HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-13, Page 561 !EDNESDAY, SEPT".. 13th, 100. ;rs !fit ' 'or. �1�. ie, hit ks, . os. le, ax rks 'oe.. rrd .d - tel DIN n's;: i'n• - �er. .ay ni es' nd :et;' uit ig .' red er- .nd for: ta- at, ice rill• ng 'he l • ins• . his ley nth Its. ere ep. • ►ie-� .of; eh - rot .. Art lana 'attl ,rge VIc- Bald' [a • ink' Vm »ee: tit • on' • P'114 ,L TCKNQ:W' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW' ; and By Bill ' Smiley Backache?. Feel listless? • Nerves frayed? Why don't you do . as :I did. Get away .from` it ' all by entering the,teaching profession, and revel in those long, golden, •summer holidays, . • •:',A year ago, I .iad'.one "week qff between the . end ' of summer school .and '.the. beginning of the teaching. year. • We SpInt the week winding up our. • af�airs in one town: and'. moving to. another.;, I had two days vacation, --Sunday' and Labor !Day.. This" year, however; due to superior planning, 'and. the un canny timing of my wife, things 'are different. I had. one day off -- Labor �spentha I -rand. bihor Day. `•• that mowing thewriting .and: other half , a !column.• I', don't » like. to .think I have a personal diet who :is ,determined , that' a 'holiday would be bad••for ' me: I prefer to :put . it down to ,sheer fate . bad management, or ' some kind of Psychological block '1 have developed, wh' h • steers' me away, relefi.tlesaly; from ..any thing that looks like: ';a. 'vacation. It -alk -started -on -the -last -day Y of- 'Surnisier school.'White and shale en.from a ,brutal Latinexarnina-• tion, I tottered backto my ,room:. to" find the whole family wait- ing for me,' aflame, .•wilh.. excite menta.; for various' reasons+.. : The. kids; were . allagog. be- cause they figured : they ;- could in taking, them: to h'. con Me, to. a . g .. , .the Exhibition. Mywife .was, al, at4 witter.:because; she had just, ni 'de . a deal,. out of thin air, to ', ve tp a, different house which she'd?. hadher ' eye on •for• 'some time: i' r, • R ght the e. I almost � broke down and:.•wept•. But,.' with tha t 'simple :heroism.that is the. hall mark of the modern husband & father, without .bitterness, with no recriminations; I pulled myself together. I waved 'a wistful Men- tal farewell, tomy week of fish ing, .golfing and bumming..,I" grin- ned a .ghastly grin. I agreed . that` it certainly was a coincidence that the Ex was on, and• that it was 'lucky that we had' a week, in •which to move -to the, : new house (with the ,big. rent).; It all seemed sort of preordain= ed, .and I • didn't struggle; 'Just cried • a little, inside. •. The kids took'rne tor a • horrible ride, fin-,' ancially, and on .a number of hor- rible, rides, physically, • ; at the midway. Every time; it- happens I :Swear' . a deep and desperate oath that I'll never do' it 'again. -But I'm . a sucker' f r midway. : a: rides. It's . hangover. o_ r.'from child-: hood; when 1 never 'thadenough money for: • more than . one t1ri'h ling trip on the 'Ferris wheel..': At any ,rate,' we tried them all. That is, all the rides that :scare the liver, out of 'you., from the 'Wild Mouse to', the Giant Rotor. My 'wife; brave: little:`Wonnan, Was a good -sport; -as usuaf h :.stood on -.the ground; alternately'efiew-'. ing her fingers and coveringher eyes in, horror as' we hurtled through space. But_ she did have the decency to ; help.":'me stagger ;from one of these inonstr:ositiei. to the next,: and she• did .tell me. • ' I. ' was White: as a sheet arid to' • COUNCIL. MINUTES KI'NLOSS (COUNCIL°NIIN,.UTE$ Kinloss Council Met on Sep-, tember 5th, 1961' as .per adjourn- ment. All rnembers present.. 'Ack- ert by Maclntyre and Ack- ert, that the minutes: of •the ' last regular meeting' of August 1st . & special meeting of August 10th as read be approved 'and • signed.. Moved by Evans and MacIntyre that we rescind the motion of -Evans, and Bushell of August lst. re -accounts of Finlay Decorators: &' J. • W. Henderson Lumber Ltd., re Whitechurch Community Hall, as:accounts were n'ot correct, and. Cheques: cancelled 'and ' new cheques issued, to Finlay Decora- thrs for $28;75 and to. J. W. Hen derson Lumber Ltd., for $35.0.11.