HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-16, Page 1efe
3.(0 A Year [n'Adyance:
0.00 Extra: To U.S.A.
tush Work At Ashfield Central School
n Prepuratiofl For Sepiember Opening
Interior work at the central
chool at Hemlock. City in Ash-
field ,
School. Aea 2,, is going
head at full: speed in .prepara-
for the September opening
f the new school,
There will be, ,a near capacity
ndance when the term opens,
vith an enrolment of about 112
icated at present..
An auditorium on the . east side.
if the' building is provided with,
, .
olding: doors, 'so that `section of
he g
buildin can be utilized as
The front of the building facing
he 12th' •Concession, las 'been.
aced. ; with :cut stone , from the
rid school. It has . been stripped
Ind: deinolished and the remnants
►uildozed to' the, north, side of the
•oadway to provide a parking
ot. The school property AS four.
tcres in size. `
Painters, plumbers, carpenters
md'electricians" are speeding the
inal phase, of the work:
The transportation contract has
)eenlet to. Lloyd Wylds of Ripley
vho will, operate a fleet ; of three.
wises in the area. The routes,
.oughly, according, to where bus
'rivers are located; • are: 1•=from
Tordon Finiayson's at Lochalsh
rlong Highway 86 to':Boak's side-
•oad and westward on the 12th
concessiondo the. school; 2 -10th;,
L'oncession; 3 -Lochalsh; west and
;outh toward Kintail.'
Rev: Wilson Loder 'of Lucknow,
ind Wingham, minister of Wing-
iam Pentecostal Church; return
;d` last week fro n a six weeks
preaching mission in Quebec,
gew B runswick . and ' his. home
province of : Newfoundland. He
was accompanied on the trip. by
its son, Keith. •
While in Newfoundland,',Wil-
ion .did work at his home.: town
if Hant's Harbour,, where his fa-:.
:her' lives: Hant's Harbour is only
two miles from : 'a• Forest Fire
Area, and is as yet not out of
Inger.Wilson : had the unpleas
ant' experience of : being in
area where ' several homes, went
up in flames, 'victims of the fires
that have been raging: " •
Rev. Loder. has another brother
who' is a Pentecostal minister at
Badger, ' Newfoundland.. .,
John MacRaewho operated' the
Fina Service Station at the west
endof town -until a short time
ago, has taken a position with
Ross. Cumming at the,: Supertest
Service Station and commenced
work there the. first . of the week.
.John haspurchased the George
McGillivray 'farm at. Lochalsh
and is presently, offering': his
house ..in Lucknow for ,sale. Mr.
and Mrs. MacRae and four child-
ren, Ian, Andrew, ' Johanne. and.
Gordon plan to . mioveto the farm
Tickets for the Lucknow``. Le-
gion's Remembrance Night draw
have been printed and were pick,
ed up on Monday by the presi-
dent, Earl. Cranston.
They will be going 'on sale . at.
once at 5 'for '$1.00. The list: of
prizes: inculdes a lazy boy chair,
a transistor radio, a. portable
mixmaster and an 8 -piece stain-.
less steel cooking ware set.
Lucknow • and Monkton ' Ban-
tams are slated to meet this week
for. the WO A.A, championship,.
Lucknow . went to. Monkton on,
Tuesday night with the return
match set for the Caledonian.
Park, Lucknow on Thursday evt
ening at 8'30 under the lights:
The two teams cwere'scheduled:
to tee -off last week but• both
games were rained out, 'Original
plans were to play here'on .Wed-
nesday and' in Monkton :Thurs-
day, but an eleventh hour switch;
reversed the locations after The
Sentinel had gone to press.
A ' good turnout of fans would
be; appreciated on Thursday ev-
ening :here •to give minor sport
enthusiasm a "shot . in ,the ..arm"
and to encourage the lads.
in the fall. Mrs: MacRae operates
a beauty shoppe on Lucknow's
main street.•
Flower Show This
Back For First Tirne:,Fridav, Saturday`
Ripley Students To ReceNe Home Ec
And Sinop Tuition Weekly AtLucknoW •
The August • . meeting • of ,the
Lucknow 1District High . School
was, held Tuesday evening, Aug-.
ust 8th. •
Members of theRipley District
High School Board attended `the,
meeting requesting. ,permission
for .Grade IX pupils •from Ripley.
to attend. Lucknow District High
School one afternoon a week for
Horne Economics and Industrial
Arts: This request was ; ;granted.
and •the•Principals of both schools.
are 'to. meet and arrange a suit -
'able schedule.
