HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-09, Page 2•TH, IUCKNOW SENTINEL,
igin Over -A Hundred Years Ago
By the Rev. Charles; H. James,:
The following historical sketch
of the Dungannon Anglican con-
gregation, written by Rev, Chas,..
E. Jaynes :appeared recently in
the Huron, Church News:
Among the early settlers 'in the
vicinity of what is now the village
of Dungannon,, a ,goodly number:
were,broug`hht up in the Estatblisl
ed Church of England and the
Church of .Ireland. They subse-
quently appealed to the Mother
Church for a minister. The settle-
ment 'was called Dungannon af-
ter its namesake in the, Emerald
Isle.. Bishop' Strachan of Toronto
heard of• the ';petition •of these
good Church people of Dungan=•
non and . consequently licensed
' the fief. E. L. Elwood to be in
• cunment`, of Goderich, Seaforth,
Clinton, Holmesville, Dungannon
. and Port Albert. Obviously with,
such a large territory to ..cover
his ministry would be confined
toar occasional
visit Unfortu-
:nately there are no records 'avail-
able of his 'activities around Dun-
When the Diocese. of Huron
was established,' 'this territory
came .;'.under the jurisdiction of
Bishop Benjamin'; Cronyn, `the
first . Bishop of, Huron Being
aware of the petition and . res-
ponsible for the spirituals well-
being of these good folk,'' he ap-
pointed the Rey. R. J. Roberts,.
to be the `iricumlbent of the 'anis
sionary district of Ashfield, Col
'borne and Wawanosh Townships
Brief Brit tiaras t Ministryy
;These pioneers did not' Wait for
'a church to be Wilt `but held.'ser
• •vices in their homes and the log
school houses.. One• ,,can . 'picture
these folk, old and young, not
necessarily' all Anglicans, dressed
in their homespun clothes mak-.
ing their way 'to ; the place of
meeting. It was .a ' joyous ouperi7.
ence for them to take part in the
common prayer and praise of the
familiar Anglican :liturgy; The
arrival of the minister, on :horse-
back' was a familiar and welcome
sight to these pioneers : of the',
'Huron Tract While the Rev: R.
J. Roberts remained as mission-;
ary;'for only nine months, during
this short ministry 'he officiated''
atninety-seven baptisms, .4wenty-
;eight marriages, eleven funerals
ands.conducted :one hundred and
° ;;,twenty-one services, (besides visit-
F%','ing all the m enibers and :strangers,
in his district. We must all "agree
this was no:. small task. under '.the
tryingconditions of the rough
. trailsof pioneer days,
ing of the church, namely July°30,
1869, the building; ,was free of
debt and consecrated by the Right.
Reverend Benjamin Cronyn, Bis-
hop of .Huron This important
event took place during the in-
cumbency of the Rev, q. W. Wye
lvho followed M. Sires.
• , Steady Progress.
Since the . building' and conse-
cration of the -church, the parish
steadily, in numbers., In
year 1876 there. was an ave
of 112 per service. The Rev.
Jones ^ served the parish v from
1$70-74. Succeeding clergy were
the 'Rev. E. M. Bland, 1874-.77;
the Rev. W. Henderson, L877 -T8,,
silver Lake W�I.
The, August meeting of the '
Silver Lake 'W.I. was held on
'Wednesday, evening.at the home
Of 'Mrs. John Hodgins. The Presi
dent; Mrs. Bill Campbell,: opened
the meeting with the Ode and
Mary;. Stewart Collect and .the.
scripture was read by 'Mrs. Rae
Stanley., ;The . secretary, Mrs.
Clarence Moulton gave the minu-
tes' of` the 'July ,meeting and the
roll call vas, answered, by giv
•ing "A First,_ Aid r edy" when'
answers .suggested any helpful
aids. A note of
c: , nks' was'read
nye- from Mrs. Fred . Moulton for a
arish treat she receiv ,d, The Institute
the 'will entertain 'at ' Log :House,
rage Southampton, on .e afternoon of
E; 'R." August 22nd. Delegates appoint-
ed' to attend the BruceRally' in
Walkerton , on August '24th are
Mrs. Clarence Moulton, Mrs. Mg -
bel - Campbell and Mrs. 'George
and the. Rev. James Carrie who young. The September • meeting
served the longest ministry in will be held.. at the home of Mrs.
the history of the Parish, from 'Elmer Bannerman in the even -
1878=1892. In the time of the Rev.
