HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 14ki PAGE; FOLIATEEN' THE: LUCKNOW SENTIHE „ T,17..CIKNOW, ONTARIO PITT Latex:. House Paint It's Completely NEW $lis"ter Resistant. Here s„:,a• completely new kind 'of.'outside house paint, made With miracle latex resins that make it easier to apply and keep your home looking sparkling bright • years., longer,. • Theg lass -clear latex , resins used in : making • LATEX =House Paint give the brightest white and colors you've, •ever used, and the soft flat beauty of the finish hides, surface imperfections.,` ,„ • 'Years;: •of) field testingha've,, demon trated. that houses painted . with. LATEX,House' Paiiii& etain their crisp, an beauty:" Adds protection to'. your home with ' its to h lon -lastin plastic film. , g gr Pittsburgh L'A T.E.X House Paint offers you benefits • g never before available, These, b nefits. Take... LATEX 'House Paint truly the, Muse paint. of --t future.' Phone' ';:150` ENDERS •LSD. `�*. Lucknow, ; On Unveil{ Historic Indian'.Plaquo Bruce County i 'istory of m;pre than a century ago. was . recalled. on Saturday, July 29th With -the unveiling, of. a. historic plaque Qr the groundsof the Saugeen• 11.1" dian • Village Mission Church at Chippewa H�iil•. 'The plaque commemorates the signing , of the Saugeen Znctian Treaty • of 1854, and was planned, and complied by • the Archaeolo gical and• Historic .Sites Board of Ontario. • The Bruce County .Historical Society had a . part in the un- veiling with the Society chairman,, S, E. • Robertson of ;Lucknow act- ing as chairman. • • The inscription, .on the, plaque reads as follows The Saugeen, Indian Treaty, • 1854,' On 'October .13th,. 1$54, iri the first 3nission ciiureh: which stood on this site,,'a treaty was signed Witli the • Saugeen. arid. Newash Bands. of • Ojibwa'Indians... The, .Saugeen (Bruce). Peninsula' thus surrendered, was. the last exten- •sive territory in the ' souther part of the .present Province of. Ontario •rernaining,{n Indian ;pos- e ,` session; Among the Indians who signed' the treaty was Chief Janes. Newash .whose village 'stood.. on ' part,: of'. the ..' site of the .prgsent• city of Owen Sound, :while the Former Lucknowites50 Years FOR: VIER LUCKNOWITES, Mr: • and Mrs. H. A, Doupe, 18 Oak- ,' 'Wood Ave., North,: Port Credit,. 'celebrated: their golden wedding anniversary on: ` 'Tuesday, ' July 11th:. • : Mr.. Doupe ''was principal of Lucknow Continuation School prior to. accepting the principal.- ship rincipal=ship of. Port Credit High School.' in 19,19,: and continued :in that position, .for 33 years until his retirement in 1952: Mr. and Mrs. Doupe have, con- ' 'timed to reside at Port Credit • where. they are , highly esteemed. A gala reception attended by many former students of Mr: Doupe, marked the auspicious oc= rasion. Approximately .'250 guests were present. Besides those froi Poi1° Credit, there were guests frcrn Toronto, Stratford, Brant- ford,Burlington, St. • : Marys, Kirkton, Exeter, Detroit, Oak vine.,' ,California,, .Brarripton,, Guelph . Former Lucknow residents who attended open house were; Mrs. William MacKenzie and Miss Katharine MacKenzie, Dr:' and Mrs. John MacKe.rnzie; Mr, & Mrs. .Gordon Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Lindsay, 'Mrs. T. S. Reid, Mr: Harold Burns. Numerous congratulatory, : mes- sages 'were 'received among which. was a letter from 'Prime:lMinni, 'sten,, John Diefenbaker. • Cut Courtesy Port Credit Weekly,• STATIONERY NEEDS can' be filled at The Sentinel; writing paper, envelopes, hasty notes, thank You notes, boxed 'greeting cards, magic' markers and refills file• folder's; receipt 'books, state - 'Merit pads, scratch pads, pens, retina, •and iiiariy other` items. 'The Lticknow ; Sentinels Phone 35, Lucknow, . WEDNEsDA '`: UCz, 2nd, 19.91 Prepare for a. • Business Career bY securing a diplorna issued by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS's AS, SVCIATTON. QF' CANADA. ' ry . B,EA. 'Sr, and Jr C"purSeS., Qualified Teachers. • ' New Electric and Modern Manual Typewriters. • 'New Mimeograph and Dictaphone • Machines. * Monthly Tuition $26.. 20th Annual Eall. Term opens September 5th • G�derich.; usiness •:Co1ige.. JA :4-8521 or 7284 Swan;.,'a ' da.ghter :in Kincardine Hospital. • Mrs; D. A: Hackett is iri Wing-• chain Hospital. •° Miss Marlene Huntervisited at Barrow . 