HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-09, Page 7VNDSDAY, AUG: 9th, 1904 iE T,UCKwcw'SENTINEL, . LUC:KNOW, ONTAE1 M PAGE =MN ' An old Fable tells the story oQ several. boys: idly throwing • • atones at group of'frogs in a pond. 'Boys," complained one of the frogs at last; "this nay be: fun for You -hut itis death for nO.,"' Toooften we do thoughtlessthings without .consideration for others—for example, s ending our money solely for pleasure without regard for finally s; uture. How much better it. would be, provide for. to . . t -future through the. medium, of Sun Life of Canada's modern life: insurance policies.. ,• ' Life trieuronce is, Amy,rofesion and 1 am at your; service. Whit not, , eall me today?, You will maunder no obligation;, -SUN- LIFE •ASSURANCE. COMP_ANIf OF.CANA, D_A:, rn .. R.R. LUCKNOW ICir�ahan Fhon'e > Wingharn 717 :w-4 SUN LIFE .*.A$$URANCE',COMPANT1..9FASSURANCE CANADA'; � Kinloss Couple Wed ; At Kinlough. . • EVANS NICHOLSON - White glacdioli,r mums• and pink roses formed: ,the setting in Kin hough Anglican Church onSSat- uz•day,. July 29th When Rev. Lyle 'Bennett assisted -by Rev, G. B. Cox united in' •tnarriage,• Karen Frances, daughter of M. and Mrs. Bert, Nicholson' of Kinl1ottgh and Norman Edward; son of ,Mr. and. Mrs, :William :, Eyans,,,,1 ang- side, • 'Mrs. Harold Haldenby accom panied by Miss Edna Boyle !at., the ' org.an sang • The Lord's" Prayer" and during the 'signing. of the `register, "0 Perfect Love",: The bride, given -i.n -marriage, by, her father, wore a ballerina- length white silk organza over taffeta dress, with bouffant skirt; curlimerbund and pleated bodice, cap sleeves,,and :Targe ' back bow. Her ' finger-tip silk illusion .veil was `held by a', rhinestone head= , dress :and she carried a • white prayer book crested with red 'fa-• ses, white rnums and rose • petal streamers. • Maid of Honor was Miss'Donna. `Nicholson, Toronto; --sister-.of the- bride . and Mis's •'Fivelyn -Nichol- son Nichol -son was her sister's bridesmaid They wore gowns' identical to the bride's • in ' shades of mauve and: pink respectively with• matching ,headdress and carried •y'elIpw &. white mums • Lois' Ann Nicholson; . sister of the 'bride and • Barbara' Brown of London,: niece of the groom; dres 'sed alike in pink 'nylon : with flowered . headdresses . carried baskets, .of white daisies: and' pink carnations. Allan' .Nicholson act- ed .'as• ringbearer: • ' • • • Mr. ,Bob Evans .was hisbrother's groomsman and Mr. Jack `Camp.= bell and Mr.' ;Eric Evan's '• were ushers:. .Moved tDumpNn Becich kfi.Lurgan ... ••Huron :Township : 'Council met pursuant to:.,adjournnient,�with . 11 'members present.' , A large,. delegation of . Cottage. wners ,from Lurgan Beach• at ended. the : meeting . asking. . that; he'dump be moved to a location urther from their cottages and sere,' told the • Councilll are trying o find a/'more suitable placeand or the remainder. • of i;this sum- ier:will cover the dump weekly. 