HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE ' LUCKNOW" SENTINEL, I UCKNOW, ,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AITG. 16t'h, 1961 lff Wi 'i rl. try"• �>illkfl is3 a • yr )41 ) ,*'142:1".• ry • :•• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES -- First Insertion 2c' per woi d, minimum; charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word,, minimum 40c, Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events .minimum 75c. In Meinorianis, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The SentinelBilling charge of 1Oc for each bill rendered, FOR SALE YOB,- SALE 19.52 Pontiac.,. A-1 condition;,• priced to sell; Apply Mardon, ' Auto `Body, ;Lucknow. MUSIC LESSONS --- pupils pre- :pared for Toronto Conservatory • of Music examinations if desired. Mrs. C. Shaddick, Lucknow,: FOR SALE ,electric, 4 -burner •Moffat range; grey. pearl arborite buffet. Both ,in good condition. Phone .253, :Lucknow, • PIGS FOR . SALE - '25 weaned. pigs. Duncan Farrish,; Lochalsh,4 .Phone 164-r=8;. Riip"ley; WESTERN FAO. TICKE'S,-ad- vance sale, `available at „ • The Lucknow Sentinel. ',FO:R. SALE ,- one Astral fridge, :two 650 x 10" tires, Elmer Vance,: R, 1,. Holyrood, phone Bervie 30/. • FOR SALE •box attachment forp threshing grain on separator,' fdr McKee Harvester, Russ But ton, Lucknow, phone '54 or Dun-' gannon FOR SALE --,'14 pigs, 9' weeks old boy's bicycle,, 16" frame, new balloon tires •arid large par cel carrier Clayton Alton, R:iR,, 7;' Lucknow. .. .• FOR SALE Quantity of round t q bales; 10`. cents'a bale. Buron • Collins, " R.R.- .3, Ripley, 12th • con-; cession; of Huron.:. • HOUSE: FOR SALE in 'Luck- now, completely .remodelled, new bathroom, hot and :• cold ''water,• three bedrooms, ' close to ' main street, John /A. MacRae, Phone• 94, Lucknow; • ' SERVICES COMIN.:. EVENTS RECEPTION FRIDAY A reception will be held . in' the Legion' Hall, Lucknow,. on Fri- day. , :evening, August •hath, in honour ' of Mr, and. Mrs. Ross Durnin (Lois Miller):.. Boyd's or- chestra. Everyone welcome.. AUCTION SALE Allan. MacInt e. Yl'. WANTED Licensed,, Auctioneer Lucknow' Phone 209-r-41 WANTEDan •experienced FILTERUEEN Sales and Ser Grade XI student desires farm Q work: Apply Terry.. O'Donnell,. vice, repairs to all,; :makes of Luck , Lucknow vacuum cleaners. 'Used• cleaners • •of': all makes for sale. Robert-K.- Peck, obert-K.:Peck,Varna, telephone Hensall 696-r-2. ' • OFFER' CLOSES' AUGUST :31st .Read rs Digest , rntroductory offer • closes Au ust 31st Half w g � ,::, Price; .12 months for $2.00,, order now' at• The Lucknow Sentinel, ',phone 35. • CUSTOM. BUTCHERING Beef and.. pork sold in any quantity. Custom butchering in Government licensed abattoir: Pigs:. every "Tuesday.. Beef. from Monday throigh :'Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET • MORTGAGES ' First : and 'second mortgages arranged . anywhere in • Ontario. • •DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson • Ave,, • ME 3-2353 • • Downsview, .Ontario. • • • SEPTIC TANKS CLEAi1TED • Septic 'tanks,` cess pools,' etc:, pumped' and : cleaned with Mod- ern •equipment.:•All; work guar •anteed: Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus sets,, phone" 442-w-6..• • CEMENT, STEEL, TIRES, WOOD., F'or ', slowest . prices On cement, Steel roofing, tires, • see ; us. Agent • for. . St Marys cement and East- ern ,Steel..products• Hard ;.wood slabes by the •truckload We, specialize in tractor "tires. Fresh: Gement on hand at. "all.: times; .Bruce `MacMillan, Lucknow., Historical Books A few :historical books • of S S: ` No. 8, •Kinloss, . (Langside) are still available and: may :. be ob- tained from Mrs.. Gordon, Wall, R.R, '3•, 'Holyrood, or Mrs. Farish Moffat •R'.• 3, Teeswat'er,•'for• 50c.' FARM _ FOR 'SALE - 100 -acre :• farm, -5:•acres of bush; bank barn, ;$- room . frame house ' with crew oil furnace' and 3. -piece' bath, .at "out- skirts out -skirts of Dungannon. Apply, Allan • Reed; ;phone ,Lucknow . 65, FURNITURE • FOR :SALE- Select' friars about 80: suites.;`of furniture at the Mildmay Furn'ture • Show- •• Prompt:Delivery.. Also roorxis. new pianos at $525.0.0, etc„,'Used. pianos, $125.00, $18.5:00: Conveni- ent terms.. Godfrey Schuett,. Mild- • may, Ontario. AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and . 