HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-13, Page 10PAPE` TEN
' WEDNESPA;Y, SEPT, .13th, • 1961
a frequent guest, of Mr,, and Mrs..
James McNain passed ;awayon
Saturday in •her .92nd year,
Visitors over the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. James McNain were
Mr. and Mrs Cecil Webster,, Mr,;
and Mrs. Cliff Webster of Lon,.
don,: ¥r. and Mrs. Leonard Web
ster. of Toronto,; Mr, and Mrs.
111Iurra3�McNafn• .of. Mitchell and
Mr, and Mrs. Dave McKenzie of
.The 'MacDonald..� reunion which..
is an annual celebration. was held
at Reids Corners Cornmunity•Hall
with. a large .attendance..
• Mr. and, ,Mrs..George Graham
of Conn .were'. week -end guests.
of Mr: and Mrs, John Ernmerton,
Thea Emmerton. Orchestra play '
ed for a dance in Lucknow on
Friday evening,
Mr. ;Ross Shiells was among
those who attended Toronto Ex-
hibition last , Wednesday.
Lynn Campbell was :assisting in
,Ross Shiells: store last week.'
Resident Passes:
One of this. eammunity's: Pio-
neer nonagenarian residents,; Mrs.:
Elizabeth . Alton,;'passe d away at
the Pinecrest Manor Nursing
Home in. Lucknow late: Friday af-
ternoon, She Was • in. her 92nd'
year and,. had been a lifelong
resident. .'
Mrs. Alton was: the former
Elizabeth ,Matilda Lane, daugh-
ter of John Lane and Deborah
Jones, • and, was 'born on Febru
try ,19th, 1870, on the former
Will; Lane farm south. of. Lanes,
ville, now owned by Herb Wil-
kips; ft
The Jones farm where her mo
ther' was "born, ,is: now "owned by
Mrs. Altan's grandson, Bill. Reed,
on the .Colborne -West Wawanosh
boundary, near Auburn,
The Lane ' family later .moved'
JOthe 'Kinlough. distriot, the 'home
:farm now • .being : owned by a
brother . of Mrs. Alton's, Malcolm
Lane. • •
On February 'lst, .1693, ,Eliza-/
beth married' . Daniel K. Webster
and, ' they' took up residence on
the William Stanley farm a Inge
'west• of Lucknow,. There , their
family of seven children .were
Mr. Webster died' 38. years ago.
in .1923. In' 1935' Mrs. Webster,
married David H: Alton who
predeceased her in 1052.
For 'about 20' .years Mrs. Alton
was ;" afflicted : with a rheumatic
condition which eventually : crip-
pled her to a: degree that she
as ~ confined--to—a-�wwheel--chai-r-
ior about; ;16 , years. For over a
year 'and a half she• had been.
bedfast;.but had fair ,he'alth .until
a few days before her death when
she ,suffered a -aeries of heart
spells and slept peacefully away
on. Friday; about 6:00 o'clock:
About twelve ,years ago Mrs.
were pastimes which brought her
enl oyment.,
The funeral, service was held
at•.the MacKenzie• Memorial:, Cha-
pel on••Mon'day afternoon con
ducted by . Rev,, ,Howard W,
Strapp, Elmer Umbach Was or.
ganist: and soloist. '
Interment was in 'Greenhill Ce-
metery with four grandsons',, How-
and Reed, Sid. Gardner; Ken;
Webster, Roy Webster and two
neph ews, Frank Maulden and
Hugh. Lane acting as pallbearers.
• Mrs. Alton is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. W., •G,, Reed Web
`bie) • of Lucknow' and by, three
sons; Nelson Webster of Win!dsor,.
Jack of Edmonton and, Ewart of
Kirkland Lake.
She was predeceased : by •.one
daughter, Mrs. Will Gardner
'(Rebecca) of Zion, :who passed
away in 1956, and' by two Sons,
Wm. G, Webster" of Lucknow who
died. in 1,958 and Edward • Webster
of Big. Valley, • Alberta who died
last October.'
Mrs. • Alton , is: • also 'Survived by
four brothers, , John,: R. and Mal
colm Lane . of ,Kinlo
ugh, .Rev.
David Lane .of Clinton and Rev.
Andrew Lane of Lakeside, :near
St. • Marys.
She was predeceased by one
sister, Mrs.- W. D : MacDonald.
'(Jean) of Toronto and three'bro
thers, Hugh Laine . of Kinlough,
Rev. Will Lane of Toronto and
Dr. Dick Lane:.of'. Port Elgin.