. Plans and . estimates for red
designing •jthe front entrance to
,the • ,school and repairs recom-
.mended • in the recent Structural
Engineer's Report have not been
received ' to •date. .This: matter:
will 'receive the ;Board'•S immedi-
ate attention when the plans are .
received from Salter and Allison,
Architects: of Barrie. ,
.Mrs. Josephine V. Wilshere was,
hired as Latin teacher. She is an
Associate of the London: (Eng-. .
land) College of Preceptors, the
oldest teaching college in the
Commonwealth,, She .taught one
year in.: a Government. High
School; ' spent three years teach-
ing Latin to L)riiversity Students' .
in East Africa and has taught
seven years m Canada.
Sundry, accounts' amounting' to
$769.00, were approved paid; .'tot-
al expenses for July having been
Descendants .Of Pioneer Kinloss Famil
aul•.flower show }In Fifty ¥ears-----------------ofTetcknow and DistrictHeid 'First Reunion' 'At ClanDonald
Horticultural ' `Society will- be .."Clai Donald", the old MaeDon-
held on Friday„ and Saturday :of' aid . home north of the • C.N.B.
this week, August 18th and 19th. "Station, among the, trees and by
'In the comparatively short the river provided '.a,' lovely set=
time since • the society - was ,;re- ting on :Sunday, August, 6th for
'organized this flower. show has a family reunion. ,,
become quite a spectacle; of beau-• Some85 'descendants and rela-
ty p , and last• year was rated as the d . c
to ' show in District 8 tives by marriage of Alexander
The'newl organized Junior (Big.' Sandy):MacDonald- and
y g Mary'Anne Stewart, ,pioneer ' set=
Society will .compete in this: :show tiers of .'this^,area,. met for 'a get
for the second time with.. a' spec -•
acquainted picnic: The threaten-
ial section for the juniors.
Exhibits .areto be placed by in weather did'not, dampen .the.
' . g
ioyoiis '
noon„.onenthusiasm • of the Friday. Judging will take. many of; whom met for' group,
the first
place in the ' afternoon and the time that day. They came from
arenawill be. open to thepublic: as far west as Vancouver, as far.
on Friday ,evening and on 'Satur south as Texas, as: far east as
day afternoon and evening'. Montreal; and as far north' as
There is :a nominal w chaige of. Kapusk'asing '
Donald Campbell. Of °Regina was
a caller in town on Monday. ~It
was his. •first return to the' "old
home town” since leaving here
over half.' a century ago •in' 1910.
Mr. Campbell Was accompanied
.by his brother, Alex "Sandy"'
Campbell: of Kitchener. Other
Members . of the., family are Mrs.
Mary Free of Brantford and Mrs.
Annie Barnes of . Lethbridge:
Mr. Campbell' was also accom
paned : by his '. 'son . Gordon' of
Regina and his. son 'John-' of Kit-
chener. ;with whom he is /visiting
as . well as his grandson, John..
Mr..Campbell was born in Ash=
•field but• as a . lad moved with
his: parents, .Mr,„:, ,and ..Mrs..:Jim
Campbell, to,Lucknow' where he
resided until striking west. as 'a
young : •manto homestead in
The : Campbell home in Luck'-
now, was .ons Willoughby St:, ;now
'occupied by ..Mr. and 'Mrs: Bill
Brown, •
Fire CaII Last Week
To oBeatty �VFactory
,Snouldering .sawdust and ;.shay-
Ings in the boiler : room at . the
Beatty Ladder Factory melted a
'sprinkler head and set off a fire:
alarm:about about 7;30 p.m. 'last Wed-
nesday evening. •
The shavings_
and sawdust from
the plant niachiner • ,are g gathered
i' �''
i cy fed
an overhead c clone and
automatically to the boiler fur-
. ace, tri some unaccountable man-
tier the chute to the furnace was
out of place. andW.
. dumped the saw .
