HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 9EISDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1961 ROY N.'BENTLEY' ' BLIC PU ACCOUNTANT GODERIC#I►: ONTARIO. .Box 478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 A.M..HARPER Atm COMPANY .. ,. THELUCKIV.OW SENTIN'ELa ZttTCKNQW',; ONTAII O . t. Clayton' Meyer and; family, who last week moved to; ",1'eeswater.. We are .sorry to: lose this family, from the community but glad they are not far , away.. They' were pres,errted witha step table and lamp. On Tuesday Harold Stewart. • Chartered Accountants., • 33 Hamilton St. • 'GODERICP '•ONTARIO Telephone,: JA .4-7562 ,ACTESON, , D•.C''.. (Doctor. of Chiropractic) • Wroxeter, Ontario Telephone 'Wroxeter 210-r.-1 ri 4�0 Monda •Friday-' Hours�l0�-to . y Monday, Tuesday, .Thursday Evenings; 7 to 9, A R. DU 'VAL D C., Sp:C. Chiropractor physio •and.'Electro Therapitt •Y Wingham - Phone 300 (Office located.in •former ' CKNX .building on ' the ., M:ain ;' Street) INSURANCE '• FIRE,: . WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE 'AND.. LIFE.. To. Protect. Ybur Jack, Insure With Jack'; Today. J. A'McDONAGH' .Phone 306, Lucknow STATE FARM 'MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE; Investigate'- Before Investing 'REUBEN *OLSON R:R ;3,*.Goderich' ;.. `Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon • R. W. ANDREW Barrister : and: Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO :IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday • and Saturday .Afternoon. Office in the .Joynt Block Telephone. • • Office 135 Residence 31-J CULROSS. CORNERS W a are glad to report that ,Mx.; James Wraith was able to be brought 'home . from; Wingham Hospital' on Sunday..^ On Thursday evening afare .4•• had a cast put on his hand in well ,party wasstaged in. .the 8th Kincardine Hospital. con;, school for Mr, and•: Mrs. The school bells areagain heard throughout the land. Mrs,. Stewart Armstrong of Bervie has charge of ;out' academy this year. New beginners : are Lois, Wall & Debbie Haldenby. The children who 'attended No. 3, Kinloss on the . 10th . Con. are, being, , trans- ported by bus .'and will attend the Holyrood ,Central • Public School when it is completed. Un- til it, is ready, 4. of the old schools •willbe. used. Kendra Donaldson began her classroom education at the beginning of, the term. Miss . Brenda, Haidenby . began her Grade 9 .studies. at the •Luek- now District High •School while Larry Lamont/'is continuing his learning at the Wingham District High 'School. •• ' • We • extend a welcorrie to' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Benedict and family, Georgetown,' who• pur- chased the farm of Mr.'. Clayton Meyer and moved in last week.I Mr. and • Mrs. M. Bell andboys' 0f -Tor• -onto, spent last week.wwith• MacKenzie f •. N,e.wrial Cha Chapel Vie. FUNERAL SERVICE, • Services conducted accord- ing. to your wishes at your Hame, your Church, or at • our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge, .Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or' Night HETHERINGTON,. Q.C. Barrister, ,Etc, Wingham and Lucknow • IN 'LUCKNOW • Monday and Wednesday Located in Kilpatrick Block, 'Phone Wingham 'Office. 48 • 0 ' Residence'. 97 IMPERIALI01L PRODUCTS for prompt .service; ' and quality products, ,contact: •, GRANT CHISHOLM • 1h04 , Ctiilect Dungannon Or. 10 Lucknow , JOH NSTON E' FUNERAL .HOME Phone 76 Day or Night USE OF FUNERAL : HOME Atm_lYQ_Fxtra , ;Cost _� Moderate 'Prices. ' Established 1894 WINGHAM . .�RI'A H..,P��. MEMORIAL,. . S O We Have. .Been Memorial , • Craftsmen • for Thirty -Seven ' Y.ears, .,Alw.ays.;_..Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With '. in- n• Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable .. Cemetery Lettering a 'Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone• 256, Wingham,$ Ontario.. G1 ALAN WI LLIAMS, Optometrist Office on Patrick St.,. just. off .the Main• St.'in .WINGHAM Professional. Eye Examination Optical Services For 'appointment ' Please Phone 770, Wingham K: J. ,MacKENZIE, 'O.D Optometrist • NOW IN 'RIPLET EVERY .WEDNESDAY Office Hours•;10.00 'a m 'oto 9:06 Phone Roy, MacKenzie, Ripley 96-r-24 for appointment. R. W.BELL OPTOMETRI.ST GODERICH F T Armstrong Consulting Optometrist •' . The Square (Phone JAckson .4-7661) LUCKNOW DISTRICT • CO=OPERATIVE INC. Phone, LucknoUr 71 • ' TED COLLYER ' Registered Master Electrician 'ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTOR Mr.° and Mrs. Ernest Hanna and. boys Visiting -at. the same'home: were. Miss Joyce., Hetherington, R,N., of, London. and; Mary Lou Thompson, 12th Con. •Culross. -Callers at the home of Mr.'