E. M. Bland. services Were con-
ducted, at Dungannon, Port. Al-
bert, i. St. Helens, ,Summer Fill;
Manchester, Young's School House
and Lucknow, The Rev. .James
Currie might be described as the
'building parson'. • During, his
ministry three - churches were
built namely St. 1M .ark's,:' Au
,burn, Christ Church, Port Albert
and 'St.. Peter's, :.Lucknow. The
records indicate that , the'. R.ev. it. 'Harold Bannerman and Mrs. Al -
Carrie was assisted +by Mr. G. W. 'bert. Colviell were Presented with
Priest in some o the church ser- gifts from .the girls. Mrs: George
vices: Young . mentioned .how ;apples
ing.. It was decided to. buy ' a
History Book''- for the Archives.
Reports hof• Standing Committees;
1Piiblic Rlations, Mrs. Mabel
ampbell; Current Events, 'Mrs.
,George- Young. A. demonstration
was given by the•••4-H. girls. and
Helen Campbell gave a good talk
on dried fruits which we 'use so
much and what fruits they ori-
ginally were: and had ,a'real good
display •of. same •, The leaders, Mrs..
Rectory Purchased. in 1906 w• ere. dried, ,pumpkin: driedo• ber-
As: • further evideii c ; that the
parish wasprospering,� a rector
was purchased. in 1906. ' pour
years. later in . •1910, the parish
became ,'self-supporting during
the ministry of: the Rev. Thomas
'Hicks, who served the,parish,
from;• •19`05-11, Dungannon ` and
Port .Albert .constituted the parish:
at this time. Mrs. W.IC. .Allison•
conducted, services for her' hus
band;:while he was overseas. She
also .prepared ' ,.a • Confirmation.
class which was' presented to Om
Right Reverend ;David Williams
for the Laying -on -of -hands on.
July 8th, 19118, ;A• nurnber•'of short
•incumbencies followed, from:19I9-
1.93�2. The Rev°. D. D Douiglas, led
the `parish' in thea building . of a:
Parish' Hall •i 1 D` in i'
n• ,.022., ur g ,h s'.
tenure . of ' office the interior :of
the ' Church • was remodelled. The
Reverends E:• Mayes, W. Percy,'
G. ' P. • Parson, F. ' H. ;Gibbs and;
W. Hall were all incumbents of
the parish :before it '.was realign-`.
ed in''193'3•.. •
Church. Opening ' In 1864
The Rev.. R. A ;Montgomery
succeeded Mr. •Roberts.. He • con
Untied ministering to this large
;area and extended the services
of the Church into Kinloss, Turn'-
. berry`. and Goderich 'Townships..
Mr. Montgomery was followed by
the Rev. J. W. Sims who.was the
incumbent from 186.3-1865: It 'was
during• ' his .ministry. Ghat St. Pauls
Church was built Mr. Sims was`
responsible for inspiring Andrew
Draney and Anthony Ivers to lead
a• movement .for the erection of'
•a church: :They' met With a' ready
response on the part, of loyal'
Church folk who .,gave freely of
their., labor as:well' as their sub-
stance. On June 5th, 1864, 'the
church was dedicated and.o p en-
ed for services: The owds pre-
sent had• the joou
1 y e rrence
of seeing the fruits' of, their la-
bour realized: They nowhad
fitting place in which'they could
assemble for the worship of Al-
mighty God and for 'the admin-
istration of the Sacrar�rents.
Within five . ears• of the o" en-
y p
Combined Parish
In 1933 .St: Paul's, Dungannon
*and Christ: Church, Port Albert,
were ` joined with St. • Peter's
•Lucknow, and St. Paul's, Ripley,.
under the, • new rector, the Rev:
J. H.: Geoghegan. who resided at
Lucknow: He '. was' assisted ;by 'a
curate who' worked under his'
supervision, It would snake for
tedious reading to :give a list of
:all the'assistants :who served in
this combined. ,parish. The Rev.
