HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-09, Page 9EDIVESPAt AIla, Ot,h; e• 'N. • tH,4 -,WCICN• QW ,aprrOina, LucKNQw, OtivAlt/m• . 4 ' * - • PAGE NINE A. is liARPER' AND .C.:OMP: '0.artered Accountants, 33 Hamiltbn $t. GODERICU, Ols,ITABLO • Telephone JA 4-7582 •.B. ACTESON, (Doctor • of. chix4)pradio Wroxeter,Oritario „ • reiephoAe wroxeter 216-r-1 lurs 10 to 4!30, Mond.ay7FridaY Ylonclay; Tuesday, Thursday Evenings, 7.• t�. 9 N: CROOKS DbToR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 545 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO • Office hours: Daily Monday to Saturday Wednesday a.m. ... Evenings . • neSdaY, Thtirsday, Saturday pip~grar4". • AR. DU VAL Sp.C. • • • Chiropractor 'hysio and Eleetro Therapist. • , . • . Ingham- • Phone 300 iffice located. in.fortrier CKNX.• building on the Main Street): •INSURANCE r° 'FIRE,. WIND, CASUALTY' ' ' AUTOMOBITJE AND LIFE .• TO ProtectYour Jack, Insure • With. Jack ',Today.• L 'A. *McDONAGH ROY -.BENTLEY • ACCOUNTANT • 09.1JERICH„ ONTARIO • • .Box 478 Phone .jAclison. 4,9$21, MacKenzie. Memorial Chapel FUNERAL. SERVICE • Services, conducted.. accord- , ing to your NwiShes "at your { Home, your, Church, or . at Our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Phone 181, Lucknow,t. • Day or Nigh Phone 306, 306, Lucknow ' ...‘••••~,..•••••~4 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • Investigate Before- Investing./ •, REUBEN WILSON,. • R.R. 3,, Gotierich. Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon ' • 444,44poomme.••••••••••••#m~soe. • R. W. ANDREW Bat' Aster and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCIENOW • Every Wednesday, and*" Saturday 'Afternoon • • Offickins the Joynt Block • • Telephone: • fice 135 Residence 3I -J S.: HETHERINGTON, •, • .- Barrister, Rte. .''. Mingliarnand' LueknoW IN LUCKNOW tonday and Wednesday ' Located in Kilpatrick' Block • 'Phone ,Winghant rice 48' • Residence 97 ',IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS.' • for prompt service, and quality products, contact: GRANT CHISHOLM .4 one coneet Dungannon I9 -r-1 or 10 tucknoW` AIW4ys Look To Imperial or The Best" • JOHNSTONE'S • FUNERAL HoME Phone 76 • Day or. Night , USE (if FUNERAL HOME . At No Extra :Cost •' Moderate Prices • Established 1894 • •••••••••••44#04,•00f.0.0.1".0.! WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP • We.- Have 'Seen Memorial •'Craftsmen : for Thirty -Seven • Ye -ars, Always .Using , • THE BEST' GRANITES, • •• Along 'With •• 'Export Designing and Workmanship. :Prices Most Reasonable CemeterY -Lettering a"SpeOalty R. A. SPOTTQN Phone 256, Viringham, Ontario. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist • Office .on Patrick St,* just off the Main Stin' wINGHAM' Professibnal Eye EXamination • ' Optical Services • . 'For appointmerit PIease ,Phone .770, Wingham MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Offiee Hours *10.00 a.m. to 9.00. p.m. Phone Roy :MacKenzie, Ripley 96,-r-24 for appointment: R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST --L GODERICH F. T. Armstrong Consulting. Optometrist '• The Square. (Phone. JAckson '4-1661) LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE. INC. Phone LneknOw TED COLLYER.:: Registered 1VIaster ,Electribian EtAtTRIpAL CONTRACTOR , • Ele•Cteit p4'44-0trIflg •and RepairS ,• ' and • • All electriCal APplianees,. Ishonp :208,4-264 LUcknoW, $A. NO, REUNION • tVOliOnned from Page 1) 'fat of Hamilton. He is 87 and had planned to come back to the old school where he taught in 1899- 1900, but illness prevented him from so doing„ • coldePt. Students The oldest. bonnet' students in. atteridahee Were Mrs. Mary Jane :age 86, Miss. Emma Rich- ardson, 77 