HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-16, Page 7NEbNESIDAY, AUG. th, 1961 .
Miss Mary Jane Slosser, Wing -
am, was a week -end visitor with
Hiss Elaine Meyer.
Linda and Larry Henderson of
4,PPROPW, holidayed .'with their
;randpa,tenti, Mr, and Mrs,' Jas.
Wraith.' • . . '
Doris and Lois, Wall spent last
Vecic at the •home of Mr, and
virs. Grant Wall, Walkerton.
Miss Ellen McBride, Cooksville
s spending, some time With Mrs.
rank 13raWn and geg and other
nods. •
Billy Wall, Walkerton; holiday,
Kt with Bob and. Douglas. Wall:
Mr. and Mrs.. R. D. Coutts Of
Wingharn.qelePrated their Golden
Wedding anniversary on wed,..
aesdaY Of. last weekat'their home
m JohnStreet. Mrs.. Coutts Who
was the former. Alberta Hether7
Mgton• spent part of her early
life on. the farm .now owned by
Arthur IlOdgins. .
• Mr. and Mrs. Orval Wilson &
family motored to Tobermdry -On•
Sunday. • .
Mr. and' Mrs. Charles 'Knight,
Leaside 'and. Mr.. and MrS.::
ray Henderson, Lucknow, spent
Sunday—with Mr. and ..Mrs. Jas.
Wraith: 'Linda and aiarry.,
derson returned home with. their'
parents: . •
. .
. • •
. .
. .
Mr. Murray CamPbell and Mrs.
Victoria Srnith visited Mr. and
MI.'S,WifliamJphitpii of Pais
ley on Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs, p. tzrrie Colwell;
Betty, Bruce and •Ann, Mr, and
Mrs., .Wm. B. Eadie iliSitecl Miss
Eva Culbert :ad Mr, Lorne cnl-
Mr. and Mrs:. 'john Bell. of
Kincardine spent -Wednesday With
Mr% •and Mrs. George Emerson.
Bervie Evening Auxiliary met
at the home ,of Mrs.‘ Percy Grif-
on Wednesday evening:
Mrs, Mary •Grover of Calgary,
Alberta is' visiting her brother,
Wes McIntosh. '.
Miss 'Marlene Gawley visited'
Miss Sharon Craigie.
• Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon MacDon-
ald attended the McClure pi9ic
at Paisley on SuridaY. • .
Mr, 'Cecil Hill visited his bro,
tiler, Mr. Ralph Hill.
•. Mrs. David Henderson visited
Mrs. Claude Dore. on Wednesday,
Wray Thompson Visited Margie
Collins. : • ,
Mr. and Mrs. •Ted 'Siinms: and
Paul of Exeter . visited at Mr.
Lorne' Culbert's on Monday. ,
Mr. and- Mrs.: -Fred -1V1yerscoUgh
and Jim. from Brantford, visited
,and ,Mrs :James Brooks.
For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument
correctly designed from quality material,
rely Oil
Pat O'Hagan, Prop:
Established Over Sixty Years
Walkerton Phone. 638-w Ontario
Carl Poe spent -couple of
days with his cousin, Gary Hen-
Purple • Grove Institute met 'at
the home of Mrs. Alan Colling'
on Tu.esday• Mr. rr1orilicr9ft was
gueSt.'speaker: • •
Mrs. Kenneth Roberton visit-
ed Miss, Margaret Robertapn 'on
TnesdaY, .
Mr. Oscar Arinstrong,of Toron,
tO 'visited Mr., Burton Collins. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford .Scott
and boys' of 'Stratford visited Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Currie. :, •
There was a recePtitn J -1.01Y -
rood on Friday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. 'Scott Walsh (nee Ruby.
Timpson). '• •
George Bushell is • ern,
ployed in the tobacco country.
Mr: and. Mrs.. Jack Nelson, Mr.
and, Mrs. •Harold narcourt and
family, Mr. .,aricl Mrs. 'Jack Gil-
christ and Brian and Mr. 'Fred
Gilchrist • v4sited and Mrs.
Gordon MacDonald on Monday.
Miss ..Gladys Gawleyvisited
'Mr. •and Mrs. 'Pori Ciladbliurne,
• Miss Mary An MeCosh, Blithe
Forster.: and :Annetta 'Forster of
Toronto spent the week -end at
their homes. •
DOrinda Forster:spent the week
with her ,atint, Mrs. Don McCoStr.
.Miss Sandra Home and •Misi•
.Rosalya- Swann wer.e rec_ent...vis-L
'itors ' with Mrs.' Helen :Swann.
Miss Gladys Gawley and- Miss
Nancy'. .Dore visited Mrs.- Gordon
MacDonald on Saturday. •
• *Donnie and 'hob ThornpsOn, Joe
Bob, Forster and Dick: Mc-.
'Csh attended the calf club meet:-
ing.. at 01iVer. 1V1cdharles,• on
WediirdaY. . • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Albert, CP1well:
and Allan: 'arid Marilyn spent
Thursday evening . wtih • Mr. and
Mrs. IDonald :-MeCosh.
