HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 4• 1.1 3 PAGE FOUR, . THE;. 14•TCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK -NOW,; ONTARIO .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c.. Repeat Insertions,. 1 %2cper' word, minimum 40c. Notices, Cards: of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum. 75c. In 'Mem'oriams, minimum $1.00. 25c 'extra' for replies to The Sentinel. Billing- charge of 10c . for each bill rendered. FOR 5 PIGS • FOR SALE -.'10 ,good: weanling, pigs; >E•Iarry Gill, phone: 136 Lucknow~ FOR SALE - 100 bales , of last year's shredded oats. ' straw. Will deliver, G. Anderson, Dungan - 'non', 77-r-12. • HAY FOR SALE - round bales of hay, 10c a bale. Burton Collins,' R.R. 3, Ripley, phone•.5-r-3 Ripley. FOR SALE, ., 2 new tires, size. 17; .phone; 174R, Luckno'w. ' FOR, SALE 2' registered Jersey' cows, L• freshened' in May, . other due to. freshen end of August. Apply Mrs. L.V.•i11cClenaghan, Whitechurch. : CAR' b`7'OR,. SALE 1949•: Pik-. mouth coach in good condition. • Apply after• .6:00 p.m. , to Mrs. 'Gordon •Ritchie, Lucknow. FOR SALT!' Clean, used White bricks, Tdhn C.` MacDonald, R R 4, Ripley- Ontario: . - • ' FOUR SALE 'three . 2 -month-old. puppies:.: Apply . 'Lloyd Machan, ;Lucknow; . :FOR •,'SALE -, Singer Electric. • Portable sewing. ; ,machine in 'ex- cellent , condition, $30.00; also President' Vacuum Cleaner,: $45.- 00. Apply Box E; Sentinel: POULTY, • AND . FEATHERS V* TED best pgiees at your' door., . A. .Brown,' Kincardine,. ;phone .181 after. 6' p.m. '•. STAPLER,. ideal for school, home or .office, opens for tacking , and'• binding, only 69c • PLUS' 1000, : staples, FREE with every stapler; ,UTOMOTIVE. The Lucknow•' Sentiriel, Phone .35. Mechanical . and, body repairs, glass, steering. and wheel. bat- CARPENTRY ace Undas ra for rust Y pre - BUILDING SERVICES AUCTION' SALE; Allan' Macintyre • , • Licensed Auctioneer - Lucknow . Phone 209 r-41 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser vice, repairs . 'to all n' akes. of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of 01. makes "for sale.. Robert K Peck, Varna, telephone , Hensall!. 696-r-2;, CUSTOM ' BUTCIIERING Beef • and pork , sold '' in " any•: ,quantity: Custom'' butchering in. Government licensed , • abattoir: Pigs every Tuesday. Beef. froitn• .Monday through Thursday.• BUTTON'S MEAT -MARKET MORTGAGES First ' and second' mortgages arranged anywhere, in Ontario. �RELRAY ' INVESTMENTS' 450-A Wilson . Ave , 'ME' •3-2353 , 'Downsview, Ontario. SEPTIC TANKS' CLEANED' Septic . tanks, • cess'' pools, etc., pumped , and cleaned with xnod •ern equiprrent.. All : work guar : - anteed. Louis..; Blake, ' R. 2 : Brus_ sels; phone 442-'w-6. CEMENT,`STEEL; TIRES,. WOOD: For `lowest prices on .. cement,. steel'. roofing; 'tires, see 'us '1gent for,: • St. ••'M,arys: cement' and ; East- ern. Steel r °duets: Hard :wood .P o. :slabes •by• ' the, ,'truckload: • •We specialize in trac, for tires:. Fresh. cement on hand at all. times. Bruce ,MacMillan, L'ucknow... -- REMODEL• INC n : , P vention. • ' ROOFING CONCRETE ,,•. DAVIDSON'S Tearaco Service Call '30, '.Charlie Robinson ,• - No. •8 Hwy ;;• Phone. JA.. 47231• Goderich. TABLE CLOTH .Paper 'in rolls of 100 feet • long and ••.a . yard wide,' . 'suitable for banquets, picnics: 8i • any catered rieal, • The ..Lucknow • ' . • Sentinel,, phone 35' Lucknow ` • • CVSTOYM COMBINING AND SWATHING New„ 127foot • self-propelled ' machine. Apply . to ' Gordon Jewell and' Sons, R.R. 6, Gods , :erich, phone :Carlow, ' • 304. :WHITEWASHING Barnsand'#',: Poultry. Houses' cieaneed disinfected and wrhite- washed. Carbolal spraying. 