HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 2!t;
Feted By West.
Wciwanosh •
Friends, andneighbours recog-
nized • a lifetime of good citizen
, ship 8,4 neighbourliness, When they
held; a social evening in honour
.Br of
S th his sister, Mrs.
own, my and
• Bessie Stewart,, who, have :left the
farm in West Wawanosh Town-
ship; t� take up a .life of retire -
Merit, in Dungannon.' .
Folk from' the 6th and 9th
Concessions, • as well as other
• 'friends, gathered at the S:S. No. 3
. School last Wednesday, night for
a farewell party. Card playing:
was enjoyed' and during .the ev-
ening Murray. •Wilson read an
expressive address and On behalf
of the- gathering George' Smyth"
made the' presentation of a chair,
a' lamp and a surn of money..
Brown and his sister have re-
sided all. their life in West Wa-
-- first
on 'the 9th Con-
cession and for the past. 51 years
, on their Sixth Concession farm,.
which they soldrecently to Mur-
ray '.Wilson.. .. .
Both .Brown and, Bessie ,attend=
ed S.S. No. 3 school; adjacent tO
the Township Hall 'where Wed-
iiesday's social .was•----held-:--:and
where Brown, in particular, was
no stranger for he met there
many, times as a member Of West
Wawanosh Council and later as
reeve ' of the , municipali'ty.His
municipal : service "culminated -in'
his election • as warden .of Huron
County in .1947, which then mark-
., ed ,only the second time that 'hail-
bnour. had come 'to; West Wawa -
nosh'' •.
Dear Brown arid; , Bessie .
This is a very' pleasant.. gather
ing tonight,. but ' the reason ' for
it, is not all ;pleasure on our: part.
We' are sorry that; 'the',tiine,' has
comeat which you. are no' longer
living ' in our". immediate neigh
How ever... I am sure, you will.
often; recall as we will the plea-
sant o
leasant, neighbourly associations
_which we have all enjoyed' to
gether in the past. We all remern
ber with pride your, achievements
in Municipal Government, 'Brown,
and your kiridrress and help in all
activities, Bess.
It is nice to know • :that you are
not 'so' far .away, but that we will
see. you frequently.
We could .notlet the occasion
pass without, asking youto accept
a remembrance of ,your neighbors
on Concession 6 arid. 9, West: Wa-
Signed ion behalf of, all.
Mrs Emma A. Tiibberi, wi-•
dow of the late Robert Hibben,
passed away in Victoria, Hospital,.
London, last weekgat the : age of
She wag a native of England,.
but a, former_ resident of . the
Whitechurch, Lucknow and Kin
earcdine areas. Burial''was' at Kin-
cardine on. Saturday.-
She is survived, by two daugh'
ters and four sons: Mrs. Charles.
(Emma), MoLean, London; . Mrs.
Francis (Doris) Williams; Bow.
Manville; sons,, George and Jack,
St. Catharines; Harold, Enniskil.
len • Tp. Harry, Hanover and by.
17 'grandchildren,
George Zuk,;''well remembered
for his ability as a• fastball' .pit-
. cher with the Walkerton' team,
hasn't'. hurled 'any ballthis year,
but has 'turned his attention to
horse racing and has applied' to
the Canadian ' Trotting 'Associa-
tion .for a ,driver's' licence.:
Mrs. Keith Black, Kevin and:
'' for a
Gordon. of• •• Ottawa visited .
few days with • her parents, Mr.
arid. Mrs: ' Gordon McPherson.
David' and Freddie returned' to
Ottawa after ' a. summer vacation
on • the' farm.
Labour Day visitors with . Mr.'
arid Mrs:'.Gordon McPherson were:
:Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Thompson,
Benny, and Billy . of Exeter.
Mr:- and Mrs. -George' Stuart
observed their 40th wedding anni-
versary on/ Thursday. 'Congratu-
Congratu-lations! .
