HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 4• PAGE • FOUR THE LVCICNOW :SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. �s WEDNESDAY', SEPT, 6th, 194, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RA1''ES First Inse><tion 2c Per word, minimum:charge; 50c- Repeat Insertions, 1 %2 c per word,. minimum 40c.• Notices, .Cards of Thanks and Coming Events,minimum 75c, In ;Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The :,Sentinel. Billing charse of 10c for each bill 'rendered.. FOR SALE FOR SALE 1VicClary frig .'in good condition. Apply Mrs, Dun can . MacConnell, Lucknow. PUPS (FOR SALE two collie • •PuP.s. Pat MacMillan, R.. 1, 'Luck-' • now. ' . PIGS FOR' SALE '.- .50 weaned. pigs.; Jelle de=gong,. R.R;; .6,.. Luck- now;'. phone ' 26-r-11, 'Ripley. • ;FOR SALE =- . 4 Durham heifers,' bred Hereford, due', soon. .Bili' Button,Lucknow, .phone 58. ' FOR SALE -7;55 Pontiac, 4 -door, 6 cylinder, real good .shape, new tires. Barry Burgsma, . R.R. 1, Po'r't Albert, . phone 2.3-,,r=1, ' Dun- gannon.. . jrARDWOO:1D-FOR a =- • et livered by the truck- - load. IC 011 tact • Alvin Hamilton;: Rk. • 3, Lucknow, phone &8 r=17, - Dun- annon. FOR SALE 7 quantity : of Gene, see: wheat, grown from certified seed, ' 14% moisture test, Will • make good seed, averaged :!63 bushels '.to:. acre.: Albert Cook, R: 3, Lucknow: FOR, .SALE =-- kitchen's cupboard .°unit, '6=feet long, complete with sink; electric rangette with oven control;.,:als o' fresh : corn. Apply :Mrs. Bryce 'Elliott; phone 255, • 'Lucknow. WINTER (HUDSON) BARLEY Contracts ".a,ailable: Elliott's Seed • Mill, Lucknow •WESTERN FAIR TICKETS -mad vance sale,• available • at The • Lucknow. Sentinel.' SERVICES AUCTION SALE. AIlan Maelntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow Phone ,209;r-41' FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs ,to 'all makes of vacuum` cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone •Hensall 696-r-2. • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef ' and pork soldin. any quantity. Custom butchering in Government ` licensed .abattoir. •Pigs : every Tuesday.. Beef from •:Monday : through Thursday. , ' BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET ' MORTGAGES _ First and Second mortgages' arranged anywhere,; in ' Ontario. DELRAY INVESTMENTS =450-7A-4Wilser-Avc... IVIS -3-23 _Downsview, 'Ontario• TAI.3 E CLOTH Paper in ` Tolls of 100 feet' long and, .a yardwide, suitable. .for banquets, picnics &, any catered 'Heal, 'The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, . Lucknow:' RUBBER STAMPS' of all kinds, made to your specifications; are available at The. Lucknow Sen tmel, phone'. 35.. SEPTIC TANKS' .CLEANED Septic tanks, ; cess pools, etc., pumped . and ; cleaned ' with mod- ern equipment: A1l:. work guar- anteed, Louis Blake, R: 2 Brus- sels, phone 442 w..-6; r• CEMENT,s•STEEL, TIRES, WOOD.. HILROY •School Supply . line, pens, ' notebooks, '.ink, three,ring, 'exercise books and: refills,'.scrib biers, etc. available; at The Luck now Sentinel,: phone 35,:Lucknow: T SPECIAL BARGA?N PRICES on 750,14 first line•white sidewalls 760 -15'6 -ply, first line, less. than'; ?%z .price; also. some • 900.-20 10 • Ply; 825=20 1Q -ply;. 750-20 10 -ply; and 10 x 38 first ' line tractor tires; also. 650-16: 6 -ply: No phone calls: Come and visit W. J.:Mac- Donald, Kintail OUR DISPLAY RACK of card- boards and :bristois• has all col- ours, and all prices' from 10c. a sheet" to 20c a sheet. The Luck now Sentinel, phone 35, Luck 'For lowest; prices • on cement, steel roofing, tires,• see' us. Agent for . St. Marys. 'cement. and East= •erri:•Steel. products.' Hard wood. .slabes by the truckload We. specialize in 'tractor ' tires. Fresh: .cement. 'on :hind.' at :all • times( Bruce MacMillan; •.Luckriow FOR CASH SALE -- 'two story !►UTO tOT1VE Mechanical . and body repairs,' glass; . steering and wheel bal- ' ance ",Undaspr.'ay for rust pre- venation.. DAVIDSON'S ' , Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone Goderich. WHITER ASHING' Barris. and Poultry 'Houses COMING EVENTS' SPARE RIBS. and KRAUT Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Night At "The: Commercial Hotel,, Formosa: BAKE SALE SATURDAY, The ladies of St. Peters Angli- can Guild are sponsoring a Bake Sale on ,Saturday,. September,. 