'for flies• if desired;,: For 'prices 'phone J. M. B.aeker,' collect ' 95 or 'Box 138, Brussels. • Pullets F • r Sae MOUNT HOPE QUEEN LEGHORN' and' RED. SUSSEX' From-. '3 Months. Old To Ready To .Lay - We Deliver , On Orders • BILL MacPHERSON Jr. ; •R. 1;. •iolyr.00d, Con. ,10, Kinloss • • Phone Teeswater.'.392-6028 ANTED COMING E� GARDEN' PARTY •Kingsbridge Garden Party will �be .•�e1d •at St. Joseph's Church on Saturday, August 5th Hain and turkey supper . from' 5:00 to 8:00. Adults $1:25; children 12, & under, 50c. Bingo, gainer,'. prize draw, Ball game Lucknow and Port Albert for' John Hanna trophy.. HOUSE"} WANTED • - ' Rent or, Buy„ must have bath' and hot water, .three =bedrooms; Apply to; Sentinel Office: WORN. .WANTED =. Boy,'' 15,. needs work, farming, good 'with tractor or • as''' a,. water .boy for construction workers; phone Dun gannon 18-r-14. SALES HEL•P . WANTED,: MALE WANTED,'- Man for, stead y tra-' vel: among Consumers in Bruce ruce Count . • Permanent• • . connection with large Manufacturer, ' Only re- ;.liable hustler considered. Write 1 today. ,Rawleigh's (Dept.' H-271:- 1131 40,05 Richelieu, Montreal, MALE HELP WANTED # BRITISH: COLUMBIA. New pipe- Ii'rte construction project. :Long job. Winter work Top pay. •"Job News". 30c and addressed envel- ope. BR'CO, `Box 285, Kenmore, Wash, U.S.A.' 'HURON AUTO:. WRECKERS Phone `167-30, Ripley 1953 Mercury , 1953 • Dodge. Station Wagon 1052 Dodge"Station'• Wagon 1955 .Chev V-8 1938 Chev 1952 Pontiac Batteries --- Tires Brody Repairs JACK Mc'GUIRE, Prop. • SPARE. RIBS.. and KRAITT Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday • • Night At The Commercial Hotel, ' Formosa. • ,;' RECEPTION FRIDAY There will be a reception for Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Alton (Ruth Procter) in the Forester's Ball, Belgrave on Friday, ' August .4th. Wi}bees Orchestra, Ladies please. bring "sandwiches. Everyone wel- come. • ANDREW .- LANE`REUNION Monday,' ,August 7th, 1961 . in :the Agricultural, Park,; Lucknow, :00 pan. ' All ' members. : of the. clan, by birth, marriage or adop-. Um, are cordially invited to, be: with us at our 111th• Anniversary, Oliver, NcCharles, • Pres., Jessie. Kirkland, Sec. •SCHOOL: REUNION A. reunion of'former "s;tudents,. teachers and residents, of S.S. No... 8. Kinloss . Township• (Langside), will be''held '.at the school grounds on Sunday, August 6th at, 1:30 p.m;:A• hearty •welcome :is extend- ed to all those who are. 'interested - in case anyone' may have ,been overlooked. Bring a basket lunch. ' CASH • BINGO $1,400 Cash (must ' go) Bingo, Teeswater'Arena on Friday, .Aug- ust :4th,; comun;encing at 9: Pan: /1;. $500 Special; 3, $100. 'Specials.; •1:2 Games, $50 each; Special., Draw. Prize. Adnussion $1.00; Extra &, Special 'Cards '25'c, 5 "for $100.` Sponsored by' Teeswater Lions Club. • NOTICE. IHave You Renewed Your Sub- scription?', r Cot pl'ete', Compressor Service *Jack Hammer *Air Drilll Quick, economical ; cutting of your basetrierit floors, Walls,: pavement, . concrete, etc. DIAMOND CONTRACTORS Phone 522-•R ListoWel NOTICE H Shipping ,..ag' 1ppg Because' of the holiday Monday, August 7th, Bog, Shipping; in Lucknow will be on. Tuesday, August 8th. ' - Joe Foran 'foot ,Circular. saw, --cycle, power. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE' . An -auction sale of 26 head of• choice ,.dairy cows and heifers.. & some .equipment will be held for Jack 'Irwin,. 31/2 miles south of Lucknow (on Lucknow-Dungan- non H'wy.) •on Saturday, August. 