HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-30, Page 7'‘WEPNESDArk,,,.. 3Oth,2961 •", 4. • .„ag I4UCKNOW SENTINV40; 1,13CKNQW, ONTARIO • • • «, „ • 444.4.444.rr4-44.444444444444444•414.44-444•444444.44.4441,141. PAPE.: $E,Vga 1110111L.ANALYSIS, FERT1LIZER here are. FIVE' Oood Reasons * Guaranteed free-flowing at application time. * Less than one-half as much moisture as regular . fertilizers. • • ' • , * Semi -granular ,texture --- at regular price. * Most economical per unit of plant food., • * Plant food nutrients readily available. . • . • FERTILIZER. BOy uolity . Buy Co-op istrict Co -o Phone ,71 • 1st:Prize Corn TO Feet High (ST. IIELENS NEWS) A corn -growing contest has aroused great interest among the farmers -in the St. Helens corn- Munity, Mr. Donald Pannabecker, Our hew• local• store -oWner, offer- ed a prize to .the farmer growing, • the tallest stalk 'of corn. There were 19 entries,. with ist ,prize Going to Wanda Wilson, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wilson, whose entry measured 12' 7". 2nd prize went, to Mr. Win.. Webster and' son; whose coih stalk meg sired 12' 6". Mr. Steve Stothers .of Lucknow •was the •able judge .• for the contest. Can anyone come up with one better? • . Mrs. Joe .Garint suffeied an arm fracture on Monday last. At. present, she is a patient in Wing, .ham Hospital Waiting the...frac- ture to be set . The. September meeting of the will . be 'held on September 7th at 8-30. in the hall.. Roll call will be: answered by a verse of scripture pertaining to Agricul- ture, T. Motto,'•"If you plant Seed. of, character . or kind.riess in the •home, , it' will bloom,• in• the Community" by Mrs. 'William: Purdon and Mrs.. Jird Aitchison will have the -topic,' .".Agriculture and, ca-n-a-clian, Industry." 'Lunch' and prograrnine., committeewill be, Mrs.. Gordon'McPherson. and Mrs'.'"Lortie Woods; .4. .• Attending 'Camp Hiawatha:. at. Goderieh. Suirirner: School': this, Week were Donald:and Douglas WaYne and Ilughie Todd arid Allan • •McDonalVfrom the St. Helen's Sunday .Scho61. • • • •MiSs Sharon Stanley has return- ed -:from ;Visiting with Mr. 'ana IVA'S. Dan Tollefson at Toronto, Mr'. and Mrs. Ray 'Elliott and family of Detroit have been vis- iting • with, relatives here, Mr. Douglas Stanley of Toronto spent last week -end- at' his home , here. ° Mr, Leonard 'Stanley: has gone to, Port Elgin where he • FriendS ...and "relatiV'es attended ...the reception at Netistadt ' hall' last Friday evening for .Mr and •, • CAREERS IN BUSINESS 1=z. IF YOU'RE . •INTERESTED IN.. •• * Meetingpeople .REarning iooner ' or a:citieer, g' VISIT US NOW FALL TERM' begins. . • _ Tuesday; September 5 Write for folder of courses without ' obligation.. LOUGHEED BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 YOUNG SH 5-1135 KITCHENER MrS. •Seott. Walsh FriendS ,..fpom here are sorry to hear tliat: Mr:•Orlarid. Riehards- of Pararribunt, ..fof.merly .cYf here is .A.,:Patierit in .'Vi.ctor•ia" Hospital? London. " • • • • • l'IVIesSrs. Ewart 1VeloSter of •N and • Lake and Nels n Webster. of'', Windsor visited ; during the Week With relatives here.' , • The GrandMOthers* Meeting .of the Will,be held on. Thurs- day SePtein1Cer. • 7th. Hostesses Mrs.