9th at 3• p.m. in the basement of the Town Hall, in. Lucknow. TEEN :TOWN DANCE The, .first Teen -Town dance ° for' this, season will be held. Friday, September 8th at. the Legion Hall, Lucknow', at .8:30. Emmer- ton's' Orchestra will be in : atten dance. ANNIVERSARY' GATHERING • Friends and neighbours are:•in- vited to . attend a complimentary social gathering • in 'the Reids• Corners Community Hall on Fri day evening, September '15th in honour of the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. George :McDonald, ' Ripiey. . • NOTICE FOR REN1 APARTMENT FOR RENT -heat- ed. Apply Anderson Apartments,, Lucknow, phone 163: ' ug. Added Rain, Eight Storms TO July's record rainfall,. the month of August added another 4,71 ; inches of rain to:maintain TENDERS . the pattern of an unusually wet sprung .and summer, August rainfall Was by ,no Township • of Kinloss 'Tenders for Whitechurch, Water System Sealed 'tenders ' addressed ' to the Township clerk, Mr. J. R, Lane,, R.R. 2,' .Holyrood, Ontario; willbe. received ,until 8 p.m. ;on Tuesday, •. September ' 19th, .1961, for the construction • of 'a concrete reservoir, the pump house and .installation. of a •pressure and ••water distribution system. in .the Village of Whitechurch. Plans • and •specifications: may 'be : obtained from the clerk's of- fice . or the office ;of the under- signed.. • . , ' , k ' for A .certified check , 10% of the total bid" must accompany each: tender. " .. Lowest' 'or. any tender riot nec- essarily accepted. B. M. Ross,. P. •Eng., 'Consulting. Enganeer-Box 69.9,;•Goderich, 'Ont. CARO:OFTHANKS Hunters' Safety , Training Course will be held at:IL.D.H.S. on: Tuesday, 'September • 12th 'at 8 o'clock. This :course is• essential'. before you', can purchase a gun licence: Anyone 'wishing' to take this :course • sho'uld ; contact Bill '.Hunter,'•: ••Lucknow ` or . Walter I Breckles, Kinlough. WANTED WANTED - Model A.„r'oadster.or roadster pickup, or '?, any condi-, .'Coritact Ezra Stanley,, in- Ii lough, phone' Bervie•, 23,71 'WANTED- work. by the'month. Apply in person ; to .Nellie Smith at home :of. 'Fred Guest, Kinlough., WORK, WANTED .~ L by the 'day, any • type. Apply . to •Mrs. Harry. Wall,• Lucknow; i. . WOOD '.WANTED •. 0 cords dry hard wood, 'tree run. Wing= ham Memorial Shop, `:phone 25,6., APARTMENT. *WANTED - . •'for elderly couple; must be:; heated. 'Phone,94 r-3,,'Dungannon: •• POULTRY. AN,D. FEATHERS`. WANTED ; best . prices at your door.. • A ..Brown; ' Kincardine, :phone 181. after :6'• p.m. SALES 'HELP' WANTED, MALE MVMEN WANTED Good,opening; Sell • Rawleigh Products.' Year= round, steady. work, good .pro- means a record:butt 'it came: in "scattered showers" and• occasion - I al , cloudbursts: to keep haxvest. operations .off balance. all . month; There' : were eight electrical storms' during the month. .The Official weather observer sums' it up this way, ""Everyone else `knows the test, 'especially the farmers." High. temperature .for the month •was 87 degrees_with a low of 44. Speaking of rain#all, 1VIr:' Greer notes: in the. records' • there was 7:83 inches of 'rain in, 'September, 1912, and ' he 'well''• remembers - what it did to harvesting,' opera tions tha. t year... And if .memory "serves 'him, there' were some sev- ere : electrical storms that year, ,with two Ashfield barns struck the:. same 'night •=- one was • the:. McIntyre barn at Ashfield Church ,` an Tthe they -the: Wiley ba -mon---_• the: Bluewater. ; • Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bo, wis to' acknoWledg e .With • heartfelt thanks the many' kind acts and expressions • of .sympathy . extend- ed them• in the loss" of their n fent son, and to thank. those who remembered : Shirley; and the, ba= by with messages of. good *wishes 'following • his .birth: •• • :Brown, Smyth and' Mrs. Bessie. 'Stewart wish to express their sincere • thanks' and. 