•Mr.iand •Mrs:. Gerald BrifidleZ,
'Charlie, Cliff; 'Sohn,' Bonnie.. and
'Patricia,, •Raymond
Cunningham, Linda Cunningham'
'and Patsy Miller, Woodstodk yis-.
, . •
; y •
• :•:•••:•••
High productivity and low production costs are essential to
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ioned methods and obsolete machinery. The only way they can
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the world over to make their particular farming operation more
profitable by doing more ,twoek‘at less cost.
Massey -Ferguson
, • ,
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Phone Lucknow
2§3 or 332
ited Mr. and • Mrs. Prank Dore pt. 'Joseph's: Church,. King ridge.
on Sunday. . . Sister 'Apollonia who is with
•Mr. Arthur. Patter -son and.
r�n Of ,Agincourt • visited. Mr.! &
'Mrs.' :Burton Collins„ Gail and
-Pat , Patterson" who_ have.been
holidaying here .returned to Agin -
Darlene Currieis. holidaying,
With Msr. and Mri.;4 Miller Hart -
Wick. " . • •
Mrs. 'Herb Ferrell:Mr. `and 1Vlid.
John MacDonald and fainily, Mr;
and Mrs. JaCk Farrell and family,
MiSs• Bathe Forster, Mr. Gordon
Patterson, ,Mrs.:, John' Colikeil, Mr,
and Mrs. Walter Forster ; and
famijy•attended : the Colwell
in Kincardine on Sunday.
• Mr. Glenn GoOdberry• Of Peter-
borough is visiting'. Mr. Richard
. . .
A .number attended 'a pasture
land meeting :at 'NM 'Needharn'a.
Gail, and Pat,: M'. 'and Mrs. Bur-
ton C.ollinS, John, ...Sandra' and
Margaret Visited' Mr. and.
Andrew Patterson.; on Sunday.
• Mrs. James' Brooks; M'rs., Helen
Swann, 'Katherine •Bushell, Eve-
lyn Harkness and, Elda Harkness
spent Saturday at .:Southampton
Museum. . •,. .
. Mr.. and 'Mrs, Frank :Dore,' Reri7
nie and. Dianne, .M4'. and Mrs..
Claude Dore and Joan ,Thompson
attended berry, Day in purham,
on Saturday: •' • • .
'Mr. and Mrs, Aurel Arrnstrong-
and family viSited Mr. and 'Mrs.
•Francis Boyle SuridaY.
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Brinston of
Glace Bay, Nova •:•Scotia, ,sper\t:
the vveek-end .with their Son; Reg
BrinSton.' who is einaoyed• at'
Francis -.BOyle's.. : '•
• 'The comninnity • extends -Sym-
pathy to, the sisters of the late
John P.,' Hogan, ,whose death' oc-
curred Groderich Hospital on
Saturday.' The funeral IS tO take'
pace.,, Tijesday• - morning.. at
the St.. Joseph's Order of Sisters
dayi7lair week She ,Was accorri7
panied •by Sr. Moira, principal
of St. ,Peter's School, poclerich.
The name of Mrs. Margaret
Doucette of Florida was omitted.
'from the list of , winners, of the
tdraw at the Kingsbridge :Garden -
Patty. She Won. • an • Aluminum; •
satice panfrom, Jerry's. Hardware,
GOderich: . • • - •
' Mrs. Jos. Hogan ,and son, John:
J. anci daughters, Ea and Flor-
ence of North Dakota; U.S.A.; are.
Visiting ,relatives : here., - • • • •
Mr. and MrsoCityran, sons,. Ric-
key and :Brian of London visited
with12.Mr..; and Mrs..'Joseph .Court=
Miss Rita Forbes. of Detro.i' is •
Spending , her ,holidays with Mr:
and Mrs'. John Howard and fam.,•
Mrs:: Vincent•AtiStin spent a
«cl'aY :London last Week and
'Visited. ,,her mother,' Mrs.' Earl
McDonald Who is 'confined to
• hospital after .surgery. • '•
Mr: and Mrs. Ed' Salmon,- Sar-: •
nia', • visited Mr. and Mrs. Bay '
Dalton on ',Sunday:" Kathleen re -
:turned home with them.
Mr. and • Mrs:COri Hogan vjs•
ited Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan • •
at the cottage at WaSago. Beach ,
and /their daughter, Fa,.' return-
ed home with them. _ •
Mr.. and Mrs. Bruce. Hansford
of Galt returned after 'Visiting • '
friends here for the past „week:.
Mr,' and Mrs. John. Wilkinson
of. Oakville renewed acquaintance
here on Snnday. •
Mrs: Veronica •Woodley •and• •
daughter of Toronto, sPerit: the
past week With her 'parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Austin, , ,: •
Mr. and Mrs. Laur.encelkustin',
of Detroit spent a: few days ' with •
Mr, and Mis. Cyril • Austin •• Ter
in British Colurnbia, visited' her
mother, Mrs. Ed Foley and Other
Triembers o; the family' fora .few
Miss Patricia O'Connor
spending two weeks in Detroit
with relatives there. .
• • *•>:
• . .
' • •
• • •
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