'Moved. by Walden Lowry, that ie. authorize the Clerk..:to'•place. ll arrears, due •the Township .on: he tax 'roll: , 1Vloved by Martin -Walden 'that he usual general :grant of ' $1,000' le levied and paid in each school action that is totally within. the 'ownslxrp., ,, The• By-laws to aii'thori e'.the` kthool levies and the Township' ivies were given.three read•ingA: with the '.Township 'rate ;being. set: .t 20 mills and Commercial late ,t 21.5 mills. Moved • by . McKinnon -Martin' hat •the:folio .ing aacttunts be laid: .. Cemetery — Bensori Hardware, upplies, $7.09; Pollock. Elec ric, •TORONTO'S'MOST CONVENIENT' 900 rooms and suites with. tub, shower, radio and TV. Home, of the Canadian Pump Room --Dancing . . no 'cover, 'no zainimum. Ample free overnight parking, Fine Convention 'Facilities. Family Plan. UNWVERSNTY AVENUE Al` KING STREET' i telephone EMpire 71849 -telex 022451 b MONTREAL. telephone UN venity 6-4981 1n'oTTAWA telephone CEntrol 5-3333 TORONTO water pipe ' to.. cemetery, '13.5,92, Ivan' .Pollock, . care of Cemetery, 85-70,'. • • Township' h. ship .Graham .•Gook, dozing at Lurgan. „Dump, $40.00;, Earl` Tout; postage, 9.00; Doris MacDonald, . care • of •hall•, • 8:50; J. ;W. Henderson Co., window pairs •' in ,Ball,.54,96;:,.Lucknow, Sentinel,: 'envelopes • and advt., .20.27i. 13riice 'Beach. Association,, grant . for: hills,'. 300:00; • Howard Hodge, ' 'sprayer., repairs,• '64.90;• Pollock Electric, sprayer repairs; 3.46, -D.. McKay, fire insurance on. hall, '2375; • Kincardine` Hospital,` share of paving hill, 200 00;' Rip: - 'ley ''Agricultural Society, 'Fall• Fair grant, 150.00;: :'Post Office, unemployrrrent stamps, 7.20'; Roads .Steve Irwin; .'super.= intendent, 325.00;• Ernest Wal:den, grader, , grader 17160;:' D. G..MacDoriald, , gas and diesel .fiiel,, 152:60; L. N.:* Howe, calcium chloride, 9.7147; Benson Hardware, wire, 17,90;• G.' • Cook,:. dozer; and 1, hauling; A, reception • followed in, the church/parlour: The bride's ;moth- er 'chose' blue organza: .over ..fig- ured .taffeta with • white'acces sories and corsage .o f• pink carna HThe groom's • mother' wore. printed' green,silk -with white accessories. and corsage of white carnations— ' : .For traveling - the bide . -chose 'a .mint green 'a'rnel with • white accessories: and' c'orsage of 'roses., .The happy B,�garnont Avenue •incoupleoupcouple; ;Will reside n' • ' r '' Rex-. ° dale. Guests attended from Toronto, Hamilton, London, ' Muskok•a;., De - 1,97155 ;. Frank's "garage; repairs, : troit: and 'surroun. ding com 6.80; ., • Harvey. Thompson,, hauling ies gravel;: 69:30:; ' Coiling, Brothers, hauling gravel, 332.75; Sc:ott; Bro- thers, hauling gravel 396.00;. Roy, Marshall, hauling gravel,'. 350.35;; .H-Iarry 'Coiling, hauling.:and .load= 959.05; Jaixres • McTavish; gravel; 153.00; Mrs. Herb Huston,. gravel, 230.30; Lloyd Wylds, cut- ting grass,, 501.50; RoscO Metal 'Co.,,' grader. blades, ` •144,67; Iiyi= .penial' Oil Ltd., 'diesel .fuel; .52.65; Howard Hodge; ; .repairs • 30.00;' Oliver: Smith, right of way, 900:00; John . H. Elliott, 'right • of way, 900:00'; Wm. IKempton, • hauln•g ,gravel, .442'.75.' • • Moved' by :Watden-Emmerton, that we do •now adaourn to• meet on Tu'esda'y, September 5th or at the call of the. 'Reeve. • . EARL'•TOUT, Clerh.. • NEWLYWEDS, bring' in any negative :;and order thank .you notes with :_your 'photo printed on. Adds a personal touch to your, ,replies and iis' appreciated by those :receiving them. The Lucknow `•Sentinel,• phone 3$, Lucknow.: Have You Renewed • Your 'Sub•- '.scription?': •.. ` 1es v ancouver Convention, Report lVlrs, Harvey Houston ,delegate to the 2nd'National Convention of Federated Women's ', Institute of Canada, Vancouver, gave 'her. re- Port at the Reid's Corner branlh on July 27th, ,when Lisburn; and Ripley branches were present,: On Monday evening;: at Holy. rood, about 130 were present from Belmore, Teeswater S.r, & 'Jr, branches, Whitechurch,°Luck- now, . Kairshea, Silver Lake and Purple Grove to hear her report at this meeting Mrs. Houston prey 'rented a. gavel to ' the.. District; President, Mrs;. Victor Emelson,• , Wkiiteehurch.. On Tuesday • evening, , August 15th, the report -wi17, be given at Tiverton; when. Bervie; Arnie*, and Kincardine. ''branches• are in- vited. Any VI. member who; was 'unable to attend at the _other meetings would be welcome to: attend the.