Mr. and Mrs. Dari Rose of New'-
market and Mr. and Mrs. David
Gilmour .of Guelph . were week-'
end' visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
;Harvey Webb:;
WEDNESDAY,, SEPT; ' 6th, 190:11
INTERNATIONALCONGL.....AVFI'Minister ALOUnCe� PQrgqzation 20f
execu ive-secretary,44'.the Bruce
Mist Norman MacKay, Ripley, • . • /
Ontario s exon ar
County Tuber�culosis
Is : servingas hostess .on Septem,�. j onda
Ontario s sec Y
her 11t t•• the International
ains tubercu10 is which' "
Union: t � .
is meeting in ' 'Toronto, Septem-
,ber.loth to 14th at the Roya1
York. .Approximately 3,000 de-
legates from 68 countries are. at-
tending this. world-wide confer-
ence on tuberculosis. This marks
the ',first . time- that such a .meet-
ing"has taken.place .on Canadian
:soil ";and the .first' time. e,in 35
e rs that: the conference ha. • een;
'held in North America. Mrs.
John A... MacDonald, Ripley is
also attending . the meetings and
taking .part ,on Monday,. Septem--
ber 11th:
Miss Flora D'urnin ,of Markdale
spent ! a few , days at . home with
her father,. Mr. R. J. Durnin, and'
aunt, Miss Ellen :Durnin:.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Cecil Blake and.
family; Mr. Harold Blake and
Miss Mary:'•Lou' Sterling visited
Sunday with. Mr. and ••Mrs. 'Wm.
Foulds at St: ,'George,. and also
called on Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Hesson; ;Stratford.:
.Mr. and Mrs. B F. Comfort,
St., Cat urines are spending' this
week t the Ranch • home ' ` at
Crewe: .
Visitors for the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan were.
Mr. and -Mrs. ;Bill Atkinson, To-`
ronto, Mr. J. C. Durnin . and Miss.
Jane Schilter, Kitchener..'',
''The Dungannon United 'Church
will observe Anniversary servi.
ces on, Sunday, September 17th
at 11 a.m. and 7:39'p.m: Rev. Geo.
Watt, Oakville, -a former minister
will be .the speaker at both: ser -
:vices. At 'the morning: service he
has chosen for the address, ."The,
Certainty. of 'God", and Mr. Mel
Rev.'Robert G.`MacMillan Who'
resigned as .head of the 'Huron
County Children's Aid 'Society,;
to •accept the pastorate of Knox
Presbyterian by Church, Oakville;, is
being. inducted ' 'into • • the new
charge this y •Wednesda evening.
He is a former minister .of Knox
Church, Goderich.
Teeswater Arena Commission
met recently - to • discuss what
steps may be taken to repair
the arena roof which is, leaking
At the convention' of the Gan-
adian Association of Fire Chief'
. 'a resolutipn was •passed to have
'legislation adopted • to ban "fire-
,' crake's,, bombs • and bangers,"
except when used at anon celeb ' ''
and displays' run•;by.responsible
persons under fire de artme t
P n
Entire cost' of PortEl` fn's 'new
Arena and rinni nitY, Centre
re laci
p •ng the arena which was
destroyed by fire; will be 'about
'S1.00,000. The 'tender for :'the
artificial ice plant, included•.• in
the above. overall cost, is $23,210.
Thompson of Detroit is guest
.soloist. .In the evening the ad-
dress, .is "Dare we Listen.' The
Harboraires' of` Goderich will pro-
vide music. . `
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Campbell
Of London' and Mrs. Robert Wil-
son of ` Goderich; - Miss Clara
Sproul, ° Stratford, visited Misses
Nettie and Rebind Sproul.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson,
Brian: arid. Greg of''Toronto are
having .a vacation ina cottage. at
Port Albert.
Mrs. •rierb Finnigan and •Miss
Clara Sproul accornpanied,th'e for.;
mer's daughter. and 'husband; M'r.
and Mrs:'' Bill. Atkinson to Elmira
and Toronto on a' visit.' `
:Mrs. Thomas Webster, :Mr: Bill,
Bradley, daughter Fay, and his
mother; Mrs: 11, Bradley, made 'a
trip to Toronto to bring home to
Goderich; daughter Brenda, Wh9
•had visited a Wee.k'with.her aunt;
Mrs.` Ken Thomas.