There are 28 grandchildren, M
great grandchildren . and 2 great
great grandchildren: A 'grand-
daughter, Mrs.. Thelma Wallace,
daughter' of the late' Ed Webster,
died in July at the age of 46:
Tint All The
On Western Trip;..
Rev. and 'Mrs. G. W. Kaiser &
Keith of •Lucknow have returned:
from a five-week motor trip to
the Western,, Provinces, Rev. Kar
ser is minister of -the Ashfield
United Church charge;, '
The • • family made • the trip,
through Canada and': back
through. the 'United' States. They
tented and camped all the way,'
In Edmonton they visited -with
their daughter, Mrs. • Gordon
Seale for two weeks, and enjoyed'
camping •trips to Banff and Jas --
per with the Seale family.
They visited with Mrs. Kaiser's
two sisters and one brother in.
Saskatchewan, and called at Wa
pelta, Sask., • which is Mrs. Kais
er.'s home .town. Keith did: all the
driving on the trip.:'
Nurse -"I can't get your hus-
band to take, medicine. Any 'sug
Wife—"Stir in some Soap pow--
der -- he'll drink anything with
foam on. it.",
Six Sisters Were, ;
iridal Attendants
White gladioli added to the at.
tractiveness of St. Andrew's: tin
ited Church, Ripley, scene of the
wedding on Saturday, September:
9th at, high noon of 'Ruthe Agnes
Forster and Gordon Andrew . Pat-
terson -Revv S on las _Dunlop
officiated. • . •
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and M.'s. Walter Forster. of
Ripley and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs Andrew Patter
son of Ripley.'` :../
Miss Donna Osborne' was or-
ganist 'and ` Mr. Lorne .Forster
was,,solois.t, the selections' chosen
being the Wedding Prayer' and
0 Perfect '' Love. •
.Given. in .marriagebyher fa-
ather,' the, bride :was: 'charming; in
a floor length white• lace over
silk , organza . gown, with scallop-
ed neckline and a shoulder length
Veil with ;embroidered 'edge and
matching headdress.. She carried
a white '•Bible crested . with a
mauve orchid.
Miss. Marilyn'- Smith of Toronto
was maid of honour:. She wore :a'
hunter green peau de .soie dress..
It featured a scoop 'necklineand.
waist -line :sash which tied in a
large bow at 'the `:back, with •mat-
ch'ing • theaddress ' Her , flowers'
were a cascade of burnt .orange
The bride's , other, attendants:
were six of her . sisters, ,forming
a .bridal , party . that was unique
and. most.irnpre'ssive Miss Ann-.
,etta Forster of •Toronto:' and Miss
Carolyn Forster of Ripley were
the bridesmaids. ' Annetta 'chose
mint green pe au . de ,soie, and
:Carolyn''s dress' was, of London.:
tan peau de soie. Both had:, sriat-
thing headdresses and•shoes.' Mis-
ses '.Janet and Barbara , 'Forster
were junior bridesmaids in pale
,apricot , peau de soie. All': the
bridesmaids carried cascades of'
burnt orange gladioli. The flow-
er girls, Mary and 'Dorinda For,
stere were sweet in mint green
dresses' and carried 'baskets of.
yellow porn pom' mums. Present
:at the, wedding, but •too young t'o
participate, was the bride's other
sister, Kathy, age nine months.
The best marl was. Mr. Elmer
Bradley of Ripley, and the ush-
ers were Mr. Hugh Lane of Kin.
lough,` and Robert ;Forster, •bro
they ,of the bride. •
At the •wedding dinner in the.
church parlours, the bride's , mo-
ther received in •a . two-piece ma-
suit with marabou.
hat and accessories to match,
with pink rose corsage, The
groorn's mother, chose a stained
glass blue dress and matching
hat ,with pink rose corsage.
a wedding trip to 'the wes-
tern Provinces': and British' Coi=
umbia • the • bride donned a black'
dress" with black and, white jac-
ket, lilac `rnaribou hat att431 black
patent bag and shoes She Wore
an .orchid corsage... •
Mr.' and Mrs. Patterson will
reside ` Onon. 10•, Hlxron •Town-•
ship,. •
A. G. Webbreturned this past
week to the Borne of his daughter,
Mrs. 'Ted' Rice and Mr. Rice after.
a year in London and Wingham,
hospitals: : ; ; •
Mr. and Mrs:: Ernie Hall of
Orton were visitors on Sunday
Alton, had a cataract .:removal' with .Mr. and Mrs', Ted Rice;
operation .' which restored her Mr, and Mrs: Frank Cockburn
.sight. so .that 'she could again for of Toronto are visiting with .Mr,
a time read and knit, which and :Mrs. Don Pannabecker,
SIDING For: ,Your Home?