and Mr. Peter 'Moffat, Dan T. MacKinnon, although not"preSent, is reported to be the oldOt livibg student who attend- ed No. 8, and is still living in the section. , •. • TWO, students are. still living - who learned the 3Rs in the Old log schoola few '.years after it was built. They are Tom Ross of Toronto who will be 100 on Christmas Day and Mrs. George Grenache (Phoemie Stewart) of T,"eeswater,, who is '94. Mrs. Ste• - •wart -has a perfect attendance diploma dated 1675., s.Neither Was able to bepresent at StinclaY's gathering. . . • Mrs.: Joseph Burns, the :former Joan McKinnon, now of Dayton, Ohio,. was, back to the scenes of her girlhood' and had the distinc- tion of ha<ring the largest family in attendance, She was accorn1 Pa/lied , by :their nine „. children, •Mary, Christine, Joanne, Tommy, Teresa.,Barbara,'iltiari, Joseph and• James.. , There. •Were: many. others. who "came Thome" from distant points, for this occasion. They earrie froin such paints as Guelph, London,. Toronto, Kitchener,•Preston, Osh- A*4, Michigan,11.British •Columbia, Saskatchewan, Barrie, St. Thorn - as, 1-larnilton,, St, Catharines, For- est, Galt, .etc„ • ' • •'• Interesting .Program. • William Evans presided for an interesting program held in the church, which Opened -with p Canada, and the chairinan"s" come, in which he explainedetbe reason, for closing the old School • which they 'felt -should not be done without :Suitably conarnemt cirating a hundred years :of learn7 ing, in the schbol section.Tribute was paid to: 'the pioneers and a 'moment's silence ' observed' 'in• their 'Memory.. • • A singsong Conducted by Philip Steer; With Mrs. :Wm.. Scott :at • the :or:gan, included School Days, ,patriotic and, religious selections. The roll call the teachers ..fol7 ‘. Mrs. Emerson:. brought '.,o'reet1 ingsas a former teacher arid Cal- led on her students of 018-19 by naine tCanswer the roll ca11: The • questions 4.,$1.011 of them stirred memories and .created amuse- ment. Members, of those 'classes by their. school day names are Margaret Moffat, Eva MorrisQ1.4 George Tiffin, Clifford YoUng,. Bert Harkness, George Scott, Fred Tiffin, Mike Diemert, Frank Die-" mert, Tom .Morrison, Bill. Scott, Wesley 'Young, Allan De Maichan, Edna Morrison, Emily Tlipnlp. son, Jack Fletcher, Et4el. Rich- ardson, Jim Conley,, Jack* son, Arthur Arthur 'Thomson, Farish 1Vioffat; Jim Orr, Tony Diernert, Jean Orr, Elva Wall, Marcus. inert. . " • • Flowers were placed for three students who have passed on, Harvey Scott, Jarnes Scott, ,Plar- ence Thomson; A. bouquet was also placed in memory of the school board members and sec -1' retary-treaSurer of that time, who have now: all passed 'on. They were; J. B. Morrison, Charlie Thomson, Walter Scott. and Fos- ter Moffat,. • •• ' • Mrs.' Emerson, recalled , inci-. dentS..'of those school days 43 years ago, and well- remembers the closing of the school for a time; and the cessation of 'com- munity activities in .an effort to halt the spread' •of the 1918 • in- fluenza epidemic. •Mrs, ErnersOn said that no fan -WY in the section contracted" the dread . disease, whiCh claimed; many lives*: Mrs. A. M. Phillips .(Jean Lane) of..-Fonthill read: an expressive. • • , . Messages' Read • Mrs. Gordon Wall read excerpts from more than • a score. of form- •, • e.r students. and teachers whoex- pressed :regrets in being , unable to be preSent, and extended best wishes fpr a sticceSsfui reunion. Lorne 'expressedregret that the. old school:: was:to close in the name of "progress." Arnongthe older dries replying was •Miss 'tonna Ross of WY - burn, Sask:, who has. just' cele- brated her 8th birthday.: "Will be 'thinking of you and.. wishing ,I#Was there," she said, as did others in words to this effect:47 ' Before the program 'closed Mr. .4.4,4^..!