr. James Emerson returned.
to Ontario Veterinary' College,
�`ruelph, after. spending his" hbli
days. at• his home.
i Marie Collins spent Monday
with Mg. ,Peter Leeson.
Mr. attd Mrs. Scott'" Walsh, Mr.
Jy 0.. Attrl'strong and M.
and,: Mr
` :congratulations to Mr. and-Mrs.-
nd-Mrs.-Hugh; Jansen (Marion Percy) 'on.
the gift of: a baby: boy, abrother
for 'Randy and Douglas :
Mrs: Gertrude Walsh visited
Tuesday 'with' Mr. and Mrs Car-
son ' Loughren, Listowel
Mr:. and Mrs. Kevin Dunn -and
babe of .Toronto are at their tome
at the north end of the • village;.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Smith have
moved from' Mr: James Hodges
home to. the ..hone ,of Mr. Fred •
Week -end visitors with Mr, &
'Mrs. Roy Schneller . were Miss.
Marie Schneller of Wingham, Miss
Margaret Schneller of Kitchener.
and ,Mr: Donald Earl of,' I, ngersol:
On, Sunday next, Septernber 24
the Anglican service will be• with-
drawn owing .to the Harvest,
Thanksgiving services at ,Bervie.
On the following Sunday,. Octo-
ber ist, . Harvest ' Thanksgiving„
services will' be held in the Ang '
•lican Church here. •
Miss Sheila Haldenby••spent the.
week -end at Walkerton with Mr,:
and; Mrs.. Clare Sparling and boys.''
Misses Nellie and Margaret
Malcolm of Lucknow . visited with
friends here on Friday.
Mr. Walter Hamilton of Van-
couver and formerly of Dawson
City - and White Horse, Mr: and
Mrs. George Hartwick of Millar
ton visited with- Mrs: : William •
Cox and Rev. .Benson -pox. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley were
guestsat th Hord-Martyn wedgy;
ding at, Kitchener.. :
Week -end visitors at the :home;
of Mr. kid Mrs. Ezra Stanley
were Mr., and Mrs,. R J Kaake
and: Larry and Elaine' fiodgins of
Kinloss,, Mr" and. Mrs. Dan To1,1ef-
son and Douglas Stanley of To -
Sprat), 11/liss
o-rpnto,MVfiss Patricia Thompson
Luckrtow, Mi.: Floyd Stanley Of
Stratford Teachers'. College,
There passed away in Wingham
Hospital on Wednesday, Septem-
ber 13th, Murdena Johann Mac-
Kenzie ip her 66th year. She was.
barn in ,Ashfield Township, the
only child' of the late; .Alex ' and
'Catherine "MacKenzie, She • re-
ceived public school education at
'Lothian School and also attended
Lueknow .Continuation School..
The `family moved to Kinloss
Township 'north of the CNR sta-
tion. where she continued to re-
side after the death, of her par..
ents. Of late years failing healtl
necessitated hospital care and
later she was a patientin the
te Nursing Home . till
shortlyCarruhbeforrseurcher death, follow-
ing a stroke,
The funeral service 'was con-
ducted by "ReV, Roderick, Mac-
Leod , at the .Johnston Funeral.
Home on Friday, September 15th
with burial in South Kinloss
Cemetery. Pallbearers were W. F.
MacDonald, Harry Lavis, Sandy
MacLeod, . OsearL'HUdgins, ,Elliott
Carruthers and Hugh Sutherland.
The third, meeting 'of the Kin=
tail Fruit • Maids was held on
Wednesday night 'at the hall.. The
meeting was opened with 0 Can-
ada, and twelve`niembers answer-
ed •the, roll call which' was, .My.
favourite satiety of 'apples: The
main topic for the: meeting. • was
_EruitAllAeak Round:..`
Miss Gilchrist; home economist
was present and, helped' the girls
organize 'their •record books:
Mrs. ,,Ross demonstrated •an
oven -steamed ;pudding with a
demon. sauce
Margaret ='Anne' Fa.rrish was
elected vice-president.. •
The meeting .,was . closed.', with
the Queen.,
• It's . unfortunate that the Symp-
toms ,of fatigue and of laziness.
are. PractiCally identical.•
Life's very much. like Christ-
,mas .you're more. likely to get
what you .expect: than. 'what, y,: you
want. " •
truck, repairs; '• 1.7:95; Steve.. Irwin,
.Superintendent, •.'.325,00 Ernest
Walden, :grader operator,
Moved by • Martin -Lowry," ;that
we do now adjourn• to. meet• again,
,'October. 2nd.
EARL. TOUT, Clerk.
000 soonu and suites with '
shower. radio and TV`
Home. of; the Canadian Pump
Room—Dancing .. no cover, ns
aoinimurn;: Ample free overnigl*
:parking. Fine Convention
Facilities. Family. Plan
-d11111611y-*VENUE-AT'KIN6; STREET'
T.lphcas EMpk. 24$41-Tehx 022451
MONTREAI I.UipIon. uNw.r ty. 6-6811
1a OTTAWA telePhen. antra 5-3333
:Phone' '5•45
Be, Sure Your •
The:. second ., meeting if ' the"
Colwanash Learning Lassies••. -as.
held' at Ann .and' Susan Arnold',
on September . lath The ..meeting
was. opened with'::the.. 4=H. Pledge:
Ten members :'.answered the. . roll:
call: The • next meeting
held at Mrs:.Ritchie's. on. Sep.t'em.-,•: •
ber. 19th: We 'had:,.discussions :ands: .
took notes on fruit for •bi eakfast,
begir_nnns, 'fr i ' 1t c11 'e'er-
eal,. fruitendings; fr'_:t:''!' a
min. C andfiiiit cip l t`i�� e<s,. The
girls .,,.were 'shown, :$lows✓: to -.cut .
grapefruits and: cranes arid' they •
made' a ;fruit • cup:,. The :meeting"`
was closed. with• God Sae• the
Oh to.bo a plumber when
the pipes u
But really, now—isn't it
much easier to. reach:,
for the phone?
The lady does, and hor
.spouse is rescued!.
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never- really .lost: there's always help at .hand
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yettisooften taken for granted...The Bell Telephone
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