J. H Geoghegan '-was succeeded
by the Rev, A.: A. Maloney .in.
1937. After a four Year incum-
�bency, the Rev:' W. Donaldson
followed Mr. Maloney •in 1942•: In
••1948 the Rey: J. A. Joselyn was
Lector 'and he was followed.the
succeeding year by the Rev; A. E.
Tavener: ' Shortly after his alp.;
pointment` ChristChurch," Port:
Albert, was attached to St Geor-
ge's, Goderich. This arrangement
lasted until the appointment of
the Rev: H', L. Jennings in 1952
when it was.once again attached
to Lucknow, Dungahrion and
Ripley: .
Centenary Celebrated' ,
In 1945 through the bequest of
the. late William Campbell, hydro
'was installed , in Vit:. Paul's Dun-.
.� , ..,... .. LUCKNOW .
The Sepoy Tawny
-- •.On the Huron, -Bruce Boundary
. Authorized as second class mail', Post Office Depantmerit, Ottawa
Established 1873-1�ublished 'Each' Wednesday • Afternobn - •
Member of the C. N A, and • the O W N Ay
Subscraption Rate, •$$.00 a !ear,; an advance to.the U.S.A., $4,00
L. Campbell Thompson acid Donald `C: T'hOlti
L. psora, pubinshers:
AUG:, 9th, .,:1961 .., .
ries, put away,without sugar when
it was scarce during: World War.
`I and "other methods •of preserva-
tion. during earlier years. We like
to: recall the. apple bees; when we
peeled, cored and quarrered bush-
els of them and strung them, on
Cords dry,: over* stove, be-
.ing hung from the:" ceiling. The,
theme of the meeting was. Health
'and the guest speaker,.Mrs:•Jack'
Hewitt spoke on "What Life can
Mean to Us and how We can live
to make the most of 'it. .She also
spoke on'�the, heart. and the cause
of a..lot of heart, conditions, stress
being one of'them:'Mrs. Bill Stan-
ley gave. the motto. What the
Mary Stewart•'Collect ' can teach'
us: Mrs..Hewitt, 'was :presented.
with a gift: sing -song. was;' en-
joyed; The singing: of the Queen
and Grace closed '<the. meeting and.
lunch was 'served. by Mrs: Melvin.
Husk, ` Mrs. •, John Hodgins, : and
Mrs. Elmer. Bannerman. .
WEDNEtSVAY,,. AUG. 9th, j g61°
.Ten. Year$; A
uei ow's 1951• 'council, re°
turned by acclamation, was coin,
:Prised of Reeve J• C. McNab and.
Councillors Ernie Cra;wfprd,,c$, E•
Robertson, Russ Button and Innes
•MacSween. .
A heart .condition. kept; Clerk
Joseph Agnew absent from . his e
first nomination meeting in .•44
years: •
The, newly formed District
High School Board took' office at
the first of the year with a new
school one of the first • matters
confronting', -the board..' Rabert
Rae 'was named chairman, • •
• Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Boyes mark, -
ed their 52nd wedding anniver-
Following a second nomination
Meeting.; Charles Webster and
.Lloyd Ashton •qualified to fill
two Vacancies on the Public
School `Board: Other members
were Gerald .' Rathweili; James
Little, K. C. Murdie, •: H. M.
Elmer 'Graham succeeded ' Cecil
Johnston . as ', reeve 'of Ashfield.
Cecil's last: term as: reeve was
climaxed by' • the' .wardenship of
Huron County, :'
Mrs:, M. L.' Sanderson whb was
with the • F:` W. Daniel Co.. of
St, .john, was' appointed manager
''of`, the; new ladies' .accessory -de-
"lartrndnt in the Everett Company
store in that city; . "•
Bob: MacKenzie `.and" Neil, Mae -.1
hi in -
'Lerman entered .. Partnership p
the fitrniture and funeral • busi-
ness formerly owned, by W:. J.