'appreciation to• friends -and neighbours for the 'lovely.gifts .and spcial.'evening in: their honour' 'lasit week. These kindnesses' will long ong� be'remem- bered'tnd serve to strengthen the bonds 'of friendship which . they. have enjoyed. for solong. , IN:MEMQRII,M cleaned, disinfected and white- , fits.. Write Rawleigh's Dept., i washed. Carbola spraying for 11-271-137, 4005 Richelieu, Mon= apartment, plate glass front, case- flies if desired For. prices 'phonetreal. roe w P nt windos ustairs; satin fin- " 3.f . M. •Baek'er, Collec t 95 or .'B'ox. 138,0 Brussels. ,/'ish hardwood floor„on firs floor; good basetnent With. stone ' walls acid cement floor; could' be . con- verted. into 'several lovely apart- ments; good .stairway. to second: floor,'. water,., ,hydro, and toilet installed. Apply to (Miss) .Eliza- beth Henderson,: Lucknow; .phone: 60R. • VICTOR-McCASKEY, 'Smith 4 b-• rona, Eemington Rand typewrit- era, ' adding .machines. and 'cash registen 'MAY be obtained through. The Lucknow, Sentinel at best prices, phone 15, Lucknow.. CHECK THIS BUY YEAR. BOOKS for L.D:H:S: are now available. For your conVeni- ence we will ;be open • • through the noon hours this week, Take advantage of this time to :pick STAPLER, ideal for . school,. ol, .h ome or office, opens' for tackingand binding, only 69c . PLUS , 1.000 staples. FREE •with• every stapler. The Lucknow 'Sentinel, ,phone. 35 up your school year book and select your requirements in school •supplies. The Lucknow Sentinel, HURON Phone 35, Lucknow, AUTO' WRECKERS COUNTER • CHECK `BOOKS -we sell thein singly, or inr�, quantities and take orders for Books Speci- "ally', sprinted to yourrequire- , merits, For ,prompt ' • service, phone 35, The LucknoW Sentinel. TYI*EWRITTER RIBBQNS Typewriter ribbons for any make of machine. are now avail-. able at the Lucknow 'Sentinel; No matter' what the *machine,. we. `hare the • ribbon. Phone 35, tuckriowa Phone 167-30, Ripley' 56 Buick, automatic, 'excellent, condition. 53 Ford, radio. 53 -Meteor 54 ..Nash Rambler, .54" Dodge,' radio.' 49 Austin; good shape. 51 . Chevy Good' 15 and '16 Ind). tires, 115atteries Tires Body Repairs ' JACK) 'McGUIRI,, Free: HELP WANTED, MALE'.,, LOCAL MAN REQUIRED • I•,need a representative for my firm 'iii. this••area. The openingin this ,area Mak be. worth' •up to $8,000 yearly for',„•the right man. Can you. make Short auto trips? Full or part time Work. Can you call on Rural, Town and City !dwellers? ? ,Are you prepared ared p P to start at:Once? ore. iWrite Sales Manan ger, B0x • 81.7, London, :'Canada. 'ILRAY� FARMS RMS ABATTOIR • IiOLYROOD The home of choice .meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB in Any, .qu'Antities Schneider's Cured Meats s' WE ALSO DO CUSTOM KILLING' ' and hang your meat in ,modern coolers as long as desired,.' Pigs on Tctesday, s and cattle every day. No appoint etit,, necessary: ItAY? ARD. ACKERT.: ' 101443, Lucknow DURNIN' _ In loving memory of a 'clear •h•usband, father and: grandfather Samuel, :Durnin who passeo�iaway September. `9th, ;195'7: Many a qday' his, name is spokerr, Many ;an • hour she , is in. .our thoughts, A" link. }in . our family' chain .1 broken .. . He is ;.sone from 'our home, but not' from our thoughts. Fondly: remembered . by wife and all the family.`'• DESTOCK VICE Highest Cash Prices 'Paid •,: for :Sic � k, Down or •� Disabled Cows & . Horses:' also Dead Cows and ; Hors s at• Cash Value Oldoper h rses 4c o pound GORDON TAYLOR • Ph.• Collect 44-r-24,., Lu ckpow R.R. '2 Lucknow Licence service e nc e .o.C6 e N. -.. 68 •� 1 ouw #041hulnmlhmita o HainiIlip W. A. "BUD" HAMILTON HEAT) IVG OILS - GASOLINE OTHER ,FARM PRODUCTS PH.220 X14/ -LUCKNOW THE .WEST WWANOSH MUTUAL :FIRE INSURANCE CO Head Office,. I ungainnon Established '1878' • BOARD OF DIRECTORS . , President . Brown : Sm y.th, . R. ':2,` (Auburn; • Vice:Pres.,. Herson' Ir- win, Belgrave, Director's, 'Paul Caesar,. R. 1,Dungannon;, George C. Feagan, Goderiich; Ross Mc` Phee, R.. a3, ' Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F. Mac 'Lerman, R,. 3 ' Goderich; Frank Thompson, R. 1,' 'Holyrood; Writ 'Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For Information . on your ;in- surance call your' nearest direc- tor who is also an agent,; ot` this :secretary; Dun!, n- tar 1111 s Durni 1'h n y, p garinon,, phone Dungannon 4$.• JOXNSTON..MEAT .MARKET .E6S &:B.' REi Weners,Ib. FRONTS OF BEEf,;lb. iC Red and Blue Brands Cut ' and Wrapped'i'ee