. &` Mrs.. James' Wraith., on Sunday were``Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wraith, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs,: Murray Aimer; and. ,Mr.and,. Mrs.'•Fred 'Ajmer of7Weston: • Mr. and ' Mrs: Ralph•: ,'Goese.l: and...Susan, .' Kincardine, L . were Sunday evening Visitors of Mr. and .•Mrs.Torn: Stewart and boys Miss Marie :Becking ' . has gone to Galt where: she will, teach: for the `coming year... • Mr. 'and `Mrs: Alex :,Steuart and family, Kincardine, spentMon- day with, Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Ste- wa'rt Specializing in Electric Heating; Electric Wiring and Repairs and • All electrical Appliances "Always Look To Imperial Phone 208-r-25, Lucknow. For The Best" • • • 10 • Denny . Kirkland: • spent' :the week -end with John' McCharles• Marjorie Alton ' has entered training ':.in Wingham . 'Hospital.; School opened again with Mel- vin •Ritchie.` and Bill Wilkins as new ,beginners.: Mr. and Mrs... Chester.• Tvvarn- r. 1.14 SH The Ashfield; North School is ready for; 'school opening. The official opening will be held in the near future. Holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Frank. MacLennan: are 4their grandchildren .of Toronto, Congratulations are in order for those from this district who cap- tured so many : prizes, at Ripley and -District. flower .show. Mrs. Ewan MacLean, , Mrs.; Lorne Lu- ther and Mrs. Dan MacLean and Mrs. Dave Elphick. • Visiting, Mr. and • Mrs. , Dan MacLean are their .grandchildren Lexie ' and Duncan .MacLean.. of Collingwood: •' Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae & family, Mrs. Cook are busy 'mov- irig onto the farm recently pur- chased from Mr. and Mrs George McGillivray. .Mrs. Duncan Farrish and child- ren spent the past, • week in De- troit with her parents,_ Mr. arid Mrs,. Robert Johnstone. :. Mrs. Kenneth Farrish ' spent Sunday in Toronto With her daughter, . Muriel who .is 'a .pati- ent in the hospital. Sympathy of the 'community is extended' to jack. Bradley •in } ley.. and Allan, Mrs. ,Janet Twam 'ley. visited for the.week-end with Mr. and' Mrs.' Wi11, Ritchie Mr,: and M.rs Ken Laidlaw & girls of ,-London .visited ' with. Mr. and Mrs. • George Hunter for •.the week end:• • Mr....and Mrs. Watt 'Webster and Mr: and Mrs., Mel; Webster, Mrs.. Elmer Webster, Mrs:' Jessie Web- ster visited:Sundag.•'evening. with. Mr. and ::Mrs. Will Ritchie. Sunday school will, be at 1.0:15, and church at' 11:15 fbr`the month of September. • • FURNACE OIL, ;•''.,STOVE OI1L, KEROSENE,. GASOLINE See or call •VVM. A.. "BUD", HAMILTON ' { - Phone 220-W .Lucknow District Agent for Cities SerVice :r. the: death of his 'brother �n Toz• ronto, • Mr. Oliver'. Barkwell enterta in- ed a number of friengs and rela•- tives over the, i.,.eek end. Those; • from a distance were Mr. . and Mrs. Harold! Button and family of • Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and family, Mr. Jack Bark- well and: Mr. andMrs. Frank Barkwell, .all of Toronto. Has • Written Phonetic Alphabet John ] . of . East Douglas; Mass., wasagi11 . •a recent visitor at Lochalsh with his sister, .'Mrs-. George McGillivray, ' ,and his niece, Mrs. Oliver M,Charles. Mr. • Magill is 800 years; old and' is presently devoting. much , of his time to the promoting and de- veloping of a ;Phonetic' Alphabet, An interesting 'article appeared in the Worcester (Mass.) Sunday. Telegram tarring a picture and story of Mr, Magill and his work. Space prevents us from carrying' the article completely. Mr. Magills: comments, "With the standardization of. ' spelling, our language would become more universal. Foreign students •woul'd . not have to'struggle to learn •the• language, • but ,the greatest ad » our Mild vanta g �e•-•w-ou-ld— go--to ren: In his alphabet:. are 41 •char- actors, each conveying:.a; sound. He believes' that the young •child today in, scl•% oi. must learn . lois, words through repetition. By learning how to spell' phoneti- cally; the child t?v.ould build his:• own wordsand should: possibly ach.ance-••-h-im'• si* nonths- to -a• , Year .ahead in primary grades •12r.. 'Magill has been highly commended for. his . work , and: efforts . by learned 'men' in edu-' cationai circles. Pedlar :Barn and Stable • Equipment McKEE WATER... BOWLS DAILY SERVICE'' . CUT COST and LABOR .: L • SOYBEAN MEAL CONCENTRATES .BALANCED FEEDS ILL FEEDS CHOPPED' FEEDS I D� CORN 'DRIED, MOLASSES • MI$EIALS & WORMING PELLETS ./ BarbWire., Steel Pons • • S•ot chtel and • Y. • Lucicnow .Branch, . Pbone' `l$. "THERE S. A NEW LIFE..FEED FOR EERY 1 ETsi3'1 Ltd. , •