Mrs. Muriel. • Smythe,; Brant-
ford, ; 'andr. 'daughter, Miss`' Jean
.Smythe,. Toronto; were week -end .
visitors at 'the home of Mr. Brown
, . The I)u
reopened Tuesday with .teachers
Mrs. M. Durnin in the Junior
Room :and . Mr. • Ronald. Jewitt,
newly, appointed for. the Senior
Roorn. Mr:` ll:obe•t/Norman who
for .two' years taught • the Senior'
Roorri' is now atten'din,g Tea h ens_rs'
College, at 'Stratford.
Mr. R Obert ' Stothers one day
last week k wh le
Mowing g grass on
Recreational ea i
onal groundsbehind:
his garage, noticed' the ground
cave in a little, & when investi-
gating found it to be an old well.
covered over that was about forty
Census Figures
Little Changed
In the five year period since'
1956, •. the population of ' five.
north-westerly townships in .Bu
ron County and the villages of
Brussels and Bly'th'. have changed
but little. • . • •
-.the overall picture according. to
the' 1961` census figures,, shows 'a
decline, in these seven municipali-
ties of : 158 •.Persons.
There. were increases . in Brus-
sels, Ashfield,. ' and East Wawa
nosh' and, population.'declines in.
the other four municipalities in'
the district, in which "BiSrdorr
Scott ,of Belgrave. was. chief' cen-
sus. officer. With: the receipt of
the population figures, Mr: Scott's
' duties in connection with tl e:ear-'
ly summer census' enumeration is'
now .complete, He says it . was
"an interesting experience!'
The 1961 population:figures ' as,
compared' with . the count five
years ago, are as. folows: •
•1961 1956
Blyth 720.• 757
Brussels : ' • ' 845 ' 782:
,,Ashfield 1686' 1632,
_Grey ' ' 1874 1936
Morris 1583' 1669
East Wawanosh 1.161••• 1140
West Wawanosh 11645 .1176
9034 '.9192'.
feet deep, filled ' 'with ,.water. ,' It
was ..lucky'..to be discovered<by;
an- adult:
'The :United Church .will With-
draw service; this Sunday, Sep-
tember 10% for anniversary ser
vice's at the'•Nile.:
Mr. J. C.: Fingland, Wingham,
spoke at the United Church on,
Sunday morning, giving : a : very
fine address. ' Mr. ; Fingland,.- .a
layman was remembered; supply-
ing before in the. pulpit.•
Mr. Wayne Brown; RCAF,. pilot,
Winnipeg,. was :home for .the week
end with 'his parents, '.Mr and
Mrs. Wilbur Brown.
Mr. and Mrs... Ken Brown, Ann
Arbor, Mich., visited the` former's
parents, ' Mr.: and ' Mrs. Wilbur
Brown. the week before.'
•Tommy and Pamela Koviak re-
turned home after some holidays
in Detroit. They returned to
School 'on Tuesday.
• Mr. Tom -owl
F, er left tfiis week
to teach'at , No. 5 Grey ,Township'
(Duke's School) near. Molesworth.
Mr.' Ernest 'Girwin ' f
r of .Toronto
visited:. kris 'cousin,: Mrs. Mel ,Beed
on Tuesday.
Farewell, ''Presentation
Mr. Brown Smythe y , e and sister;:
Mrs.. Bessie Stewart, ' who' have
retired to Dungannon from, farm-
ing on :the 6th Con.. of ' West
Wawan.dsh Tbwnship were-' hon-
oured' by councilmen, neighbours•,
and friends at the .school :on' the
Sixth numbering Over 100.'The
children' were :entertained 'in the
nearby hall. 'Eighteen tables. .of
progressive euchre were ,engaged
with 'players,: with highest, score
Y g, e
to Dorothy. Taylor and' Ross Er-
rington. • Murray Wilson read :ari
address of .good -will and' to
"Brown and Bessie” the'presenta..
tioii of a •lovely eha•ir' and table
lamp by George Smythe ors be-
half of the community. Mr. Brown
m the
ave .