.Davison. •
. Rev. A. S. Mitchell ''succeeded
key. A. E : Taverier :as Anglican,
rector. here. •
Adam McAdam Was:. honored
as' : he ended . 21 years' as mail
courier on R.R. `3, Goderieli. +
Dr. Norman Wright and
TwentyYears Ago:
Lucknow Council elected. by
acclamation was. 'comprised of
Reeve:N.' :E. Bushell and : Council=
'Tors Wm.: Murdie, Harold Tre-
leaven, Dan Ferguson and Harry
McQuillin who. replaced Alec
Hamilton ,who: retired.. • •
:George Douglas ; retired from
the'. Schdol• Board and:was' suc-
ceeded by`, Joe •MacMillan. Other•
members; were Wm• MacKenzie,
Harold Allin,'.T. W. Smith, W. V•:
Johnston,, A.. E. .lyloKim, Temple
Neil Gillies of ;Carman, Manito-
:ba''and a, native •of' Kinloss, died'
of injuries -from a kick `by a
horse.. ;
Herib •' Farrell' .nosed out Ben
Thirty' Years Ago:
W., J. Stewart was; elected
reeve of Vilest Wawaribsh with a
2 -vote edge '.over William. Mole
A recount• left the result • un
changed. It was a 4 -way eontes
with James Forster and Willian.
Carr also running; Councillor
lected were Thomas Webster,
John 1VlcQuill n, C. M. Aitchiso
and Mbert Gammie.
A public meeting was held , i
Lucknaw to discuss the poSsi
bility of getting a wider area of
telephone service without' a toll,
system. The committee name
to investigate the matter wa
Comprised of A. P. Stewart, J R
McNasb, L. A. Finney
, J. 'G An
Berson S. E. Robertson
Lueknawsand . f it st well was p. ro
ducing 150 gallons a minute o
a 22 -hours -+a -day test for six days.
This was' at a depth', of only 35 •
feet.' Drilling had been done 1
the rock at 80 feet; but no grea
quantity •of water. was Obtained
.Dr. A. M, Spence sold his dru
store business to Fraser Paterson
Esther. Thomscan, in4 her • sewn
year, and the daughter of Mr.
Mr's. acciChadrleesntally Thomdiscson,harg.. waeds, i
stantly :killed . when .a,, shotgi_
one of the children:at their horn
at . the Second ' Concession.
Allan, Turner, Who. lad be
in the• shoe business Lucknow,
died suddenly from a heart at
tack 'at the. age of '40.
STATIONERY ' NEEDS '' can . be
filled • it The. , : Sentinel:; wi iting.
paper, ` envelopes, hasty notes,.
thank you notes, boxed greeting
cards, magic markers and .refills,.
file folders, receipt books, state-
ment pads, scratch pads, pens,`
refills,. and many other : items.
The • Lucknow Sentinel, 'Bone
35; Lucknow.
If,y P ou ,keep Y ourr ear to the
ground, you can k..
pi up a 'lot c a t
of 'dirt.
gannon'. Since the appointment of
Mr.: Jennings, a new roof was put
on the `church in 1954p
oto Opiate
the former .one which was dam-
aged:?by.hurricane winds.'A num-.
+ber of repairs and improvements
were made to .'(both the Church
and Parish Hall ,in' preparation'for
the celebration of the onehund-
redth /anniversary which ' took
place in 1959, Since that notable
event the'Rev, 8. L. Jennings has
leftthe. parish. for . Brussels. I
am.. greatly' indebted to him,for
much of what appears in these
Rambling Remarks. The Rev. W.
Wright is the present rector of
the parish.
As in the case of a number of
churches, the years.,have seen a
diminishing nutn'ber of families
in this parish, but the' hardy and
loyal spirit of the pioneers is
very much in evidence • today:
The .futtire looks' 'brighter as St.
Paul's, Dungannon, advances un-
der its new
Rector into the second
century of 'witness to, the Faith
of their Fathers, We 'trust the
parish population will again in-
crease, and ' go forward to :still
greater• things in the ' years to
Loganfor the reeveship of Huron
Lucknow • -.voted 188 to • ' 53
against a two- yearerm to
Council,arid also turned down
the formation.':of a Public Utili
ties :Commissiony 161.. to 79..
. The Lucknow.'Branch ' of , the,
CanadiancharterwitLegionAllter err e'
h. iss
th a :first'resident
Kinloss Council Was ' compri-
ed :of
Reeve. Richard. Elliott and
Councillors Alex Ma
Earle Hodgins, Dan ` T.M,cKin
nen : 'and George g ,Tiffin.
