HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 1101 NE.SDA Y., 6th, 1961
0n, At Site; Of:Bruce-
a By W. L. AACK
(In 'the- Financial Post).
Cottagers and • homeowners
along a section `of Lake Huron
shpreline are experiencing some
surprises • as they see • the clear
waters of the 'Take suddenly turn
bright scarlet and unexplainable
clouds of • smoke blot out the sun
for brief• periods.; ' '
Ln the vi12c..z5n-ityft. 1,4o
of Douglas Poinidt
strange lacks • a
buff .colored Ship;
furiously belch-
trig• forth smoke while brightly
coloured .balloons ride' on cables
far'' above the. ship's: deck, _ ,
It sp art of an , intensive study '
of the winds, currents,' plant 'and
animal life in the area.
Nearby, will be: located Cana-
da's big new' nuclear power re-
actor the $80 .million atomic.
power plant being•biuilt by Atomic
Energy of Canada 'Ltd. between
Kincardine and; Port Elgin. .
Wherit conies: into• operation.•,
_l.,965' it will. discharge '200,000, .
gallons ,per :minute of 'heated 'war'
x into the lake: •
to •;
„AWL.' Wants to know, where,,
this water' will' go 'and• what of-•
it will have' .on: the , environ-
fect _
It:wants; to buildup- a fund 'of
'formation on' the, 'prevailing
winds, currents, ,plant and" ani-:
mal life before the nuclear plant
comes into::operation.:These :con
ditions:' can `then, be 'readily . com-.
pared withthise Prevailing • af-
ter the,p.
lant ..is operating:
The intensive study ! is being'.
carried out by ,:the Great. Lakes'
Institute and organization• formed
last year'by the •University .of
Toronto and :supported :by Fed-
eral; and ;Provincial -agencies:
The institute's floatiig labora-
tory is the Port :•Dauphine, • with
its 24 -man completnent
ing eight` • sceintists. It, 'will:. be.
the operational heart of the Doug-
las Point :project for the_ • next
week ;or .SO. •
R. 'E: • p
Deane; rofessor of geo-
Iogy ..at. U.. of. T:; is...co-ordinator.
of the integrated: program.
It. •is.'•Deane :.and' his• team. who'
ar•.e. turning, Lake Huron scarlet
this:' week. • It's., being :: done • with.
special, powerful dyes ' Trained
observers •on shore • and in:" small
boats' Will follow .the progress of.
the • red dye.
• Under •' water—skindivers
also be following with an .under=
Water movie Camera. the move-
ment Of,,, the current :as ;marked
by the dye. , •
'The atmospheric investigations
are • being. done by the. Meteoro
logical Branch, of .the Department'.
of Transport. A fog generator is
part; 'of the equipifient of the:
:Port Dailphirie, This is ' what's:
raising all the smokethis week.'
The smoke.' helps trace 'the' air
movements; which in turn :affect
the 'lake ..currents.',
' Kytoons -/a 'sort 'of cross be
twee'n a ;kite • and`a , balloon
will '`be- released front the ship
on: cables. They,, wi11 ` carr,'y''radio:
instruments to transmit' inforhia-
•tion back . to. the.. ship'..on' air
temperatures; humidity, ' .etc.
The water to be ,discharged
back into.the lake from ,the , nu-
clear plant will be . used• to • con-:
dense the steam used' to drive the,
turbines.,It is taken from ..the.
lake and:passed•, through the ,con -:denser, where it cools ,the stean?•
bat in the process' its •own ternp-
erature goes 'up a few 'degrees.
It isthen,•returned in an..oper
cycle t� the lake. r
The present' ,study is one of
thermal' pollution only the .ef-'
feet: of heated water. But at the
"nine' time plant and •animal life
'n• the lake will be checked to
establish their present ratur,al•
level, of radioactivity.
•Th'e r esuli;s ••`carr w be compared,
�ti.tl•• those prevailing. following
•operation Of _the plant,, •
• This°.will disclose any unusual,
'build-up in• radiation..
The longer-term 'study of:. plant.
and•anim;al life is expected to be
..tainted . o..,..' • .
Yers. .,..: 'Otter , < , , threectehsi`ve sant lint of • the
Take bottom will be done for
Several miles on either' side. of
Douglas Point. ti.. •
eird" Vests
uclear Plant.
The Port Dauphine is operated
by DOT. As well as being an
integral part of the Douglas Point'
project, it 'is the heart of the
institute's longer-term e&tensive
research . work over the entire
Great Lakes. Last .year the ship
cruised '16,000 miles iri, its investi-
gations. It can operate through-
out the year. • .