S Y, gave a response •of ap-
preciation in a - few well chosen
words for this• honor to his `sister,
and himself, We j in • in Wishing
them ..; ..
ha i
s � .
lap their new
, rY school sy7
stem will be re -organized, .on a
three -branch bas's ,with new Pro-
grammes mmes and courses of study.
designed to provide: ;greatly ex-
panded opportunities: for the . de-
velopment of , the full, potential
of •ajl its students, This was ' an-
nounced last week by the Hon
ourable John P. Robarts, Mini-
ster of Education.. ,•
These changes will be imple
mented. one •gradq,` at a time .over
a period of five years coni nenc=-
ing , September, 1962.. Students
beginning Grade 9 this year will
not be ,affected.:
The precise , contents• of the
new programme and -courses will
be .developed, during the next few.
months on the basis of consults=
tions throughout the Province,
with teachers, Univers kY . autho-
rities, educational officials,:' truss
tees, parents, and representatives
of business, industry: and.labour.
School boards will be encour-
aged to organize' their 'secondary -
schools into . three distinct but
equal branches: • (1) Arts; arid,
Science (2) Business and Com-
merce; (3) Engineering, Techno
1;; y : and Trades: •
ggWi each branch; there will ith n c ,
be an' interesting and challeng-,
ing five-year programme ending.
in Grade 13, through which, stu-:
dents may proceed' to 'higher
education. and 'training.
Each anchwill.offer, as an
alternative for "those whose ap=
ttudes and ambitions do not tend
toward ,'advanced'. education, 'a.
four-year':. programme ` 'ending in:'
Grade 12, with a distinctlyprac-
tical emphasis which will .lead•
its :graduates • more: directly into
the field of their life's. 'work..
There.;will, also: be a one, or
two-year pr.ograinme offering.
occupational subjects, designed to
prepare 'students for the ,'service,
trades and• occupations 'This:will
be primarily : for 'pupils who are
admitted to second ary schools
y School System
withoutregular' •promotion, from
the . elementary . grades,
a alit es re uirc�' t
Additional f c i q d to
house, the new secondary school
system are , being, developed
throughout Ontario under a; Fed-
agreement. a
nounced jointly in May by Mr.
Robarts and .:,.the : Honourable
Michael Starr, Federal Minister
of Labour. As 'of 'August 21st,
1961,school boards had receiv=
ed approval • to build 126 schools,
or additions to schools to aecom
modate what will now ,be
ness.' and Cbmxnerce, and Engin,
eering, ' ,Technology and Trades
Branches.: Half ' of .these` projects
will be located in . areas where
courses offered in - the latter
branch 'havee p v , usly
been available to students. Thus;
in many ,parts of Ontario, the.
plan . opens up exciting new
educational . opportunities for
youngth` e peoreplvie: '
The questionsed' of' ateacndhingenla;: staffed
secondary school system has'" re-
sceived particular attention, • and
the , Department of Education ex-
pects that ' it will : be • able to'
staff the schools ,adequately as.
the 'plan develops, There, will,. of •
course, be' a demand.' for, many
'mort instructors in the ;Engineer-
ing, Technology, and , Trades
:Branch. Steps have been taken
cr i them as
to re ua 'result,
t and, . suit
there will ' be a special class .' of
5290 --tradesmen training as tech
nical teachers at the,, Ontario col-
lege ., of `. Education. during the,
coming;.winter. session. A plan to
provide an - adequate supply of
teachers for . the Business and
Commercial Branch is; now under
consideration. ` . w
Commencing in September,
1962, pupils entering, Grade 9
will' be. carefully interviewed &
counselled, in. close consultation
with' their .-parents, and. they will
choose :one of the' three. branches
in which.. to :enrol. In Grades 9,
they .will' devote 20 per cent of;
their .time to subjects, per.taining,.
to their particular branch.