'body repairs, 1 • t d h 1' b 1` ance. ' •Uridaspray' for rust pre-. Ivention; DAVIDSON'S Texaco • Service 1' No; - 8 H'wy . Phone JA, '4-7231 Goderich, PHOTO. FILES : for : brides, fami- { lies noteworthy occasions, an- niversaries available at the: Luck- I now : Sentinel. .'See the "Our. Wedding" photo filer Line of Guest Books' for anniversaries, Parties showers, teas, etc. anniversaries, 1 35, Lucknow. g ass,' steering . an wee :.a 1 VLC TOR-McCASrKEY,. Smith Co- I. ,/rona Remington Rand typewrit- e'rs adding machines` and.cash•.;: For Sole e ue registers may. be. •obtained through' , ,, t The. Lucknow . Sentinel a. best • •prices, phone 35, Lucknow., CARPENTRY BJILDIN.G :REMODELING ROOFING- CONCRETE Call 30; Charlie. Robinson " WHITEWASHING • • Barns and • Poultry Houses cleaned, disinfected' and white.- HURON hite= MOUNT HOPE QUEEN I. LEGHORN and RED , SUSSEX; • From .3 Months Old To Ready To Lay -•,- We t eliVer On. Orders' of 200 or More. BILL •'MaePHERS'ON, 3x. R.R. 1,• Holyrood, Con: 10, Kinloss Phone' Teeswater' : 392-6028 washed.:; Carbola , spraying for, flies if -desired. For prices phone, J. M Baeker; collect 95 :or Box 138; Brussels. 19;5.3 .' '1952 JAC HURON AUTO WRECKERS Phone 167-30, Ri ley 1953: , • Mercury. � • Dodge, Station 1952 Dodge Btation . 1955 Vel' C�hev: Y�B' i938 . ' Chev Pontiac Batteries Tires Body', Repairs ,., • K McOUIRE, pxtip�• agon gon complete Compressor Service WANTED - 3 -way switch for a Beatty litter carrier and 50: feet of track and hangers., Apply Har- vey Har vey Alton, phone '•79-r-18, Dun- gannon. APARTMENT WANTED for elderly couple, must be heated: Phone 94-r-3, Dungannon, POULTRY " • AND FEATHERS WANTED best prices at your door: A Brown,,; Kincardine, phone 181 after ' 6 p.m. • . STANDING • HARDWOOD TIM-: BER: WANTED Preferably hard Maple , and 'Basswood: •.•We• also :buy: logs, ,Phone Collect, Jas. T Craig arid .Son Auburn, .Ont phone 526-7220, SALES HELP WANTED, MALE RAWLEIGH.• BUSINESS -NOW OPEN • IN : BRUCE COUNTY, Tradewell established..` Excellent opportunity...Full ; time. Write at. once: Rawleigh's, Dept.: H-271-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal LOST. STRAYED -, to the premises of the "undersigned,. • •a . Hereford Steer. Owner ':may, have ,same :by proving property and paying ex 'Penses, Gordon. •Struthers,.. phone 24=r=22 . Lucknow: *Jack dammer.. ''Air Drill Quick, economical cuttitig of your basement floors, walls, pavement, concrete, etc. DIAMOND ,,CONTRACTORS !'hone 5;22.4 Listowel otice To Creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: •'In the Estate of:: RODERICK JOHN McKENZIE Deceased All persons having claimsagainst the Estate :of, Roderick. John'. McKenzie; 'late •of the Village -''of• Lucknow in the County of Bruce, 'Retired' 'Farmer, deceased, who 'died on .or•about the 13thday.• of June, 1961, are. hereby .notified to send ' full: particulars, of their claims to: the undersigned. Soli-' citor for the Estate,` On. or before the •19th day of :August '1961, aft ter which date the estate will. be distributed, amongst` . those en titled thereto; having regard only' to the claims of which the. Exec tutors sliall then 'have had notice., DATED at ,Lucknow, Ontario, this 15th 'day ,of'July, 1961. R. 'W. Andrew,. , Lis.tow'el, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors; • Micropgint . ball point. pen, re-' fills solve"; .that , "does •• it • fit" problem ' for all pens. 'They fit paper -mate, ' eversharp,' sccipto, waterma.n, sheaffer, wearever and 183 other popular makes. See for yourself, unconditionally guaranteed,, ;;49c at. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35,: Lucknow. H•I LRAM `FARMS ABATTOI R i<•fiLYROOD the home, of -choice meata BEEF, PORK, LAMB• in any quantities' Schneider's Cured Meats. .WE ' ',ALSO •DO" CUSTOM KILLING and hang' your meat in modern' coolers as long as' desired..Pigs on.. Tuesdays' and cattle every day; 1to appointment neeessary,i RAYNARD .ACKERT 101-rj13',: Lucknow TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned on, or before September "5th, 1961 at 2 p.m, for 10 cord Hardwood Bodywood (Map1e•or Beech). to. be delivered,. piled and measured in the base, ment'of the. Township Hall, Holy rood not later • than September 30th, 1961. J R. LANE,. Clerk, Township ;of Kinloss, It 2, Holyrood, Ont, TENDERS; ' TENDERS will . be received: by the undersigned until Saturday, August 26th at 6. `p.m.: for .the .con- struetion of the. following Drains: "Zinn Municipal Drain;" , con- sisting of 9340 lineal feet of open drain, • 362.0. lineal feet of closed drain and '3 catch. basins. "Wilmer' Robb Municipal Drains," 1645 linear feet of open drain, •1946 lineal feet of -closed: drain. and 4• -catch basins. Plans may be; seen at . Clerk's' ;" certified cheque"for 10%' of the' contract imust. ..accompany each tender; .Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted,. • Signed, .Donald M: Simpson,. Kintail, Ontario., CARD Of THANKS' Br r:ishMottgcig€ Opens In Hanover A new branch office of British -Mortgage & 'Trust Company was opened this- week. • in Hanover.. Located in the' Schlegel' block, this office will provide temporary quarters. until the new British Mortgage 'building is • erected ,one half -block west of the. Post Of- fice. Plans° for' this building' are in progress, and :it is expected that . tenders will be called . for early in September,, A full range of financial and trust services'will be available, including mortgage loans on first- class residential,; commercial a.nd farm :properties; trustand agency services, estate planning;' ,British. Mortgage retirement savings plan; Guaranteed : Investment. Certifi- cates and 'a savings , department. Founded in. 1877, British Mort gage has' assets oof-over,1 47,090,.00.0: -with --paid=up capital of .$1,058,4.00 and general reserves of $1,700,000; Head. office of British Mortgage is located in Stratford: A •branch office will also be 'opened: shortly: in Listowel., ' • . In opening the Hanover..,office, Mr„ Wilfrid "' P, Gregory,: Executive vice-president .• and Managing Director, said that the branch would enable the Com- pany•`to•".provide better 'services• to the rapidly increasing number of=British Mortgage .customers the •Grey -Bruce area.' "We•, look forward," . Mr.... Gregory said, ."to:. serving the 'people.. in:: that area, and to taking, our ;part in; the ., community The Family of . the late Neil C•..,. , raliam, ' . wish to • thank the., friends; relatives and neighbours, for :their. kindness ,and sympathy' at the time of their . brother's death. W'. would like to .thank those•- who sent' • David cards and: gifts' while he was. a • patient in the Wingham. Hospital., Special. . thanks to Dr M. Corrin; the nursing staff and' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hen- derson .who enderson:.who were so •kind. •" Harold,. 'Betty ,;and, David:. . Humphrey, APPRECIATION The 'family. of the, :.late. Mrs.' Walter Thompson , wish ' to' thank friends, relatives and., 'especially neighbours who were so •kind ;& helpful prior„ to her passing, and, to the family at the time of their. bereavement Walter, Jim; Wanda and Donalda. IN MEMORIa I3ACKETT - In loving memory,, of. Mary.Irene Vint who passed away. four years ago, August 20. No . treasure en earth -g. anreplace:. her, It is.. a sorrow too great to be told But to 'us' who `loved and lost her Her memory will never grow, old; ,Always remembered by the Family. TABLE CLOTH Paper inrolls of 100. feet long and • a yard wide, suitable „ for banquets,., picnics &. any catered meal, The Lucknow Sentinel,. phone:: 35,,` Lucknow:. .CIIECKK THIS RUY STAPLER; ideal for school,. home or office, opens for tacking' and binding, only •69c PLUS- 1000 Staples FREE with every 'stapler, The'Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35:. • DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash.; :Prices :.Paid for Sick; Down or Disabled Cows & also • Dead Cows .• and Horses: at Cash Value Old horses. 4c: per. '.pound CORDON TAYLOR, Ph. ' 'Collect 44-r-24, Lucknow: R.A.L' •'2 ucknow Yom . - '24-hour service tt Licence • No: ' 68C61 •i THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head' Office, Dungannon Established 1878. BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, ' R..:2, Auburn;` Vice -Pres Herson .Ir Belgrave, ` Directors, Paul. Caesar, R. 1', Dungannon; .George' C. 'Feagan,• Goderich; Ross,' Mc- PKeeid , R 3, Auburn; Donald • ' acKay, Ripley; John • F.. Mac- Lennan, R: 3, Goderich; •, Frank Thompson; R. 1 Holyrood; Wm. Wiggins, R. . 3, Auburn: For, information' on ou:r Y in- Surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is: also :an' agent, or the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dun- gannon, phone Dungannon .48.•:• JOHNSTON MEAT MARKET / This VV eek -End Specials FRONTS OF BE Red and. BlueBrands Cutand Wrapper 5c ,y�l�D!iv .The nity is 1VIcKini oti in. Florenc Port A Saturd 84 year ga'et,• band hospita; The $.:S,• Nc gad tar good ,n mates, •' •Mr, of Van rine M:' teacher reinaith and re Mrs„: Hyde.F ing wit • Murr, L