HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-16, Page 2PAG,,E• TWO ear Ion ROBERT TRELEAVEN, Prop. NowOpen In Dungannon 1 ai 4a 1 • Hair Stylist specializing. Cutting, Permanent Waving'. Coloring THE LUCK We invite you to: drop in to. our Salon located in the formerBanks Building in Dungannon. PHONE DUNGANNON 2. , and will be 26 • feet long by Strengthen Bridge 16 feet in diameter. ' No piece of rolling stock in To CarryGenerators Canada is capable of moving such a weight and, as a' result; a de - Major changes are being made, pressed ; centre car 89 feet long to: the structure of the CNRrail- will be! brought . in • from Pitts - way bridge over the Teeswater 'field, ,,Mass.,, in 1963 -scheduled River at Paisley. The . expenditure year .for . the moves. on this branch line bridge is nee- The heaviest capacity of Cana-. , essary in order to. ''haul turbine dian railway cars. is about 168 generator's •• to Port Elginand /tons. • ; • thence to the nuclear plant at The 'sp. ecial,. car we will bring' boughs . Point. in itself weighs ; 238',000 pounds Massive equipment and gangs and with its . 450,000.- pound load of workmen •are; at . work at Pais- will be just within the limits; of :•ley, 'where' the present bridge is the railway roadbed to accom to . be increased by 110 feet to a moclate it. Its 10.' axles have a total span of. 607- feet, and the maximum, limit of 89,000; pounds entire' structure reinforced. . . per ,axle;, ' . • The News, ' published • by 'thea The .design of these huge' tur- • Canadian General Electric Com= bine generators ='each :Of which • ley, , carried the following story will: produce 300;000: kilowats' of of, the huge e turbines being ` built ' Power—is , such that they. could g at Peterborough for delivery'.. in 'o y ',. ,e'. crae produced..on this. . con- t ' n s Of sufficient ent- No. •1968:.. , . ;.. :. As, We prepare. .to• manufactures capacity are available „at '' our the largest steam . turbine ' , gen7. ocean ports. erators ever ,built in:'Canada, elab New Problems. orate plannrng hs been essential The 200,000 kilowatt turbine al°moSt . each step of the way. 'generator. we • are . to build for, .Recently; The News announced Candu•'-„Ontario Hy�lro'�s ''nuclear' '`•our plans . to order • a :new crane power .station at Douglas Point in 'for Building. .10, = among 'other. Bruce County—also .brings its projects..,. currently .:under -'way: transportation'..problems; • But, '],ong., before we "could: ever. It 'too will • be • moved by. rail on place a bid on these huge turbine; a depressed, centre flatcar. from generators, investigations • had. to ;Peterborough 'Works : to the To- be made as to how these pieces ronto outskirts, via, CNR. It ;will of 'equipment• would :be moved to be . hauled . over •CPR • tracks the' site.. .' through the city.', because of in It: is interesting to note that sufficient clearances 'for.' equip. • some seven ,Years 'ego,• initial in- ment of that 'size on CN4 tracks: vestigations were commenced by On Toronto's west; side,. it again our Traffic people with Canadian 'will' be picked up by •the CNB railway .companies, ;Key questions Near' London, the • stator will required answers; Such. mattes .have to .be jacked up. in order to as car Capacities,' read •:bed, phys-. clear the . sides of a bridge on the ical clearances, railway : bridge line. It will' then be let down capacltr .all .hada bearing on, the again to its normal position. At design of the' units. Paisley, the CNE is replacing: a, • Heaviest Shipments bridge with .• a• stronger 'structure For. instance, the. two turbine to ' accommodate this shipment..• generator stators we are to build Port'. Elgin is the: ultimate, rail for' 'Ontario, .Hydro's • Lakev„iw• destination, -gat which •point the • • 'Generation Station west of To= stator Will -be • moved` to a tractor ronto will• be the heaviest pieces drawn float and lhaUled over 'a of equipment ever moved in Can- ,specially -built roadto the, site, ada. :Each Will weigh 225 • totes of; the: nuclear; power •.statiori : at. ,. ”. •�-*+ •++• � 0-• S ♦+tom mow. VILLAGE # lUCKNO •Treasurer'sSaieOf Lands In Arrears For faxes SEALED ' TENDERS will be received until WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ' 30th, 1961. for -the Purchase of'Lands, as follows 59-1, Village Lot,` No. 28 Improved Property` 59-2, Village Lot, :No, 43.,,--:- Vacant Property 59-3, Village Lot, No. 8-10, Subdi+ison 21-22 .. ' Vacant , Property 59-4, Village Lot, ,No. 9,- Subdivision .21-22 '-- Vacant 'Property. 59-5, Village Lot, No. • 230 -- Vacant Property 59.6, Village Park Lot, No. 45 Vacant Property .59-7, Village „Lot, No. 349. — Vacant Property' 59-9, Village Lot, South; /2 of ,249—Vacant Property All tenders subject . to the approval of the Departrnent of 1V1unicipal Affairs, Province of Ontario. Lowest . or any tender not, necessarily accepted. r l: urthcr information May 15e ' obtained . at tht 1unicip a1 C�ffi�e., - 444+44+4 • E. H. AGNEW, Treasurer. [ W` :SENTINEL, .:1,,i+ CKNGWr . 07.' 0•19 Homer Dai It •Lucknow Bantams,, battling it Out in a three game. set' with. Monkton for the W.O.A,A. Ban-. tam title lost a squeeker in. Monk- _ton on Tuesday night in the sgr ies opener, " • A last -inning home run.. gave Monkton a 9.