•''. • Moved 'by Ackert and Macln- tyre, that\ we pay. Wm;. Scott $200: on account assessors " sa'lary; ' Moved by 'Evans and Ackert; that'the Clerk forward the names ..of those in Kinloss'who lost their lives: in the first and second World 'Wars: Re-Mernorial. •Chapel • in New County Home. Moved by M:acIntyre aria :Evans, 'that the Clerk be paid for Hydro bill at Hall,' ;,•; Moved b� Bushell and. Ackert`. .Y ,;. that the '.Clerk: write to two' of the tenders re, length of wood. Mpved by Ackert, and Bushell; that ., we: renew our. Liability Iit ' suranceP..with '1..° A. .`• Me Donagh for a •:1.2 month" period.. Alloyed ` .;by Bushell and :.,,Evans' that• Donald ..McPherson : be. paid $10,00,•. •for work o'n Jabnston Drain• Moved 'by. Evans and Bushell that, the onra rate, forgrader work" g. ' boirridaries-`'be $8 00-per"l pur, Moved, by Macnt Yre and' AP-, keit,. that '.,the Clerk ' write. the .Engineer : re complaints on the: Johnston .Drain.. Cheques issued ,Finla. De- corators;.. balance . Whitechurch stop. being such a .dam o1.d fool: That was:. a. fitting : introduction; to ..the week that followed, my. holiday ;week. When we got home We Moved. As far.as I'rri .concern, ed moving:.and nightmares are in the same category. They're unreal, undesirable, and 'deeply disturb- ing. The'. only difference •is in .the; ViSIONSIBISPROMNINSIIIRADMIVINNIAIN r�• �P] will :b.e rinted Soon . ;EXTRA LISTINGS; at little cost, Make, it easier for people to find ye : IN BUSYNESS! ..: IJ e. extra listings to show: '. other firm nemes for your business-- •to associate yotir name and residence telephone nu,cnber• with your firm ;name -•or' to show after -11611r numbers 'for you and�.your key employees. •.AT HOME► ..Other.members.of the fancily and relatives•roomers or.boarders' would benefit'from having their names listed in the telephone directory,.:. Please be sure to check your' directory' right away. . For changes and additions call our Business .Office Without delay.`: *Nit' BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY '0F CANADA 1.14 1 temperature of • 'the sweat ' they `roduce. ' Wi ' th gni htmares' its a p• g cord: sweat.' It was the'usual erf: rm a nc s. p. o a e, my :Wife throwingout valuables, and the kids and I lugging. them back in, "hundreds • of• ',vartons jammed. : with. everything from toilet, paper to,:toe rubbers, and nobody `knowing what' .was in which. Furniture that had :•gone. in' easily through door ways; now resolutely; 'refused to come out through ,them: And fust to add• a little;.`spice to this move, a mother cat rub- :bing..our • legs. for•• food when ;we were carrying refrigerators,' three kittens climbing'. out. of their box and heading in. three directions and '.a crazy pup: dashing. wildly between the .legs of the movers as they gingerly toted the, hi-fi. . The only, thing ,that preserved .my• sanity was 'the, fortuitous re'• 'currerice'of an..old ailment in the general area. of •iny back. This prevented, me .'fro`rn, lifting 'any- thing, hea,vier.,than .a cush'ion;, but. dicLnot interfere with• mynatural ability : to give cool, .clear. direc-: .t'ions. 'It also 'p'roved something" suspected:' for: a long' times :that theOld Girl is a' lot stronger than 'she looks. As a fitting: climax to the moa ing., ;it started to rain just .;as' we were going 1 to move . the ' piano and the mover had an open :truck. My,, it weir exciting!'' You 'should have seen them. •put'. their'"ibacks, •into. it—the twei moving men and, the two neighbours I had` recruit- ed. The:r.e wasa great. flurry of tarpaulins. grunting. ' and bad language, but they moved that piano in jig time, I' •clan tell" you; It, was all I could do to ,stoy out of their way as I': showed'' them where to put it. , Ah,' .well, we got settled in,, af- ter a fashion — the four:cats; the dog: 'and the •four of, us. There's a:'buffet ',and., a china cabinet out. in the garage, and I think •a" whole suitcase` full of rily socks and un derwear „wtinnt off to ;the dump, but that's all in the „game. ' I'm really not bitter 'about it and already I'm making plans for my 'week's holiday, next year. But I had to assert' some will power to keep from punching. right in • the nose some of 'rny students on the first'day of school;; who greet- ed tike with a cheery. "Itad 'a nice holiday sir?" • ESSO'SERVICE, FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) AT ,REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics eel Alignment and BaIancin! MOTORCADE DEALER Hall, $28.75;. J W. , Henderson Lumber, 1balance' Whitechurch Hall, $25.00; Carruthers Nursing $255.00;, Pinecre Horne,' August, Manor Home, August; st, $200.00; Fairhaven. Nursing Home,.August, $10:0.00;" William Scutt,: part ,as- sessor's'. 