• Tiverton meeting ' in the town hall .at 8;30 "p.°M... NEWS BRIEFS _FROM NEARBY TJse ofe what witnesses claimed was • an inferior type of snorkel equipment was. responsible for 'the "drowning• of a - 16 -year-old Midhurst •youth at. Sauble Beach, was the decision: of an' ingtiest jury, .. He ' was swimming' with John Congdon'of• Walkerton .and the boys had contact ;: by,` under- water Signals: The victim ,tapped out an S.O,•S to his •friend;•when, he got, into diffieul.tie' : Mr. and Mrs, Jadk Wallace' of Walkerton; the former' Valerie Carnegie, formerly ': of Lucknow, have purchased a'.liome at• the' southern, 'outskirts of the County_ Town.' tiiiimmiNNNNNui■auI 'i.i.■I • •e: ♦ - tl ■, • SiLVERWOODi MANAGER , • a; 'SPEAKS TO -JR. FARMERS : In the August rneeti•ngof the • .Ripley Junior tar net's was held a .in the Ripley District High School • on Wednesday, August 2nd. Dur-, i a inn the short business period the minutes of the last meeting were • read by ,secretary, Ernest Ackert, • Jr, , . • • Tom Farrell, Ron Bushell and ..a: Barry Johnston were ,appointed. • to ,plan a farm safety' display fd!r, the • fall fair: :•: It wasi • decided that' the Tees- a' water• Juniors be• challenged to "•'. a baseball game with ice• cream social to follow, this event to talc • ■ ■ ■ place in September.: • Mr. Bill •Wha:rr ey of Silver - woods in Lucknow gave an formative talk, on the , dairy in- dustry and 'its importance: Lunch ' • Phot e • Buy Locally! Register' Forms CarbonSnapout Forms: Gas and Oil Truck Fern s Continuous Business Forms aunt r •C Check •Books Restaurant ,Pads Available At The LUCKNOW SENTINEL moposimiumtamm■emmi■i■ii. p KNOTLESS STRONGER; FU.L•L LENGTE SMOOTHER High quality fibers; are combined• with the finest' manufacturing and . • testing facilitiesin the production " Of Co-op Binder Twine; Buy it with assurance of complete satisfaction, and worthwhile savings. LUCKNOW CO-OP DISTRICT EDDIN.G BELLS • WALSH T1MPSON A quiet, • but pretty Wedding was solemnized at the Anglican Church, ,Walkerton on • Friday evening • when Miss Ruby Tirnp- son was•. united in »marriage` to' Mr. Scott; Waish:- by Venerable Archdeacon, E. D.. Mess.• • A reception :followed at, .the • home of .the bride's ,mother, Mrs. L: Tirripson at .Carl'shrue. Mr.: and Mrs. Walsh will reside.:. in Walkerton: HAVING :ananniversary, special 'get-together? Record your guests in •a. guest book, .available at. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. CAREERS IN BUSINESS F YOU'RE ••INTERESTED. ••IN:: ■ Meeting : people • • • Earning sooner': 111or a career e• Us Now FALL, TERM begins Tuesday, September 5 Write for' ,folder of • courses without obligation. F 11 LOUGHEED BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 YOUNG SH 5-1135 KITCHENER •IUI ■•iiii■i,iiNsaieiiiUl.. ■ An YEAR 110111J y Luckno W.48 rte, se.�wed' by 'the. Junior. Tnsti- * iii01i•i siii••til•i �lt�leil ilii iirw,li itiie`iiii ii'i rlir i A • It • ■ E . • ■ • • • • • ■ ■ • ■ • . ■: ■• ■ • 1' • • • ■. 0 • • •. • • • ■ • w lilt iM�w irwiiiiiiiiiil•, • .Y ti , ;x4,; 4 I'. • ,