-8 victory. They meet again in Lucknow Thursday evening and the local lads are hopeful . of sending it into.. three games., White.c.hurcF.:. Wifl.S Juvenile Finals :In a series that went the three games, Whitechurch ousted Mil- verton to .win the W O A.A. Ju- venile softball: finals. Whitechurch won the -opener on Saturday &in Milverton . by ' a 4-3 score. • Back in, Whitechurch on Mlon- day the home team was snowed under to the tune of 10-1, but snapped back the next night, Tuesday, to show • their superior=' ity in a 6-1 victory, WHITECHIJRCH TOOK TARA IN. TWO STRAIGHT. ;.Whitechurch and. Tara Juven- iles, battled it., out in the semi- final 'series ' for the. W.0.A.A, championship with =the ' classy 'Whitechurch, squad , taking •the •series. in two straight. • .,The second game wag .played ;in 'Lucknow 'on Thursday. night with . Whitechurch coming out on top - •b •y nip "an 8-5 score :in a•. . and ,. tuck struggle, which produced so`rne mighty good .ball. Paul Hen- derson. and Murray Hunter were in the • lineup with Murray mak- ing, 'a aking,'a • couple: •of•' spectacular cat-. ches which kept•`the winners• €rom getting -into :.serious trouble en "the score board. . t IM••••••1000•••••• ••!•l• WEDNESDAY, ,AUG., :60 :1,061' ••••••••••e••oo•g•g••N•••o••ggo, • nnuaI• •, ' • . •4 • •., • . tbeheld inthe Ao ,..are ._• o; • THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY i,.•t......,,..:.. • . • .•......a.. i., ,• 19th Adgust. 18t •• .• • a under auspices of this . . .., !, • HorticultutOli•• ' :• . • Lucknow. an ' 'District.• • • •; •, . •... SocietV... !,• 0. 0. ENTRIES TO BE IN- BY NOON FRIDAY is . • e;. • Arena '•Open. :FridayEvenir g• : . n Evening.. - ...• • . r a AfternooSatu d • i •. Douglas Point, now . under , con- struction... Without such planning years. ahead,' .delivery of these .. Major pieces of electrical . equipment, May not• have. been possible. And • `only : by such advance planning could the design be decided upon. • Visiting Mr: and . Mrs.: George McGillivray is Mrs: McGillivray's brother,,.John Magill ' of East Douglas Mass: and •Eddie Magill of Pawtucket, R.I. .. • Mrs.' Bill Waring and children Of :Stoney Creek. visited with Mr. and Mrs:' Elliott Sandy .recently. •John.' McCharles spent . a. few days with Ken Kirkland Mr. and Mrs -.Ewan • MacLean spent the:. week -end at 'Wyoming With . Mr. and ' Mrs. Williamson. Sympathy of the ;comma city' is extended to the 'relatives "( of the late Duncan .MacLean who 'pas- sed ' away in Victor.ia..B.C. • :Mrs. Ewan MacLean .as con- vener of •the directors of Ripley and District Horticultural Society called a 'meeting ,on Tuesday at which time it '• was ,decided. to hold the annual flower `show on Wednesday., August 34th . in Rip- ley at the Legion Hall. It 'was also decided that Mrs , Liddle; Mrs. McCharles and Mrs. Stanley, be judges,• for the boys gardens in the'•Bervie and Chalmers' districts: • Mr. John MacRae has purehas- ed the McGiiiivray farm on High- way 86 near Lochalsh NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY The, . , congregation • of Knox. United Church, Paisley,.:met re- cently at the .site of their new church for. the laying • of the eor- ner stone. • .Port Elgin is going to, have to modify ' elaborate •clans for a corninunity centre to replace their, arena which was destroyed by fire. Two tenders have been' re ceivedf• the (lowest, for $238,870, Neither bid included the ice plant esti#' ted ,at $'30,008, ' Fort; Admission;.r.-.' 25c ..• •: • ''Plaii to attend and see one of the District's Top Shows • : InaolannanlNaloo•o•saanoa•loaaala•olgee••••a•e•1 Elgin figured on about "$175,000 for . the new structure,' and will: have to trim the specification§ to : keep. within that. figure. *,* * • Lucknowites didn't figure much in the winners, at the last, Tees water bingo. The lone regular • game' winner from: this commu nity was Mrs. •Solombn. Some Elmira , merchants : .have proposed' a •" beat. the tax" open- night. on•,Thursday, August 31'st. • It „would, ,at "least, • , serve • as 'a • protest'. against a tax which they consider impractical .' and detri- mental 'to business. Elliott J:.. "Tillie" Webster of Kincardine arid ' forymerly. of Luck . now, has Kincardine 'his duties as vendor . at the 'new- • Liquor Co•ntrol •. ' Board •stone: ' at . Forest;• Mrs.•. Webster and family,• will move to :Fo jest at a, :later .date..• • WE SUGGEST THAT .YOU .... SALES TAX. FURNITURE REQU1REME :HESTERFIELDS, BEDROOM SUITES, KITCHEN SUITES A Large Selection To Choose From Best. In Quality •—.Moderate Prices We suggest that you drop in and choose your furniture' requirements now. A visit to our store beforie. September 1st will be worth 3% of the purchase price to you. Buy now and: save. Mad(enzje-Furnjture :Stnre • Phone 181 ._. , Lucke ov 5 • `Mr's. tail retu visa 'wi• Canada.; Dawn Guelph : of Augu. ;Camp, • Mrs. Elizabet spent la McGill' a :patient David. son? of • : Iltimphr . urday, a Wingha -treatmen . a' • better • `a • .haveb home , of. MaeCrreg •• Lives: Mr. :a and•so visited h ` tina Car* ` Mr an 1'raser`.. Thompso reunion • Lloyd the grow Mr. ' an �Sandra, tonand Don, Tho tan :feu Sunday.' early ':of with a; her . 85th oldest-. present.' ON Rehr, Pres Lev 19,00' a 1'1;66:: a