HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-16, Page 12y1 r,. est is r, PAGE T i guvE $tuisommo Iu.ilmmimg M t at . ■ . 111 ■ Boys' Wear, 8 to 14: ::T -SHIRTS -fresh ' shipments of T-Shirtsin stock,: for ■ a. back-to'•school, 8 to 16 sizes, A good assortment of ■ ■ 7 patterns for early :Shoppers. • si, SPORT COATS 8 to 18 sizes, 20 to 331/3'%0 off. ■ ▪ WINTER COATIS we have received a lot of our i ■ Winter Coats for boys::or this age. If you 'wish to • • save the sales tax by buying now,, they are in stock. ei TIDE tfpKNOW P,ENTXNEIj. WtMural()) WEDNESDAXZ ALTG... 16th, 1961 i1uuuauwuu1uIuiu A4'uig oi • .t c1�-Thool w•.ea Bargains ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 a. • • sir • ■ •a ••■. • ■ entinel THAT Mrs. Don McCosh of Pur- ple Grove and Mrs.' ;Harvey H ouston of rHoly.rood will be on the M'Lady show on CKNX on Friday, August 18th, dis— cussing, iscussing• the' 2nd National Con- vention of the Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Canada held ,in. Vancouver in June which they attended.' : ' THAT the CanadianLite Under- writer's Association in co-op- eration with' the Saugeen Life Underwriter's •Association. has. presented half a dozen books on ' Life Insurance to the Lucknow . Public Library. The books were, Back -To -School Wear.w -presented to theme Library . by. ■ '. Bill :Kinahan of West- Wawa PULLOVERS —` with colour or without, in. Orlon in ! nosh Township, local Sun Life agent and ' a ..member of , the Saugeen group..' m fancy patterns; also Bulky Knits. New styles in this •: ■ `. week.: ,Also . some clearings at '$1..98, originally val ■ ued. at $3:98 and $4.95. ■ A SPECIAL. IN BOYS' JEANS - good strong ,eords ' ■ made by a Canadian manufacturer.' • Good school shade 1 .: of green and others at $3:9.5 .: ALSO . HAVEfew "dozen . 'of Substandards.: ■', WEALS a'only ■ :; . in the leading shade of : green, . in the same .style . as • ■ above. Very few defects. $1:00 off each pair: ■ !THAT Harold Greer had a pleas-' ant' chance ,'meeting with Pete Place of • Montreal in: Pete playede South- ampton ampton recently, 'hockey with. Harold, ' 'Porky Dumart, Milt Schmid and Bob ,Bauer' while ..in . the service and "Toby" had'' not seen him. since ■'■ 1945; while.: overseas. Mr. Place ■ J .,..• • „ was holidaying at;Sauble Beach. 4 • ■' • "Toby' is now 'associated. witl 1Is'1ra'We.r �8 to_ 4� ■ . • ls ' SWEATERS - new shipments in sweaters for' back EA s p ■. ■ to -school wear in Bulky ' Knits, Shags and Bell -tons. 1; a: New SCHOOL DRESSES ranging from $2.98/to 6:95 • ■ ' 1 BLOUSES —good ° selection.for back -t6 -school.. ` wear.. ■ ■.. i' •newvariety iety: of�Nylons °to fit the 1 NYLO�N.S;=- a x y � ■. young. girl : who needs a''slimner: fitting style. Drop in ■ ■ 1 `' and look•''these over. ■• •■. ■ r0, • ▪ ' ' A Special On f Fl n tt an ele e. Blankets • Bob; Bauer as•'manufacturers' representatives in the electrical business with headquarters at Guelph: 'T'HAT young' ' John MacKenzie,: son Of Mr. • and Mrs. Bob Mac- Kenzie, accompanied Bill Whar- ry :to Point: Clark, on Friday . evening:and while out fishing they 1'anded . a lovely 5 pound pickerel which • ,measured •>:22 inches. John was a 'pretty proud lad. as. he displayed, the catch' • ,. to 'Lucknow friends on Satur- ■ , day THAT we. hate to 'mention i+t but • ,a glance, at the ,,calendar.: em- hasizes that drool o' ens ust ■•:f: r,�:Clearance Sale 0 Summe Items .: � • ■ Inci'deii�tially •there:•are only/l11 . �' shopping • days before_ ,Christ .Continues Throughout The • 'Store ■ ■ mas.. ■ SE E ■ ■ ▪ : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -`70; x' 90,. ''1:st Quality,' Our , price '$3.99`. ■ • ..MEN'S WINDBREAKERS._ .a.rack at %2 and %3. off • : WORK, SOCKS ,,: 39c, .2 pair,for- 75c.': r 1. TIES 50c ■ ■' PILLOWS a' special ■ p purchase, allows us to offer 1 • you these.