The institute was • formed in
May of last year by U. of T. Pro-
gram directors are all 'members
of the staffs of 'Ontario .univer.
cities and.. of ,the meteorological
branch of DOT and the. Ontario
y ;:ars ago and since, ' that time
nave been active' in community
,affairs, particularly in . the or-
ganizations of the United Church.
While here Mr. McGuire success
fully operated the Surge Milker
sales .and service business, which
was sold • to his former. employees;
at the end of last month.
The McGuire family will. be ,a
distinct loss to this community,,
but will carry with them the
.good wishes of many friends, to.
their new 'home in Whitby. •
A group of friends, gathered'' at
Reavie's cottage ,at Bruce Beach.
for a turkey dinner in honour.
of Mr. and Mrs. Mcd0re.
During the evening, Mr. and
Mrs. ' McGuire were presented
with •0 coffee table.
• • -Advance-Times;
Water Resources Commission.; ;
The: research. 'staff and equip=
Celebrated Her
• me'nt are available for special
municipal, association and comp •
any projects � as well. . '
Birthday., 88th
But the institute , has, .a 'much.
broader objective
The lives 'and activities of some.
30 million' people are closely tied
to the .lakes. They use them as
at• source of water for. municipal
and industrial purposes, for Pow-
er, transportation and recreation,
as a convenient place to 'dump
waste, . and for commercial fish-
"We see a growing. need for'
regulation of these uses . if-
-..'the—,quality ofthe, water. is to be
maintained",' "says. Deane , .. c
By' the year 2000 :it is conceiv-
able that twice as many ';people,
will be' living in this area.
The. :big : .question. is this:
• Cart the. Lakes supply.. all ..the
needs of , this many• people?-
• It la -the .purpose of the Insti-
tute by 'that time' to ' know ' suf
ficient .'about the lakes so that
regulations':can be fdrmed which
I will produce the desired effect.
without upsetting the balance, of
a .
Mr and .Mrs:: Lovell McGuire:
andtheir. six • children moved•, to
Whitby, .last. Saturday.
Mr..McGuire, who ,has been re-
ceiving' training' with,. the : Can
adian ;Tire :Corporation for the
past ,few, months, will manage.
the Whitby C.T.C.. store for its•
present owner. This store is • ore
of . the . newest ..and most up-to-
date• of itskind in -"Canada.
Mr. and '.Mrs: cGuire''moved
to • Wingham , from Ripley. •. ten -
After' ; spending • ,the summer'
months ,at his home in Amberley;
Mr. Mervyn Courtney returned
,to Kingsville on Wednesday to
continue teaching in' .the High
School there 'when the 'fall' term
• Mr.' and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey,
Brenda, .• 'Marsha <'and Mark en-
-j oyed—a
nj,oyeda —weeks—vacation
puscasing with' Mr; and' Mrs:'
Morris 'Humphrey and family,
A generous • donation was re=
ceived recently by Pine. River
United .Church ,from the Masonic:.
Lodge in •Lucknow together with
a 'd dation. ;frs rri Rev, J ;.0 -Hut-
ton. A .beautiful` table . was par;
chased . which • adds :to the •ap
pear:ance of the vestibule .of the
church: • .
Students, are . once' again . pre-
paring to , resume ''their ,studies
as;the . fall ,term opens After an
eventful:.;hciliday in happy camp
life and ` part time work.' for the
simper months,they are looking
forward to hew studies, new tea-
chers arted new :friends. At;:A'sh=
field and # iolyrood. beautiful
schoolshave been ` erected during
the .;sure mer •,which should be :a
source of " interest with : modern
conveniences and : pleasant • sur-
• •The sympathy, of the .comma
nity goes out to the fa,riiily' of
Mr.. Samuel Bradley who passed
away in Toronto on Friday after
an illness of:'iome months': dura-
tion: Mr. John Bradley Of Ash=
field and Messrs; Elmer and., Wil-
fid Bradleyof "Toronto'. are .tiro:
.r ,
thers of Mr. ' Bradley.:'
Mr. Alfred Clark of Toronto
retie wed acquaintances over the
holiday week -end and visited
,with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smelt-
zer and other friends. After an
absence of twenty-five years' he
noted ' many ' changes in
neighbourhood where he worked
for a number of years;
Miss • Iva Smeltzer spent holi-
days with Mr. and Mrs, James
Mills of, Weston last' week. Mr,,
and Mrs.. Mills are currently visit-
ing • the Eastern provinces.. •
Mrs. T. Bell who . has been
'hospitalized for some weeks' re
turned home from Kincardine •
hospital on Saturday..
