HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 3•
WEPNSPAY, .U13t,- 6th,, 1861
, • .
1. •
Snowflake Shorteriin4 27c.
• Sve qc
Margarine. 4 for '95c
Rose Brand..." Save 1 lc
OW.• • •A14.
Ketchup • .2 for 45c
• •
Heinz fresh rack.' 9c ' • • .,
4 ,
. 44
KamLuntheon, ecrti.,. 9c:
.• .•
Tenderflaketard 2 for 35c
Maple Leaf. Save 7c lb. 1 pkgs.
Cooked Hams $1.49
Maple- Leaf. ,Saye 16C 1/2. lb, tiz4
. .
Cake Mixes 2 for .59c..
Pillsbury* Peltce. FhOcOlate, White,
Yellow. Save 15c pkgs.
• .;
••••4/..../..././../.. trls.,"•
Local and General
o -1-S-attend-hr
the School of HorticultUre" •at,
Niagara ralls,,spent the Week -end
at his home. ; • : ' • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob. 'Morton and
ion Ian of North Hay, spent .the
week -end with their parents, Mr.:
and'ArS. Albert •Mortori.
To Fly To Tokyo•
To VisitHer, Son
A former resident of the com-
munity,, Mrs. Wm. A, Alevander
of I)etroit, plans to fly to Tokyo,
Japan, in mid Septerriber to visit
her son, Captain Robert Alexan-
der of the 1.Inited.• States Air
Mr.. ',Alexander is: the forrpeMry 'Picketing of Para mint.'
Her mother,' Mrs..Elizabeth Pic-
keringwho js. in her advanced
eightie, '. resides in Detroit.. She
is a "younger" sister of Mrs.
• Thomas. Burns of town:
Mrs. Alexander's fligh-t .will be
by way of . Anchorage, Alaska,
over the ',top Of 'the, world" to
the Orient,. where her son..and
his Wifeand family, has been
stationed for a year. • I
It was about a .year ago :that
Mrs., Alexander was bereaved by
the death_ of, her' husband, a
semi -retired Detroitlawyer. Just
three' monthS. prevjous ..to. his
death, -he had th.e• Ahocking ex
perienee of •seeing 'his little 4W...
'year-4)id granddaughter, Marilyn
Aumann, struck down and' fatal-
ly injured,by a motor car. They
had just left ehurch when :the
tragedy occurred. ,
While •Mrs, Alexander is in
the Far East; she hope to be ,able
•to arrangea trip to -the Island
The $epternber meeting of -
he Lqcknow and Pistriet
Horticultural Society- will be
beld • • ,
THIS; Tqp.aspAir EYE1N:0Td. •
at 8:00 p.m. •
. •
Illuistrated. TravOloglie'
Russell Allin is a member Of
the Maitland Mile Club of Wing -
ham, . being ,one of the swimmers:
who.passed,the, open swim-a-nile
test at Wingham Monday of
last week at the AquariUm`water
sports,. . • •
Crests were preSented by the ,
• Mayor •of Wingham to the sue-
Cessful swimmers; and Russell Ls.
proudly wearing his badge. on his
swiin : trunks.
Russell is , the son of Mrs. Jes-'
Allin of LUcknow.
: •
Mrs., 'Garnet Henderson, resurn-
Paul Henderson, son o1 Mr. and A• PRIZE EXAMPLE OF : •
Tea prIcs. Ope.ntng
ed 'school,' at Hamilton the first • . . .. • • •
• '
Miss ,Winnifred; Stewart, and
Miss Betty 'Granger. from •Londen
sPerit the Week -end :with Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Stewart. , •
In renewing her Sentinel . Sub-
seriptiori;:Mrs. Lorne S. 'Webster;
Seaforth, says she enjOyS readthg
it very much.• ., •
The Lucknow Wonien's'
tute.rneetng will be :held Friday
Septeinber..8th at 'sharp
in the Assembly • rOom. • Of' the
Town -Hall. , • . • •
Mr: and Mrs 'Clifford ,MacMil-
lan and /children • returned to.
St: ..Catharipes, ;after spending
their vacation with their parentS,.
Mr.. and Mrs: MaelV1111an..
Mr. and Mrs.' Guest Mitchell.
and.farriily have mrived.tO North7.
wood 'Where ,Guestslis employ -ed.
Northwood is:.'near Chatham. Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Morton and Ian,
will' move .shortly to the home
vacated, by the •Mitchell's.
Visliing at" the liame of Mr.
W. L. MacKenzie and Mrs. ,Jessie
Aiim over the. Week -end Were
Mr. and Mrs. LloYcl Shipley, For-
est;. Mrs. GebrgeMair and.datigh-
ter, 'Ruth, Dorchester; and Mr..
and Mrs. Gordon, 'Towle, Van.-
- : /
. LUCKNOW ' ..1.
