HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-23, Page 6.••••••• • LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCK**. ONTARIO oil mul the Imp An old Fable tells the stsrY • of Ieva orsidiythrowing do* at a group of frogs in a • Pond. "Boys," comPlained one of the frogs at last, "this may be fun for you but it is death for us." •t I Too often we do thoughtless things without Consideration for others—for example, spending our money solely for pleasure without regard for, our family's future.- How much better it would be to provide for that future through the medium of Sun Life of Canada'smodem life insurance Policies.. Lilo insurance to' psy.p.Ofesoton,and • v,.. Why 44 .VOta bO, **dor 1,!*obltgittton, 0 . SUN LIFE ASSURANCE 'COM PAN;IrOF -CANADA • m. J. Kinahan . . . . LUCKNOW Phone Wingham SON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA rx•si.A., Present ',�t:b,IE' Family At Alliberky (AMBERLEY NEWS), A farewell party was held in No. 1 school .on Tuesday' even- ing 'Where friends and neigh- bors gathereci,to honour Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell and„ fam- ily whciare leaving the com- munity to reside in London where they have built a new home, Mr. Leonard.'Ehnes was chairman for. the program which opened with a sing -song led' by Mrs. :William 'Collins and was followed •With an instrumental "Country Garden" by Mary Ellen. Shiells, Mrs. J. C. Campbell gave a humorous read- ing after which a chorus by She- ila, Bonnie' .and Linda Collins,. • Glen and Grant Ferguson, and Larry Irwin • accompanied by Mrs, William Ferguson was giv- en. A duet by Corine Lowry and 'Peggy Fry, accompanied by Jan- ette Lowry was enjoyed as was a reading by Mrs. Carl Wilkins. his' family FitOured • InHFall From Bike (DiuNa,AisINoN NES) • Little Cathy Culbert,. age daughter of IVIr. and, Mrs, Cecil • Culbert, was unfortunate on• Sa- t1,1May to have a nasty fall off her bike, as she was coming down the river hill towards the •east, Mr. Ben Park' was going West- ward and' came to her reseue. Mrs. Howard Culbert happened along •also, soon , after.. The little' girl is in Goderich Hospi tal with 'a fractured skull, and concussion. But at time pf writ- ing; she seems brighter. Miss Honor Why'ard;Royal Oak, Michigan has 'been visiting her aunt, Miss Ida Whyard. • Mr. and 14rs. Ron 'Pentland of North Bay were visitors among relatives in this district and the formers Mother, Mrs, Ada Pent- land , at the Luckriew Nursing. Home, and also visiting was her, son, -La Verne and menibers CULIZOSS CORNERS . Mr and Mrs Dunn Thonnp- • ' we/te guests at. the. Golden• Wedding of Mr .:& Mrs. R. Coutts, .Wingliam. • . •• : • • Miss.Ellen McBride has return- ed • ed •to':COokiVille 'after' holidaying at the •. Brown home and,: With. Other friends•sand:telativeS. • • , Erenda „ Meyer spent Tuesday' with; Lois and Linda 'Wall. ' MissEllen McBride,-Cooksville accompanied by ', .Mrs Frank Brown spent an 'afternoon with Mrs. May Jackson at the: hoine: of Mr. Ed McCallum 'aricl Clar- enee, Wroketer. Miss :MCEride'14, •MrS., Brown .:spent the evening with Mrs.. Albert, Fritz, ListOWel. There was no lack Of. activity around the farm this past ,week as farmers' Who battled the ele- ments 'during . Seeding and hay- . • ing seemedto get a break from: • ',' the , Weatherman and began the • task of, saving the grain 'crop.' All, yott could -see or hear was tractors attachedto binders or combines, or in some cases self-propelled • iwathers: :As has • been noted Many fields of gram were . more • , down than up before • the grain was ripe and will be a consider- able loss to the farmers., Spoke top. soon, Saturday ram and hail • came agaiqs . • '•• days in Woodstock vieitindat the homes of Mr.- and 'Mrs'.William Davidson and Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Hodgins. Misi. Ellen. McBride, Cooksville' and, Mrs."' Frank ErOWn, visited the , Bruce .County Museum at Southampton They were; es- pecially 'interested in the room in. the Log -Cabin mostly furnish- ed With old-fashioned fainishingi. which the Purple Grave' Insti- tute purchased at the . tune of the sale of the Wall Estate, Mr, :and Mrs James Wraith 'ae- Companied by their guests,. Mr. & -Mrs. Charles 'Knight Leaside & Mrs. Walter 'Wraith TeesWiter'' Spent Friday at the 'Museum at •SeUthampton. and Douglas Point. Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg & Mr: and Mrs. Orval Wilson arid children- motored to , Elora • on Stinday and spent the afternoon at :the Historical Park. • We are sorry. to report that Mrs. Mary. Wall' (Grandma) .who, is hospitalized. at: Wingham • had the misfortune to fall and Crack her :hip. • • • , . Mr. and•Mri..Harvey Nicholson and Hugh and Mrs: 'Hugh Nichol- son; Bervie, spent Sunday even- ing With, Mrs. Frank Brown & • . . Have - Yod Repealed Your Sub - Mrs,' Earle Hodgins . Spent, ten scription? . • MONUMENTS '/For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, reliv on SKELTON MEMOIOALS.. . • Pat O'Hagan, Prop. • Established Over Sixty' Years ertoir. Phone- 638-iw - Ontario Violin selections by .Mr. • Tom Fox accompanied by his daugh- ter Miss' Sally brought the pro- gram to 'a close.' A presentation of, a 'mirror and hassock.: was made to which Chester made. ,a Stratford, were visitors recently fitting 'reply, A Social time fol- .10*01 And lunch was served. Best wishes are. extended to the • Cainpbell family. '• The'Cnyler famliies held a re - Patricia Ann Eedy met with a fractured 'arm near hershoulder. last week in a fall' as she jump- ed ,from a swing. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Desson of with the Misses Rebina, Nettie and .Clara• Sproul' Miss • Clara Sproul returned to • Stratford with , thezti. • . ' , ,Baptiiinal Service • • , union on Sunday.. Rev. .T. Richards :performed .a Mrs. Helen PerrOtt and family Chriithning.ceremony at the ser - of Detroit 'are visiting with rela- tives' in Amberley, LtiCknew..."& Ripley. , . 1•Jill ;Elliott has beenspending holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. James Fa.rrell of Pine River and Mrs. George El- liott of Lucknow. , • '' . ' Mr. Arthur Courtney has pur- chased the property of Mri. Sam Geddes ,•at Amb,erley reeently. • • Corinne. MaeDon.ald of Ripley: arid Carol Courtney spent a• few days; with their :grandparents at Arriberley.-, : • Congratulations go •to. Mr. and , • Mrs, Perrin Lowry on the 'arrival: of a son at Wingham Hospital on Anguit Ilth, • • • . • .„ , Mr A. Perrott of .London was organist :.and choir director at Pine River United' Church on Sunday Morning. Mri. Albert Os'. borne of Ripley 'taught the :Bible class ' ancl'gave., a • fine cliscourSe. Throughout the •summer months, inany,- of ourr. -friends •frcirn the nearby, resorts have attended church services regularly, for :which •they, are to: be Commended. vice Sunday rn.orning .at Dungan- non 'United • Church. The childz ren Were William Gordon, son of Mr.' and Mrs. ',Gordon Smyth, Betty Elaine, daughter of Mr. & • ,Enroute from ,.-Vort Misses Myitle and Betty Blair of •London and Hespeler and. Mrs. • Marjorie" George of Ansa . Craig called on Ainiberley friends on Saturday: • • , Mr.. and Mrs: Olen CaMpbell. and :family and. Mrs. Lloyd Con- way of. Bracebridge attended the Cuyler reunion at Holmesville on Sunday. , • • . ' The ".01d Teen Cirlce" of Pine. River girls and 'their, families gathered at IiistoWel Park on Sunday with an attendance. of 26. Alene Bradley, Lila McLen- nan and Doris McLennan planned the ,events for the day and also • gave interesting contests. 'Al- thotugh the weather was cool, • yet all enjoyed the day together and a, clellicinus supper was serv- ed. President for 1963.AS Elva • Lowry and Secretary Myrtle Fer- • WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23rd, l961, W. A. "BUD" HAMILTON HEATING OILS- GASOLINE OTHER FARM PRODUCTS PH.220W-LUCKNOW ' . . , . Mrs, George.. Errurgton, ' David 'John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ErringtOn, Marsha Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Alton. Net -Sunday, Mr KenKnighi, Royal Oak, Michigan, will preach at the United ,Chtirch. He is a layman Studying theology . and his wile is the former Betty Mugford. • • • Mrs. L.' ,Stingel and son, • An- gus returned Sunday after .two weeks. 'in Alberta -visiting sons, Carl and Frank. They aceompani- ed.Mr: and Mrs Lionel Langevin andchildren on 'a camping trip there'and- then returned via 'train. The LangeVins , have an, RCAF • posting to British COldmbia. • 04, AIMPFAIThomo MIL (4 nos) Finance yours with a low-cost life -insured loan . . . ,11 kr4 ;;,;, .••• F F P29 Ft *, • ONE milker IN THE that stands FOR t SPOTLIGHT out from OUTSTANDING all the SANITATION FEATURES! rest... ge•-:;1:.• • Dr.. rr • • A,. ,r• • • V: ••••••2••• • .,•;• ' • • • ire I *Arr. ?' •%41. • "til;i47.1 4,7 i•:*;:t " 1 , a. SUISIPEN DIED Era MILKERI No other milker can compare to. UNIVERSAL'S NEW Suspended., Milker . . MIRROR Finish, inside and out makes cleaning easier . . . New design permits complete inside inspection of pail for greater sanitation . . . Larger capacity pail accommodates higher produc- ing cows . . . Quality features 'offered only by UNIVERSAL make this milker stand-alone. • 0 Mirror Inside and Out Larger capacity O Fuli Inside inspection o EXclUSIVe Ud Design FLOOR ,TYPE MILKER Another outstanding milker with exclusive sani- tation features found only \ in UNIVERSAL . Uses • the SE1.1116- famous UNIVERSAL Pulsator and Inflations ..,proVed beat - in yeare•of , service. • 1.ticknow 'District • , MY, 4 aWil4N here' as years. a€ consider had a fe ROorn• a Diony tesidene, • to have ternoon, raisin bi ' t • , and. vire •talk to • Alexand • Leff Bal •quotter words -3 • ferent 1