No matter what ' your ' preference: in siding
• we .can 'supply.
Siding adds'.beauty and '::comfort to your home, and
greatly increases its value, ' for a very reasonable cost.
To cover an average, home 24' x 30' wi
lumber One Ir�sulafed Siding,..
Number One Asbestos.and
Cement Siding
waterproofed with " clear siliconeae I surface,'in 7
attractive colours, . costs only $315.00 completely.
applied' with all the necessary ' strapping, etc.
' . If°'you wish: to pay by, the month, payments ayments would •
• beas low as $16.00 per month.
We. will gladly ` give, you a free .estimate for your hone
with no obligation
s .
Aluminum Siding,
WoodBevel Siding, Brick.
N '`iii
Phone ' 150
Lucknow, Ont.
Recent visitors' with. Mr,• end
Murray .were Mr., and
P,'A Murray
Robert Dales and familyof
• Falls ' Mr. and irs..
Lorne Kraemer, Larry' and .Mur, -
ray of Rexdale, Mr. and Mrs,
'.Keith McCarter and Peter of"
•Wallaceburg• •
..;e: extend sympathy to Iesrs,
J, R. and Malcolm, Lane and their
families in" the death of .their
Sister, the late. Mrs. David Alton
who passed away at the Pinecrest,
Manor; Lucknow. ' ' •
Mrs, J. W. Colwell was.a guest,
'at the Patterson -,Forster wedding.
on Saturday at the United Church
in Ripley,' Mr. Htigh Lane was
also a guest.:
Mr. and Mrs. •Clare Sparling
and family "of Walkerton visited
on Saturday with Mr: and Mrs,.
George. Haldenby. ,
•Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
John Bushell in, the passing of
her sister, • the late Margaret
Montgomery and her brother, .the
late Robert Montgomery . whose
deaths occurred on Monday, Sep-
tember 4th.
,Relattives 'from here attended
the funeral of the late . Mrs. Jos-
eph Fisher from the Linklater
Funeral Horne in Kincardine on
Saturday •afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. -'T.. Miller of Feta,
wawa Camp, Mrs. C. 'Brace' and
Ronald of Dawn View, .Mrs. N,
Jackson, • Mr. 'and Mrs: Somerset,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Perry, .Bushell of
Toronto were here attending the
double :funeral of their aunt, Miss.
Margaret Montgomery and their
:uncle, Mr.: Robert 1VIontgoinery &;
also visited with .Mrs.- John Bush
ell. ...
Mr. and Mrs. .Percy Collins, Mz�:
and Mrs. Albert' :McLean • of Echo'
Bay Were dinner guests with Mr.'
and, Mrs. George•. Haldenby, on
Saturday. •
• Friends fromhere attended the
Patterson=Forster wedding at
Ripley on : Saturday.
Miss Sharon ` Dillon who is as-
sisting at the home, ;of Mr. and
Mrs. Morford MacKay spent ' the
week -end at her home here.
.Memorial Church
Window Bedicated
Mrs. Stanley Hughes of Tor-
onto,` formerly Cora Errington of
this district, had 'a beautiful :win- .
dow dedicated. to the :memory of •
her. late ' husband at' .Runnyrnede
Presbyterian Ohurch in Toronto,
on. Sunday September 10th. "I
am :the Good ' Shepherd" was the
title; of the 'memorial.. Mr,Hughes-
had served:'•the church' as an. elder •
and ,manager Rev. E. W: Jewitt,
Whet ' had' been pastor for eleven
years before his retirement, is a
cousin of: Mrs.' Hughes./ He has'
returned: as. pastorale assistant—&.
conducted -the dedication cere-
mony.. .After 'the' 'service about
forty :friends arid'relatives had. a
lunch` .in ,the basement of :the
ohurcli Those ': attending from
here... were 'Mr. . 'and Mrs:: George
Turnbull and 'Mrs: " Mildred :Ste
wart,. Brussels; Mrs. Mary, 'R'ivett,
Mrs. Harold 'Adams, Mrs:, Everett
Errington, Mr. Wilmer "'Errington,
Mrs: Victor Errington, Miss Marl
anne West. There .. were - others /
.from Comber and Sarnia.,: '
�„ Toronto Spent'.