While it is. very necessary in
this fast-moving age that, stud-
ents decide on a vocation as'early
as : possible, '.there '-will' be a rea-'
sonable degree of flexibility in
the new , ,system. At the ' end 'Of
Grade 9,,, successful„;pupils will
be free to transfer from branch
'to branch; and after Grade 10
it -will .be .possible Within certain'
necessary limitations for pupils.
to. transferfroni branch to'branch
and programme to programme:
Two -Day Old Baby
Died In London
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bolt of town.
were sadly . bereaved ' last week.
by' the death of.their first born
child, Douglas' James' Bolt
The child was' born on .M d
August 28th, < and on a•Tuesday .ev-
ening' it was deemed . adviseable
to take him '.to. :hospital' in Lon
don, where, the' wee tot 'passed
away • on . Wednesday ,morning,
August• 30th.,
Mrs. •Bolt, the' former Shirley
Webster, had not seen the baby
but was . able to return home by
Friday, . to attend the • priv'a'te
funeral., 'service' which was held
at .MacKenzie- Memorial Chapel,
Lucknow with. ,interment . in
Greenhill Cemetery. The service
was ,conducted" by Rev..Howard
Strapp. •
Atfended. Home .
Ec Conference
4 stud:y" conference for, taach-
ers of Home :Ecoriornics in the
Elementary &,Secondary Schools
of Ontario was held at Waterloo
University. College, Waterloo,
from August 14th to 25th:
. It was sponsored,..• by , the
Home Economics Section of the
Ontario 'EducationalAssociation •
with ' its'• theme " ,
Curriculum ' In-
`terpretation and Courses of Stu-
ay:"; The ,Conference leader ....as
Miss ivrabel Cook,' M:A:; of the
cpai•tment: of • Home Ecpnomics
of Northwest Missouri State
lege, Maryville, Vi5sdUri
• Mrs, Lacteal . Hewitt •of •the
L`ueknow. 'District
attended and found it very •in-
terestingdriquite worthwhile,
C'ORRIIV . the Wsnghaiiri den-,
eral Hospital, on Saturday, rday, Aug-
ho Dr, and Mrs.
B. ' 11 Corrin, Wngham, a daugh-
When: he enters; Grade 10, the
pupil, will decide whether .he,,
wishes to ,proceed to. higher, edu
cation via the five=year. 'prog'
ramrne ending •in, Grade • I3,:' or
whether' his ' abilities 'and inter-
ests .`indicate that he should, -sel-
ect the. four-year programme &
finish sch. of after Grade '12. The
f' v ._each
ive year programme in ea,:
branch will concentrate on 'high
scholastic achievement •aimedul-
timately at• more advanced edu-
cation and training either in• the
professions, or, 'depending upon
.the branch in which the student
is enrolled, •in the fields of busi-
ness administration or, engineer:
Mg :and • technology. The fotii'
'1ear prograrnme in each 'brandi
will •be,'entirely' 'free .of, uniVc.i'sity
entranee requirements and ;
be geared ,..to 'the interests .anti
needs di ; students who taut a
solid grounding 41 a' field whicl
will ' lead them directly' i n ti cit
The,. -:Department expects tha
over the 'years the ire -organics
tion '.of the secondary sc'hoi)1
stem Wheave:fol toWii7.;
beneficialill effects.. `
. : It wil ' rn . drool rico
1 alae s
interesting and rewar•din; ,'f0r
students throughout Ontar•io, e -
g .
2 'It. . `will, ' elicit maximum
achievement from •greater num
,hers of students. at all le els..
,•2. ft ' and trots
tvilT educate
a• .. o
muproportion ch larger' `rtso
young people more thorou
to • a higher. degree and. will tliu
he1... "he chal
p . Canada to rrieet t
lenges of today's. i;ncreasingl,
complex social ' and econoau
setting. .
the Sc
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