,.. .1.
11,..,,,qcor4.,'.W.: Si'aPP '
, . :. •,, Minister • .-.. • -.., ''.•
SUNDAY, SEPT.. lotiit
a.th..: alireh''SchOO.,:
•"11;00 aari, kerning Worship
I- ':;.:''' •• 1.11Ckl.11011V'... . '. 1
• 'Presbyterian Ctitirch .1
, , , , .. ..
R'. Roderick Roderick MacLeod
; Minister'. •
SPNDAY,•SEPt 1.0th
110:01).*a.tsr; IStindd
.11:110.4..M. 'Morning WOrship
P •
Miss Lorna Carriphell ,:of Tor -
oto is holidaying. in • Winnipeg
and Nancoiper..' She flew." from
.Maitori ,on Thursday- evening,,
stopping at Winnipeg from where'
She continued,. her flight to . the
coast. • .•:
• gr, and Hugh. Curning,.
Gloria and'Hillie visited Sunday
With her parents, Mt. and Mrs:
Charles Steward, who returned
With them :having sPent the past
three': weeks in ,London where
Charlie Was a patient in Vittoria
Hospital for .18 days, •
est. Jim liackett pif the 'RCMP
has returned to his post at Ches-
ter,: Nova .§cotia, following . a
visit 'with his parents; Mr, and;
Mrs. Wilfred Hackett Of Ash-
field. Jim is completing his Oh
year with the '."Mounties.'"
• •Visitors-. at the liorrie of Mrs.'
Marion •B'fooksfor the week -end
Were. Misses Shirley ''aPcl •Alice
trPoks, Lesa Lachaze., and NOrina
Rafferty,.•Mr. Wayne •Minar, .Mr..
Bert Baldwin and and: Mrs.
Don 'Anderson .01 of 'TbrOnto.
, .
Miss Elizabeth MacKenzie of
Norfolk,' Virginia, was. a' •recent
Visitor with Mri. R. V. MacKen-
zie'and.-.6ther relativek. Miss
MaCKenzie is • a native of Kiri-
loss and a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs.' Peter H:. MacKenr
:.She has for rnanY. years
been engaged. in nursing ser-,
•vice and public, health work in
• • •
Visitors' Oyer the long.' week-,
end. with. Mr. and Mts. Bob Reid
•and • Mr. and 'Mrs. •Kin,gsbUry,
Lucknbw, Were Mrs. E:Chapman
of New , kestinitiSter,,
cari Kingsbury, Kingston Si Doug-
las Kingshury' of. BrantfOrd,
Sunday a .faniily'get together was
held at the hbme of Mr: and Mts..
S'ob' Reid. ThOSe attending were
Mr. and MI'S; Kingsbury of Lia•Ck
tiaW,rMi. arid Mrs. Don Reid and
Brian ;a Luckridw,..Mi., and Mrs4.
/Parker of Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob`Parker, •Jackie and 'Pain of.
Dorchester,4Mr. and lqrs, AUstin'
Nelion 'and two giriS ,of Elora. '
Mr.. and Mrs. Howard Johnston.
and, MarilYri of Port Colborrie,'Mr.
and Mrs'. Merle4ohnston, Sharon
and .Diatme-r-ef 'London; Mr. and,
'Mrs, • Al GuSe arid. Douglas. and
Donald Of London; Mr. arid Mrs.
•tionald Johnston Pt Islington
were: weelcz.erid guests of their
.parents,:. Mr„. and Mrs. P.: M.
Johnston. This brought ail the
.family arid the- 1.2 grandehildren
'together /fOr the first. tinie rn
.14 years, ',With 'the e'x'POPtioll‘.- of
Mr .: aria IVIrL,;. ;taffies SrieIgrPiT,,
(luth)' of Calgary,'%,
The sales tax' impOst that
. .
went into .effect on. Friday ' • • '•
f-Kairshea Hall
:has 'produced some real
Moneys", that must be;Caus-
in,r some red faces and burn,-,
• ing ears at Queen's Park. For
even a politician can scarce-
ly develope immunity to some
of .the'.choice invectives that
have been Voiced bY their en-.
forced .tax collection serfs. •
To sit in.a plush office and
.decide whaton will be ex-
empt and. 'what. not. is pro,.'
ductive"of some 'of the re-
dieuibus situations .that ven:-
dors have to•••.contend'.with.
Marshmallows are used ex-
tensively for•culina.ry Pu•rpos
es. As 'Candy, with a value
exceeding 17c, they would be
taxable. If' they are for. bak-
ing the assumption is that,
•they.wou ein,. he grocery .
classification and net taxable.::
Mr and Mrs .Ralph Mathan
and Jimmy of Blythvisited re-
cently With Mrs. Matilda Grahani.