`dust on. the boiler room floor,. in
front of, the • furnace where it
k fire,•
The boiler roo _ '
, m•was filled with
smoke •from' the smouldering fire
as, nieri l
Pale, firedamageentered. was caused to the
furnace grates, but otherwr. •e
th .•
ere was ,little or no eiridence
of fire damage,
Mrs.. Dave Hackett oftown,
the former• Ida Lane of Ashfield,
has . received, wordof the death.
of her sister, Mrs: Charles An-
derson, Which' occurred at Johan-
nesburg, South' 'Africaon',August
5th in her 9lst year::
Mrs. Anderson was the former.
Lavina Lane,, daughter of : James
Lane. and Elizabeth Caswell: and'
was 'born at Lanesville in. Ashfield
Mr,, 'and "Mrs.. Anderson went,
to South Africa following their
marriage where . they, 'had since
resided. Mr. Anderson, a 'native,
of West Wawanosh, was engaged
in the gold ,mining real. estate
b:itsiness:. He passed away about
:two years ago:'" • •
Mrs. ' Anderson ,is 'survived by
her sister,' .Mrs. Ida Hackett aof
Lucknow and by one, brother, .Mr.
Will Lane of Belmont.:.
Opens- Beauty Salon
At Dungannon
Robert Treleaven, son of Mr,
:and Mrs.,. -Harvey Treleaven of
London ' and formerly ,of Luck -
now,' has 'openeil a Beauty Salon
in Dungannon• in the building
formerly :operated as a beauty
salon by Mrs. 'Banks. Robert
cornmenced the business on . July
The business is to be ` known
as "Robert's • Beauty Salon”: Ro-
ber't is a, graduate of Bruno's,
London, and has • taken advanced
training from the Harper Method
School ar Rochester, .New 'fork:.:
Since graduating from , London.
four years ago, he has worked at
'Sarnia; Goderich, London and
Thamesville: .
dinner' at the Log Cabin Rest=
aurant. The' host on this occasion
was. Ross, MacDonald, the young,.
est son of . this ' family of . 6 sons
and 6 daughters, Local residents
will remember that all six sons"
of this family served on: active
service in• .the' first and second
world wars: ' • . '•
Messages'•of goodwill and regret
at being unable to attend for
various reasons were received`
from: Rev. Alexander MacDonald,
Presbyterian Missionary -in Brit-
ish Guiana; Hon: A. M.'. (Sandy)'`
Nicholson, Saskatoon,. James F.
McKee, Vancouver and Mrs Myr-
' Maclver: Perrin ',of San Fran,-
• Among the awards won that
25c to help defray the, expenses • More day was the symbol of fertility
of the. show. M e than 50' worshipped to
ether 'at South Kinloss Presb (a Pound of rice), won by A. E.
Excessively wet .weather ,,has
g y -
been detrimental to producing a
profusion of the best blooms at.
this time of year,but it isto be
expected that. there 'will. ,,be a
comparatively good showing 'and
the : displays will be ,well :worth.•
viewing.. this. week end.
Extensive Revision
Of Fair' PrizeL
i t
Prize lists.. for • the Lucknow
Agricultural Society's 96th' an
noel fall fair have been avail
able for the . pastfew weeks and
copies may obtained from the.
secretary, Mrs. ' Fred McQuillin
or at The Sentinel Officer
Fair dates are Wednesday and
Thursday, : September . 27th arid
28th: Fair. Board president / s
Evan Keith who is serving' his se-
cond., term.
A perusal of the .,,list -will'
.reveal a revision of the horse
class, cattle specials, •. homemade.
`baking, the ladies' ' department,
women's ; organization special.
features, fine arts; flowers, • spec-
ia%i',: events and other minor.
The baby show .will again be
a feature` of the special events,,,
In various classes of exhibits,
there are special awards to the
winner of the 'mos't ,Points.
• As usual the .•4-1-1. Calf Club'
will be a feature, 'with a mem-'
bership of 12 as follows Donald
Alton, Joanne Alton, Marjorie
Alton, , -Douglas. •. Gaunt, • Larry
Hunter, Kenneth 'Kirkland, Le'
roy. . Rintoul,. Kenneth Taylor,
Wayne Todd, '' Bill IKolkman,
Bryan Gammie, ' Garry Gainmie.