- Alex. Perey, 1)/lePherson. Roll: cal4 A' social cristorn •of -grandrnOthers • d,ay. "Our InStitUte in by - ;gene days" . Motto, "A man has • • attained a true; conception of life When* he plants a. •tree, Under which he knows .he will never •sit" Contest, Oatmeal c.61:*ies. 1-_)isPlaY,..,'Soine antique in , your POsseision; DireetOrs, Mrs. Frank Maulden, Ms William MePher Mr. and Mrs- Evere.tt Lane and - family of. Chatham Visited with •Mr." and Mrs, MalcOhn Lane.::.' •IVIr.: and Mrs-. George Halden- 'b'y,.Mr; and Mrs. Clare Sparling and boys motored 'to,' NOrth :Bay oti SundaY. . • .Mrs. 4oyc1.Cbnway. Of Brace - bridge •sPorit -a few. daYS: with her. Siter, Mrs. •13drt.: NiChOlson. • „ ;`,.:•Mr.. and Mrs., Mortis: Cochrane and .family of Dunnville' visited during ,the week with Mr, and Mrs.; Alex Smith and' Mr., Sain:es Hodge,, . •:. ..• • •:. :Relatives and friend's from here • I'CAN GETIOUTHE',BENEFITS OF A CASH:DEAL ; 4emember—before you buy your car, consider the benefits of One -Stop • Service through The Agent AntoniObihC, Finance Flan,. •* Get the funds, you want plus the insurance you nett, '• With .: all tienefits of a cash deal. Its econornical, Confidential and convenient. Por further particulars,telephOne before you ..1)14Y. Phone 306, Luckpow . • • ' • • • • • , „., • attended the, funeral .of the late Eldon JOI:;instori at.' the •1VIacK6n.7 zie 'Memorial. Chariel,.. tAiciiripW en 'Saturday.. . • ' • • •••Mr.. and Mrs:, Karl 'Boyle, " Mis;' sei.'carol BoYle and Sheila Shoe - bottom' cif .LO)ndon. viSitedoyi Sa- turday :evening with Edna and May :13oyle.'..4 During the .morith. of Sept n ber, tie Anglican ,service held at 11d5 •., '• • Visitor's tli..iring:Alie week With Mr. and • Mrs. James M. Hodgins Si. and ; family ' were and. Mrs, Cliff ArMstrona; Niagara Falls Mr.and Mrs Vternie. Hod= gins, o.f. Angus, :Mrs. Audrey Par- ry- of Di.earbetn,: Mieh.,Mis Cliff • Borthwick, St catherMeS, Mr. at 11s..• Pick 0onnel.' and .SionS, jimriiie, and.; Dudy Buffalo: " , • • Mr. .Roy Schriell.er aria :•IVIiss.. Marie Sehneller visited with rela- tives at ,Kitchener.-. Mis Betty Schneller and. •:.Ma.ster Jimthy "returned,honie with them. after. Visiting 'there for, the past tw. weeks.. • • ° •..VactinBib1eSct�1,Was held hi; • the. Pentecostal Church last cVeek. Mr..- and • Mrs.*** George Graham. ,..liaye,.ineved • to,. their •.farrn home on Con.. 12, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Graham have Moved to ale, house recentix'tacated by' Mr. and Mrs: George'. ,Graham. • , Misses: Patsy,. 'Jean arid Linda b•illori ' returned • hori-ie • from 'Grimsby,. where . they Were visit- ing; with: relatives. • vII... and Mrs.,1,,r,Win Bobby and Oetty, of Paisley vi,sit, ed on Sunday with .1y1r,:and Mrs.: Bert Nicholson.• • ' Miss Lenore Sles/sOr of .Glarnis spent a few days with Miss Eve lyn Nitholion. . • • .. Mrs. Jack • Barrett, • Anne and Zlliabeth of Ottawa were recent ,guests t. e home of Mr.,. and •Mrs. Harold Campbell; ". •• Mrs. Jim Burt SPent a' feW • daYS. last week , in Toronto,: . : Mrs. Douglas: Graham has re-:. tUrned home from 'an air •trip ter' Western Canada. While. there She Visitecl with her Sisters and ..an °aged aunt; Mrs, Routledge of Virden, Manitoba. Mrs: Grace MacIVer, Jack, Ron - .aid ana Donald of London and Mr, . arid Mrs..IraI1ckfe, -Denver, Dopgiat,:Walte'riand Wil4arn, were gUeSti. Saturday at the marriage, Of Wanda. Joan' rTOWnscin, daugh- ter of .Mr. and •.,MrS. Townson of . Sudbury to Mr. David Trussler, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Trussler. of •NOrth Bay. The marriage was splerriniZ-. ed. at. St.Luke's United .Church; -Minnow La10.. Both the bride and ' groom :are . graduates• 'Of ,North Bay Teachers' College and Will :teach thiS'terin in Sault • Ste:, Miss Betty. liainilton spent last teek at cafrip •at Honey. Harbour and Ross Hamilton •,at. • Skeleton Lake. r. T &pas Austin- is a -pati,ent in HoSpitat .:London. 1Virs • J De jong hoine after half — 6,4 pereent — of the pa- pers Were' infirst ancl• 'second: class • • honour category, • • • Constable William Waite of Port Elgin has resigned to accept ,, • position on the. Wingham police • . spending several weeks in ;Wing - ham Hospital. . .. • • Donald Hamilton is a patient in • '11••••• • ." • •;` • '? • . '4, • • 1,'4,1'.• . • 4. .,"'• 4 „.! ; • • . • I.., 4, „ • ,s, 1 • • :r.*•••••1' r• • • , 4, 4 i• • „'","; • • • ' . ,• • • i 1 4; ' `..;$ ; •••.' • • • • • , • • • • • .'" ' 'thesley High School Board has Set a $200 fee• for students. wheSe term, in high ,school exceeds. six Sreara:". ,The :.Optario statutes • vide ala .:'Where a pupil ' "", . has .atten:ded secomdaicy schoOl. for a total of six years or inoi:°e, • .,, •• . he' shall., not:. be admitted . to a • ., secondary school.except upon payment of fees, which the „Board . • Shall set." • • ' • • W.ingham Hosptlwith 'pheUrno- nia Mr. and Mrs. J'ack•,Neeclharri girls visited "with. Mr; and Mrs. Lidyd.1/1'acDo'uga11 on then- way home fro' .a vacatfon.,:in ka. NE .B.RIEF.S: FROM E R Sport ':enthusiasts in: Goderich are considering the possibilities' ofbuilding a 09rribined *olf. club - 11buSe and curlrng.rink at an esti- mated cost of $86,000. • , ROY..'HAVENS Plumbing' and Heating •'• •Es OiI Burner • SileS" and Service .* Seaforth" • merchants anti. the Chamber of ,Corrirnerce .are taking advantage of a business promo- tion 'oPPorturiity: by :.teaturlfig a' "beatthe tax" sale, .with stores reinaining . open on Thtirsday night, the, 'eve -of: the,: rieW tax, cominginto effect. *. * Kincardine : Chamber' of goin-. merge has gone on record as bp- bpsed 'to any action' that change,' provincial ihglaw,ay 21 . (The:Bluewater) so as to by-pasS • .• k • In ...4pper., school exaMiriations, written forthe department of education by ''.icinq'ardine. district . , . •,. • . high. school pupils, 96 .Percerit. Ctinvenlentbbdget terms-. cess was attained. To .add to this • up to 5 years to payrecoi d, . • . thestandrngswereof• • .• • : • ' - •• ' Nr Alm Lop( TO,IMPERIAL F01111E161 such a • .nat,rire that more :than , ...• • • • • • . . ELECTRIC HEATING Phone 73, Lneknow • FOR. SAFE, DEPENDABLE Esso OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT :Legacy • .Prepare, for a Business Career by securing adiplOrna issued by the BUSINESS • EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION . OF • CANADA. • . Sr. arid Jr.. 'CourseS. Qualified Teachers; - • * New ,ElectriC IVIanual t Typewriters. • New lVfirn e eg ra ph: and DidtaphOne " • . Machines.. * :Monthly. Tuition $"2. • 20th Annual Van Term opens September 5th° Goderith - usittess College ' JA 4-8511 or4284 • 4 . 4„ , • 44,'.'.;'\.•,•..;„ '• . 01' f• ", • . - . . • . • • .y• .. • • :I • ' , 4 ' • • • • '• . • .• • — ' 11' , .1' • , 41, 4. •