5 at .1:30' pan. Offering will in- clude 17 Young :Holstein cows, fresh and Springing; 2 Holstein, Heifers, ..springing;. 3 Jersey cows. springing;;. 2 . Jersey ' Heifers, open;; 2 Holstein Heifers; open: 2 -Unit Surge ,milker; • 13/4 ton' G.1VI.C.. stake truck; rubber tired wagon. , • This„ is a good offering; of dairy cattle, all, have.had a clean blood, test. No' reserve- as owner' is going into beef cattle,' Terns Cash. Jack 'Irwin, Prop`. Allan Maclntyte, Auc., . phone 209-41, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE.. Clearing 'Auction Sale of • House- hold' Effects: &. Farm Implements will . be geld for Elliott Sandy, Lot 5,•. Concession 12, Ashfield Township, about 8 miles West of Lucknow, commencing at .1::30. p.m. , on :Saturday; August, 5th.. Everything must go as farm . has been'sold Oats . ,425 Bushels Garry Gats. Household Effects • visited ,me while I Was 'in hos 8 -piece oak , dining room suite; p;ital at Wingham and .St. Jos.ep]'i's, couch; chesterfield chair, Windsor ;London, Your thoughtfulness was chair, 7, rocking chairs, Edison : much appreciated and will long victrola, Singer Sewing tnachine, be' remembered by ,me • and .:thy. Dresser;:. Piano . stool,; 4 beds, °4 'I twilit,. .1 John MacRae. springs, '4 mattress, 3 dressers, •', 2 comino es small table, , lawn.' We wish to .express our sincere •.' chair,' 2 -korner.; gasolinestove, appreciation for the many. acts 2 -burner. electric. plate,•. 2 clothes of kindness shown to, us during. ;. horses, • pictures ' and picture .the recent illness:. at passing 'away t e� s dishes, of our father and'. dear 3� china toilet s t ,, iron' stone china dishes, coal oil Mr. John Elphick." Special thanks lamps,. 2..pair ':skis, 2 ' pair '• snow to Lois McIntosh' for. ;her kind - WnON'ESDAY, AUG. 2nd, 1961 CARD THANKS wish 'to thank the pupils and.. teacher of Lochalsh School, Ash.. field for the lovely gift,th'ey sent me the end ofJune, . Phyllis 'Rodger„ • Dave MacDonald , of Lochalsh would .like to thank all those who remembered him in so many ways while, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London,, with' special thanks to -neighbours who took off the hay'arid assisted in other farm work.:. ' I wish to thank° Dr., Crawford, the staff of .nurses of• third floor, also for the lovely cards sent me 'and treats' and those who visited me while I was a 'patient in the Wingham General Hospital. -Ars. Annie Irwin, R. 1, Luck - naw, I would ^ like to ' thank those who •sent me cards-. ands visited me while I, was in: the• •hospital,. Also 'like to. thank the' members Of the . Woman's Missionary, Soci ety at Zion' for their lovely, box of fruit.. Special thanks to Dr: Corrin and .Mrs. Mary Gibson.• Thank You. • Mrs. Lorne Cook and 'Sharon I .wish -to 'thank.. all my friends. and neighbours,, who remembered me 'with •letters and• cards, .f10- wers a'nd treats :and -those` who.- slices • 'ness • and;' devotiori�... Thanks : are Machinery also extended:to friends, relatives Frost • and ' Wood : hayloader, and 'neighbours who: :sent cards,-' 11 -hoe Massey -Harris Fertilizerdrill, .6 -,foot Massey -Harris; ,bind- er, ' Massey -Harris 2 -row "coin. corn• seuffler, : Letz . chopper; . 4 -section harrows, McCormick manure ;spreader, ' nearly new,:, 6 -Biot Frost and Wood' mower, Ford Ferguson Tractor •with, pulley on good rubber, 2 -stone -boats,' --John, IRWIN. in loving remembrance Deere 2=furrow:. plough,. nearly of James,'Irwin who • assed away. new, Clinton.chain saw; 20" near7. One year -ago. . ly'. new, ,Buzz .saw,'.Rip saw, 4 'Tis but a'.'