•made from foam chip at $`1 49, eachc• ■ '�: MENS • T-SHIRTS ' end of lines, all. $2.98 & $3:98 ,• ■ vajues. Variety of patterns and. shades, $1`.98. ' ■ 1'. BOYS' SLIMS• in. cotton cord.: 'Two, excellent colors, • dark green; and toast.'Sizes_ 8' to. 14, only •• ■ shades and have a collar Bought at a Cleart. 59 • THAT the Navy League ;tag day. held in Luckriow nn 'Saturday netted; $33:79. The :tag day was ..sponsored. by the Ladies' Aux iliary to the Canadian Legion,,` with tagging conducted by Mrs. Jim' McNaughton, Mrs. Jack England, Mrs. Chris Cook, Helen Johnston•. and,', Janet Cooke. THAT Harvey Treleaven of Lon- don and formerly of ,Lucknow is ' convalescing after . having undergone, an appendicitis arid :hernia ' operation recently in Victoria Hospital: Harvey sold his billiard ;parlour ,business in • Loridon several .weeks .ago, and 'had been 'looking' around"• in Lucknow with a vievri 'to buy- ing or building a : home: 1' ar YOUR . BARGAIN FOODL,AND Highland Pride �Co1 Our Exclusive Topp' Seller THE" Tea.. Bags. pkg. 60 Count Package Save To 8c e. Ib.. c.ran'ge Juice Sale. Donald Duck. 48 oz. Save. 13c Sweet. Mixed Pickles Rose Brand. 16 oz. Save 11c. • Ic. ins 85c rs 59c Mixed Candy Sale ' 2 pkgs Save 9c. Any 29c pkg. Your choice. :: HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL ,.FRESH FRUITS. AND VEGETABLES. Apples, ,Bananas,, .e�ches Tom Lettuce, • Celery', Peppers.: tomatoes, , Values •Effective August 17,. 18, 19., We Sell for Less Phone 119; Lucknow KinIoss Lady :Died. fter Brief Iflness On Thursday` August 3rd; 1961. Margaret ° Lillian Thompson pas sed away in Kincardine General Hospital after' a short illness .of almost three weeks:. `' ' Borne in Huron Township; De ember: ,20th,. 1897, 'shedwas the daughter hter. 'of the, late Robert. Wil- son 'son and Sarah • Harrison. On December 20th, 1926, she & Walter, : If: • Thompson were inar tied. They , lived , on ,the •farm now occupied by Donald R: Ste BOYS' T-SHIRTS new arrivals, These are in • four. ■ ance price to: offer :8. to ,14 .sizes to ■ a price,, . you .at ▪ BOYS' WINDBREAKERS =-= a table full of clearing,; ■' 1 sizes, 8 to 18. Only $1:98:' • ■ . YARNS — buy .your winter supply of yarns now,, , All II lines' are included. 10c off 'each ball or skein. ■ a LADIES'COTTON ■ HOSE 49c 2 pair :for ; 89e► 1, r i' ■ THAT in, renewing her Sentinel •'subscription, Mrs. Wm. Hornell, of Toronto says she enjoyed reading of the trip West . as it brought back ' ixany • ',pleasant. memories of B.C... Mrs. Hornell, added;, "So'irnany tell rile Luck - now has riot changed, but X find • so few names I seem. to know after ten years." • ■ PRINTS: 31c _ ■ g ■ We can • still offer, you a good variety of prints and ,■ ■ a few, shades of broadcloth at this very low price. ■ ■ ■ ■ s ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • U - Free Pick -Up ', F.p andDelivers; Monday and. Thursday, ■ • • ■ ■ • Ladies' and Men's Wear Lucknow 'ee■Miee■■ee■■■ lossoma ee i Brei isig■ieitu re■eaeac■ AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS THAT • Jim O'Donnell' of the Beatty. Ladder Factory has been Off ' Work for. a few days and on Tuesday went 'to London to have an examination 'of an old leg injury., Five years ago, •Jim