'Bay where she was 1 ridesnnaid • at the.' wedding of Mr, and •Mrs. Mervin: Campbell (nee Judy Hardman). of Kincar- dine. She attended •a reception at. Wiarton for the•. newly-wed's.. Mr.,. and Mrs. Walter Ritchie & family of, Windsor are •holidaying with relatives. in the Zion district. • priifcpal government; negotiator ''•'. Fpa:ING • RES• was '. Laurence Oliphant, 'Super7. intenderit General of Indian Af . • • • fairs. The. Yreaty reserved for the Indiana- six tracts': of, which. the; Cape Croker, Saugeen and Chief's Point Reserves, and the' Saugeen:. Hunting Grounds; still':remain': Erected „by the ntario -.Ar aec' ogical ..and istoric .Sit Board. ' ' ri Miss Angus G°ould;' Miss . Ruby and Boyd .Clark and Mrs. Mary McAuley. of Acton, visited.' last Th"Ursday with Mr. M°rr 'and. s:. Frank `Ritchie and Anne. Mr:. and Mrs. Harvey "Ritchie and fancily and :Mr. and .Mrs:' Will Ritchie visited with Mr.and :'Mrs., Sim Smith of Molesw:orth`,on ;Suri day, • Mr. and. Mrs. Nelson '. Raynard, 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.,. Walter Dexter. • ;Doug Tasker,. is visiting ' with Ron : Gardner: ' C•ongi atulatigns'to Mr...an d' Mrs.. Lorne,; '.Cook on the birth of a daughter .in Wilgham Hospital, and also to Mr. and :Mrs: Russel: MCLEOD .—'. GARTER ' . ' Trinity' Lutheran Church, kerton . was the :setting for .the wedding .on' Saturday, July ,29th at. 3.;o'c1'ock of Eleanor Jean Car= ter, eldest. .daughter of • Vlri and Mrss Peter Carter . of' HLeoolyd000nd lyan,sdo'n.Mof dMor' John •VMrcs.. Norman McLeod of Walkerton. Rev, john 'A. Arbu kle officiated' 'at ,the double rineceremony. Mr.• Otto trues. of Elmwood' sang "0 'Perfect: Love" and ``The Lord's • Prayer'''. Mrs. Harold • Wesley .of: • Walkerton was organist,.' , ....The bride,•' given ' in '-.marriage by.' her. father, looked ..lovely a floor Iength ;gown of white or- gania chiffon, and ,lace,' featuring' a •'round scallaped: neckline,:: trim- med: with sequins and seed pearls and lily point':sleeves.. The bouf- fant skirt was• accented `with' a shirred bustle 'back ''effect.;. Her 'veil of tulle illusion was held by a. tiara. of .m'ohair and.' •pearls, • & she carried a cascade bouquet.: of • red proses, .stephanotis and trail'' ing ivy: 1V.1iss 'Mar• lene :Carter of Holy roodwas i'naid of, honour for. her•: sister. She, wore' a gown of lithe .green 'Silk .organza_ .over taffeta. 'Similarlygowned: in a lilac 'shade was the :'senior bridesmaid; Miss: Bertha Edgar .of Atwood, cou Sin . of the bride. The junior bridesmaid,, Miss Ruth' Hodge of Crediton,. niece of the groom, Wore: • ' 'a matching.' dress .in light blue. Vernon Reddoii . of ' Walkerton, nephew of the groom was •best man : and ushers were , Elgin Kreu er;. Walkerton, 'nephew .' of the groom • and George:. Carter., 'Holyrood, .brother, of the bride. Dinner was held:'.at 'the '.horne A of the.,'bride's parents for about 45 guests and• a ,reception follow ed at Holyrood `Hall for • ower 100 guests.. • 'The bride's; mother : received the'.guests in a blue figtred'arnel .' jersey dress with, pink accessories..: The .'groom's. mother' wore • 'a two, tone' blue 'crepe •dress with blue accessories: '• :Mr: • and. •.1*s. ' McLeod , will re7. side .in. Walkerton. • ,,He triedto pit -11 .the 'wool over her eyes= -.but he used. the wrong yarn.` .. k After dinner mintis what you... need. when the waiter brings: the :• check:' it was a dejected .young 'miss .' who said: "He nit only lied to, me about 'tlie size of his•. yacht, he Made,,me do the • rowwing:" A .MA.RKING'.BARG.AIN;• felt, tip Marking ;pencil, marks anything,. for horne, office,. 'store,: factory, school,l' camp. It •.dries' instantly, is' :waterproof, 'noir spilling ' and S•mear:.proof,, a new tow' price of 39t The Lucknow.: Sentin61, phone 35..'. r Some\investors prefer the 3 -year term --others like a . longer. period. Wise investors choose a BRITISH MORTGAGE and TRUST COMPANY. GUARANTEED ; INVESTMENT' CERTIFICATE 0 , to . ensure an excellent rate of interest with never a momentconcern. • 's � worry or: . • . • • To invest—see your local agent orsend us your cheque Donitdela —5 Y %interest begins the day you make the m4estment Founded in 187'7 Head Office: STRATFORD' British Mortgage & 'Trust. ,Company, Stratford Cf t enclose my cheque for $,;,v:y,YyY,<Y :iii.':.. for investment for ;:... ..,,:, years, C Please 'Send nnea free folder ,giving full information,. NAME ,. ... i.YM1i iY'1 JY'r:Yii1^iY ADDRMS i'9M1Yiih'fir:it•'YiiY�iYr::'i7°ii'ii•YYW i�:i �i Y1Yi4 •nt .Cr.. ,,,.0 ' i...i'r.i,•••11*M,i°iiiVY;,nntii YY i'Yi'i'1''kx,i'i„{Ywi, Ord YY YiYYiiiril•19.iYi i':kiii.•ik'iYY"ii"iigiiliel` • WEDNE PcisSf Le:gi Death 1961 to Elphick: Townshil Mr, Ell ock . Toul on: Octol tending` working shops he own bu well as of the time tht Miss y€ who devi _ ing a: lox that datb •when , he don for 1 Wh'il'e, £arried 't from the • ton, Stati Sixteel family In MaePonz at Para/1 Luckno:'w farm Ma blacksmj' tion of,.la • main* 'district. in denia engaged hospital Hewa adian Or; • •. ,■- ■ a' .4