•Mr. and Mrs.: Ebner' MacKenzie,
Miss,' Dianne Jamieson of Luck -
now and. Miss Janette Lowrey of
Lurgan motored to Orlando, 'Floris
da •. :to visit . with .Mr:: and; .Mrs.
Roy Laine, Mr, Canner-bn i aine
whovisited.• with relatives in
Lochalsh a id,vicinity returned to
his • home . 'with them.
• Mrs Cliff Geddes, was success-:
f ul • in •winning a.' prize for cookies
at Toronto ,C.N.E. • where there.
was-,a—large—nurnb-er-O entries.
• A happy .event took place at
the ,home' of Mr. and Mrs.. Alvin
Thompson of. Kincardine Town-
ship on: Sunday; September 3rd
when 'Mrs. William, ..Hooey was
an honored guest She Will .attain
her: eighty-eighth ',birthday on
September •10th• but :the occasion
•was celebrated ':a•,week.previous
owin to the holiday week=end
when relati,{J/(,es were home to en-
joy the daywith her., Mrs, Hooey
•has eight. great, ,' grandchildren
who.were•also ;'present for.' he oc-
casion. Our best wishes for .many
.happy• returns are 'extended to
this grand lady who is an •.in-,
,sp'ira.tion to her many friends.
Lynn and Lloyd Campbe'lh as
sisted in. Ross Shiells' Store last
Mr and ' Mrs: Cliff Geddes and
family enjoyed a ,picnic with Mr.
and- Mrs: Floyd, Johnston of Kin-
cardine and Mr. 'aridMrs.. Jo
stop of Lucknow ori. Sunday at
Kincardine beach. .
'Rev., J. C. Hutton spent a' few
days in Whitby' ' last . week.
It was .with regret that friends. •
of Miss. Margaret Couseus, laugh- . .
;ter of Rev.' and Mrs. Couseus, ,
learned . of her .death -.after an
illness of many . months. Miss
Couseus was - a missionary in • .
Japan: She' attended . Pine River
United Churchwhile. on vacation:
at their summer home .at, Point'`
S`' .. .
The 'following Holstein breed-
ers ' in Huron County, are listed . a'
to compete at the London Fair: k+ :
Edward 17.. Bell; Blyth; James "
M' Bradley; Amberley,; .'Allister
Broadfoot, Seafo� h, W lime
Clutton and Wm. ' D. Clutton,'
Goderieh, "Howard : Feagan,. Gode-
rich; Huron 'County Herd,'
ton; Huron County Holstein ,Club, '.
Goderich • H ftron Cottnty Home,
Clinton;' Ross- Marshall, ,Kirkton:;
Reginald McKiel; Cli rALo.•ti;•_Peter
Simpson, '.Seaforth• William ` J.
Storey; Seaforth; Wm J.. 'Storey,
Seaforth. i
Aubrey Toll will be
ring: with his horses.
Bruce`. County Holstein breed
ers .listed as competitors are.: •
Harvey Ackert and.. Soh,' Kin:
cardine; Bruce County Holstein.•.
Club, Kincardine; Gordon Far -
tell., • Kincardine; Cecil A. .Ho1
.land' Kincardine;J, H.; .'.Inglis'
Walkerton,'' Wilfred Inglis,' Pais- :.:
ley:,Russell J. Litt, • Walkerton
,William MacRawand, Walkerton;
Peter Moyer, James
T: Needham,' Ripley:.
Emke.: Brothers,:: Elmwood, will
show Oxford: Sheep and R. J..:'
Munro: of: Hanover,: will show"
light' houses. •
,' •
"There goes 'that blonde nurse:,. • .
She's so conceited that 'when she
takes yourpulse she. subtracts s ,..
five for her: Personality."
The thrilling and.. colourful
spectacle of . the , RCMP Musical.
Ride villi leadline'Western Fair's
all 'star grandstand ,performance
this year• The Mounties •0141 ap-
pear September 8th to 16th, af-
ternoon ' 'and evening, with the
exception of , Wednesday and
'Thursday afterttoonsr September
13th` arid 14th„'. -,
Here are the 32 scarlet etad•
riders and, their coal. black Icor.
ses being inspected before the,
start of the ride by RCMtP
speetor, Joseph . G Downey.
Advance saletickets are avail
able at The Lucknow Sentinel.'