Rural school competition's 'are
always a feature of the fair:
Prize list revisions have been,
aimed at ,modernizing • the. list,
and offering attractive prize
money. Anyone interested in ex-
hibiting should' ,obtain a prize
list at an early date and • scan
it closely: The Lucknow
Fair's indoor, showhasvastly
improved, and the airn is to 'con-
tinue this trend,
terian Church at 1:15 p.m..: That
afternoon',games contests, ice=
cream and; supper `• on., 'picnic
tables ,provided through the
courtesy of . the' Royal Canadian been p .resented with a brand. new
Legion, 'Lucknow branch,; •follow-
daughter, born early that Moni-
ed :at' ClanDonald ing:
After supper, a short business
meeting was held where. it was
decided to make this.•,picnic an
annual affair. The following. slate
,of officers was„elected:. President,:
Donald E. MacDonald, ' Niagara
Fails;. Vice-President„;';Allan :Mac.
Intyre, Lucknow,:.Secretary, -Mrs..
Mary Jane ;Wickham,'North Bay;
Assistant•Secretary",, Mrs:: Saundra
Lake; Thornbury'. Committee'
members, . Mrs. Ira Dickie';. Luck -
now,. Miss 'Janet 'McDougall; To-
ronto, Squadron -Leader, James S.
MacDonald, Hamilton.
Held .Family'' Dinner
On Saturday,: August. 5th, over
20 descendants. of Donald Stewart
MacDonald and Mary Jane Mac-
Iver enjoyed a delightful turkey
MacDonald of Kitchener, who
brought 20 descendants . to the
picnic„ To conimenvorate the oc-
casion, Donald MacIn.tyre an-
nounced that he and his wife had.
Luc ovaNative
Died At Gorrie
The funeral of ,Harry Hlmes,
a native , of Lucknow, was. held
at Gerrie” on Thursday. ' '
He ,wase a .sonof. the late Mr.
and Mrs. .W. S, Holmes of Nuck-
now, the 'Holmes home being at
the; southerly outskirts of'..the vil•
lage'no"w owned by Mr. and. Mrs:
Sam Alton: W. S: Holmes ,was, a
farm ' produce dealer and con-
ducted his business in 'what is
now the Finlayson store,
Harry Holmes joined the Bank
of ;Hamilton staff in Lucknow,
which later .became . the Bank.' of
Commerce; He was°manages of,
the. Gorrie BranEh upon' his ' re-•
tirement and continued to; make
'.home there, and spent the
summer •at Bruce ,Beach, •
He is survivedby one sister,
Miss Irene i iolmes of Toronto: „
Misses Ada and Hazel Webster
and Mrs.• Grant McD;iarmid at-
tended the .funeral, at .Gorrie.
Mr and '.Mrs:...Walter Forster;
Ripley, ,wish to.announce the'' en-•
gagement, of . their daughter; .,
Ruthe• Agnes, to Mr. Gordon An-
drew Patterson, son of Mr. .and
Mrs; Andrew Patterson,.'.:Ripley,
the marriage to take, ;plate on
Saturday, September 9th .,at' 12
noon' at ; St, Andrew's Ifnited
Church, Ripley,
John Hogan, 72 -year-old Ash-
field Township farmer died in.
Goderich . Hospital on Saturday:
Requiem high mass was on Wed-
nesday: Morning. at St. Joseph's
Roman Catholic Church, Kings-
bridge, with burial in Kingsbridge
He is 'survived by four sisters,
Margaret Hogan of Ashfield; Mrs.
MatthewGaynor G y , or and. Mrs./Harold
Coster of Goderich and •Mrs, John
Stewart :.of.'Toronto. ;
,John Durnin. West Wawanosh,
and Peter MaoEwan, , Goderich, •
have been named to ' represent..
Goderich District' High School on
the advisory ;committee of the
new vocational school to be built
in Clinton.. •
The comnuttee .is corn osed of
a Board member from each sche 1.
and a non -board rr,eMber, with
Mr: .Durnin'serving, in the' •latter
Capacity, ,
Joh,.,.. s
"served ay councel;lot ancl
reeve of West Wawanosh for
man•y ear.s,.tiin'a tin .his
, g mon
cipal career last year by his cies
tionas warden of Huron County.
• +I