'salary,. $200.00; ..J R. Lane, Hydro at Hall, •?.20 Post- age, ' $5.00, $12:20; Registrar' of Deeds, • Walkerton; $1.45; Munici- ' pal World, supplies, $42°71; J: A. Mconagli, ' .part liability • $27.8.15; ;Mr$. Mansfield, caretak ing, $22.44,' Donald McPherson,, work.. Johnston':' Drain, '$10°00 . • Highway Cheques E. Car. • rutliers;:• road ::suet .and' mileage, $294.•45,•.;11. 1VlcMil�lari, ,operator,,' $278.12; , Ben. 1Vlontgoniery,' labor;, $4:80, Ron Stanley.,; 'la-bor,: $4:80;• Garry C1 ap4rian, ` labor; $'9.40;: John. McInnis, • .checking, gravel, $41:6.0, William: Stanley; tractof. and fencing, $27:00 :Graham. Cook; .trucking gravel, .'$21::00; • :Harvey Thorrtpson, trucking stone, $117,-• 25, :Will am t allagher, built dozer ' and;, scraper, :'$1,;831,60; Ezra •Si:.t- ler trucking gravel, $413:00, 4Wm, .Bushell;- fence, bonus, $52.00; Wale Wal- ter' .Pinnell,: fence ;bonus,:..$60.00;. Cities 'Service,. `fuel,• etc., .$1.88,50;• C , E: Cathers, •trucking gravel '8i- ' &' stone, .$1,097‘.36; E. ' R. Gaunt; • trucking gravel and ..stone,: $163.- 95 • Ray`. Stanley, • trucking gravel 'and stone,. ,$588.75; .Jinn Huston,. 5042 ,Yards. gravel, $3.52.94 Wal ter Breekles, repairs and fuel, .$56:20; T. J.` .Mansfield, .grader. repair, $10.15;•J: R Lane,;' unem; ployment stamps, $6.88; J. A,' Mc= Donagh, part liability •ins.;" $206.- 90;: 206 -90; Canada Culvert Co., new pipe; $409:93.,;. Moved by Bushell. and Ackert, .that we do how adjourn to .meet again on '.Monday,. October 2nd or at the call of• the Reeve.. • J° R: , LANE, Clerk. • Two beatniks watched a, jet plane' streak across• the sky. Sud- denly the 'plane 'bu'rst into- flames, and • the pilot dsed his :'ejection seat to get clear:.'.:!`Man'• said' one beatnik, ' dig•that crazy toas .ter.'' -•" 15Girls J,oined1 �G s ��lub 4-H Lucknow I:ucknow Women's Institute held ,the September meeting ,.on.. Friday, Septe'iiber 8th.. Mrs: Jr MacMillan'" presided;, During ,the. business' period; Mrs: N. J. 'Mac' .Kenzie •.'was . nominated as . dele- gate • to the Area,, • Convention, to::.: be held in Hanover in 'October, Lilckno'w Branch is to entertain• SiIiier Lake and Dungannon W.L: at tihe--.October-meeting.. • • A • • •• `Owing :to the large member -1 ''.• •ship. 'in: 4• H, there • will : be "fours leaders, Mrs..Jim Matters,.. Mrs O'Donnell Mrs. V •J:iunter and Mrs.. B. Bolt. They:.will' attend leaders' classes to beheld in the'. Town Hall, 'September 21 and 22. tall c ourse for• Institute mem- bers. 'is .143: lbs. of meat. Leaders appointed to .attend•: the',,course Walkerton in October' are Mrs. Annie ,McDiarmi.d :and ,'Mrs A.:'• ,M N...', Pla' in .:f ac ay. 1 ns ;were Madeor the . Fall Fal Fair: Mrs: G ' Saunders, Home conomics Convener ,took charge E of, thero gram a ,The motto' p g , oinnge'_ gets indigestion by swallow- -his. pride; wallow •his'"pride; was 'very.. capably► given by. Rev. 'G W. Kaiser. Roll; call was answered by,'don'ts' for ::..'. the sick room: Miss. Flora. WebF ster gave • an:: interesting talk on,. ,her trip 'to. the West Coast. Miss., Finlayson spoke.. on prevention: • of accidents :in • the '^home. Reports on the fall rally were given by Mrs. A. : Wilson. and L', MacMillan., There were 67 branches` represented with '184'. present Mrs. Elton ,,Armstrong of: Armitage" was guest sPeaker, explaining the •'new: W.I.:. 'hand book During the ' day .M1' the ladies were • taken on a .tor of the new home, Bruce Lea Haven. Itis a lovely building and we are proud •to::: have a part in helping' to aid• in; 'the comfort of the aged., Meetfrig .closed with' the queen and Grace.` Lunch was, served '-by the hostesses, Myst' G.: Saunders, • Mrs. J. W.'Joynt; Mrs. RusselFRo- .,bertson and Mrs. "Sproule. GASOLINE, OIL: and CALL IRVING REID Agent For: MacTAVISH Phone Lucknow 253 ' or 332' • a. ,