• Mrs. Helen Hudson'. • died at
Elora in her 96th year.
Slot : machines 'were banned`
and aclosi
ng_ by -lard ;amended
requiring stores to close at 7:00•
o'clock during week ,days . and
at 12:00 (midnight) on Saturday.
The death of Susan Purves in;
December removed the last'mem-
ber of a pioneer Holyrood fainil
banner. "The Horne of Mur-
ray Murdock" wet': erected in
the local arena marking more
Forty.. Years Ago
Miss Eva M. Ranson'. of Pre
cott Was principal of Luckni
Continuation' School.
::Reeve Robert Johnston 'closed
the switch that brought Hydro
to Lucknow ''on January 11th,.
1921, after, "niore than a year
of wandering in. -the darkness,
relieved :;only by a dim, light of
lanterns .and flashlights." • The
Village had'been without electric
lights since .'the,' closing of the
local ' generating. Plant:
Council . was divided 'on gra
ing., a pool -room licence to.
lington McCoy, ,and. quite 'a c
ti oversy'. raged. • Reeve . Johns
.and' Councillor- Henderson 'w
opposed:'_Councillors G. H. Sm
R: H. Thompson and Robert `M
lin voted fora the licence, F
lowing the, 3-2 vote, granting•
licence,:a' meeting was held
the :Presbyterian Church' to
cu'ss`'the' matter and subsequen
:a• public- meeting Was called
•consider. a community hall
which a pool room might be
corporated. A privately'opera
pool•,'.'room was; 'feared, .mi
e r
. y. Y .a s .A►go'..:
•Moorehouse Mitchell was ell
ed, reeve • of Lucknow edging's
John Jayne; by 17'. votes,
cillors; elected 'were J. G 'And
song .W, J. :Davison .: G: H. •Jou;
and . D' N. Lawrence.
Concerned `ever village dist
bances, Council: felt . that
policeman should be on�the st
more, even. if it meant. increa:
his salary of $100,:00 a•°year,
White of St'. Thoxnas'
engaged to succeed Mr. E
as public school 'principal.,
At the 45th annual meetin
the Agricultural Society, ' W.
Wilson ' was' elected presid
Weather insurance was intro
ed', for the first;time 'and.
adopted by the • Society. C.
Locke was 'the secretary.
D. N. Lawrence was treas,ur€
Wm. MacKenzie shipped
carloads. of horses =-j 34 in al
Vancouver Paraded from
Cain Barn' to the • depot,
nt- •
ol- .'
tly •
g of;
1, to..
than 600 consecutive games he Were:. considered among the
had played with the. New York
Rangers to:earn the • "iron man
of hockey" title.
The barn of James . Valad east
of Hoo l
yrood, was destroyed• by
A. housingwas
Survey .made in
view' of, needs forecast by the
Maple Leaf Aircraft aft firm, ,
The. firm. of J. G. Anderson
and .Se' sold their flaxniills at
Seaforth., Mltehell ansd Tavistock
to Hesky Flax Products:
'.est horeveisin these'
parts, and brour ghtraprices tip` to
J B. M'at'ers of Vancouver
a , native . , e onof
>3ritislr. Columbia's
ofKinlossleading fist`.
anciers. He 'w'as then 'resigning`
from the post of president of the'.
Dominion T'rust Compa'ny'.
Mr and 1Grs..Phillip 11MacMil�'
lan were 'married' in' January and
held a reception at their home,
"Fairview"..at the village limits;
Mr. and
Gloria an
clay •, week
Mr.• .and
Mr. and
son, Roddi
visited last
Mrs, A. R
Miss Sar
go Is .holi
home -
Mr s. Ha
•James. J.
..week -end
guests •at:
Ray Taylo.
Mr.: and
-Dorothy a
Mrs: Thom
son,' Dona
visited du
and Mrs:
,Mr., and
turned t� ,
gate,. Micl
geek wit
and 'Mr..a�
They also
Friday, M.
mage and.
Linda, of
Mr, .and
four • child
Joyce and.
ing in the
been',, oste
tion at Ro
8'/2 years
Rev,' 1
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