injured his shin in a harvest- ing . accident, which gave hrni a great deal oftrouble and he spent, long: periods in", the hos- pital undergoing surgery and bone grafting, Jinn has been comparatively f "tee of trouble • with the leg the past couple of years and is taking no 'chalices. with the present flare up be coming/ aggravated; ago when. they: : 'mov'ed to: the. second': concession of Kinloss '.to: the farmer' Glen Irwin farm.'' She is survived by, her husband,' two daughters, (.Wanda) Mrs. John Evans, . Kincardine Town- ship; (Donalda). 'Mrs. .Jack Mc- Lean, Ripley;• and ' one son, Jim at' -home; •three grandchildren & two :brothers, 'Walter arid :Jac: Willison .of Huron' Township. Sh was . predeceased by . a son Hos; at the, age.of twos years. • She was a, member of the Kair shea Women's`- Institute 'and Luck now'•":United Church. • Funera • services , were: conducted by th: McDonald. fro Rev. 5..Donald r• the' MacLennan F,.0 eral• Hortf Riley and 'interment was iii Kin p,Y cardiae: cemetery' • Pallbearers were' neighbour. Roy Peter, • Rex.' Stewart, Pete Dahmer, Leonard Machines; Bus Ritchie sand Herb' .McQuillan..: Flower bearers were; friends neighbours. wart at Millarton until four ,yea's J • • THAT' construction of,' the fram ;work. of St, Peter's Parish•'ha is presently underway.: THAT a .pre -fab h'o'use has; .; "sprung -up" this., week on the ,,corner' of • Outram' 'and" Rose • .Streets, across.' from K. C. Mur- •• diets 'home: ,The owner of.the. new home . is. M:rS. Rae: Bos df 'Lucknow.. • THAT Mr. and Mrs./.Jack M D.onagh are' p1a"nn.ing,t.o.,build home 'in Lucknow. Some time.. sago. 'Jack: bought. the: corner; lot at Ross: and Canning' Streets, south. of:: A. J. Wilson's resi-,' dence, 'from Mrs. Wm.. Hornell. of Toronto. -Plans are ' not de- finite as to. 'when construction ` will start. • • THAT Mr.John O'R.eilly of Mon.. treal .'visited here the latter part of the week with. Mr and, Mrs: J.' L. MacMillan, and on his return was accompanied 'by Mrs. O'Reilly (Gail MacMil- lan); 'and two children; •Susan. and ;Patrick, 'who , have 'been visiting here ,fora time': await- ing completion of their new 'hoine in, Montreal. / a• n FARMERS an AIRYME Having taken over the SURGE MILKER Franchise for Kincardine, Huron, '.Kinloss, Ashfield, East . and West .Wawanosh and Colborne Townships, I would • welcome you consulting us about your mincer needs.:' omplete LineCf DAIRY: EQUIPMENT and • DETERGENTS BUCKET MILKERS, STANCHION PIPE LINES and BULK TANKS Same ; `Prompt and Courteous Service As Before!. N 'MARTIN, Kincardine YOUR SURGE DEALER—Phone KINCARDINE $6 '_+•:••-•'-•-H-11-♦4-•• -•-•-• Third To Grp Luckno:V to know: • has gradu sity of• Tc of•$achel.� acy, . and: m Toronti This ma in. "the Ch Sam are Gists .in T ,Fpr 29 resided in nowites w during th: Iain an well -man' family.' The . hoc ous broth George, ' and 'a try Leafs; bud • the rugge Morley, •followed steps and ling.; a '•pu Charles to.Luckn+ 1928, to ei mess her each pne took thei, • the . rest courtesy. • SeptenibE and men^ `tied on end' of 0 Repres trict.;'hig ing Lucl on .Mons •discuss •.1 vocation School ham; Ha ley, ;`Kis now,. Poi fives frc named 'vestigat€ being ;e vincial melts, ..1 .cover th plunge i plete . ti million' spring c 1!t .is tonal si high sc: enrollmi more; 1 300 to attend Ter night's ,whethei would' 1 'school. Hanoi far as • 1 Reqt . Hist4 The has un. project: summa) section, come,, 2', 'wit}, built a Mrs, field" h which `I ,obit formats ject O; secu.rin these s stances Vat h� the • se's The area ai