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs:
Mrs. Annie• `Brown of •Ripley. Cecil Blake' and family/and; Har -
spent a: few days with • Mr:. and :old Blake. Other. visitors '' were
Mrs. Walter..Brown at Amberley. Mrs: Blake's • brothers,' Mrd Pal-
Rev.. J; C. Hutton received a mer Kilpatrick, Agincourt. and.
message announcing` the arrival Mr R. T. Kilpatrick, .Wingham.
of a ;son at Toronto General Hos- Mrs: Abner Morris visited Mon-
pital to "Mr,''and Mrs. Wayne. de with:•her.daughter, Mrs: Leo-
Johnston ..(Ruth Hutton) •on' Sat nard .Chris•tilaw, ' Nile.'
urday, September 0th. n. The annual: Harvest Home Ser-
Patsy Henderson 'entertained, vice will be observed 'Sunday,
eighteen • school friends. at a September 17th. at 2:30 p.m. with
party, at' the home of her grand- the Bishop of Georgian.•Bay, Rev.
parents, Mr:. and. Mrs: Norval, •H• F. Appl'eyard;. D.D. as .guest
Nesbitt: "recently. The children speaker. The rector, Rev. Wil
spent ari. enjoyable afternoon with fred . Wright: will, also be present.
games and ,races, after which a Mrs. Margaret Moran;. Luck-
dainty lunch was served.' now, visited Sunday with; her:
• .Members from Pine River cousin, Mrs. ' A. Tebbut at the'
W:MS.' attended a joint meeting home,of Mrs, •I. Henry, also visit,
•at'• Bethel on. Tuesday ,afternoon. ing lastweek was Mr, and Mrs:
Mrs. Holtby delegate to McMaster George Addison, Seaforth: •
Conference at Hamilton was,g,uest Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Purdon
speaker for the' occasion Mem Whitechurch,. visited ::Mrs.:• I.
begs : from Clarke and Kincardine Henry on Sunday.
W°M S. ,were also. present. The The• Dungannon United Church
. Bethel ladies 'se'rved a dainty Will :observe anniversary services
lunch afterwards. ,arid a : social, on Surtday., September 17th at
11:00' a,m° • and7:30, p.m. Rev.,
George D: Watt .of •Oakville .will
speak. Guest soloist .in' the morn
ing' is Mr.; 'Mel; Thompson, De-
troit: ' and the, Harboraires : Of
Goderich Will sinin' the evening.
Hol y rood. •
•°'With ' warm dry '. weather r con- •BIRTHS
tinning through ,.last' week, much
of the harvestin•g was done• as FINNIGAN-- .At the Wingham,
threshing machines and combines General Hospital; • on ,Sunday,'
worked 'until late. Heavy dew, in. September 3rd, 1961, to ;Mr: and
t he
: g ornin s• hindered an early Mrs. Chester Finnigan, . R.R. 1, ;
start, however every. • one . felt:.Dungarinon; .a son.
'thankful for . the 'change 'in the
weather and the . opportunist.. to HOWARD — At Winghain• Gen-
harvest the crops Y eral,Hospital on Wednesday; Seo-
which. have tember 6th, '1961; to Mr.. and. Mrs:
already been 'damaged to some '
extent with' so' much' rainfall & John Howard,• R R,:. 7, Lucknow, a
humid weather conditions, son,
Over the weekend, 'traffic was JO�T3NSTON in East General
altno'st . as "h'eavy; as anytime dui=:.,Hospital, Toitoito, `on Saturday,:
ing the sumrnCer !months. •' With p , to 1VIr, and
warm ,weather, which was `ideal Mrs Wa ne t C..1„Johnston
. Rutih; . .
for returning to summer cotta es y
g Hutton) a' son, Craig Hutton.
for :a few ' days, many . tourists•
• enjo'yed the (iguiet' of the conn- de BOER' - In the Winghanz
try and are l`doking: forward' to General ' Hospital ori `Sunday;
,perhaps a few more happy'•week. September 10th,, to Mr: and Mts,
ends before the eolcl'weather ,sets 'Peter' de Boer Rxi3'. ,2` Teen iter;'
a baby girl, a sister'for Sirrion,
Mrs, iizabeth Alton who `was John, Nancy and Pt reddy. ' •',
time was enjoyed. •
Mrs. Thomas Harris,.. the for,
mer Agnes Emir Paner, Who
passed ''away at Winiham hospi-
tal at the age' of 83, was a "resi=-
dent; of the Lurgan district `before
her marriage to Mr. T 'Harris of