Mrs: Gordon Ritchie.' has gone
to 'Kincardineas a companion' to
:Mrs. 'Robert Pollock. '
A Harvest Tea and Open House
were held by. the Kaimhea ‘In-.
Saturday afternoon,
and evening 'Marking the :Offieial.
opening of the new. Kairshea
'formerly SS:. 6..SchOolhouse
• •
at • the 6th Concession Which .the
ladies acquired ' a,• few .irionths.:
ago, and have since. painted and:
During:: the day . . Farish
Moffat receiVed, the ; guests, sothe
of whom' were', from ,rieighbouting.
Institutes; and former; school .Stu -
,dents., Mrs. Allister' Hughes, wbo
was in charge .Of registration and
the Tweedsmuir f History Book,
reported, a registration.' of ;110;
. • In the afternoon the District
President; Mrs. Victor Emerson
of Whiteehtirch; Mrs.- .Harvey
Houston, Mrs. ,Belle . Mac lanon.
'and Miss 'Dean fMcLeed, 'poured'
tea. Mrs....George ' Lockha'rtand
Mrs... W. lylacDohalri • pouted,
tea in the..everung. , • ; ."
The hail was ,beaUtifillly. decor-
ated , with late :summer floWers,
for the oocaSion,' and a, well: la-
den bake table. further enhaneed.
the 'setting. •
o erich
Highway8, East of Town
Wed., Thurs.,' Fri., Sept. 6, 7, 8
. .
Brett Halsey, Joyce' Meadows
"The: Girt In .Lovers! Lane"
— Adult Entertainment -4
• • •
• Also In Col -or
"The • Sword and The Dragon'
„ .
Sat, Mon, Tues.., Sept. 9, 11,42
Suzy Parker; Brad Diliman
Sternly HaYderi, Colleen Gray
,.."A419.0W IN THE DUST"
Wed., Thur.,Fri. Sept' 13, 14, 15
Michael Gough and.
June Cunningham
Horrors 01 the Black Museum
Jean Ashley, Judy Fair
Show at Dusk
Children•under42in-cars. FREE -
Playground Rofteshrrients
• Mr, Mr.S. Keith Strapp
'and daughter, Nancy visited Over'
the week -end with Rev. and Mrs.
'IXOWard Strapp, , •
• Mr. and Mrs, George Irwin, •
Pamela, Lynn, .Shawn •and Janet
•of . Windsor 'returned home last
week after -visiting ,with' his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin.
in ,Lucknow. '
MrS. R. H. ThompSor,r arid:Miss
.Helen Thompson returned borne
On Stiriday,dter a flight,' from
Winnipeg to .,Malton., They had
spent the' ,surnmer ' visiting rela-
tiVes in •Varico*LiVer, 'Edmonton &.
Winnipeg,' ."
Mrs. Harvey Houston Spoke on
the Second National, Convention'
and her tripwest on Thursday
night at the Women's Institute
meeting' at Eden Grove; a new
branch in the East Bruce
trict. Mrs. Elliott Carruthers ac-
companied Mrs. Houston to. the
tneeting, •
'Mr,„ and Mrs, William. Neable
and- fainily, .Langside, Mr, arid
Mts. Julius Fisher and Darlene,
Listowel, Mr, and Mrs. 'Gordon
Neable, Brian and Margaret,
Brarripton; Mr. and, Mrs. Morris
Dennis•'and Jeanie, Gorrie and
In Color; also, Ken Curtis In • '
rlialph Wilt, List-owel were en-'
tatairied at the' home of "Mrs.
Jack Wrig}it and Mrs. Matilda
Oraharn on, the occasion of Mr.
ancl''Mrs:. Wi11iain Neable's thirty-
Second wedding armiversaiy,
Ncable „Is the daughter of Mrs.
The Air..
'For Comfort &
:Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 7, 8, 9.
Dan Kaye and Dana Wyitter
"On The Double"
also — "VALLEY OF THE SUN" — plus
"SPORTSMAN'S H041DAY" and a cartoon.
• IA FUll.and Entertaining Technicolor program...
Monday, ,Tueiday, Wednesday, September .11, .12, 13
Bill Travers, Nanc Walter 'and Ed Begley
In 'a swift4i-io-V-in tale of • track 'racers
"i'he Green Helmet"
Also."VVINTER VVONDERLAND" a . cartoon
Thursday, Friday,' Saturday, September .,14, ,15, 16
Double Feature Program
Tina 'Louise and Kerwin Matthews -
"The Warrior Empress"'
My Dog Buddy"
- • • • •
Conling — Gna Lollobrigida Naked hi The
.Adult • Entewriaintrierif
• ., . . . •• . . . : . '••••• ' , •
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