••••••44.4!•••9***••.4"...ne. FURNACE. OIL,. STOVE KEROSENE., GASOLINE See or • tall WM. A. 'BUD!' HAMILTON Phone 220Lw, Lucknow. ' District Agent for Service There had T4 .0!rg of thrills,. Baciiwdrd my thoughts, dO ride Horse and buggy was our pride, Or later still we used the Ford As" down the road we ripped and, - roared. • ' ,There were the Orrs With. fail,' large On whom the teacher oft did • barge, • • What lovely honiernade bread, With maple syrup we-Hwere fed,. Then to the parlor with laugh and shout .To sing till, ur hings .gave out, Also on a summer's day To •. the wild raspberry patch.- • • we'd stray. . • . • . . • Clerk Grandpa Moffat of scatish. faan With son Foster, Peter and Robert, • by haine, • ' ° Bob and Margaret oft did To, Bobbie Burris party in the snow. • To .Peter's Jean. led the way For two Jeanshad lots to "say. , Foster many a cheque did write For teachers this was a Welcome Tributesight; at this - time we pay • To the Moffat Mothers Who have gone away. . • $O down, the line:•-wesgo • • Wcirthy sons and daughters. in. a. Youngs, Hockleys, Walls, Conleys Stepp.edwith light •fantastic shoe.: There'S,HOpe and:."Lemon" neatly: married. And Eugene and Gordon on councii'tarried. . Oki yes, iVIcKinnon's on. the:Sixth Dan's' the: trustee -on the book, ••• Juicy steaks did Josie .cOok, Archie's Waltz and Bess S. *smile g Brightened Many a weary Mile; ,• TheBroWn keP t the villa e store They. often:transpOrtedin to the. § :Help from this source often dame.' 'Poi 'Christmas ,concert and sehoo).: • fair fame. • • Evans reminded all to register, & MacDonald's, vy.iluarn,.;1\reil, and :made reference to the historical booklet for 'sale. Mr : Derwyn minister at• Larigside :..PresbYterian.. Church,' spoke briefly, and When the ga-. • thering adjourned for supper,. he: .asked the :Grace. •• 'but -of- :doers', 'Lorne Wall, • a former •studerit splayed several selections On the bag pip:es for those :Who **ere...unable. • to get intd the chili -ch. disPlay, of•old schOol pictures ,. and., the :original school; minutes 'created Much:. in7 terest.. • . • : • Orvilld'Ellidit, a member of the rie* School Area Boarcl,,gaVe 'And Billy and Jack Tiffin kept a. progress, report -on the schooli Russell , • Made this .community hustle, The schottische in lessons grim Was taught 'oft times amid ' the • . . .Rorie and Maggie Ross Stalwart, 'and supreme Provided the stability. on which. to lean, . The .Donaldson, Oh! What excite- ment 'there' For when the twins arrived, Bob tore his The Caskanettes, Wadels and ' •k ..,Richard,sons too ' • . • , us in a stew., • : Construction, with Thanksgiving • • • time a likely date to be ready , Then there was my deal. friend for' oecUpanCy. Emma The „following poem is ,pub- who got. the out of Many' a„:.. lished at the.,zequest of the Coin- 'dilemma, rnittees in charge of the • reunion Whattribute we must, pay. : • • To all °Ur friends alcing the,wa.y. .. • .. For. five. yearsI- did bide In. the Scottish .cOrriniunity_pf, • Langside, ' It was neStled.. among , the hills • "/ I thank' yo'd• for your invitation To come andjoin our celebration. But now time to say 'adieu. Again, my thanks to all of you. . Pedlar Barn and Stable *Equipment McKEE WATER BOWLS DAILY SERVICE CUT ,COST, LABOR , 4, SOYBEAN MEAL , CONCENTRATES BALANCED, FEEDS MILL. FEEDS , CHOPPED FEEDS K. D. CORN4, Steel, Posts,..... DRIED MOLASSES MINERALS & WORMING PELLETS •• Barb VVire 1.1 htel and Son •, tticicnow BranCh,. ThOne 1/4' • ' '47HERps.A NEW LIFE FEED' iOR EVERY ,NEED'' r.o.ro40444444,44.040' — „ s, • A • • • . • • • . • . • . • 44 44 •#. , •!".•• • , * •4,34 I. 'A.. .4 1 • .• .44