.ear tod'a Y Y flowers' and Wild helped in any Way. These acts Of.' kindness shall:: not be :forgotten. ' • Mrs. `Elphick and ,.Family,• 1 MEMORIAM Notice'T�Credit�rs • ' NOTICE, TO 'CREDITORS . ' In. ,:the.',Estate of RODERICK JOHN. McKENZIE Deceased.. • All persons having claims against the:.Estate of Roderick ' John pig troughs, 14 'foot. '•Ash`. pig `McKenzie, °.late of the. Villa e of trough, 25 gallon -iron, ketle, ' 13 ,L w., : g cord . ofhard wood 3' ucknow in the County of Bruce,. card Cedar, Retired Farmer; deceased, . whoquantity of . `lumber, '2 colony died on or about the 13th day of 'houses, logging chain . 20' long,' June; 1961, are hereby' notified to tractor :c7k ains almost' new, . ;corn send full.. particulars' of .;their binder, 5 :grain.. bags, 100; 2".x4" claims , to thea undersigned Soli- Se ant'ling 8' to • 12' long, ;.quantity citor for the Estate, on or.'before. of ,2"x6" rafters 1.6'• long•; : '• Man Arti les the 19th 'day • of August, 1961, at - ter which date' the estateTo 1Vlention.: Terms- will be s , ,, , Cash. 'distributed amongst • those en Emile MacLennan Auc:a titled thereto, haying regard only, to the claims• of which the 'Eke-' •cruors shall' then 'have had notice, DATED •at Lucknow,. Ontario, this 15th day of July, 1961: • R. W: Andrew, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, lawn mower, 240-4b..,:scales,: 29 foot., 'ladder,. • 11. foot' ladder, .4.7 - foot :ladder, wagon.-vn: 'rubber,;. Hay:rack, Two Wheel trailer with, Family. rack, 74 feet of inch piping, 89 feet. of .3/4; inch piping:261A foot CAMERON •In • everlasting •` 41li°'inch : beg, 511 'foot 6 inch .memory *of a dear Mother and belt, : 43 foot 6. inch.,belt,..2::cem nt Grandmother,' :Mrs: : , .Jose ��p hine e Cameron, who passed away four years ago.,Jiuly 28th, 1957:., ,The years 'roll on And 'we've missedou;'^s0,, Y, But for 'eac y one of us „h The • bell • must • toll; • *' W: e miss the sunshin' e Of • yOur smile': ButWe'll. meet: 'again, 'Morine ., After awn le. Sadly missed ;and ever remem- bered; by daughter,. Grace, Georg.e. Linley and grandchildren: • Since; God called you ' away And we who loved you most of all Miss, youmore each day. Always remembered by his Remember, - it . takes bit a moment to• place a Sentinel Want Ad and be money in ,poc- ket. To advertise, just pkione 35, H LRAM FARMS ABATTOIR HOLYROOD' The home of:'choice "meats BEET♦','. PORK, LAMB. in any quantities ' • Schne oder's Cured Meats • WE ALSO ' DO 'CUSTOM KILLING • and hang your meat in it bdern cooler's as long as. ,desired.'Pigs on . Tuesdays and cattle every day, No appointment necessary. RAYNARD AC'KERT 101-r-13,. Lucknow TYPEWRITTER RIBBONS `. 'Typewriter ' ribbons for any makeof, Machine are •now avail able•, at the. ,Lucknow .' Sentinel. No. matter what t'he machine;we have the • :'ribbon. . Phone 35, Lucknow: , RUBBER STAMPS of all kinds, made. 'to your, specifications, are available at The: Luckno Sen- tinel; phone 35: :REFILL PROBLEMS SOLVED Mic o • cx point •bail point- pen re- -tilts solve that "does it fit" problem for all. pens. They fit , paper -mate, eversharp, setipto, wateri'nari, sheaffer;„ wearever and 183 other popular makes. See for ' yourself, unconditionally 'guaranteed, 49c at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone ''35, Lucknow, ' JOHNSTON MEAT MARKCET • This Week -End Specials Save 14t' Smoked: Picnics, Ib Save 20c P�rkChops,, Ib,• Save 20c :• Saimon ,Trout Ib� 7.4447-44 59c k'ortorn 900, rooms tub, sl Home. of Room-) infilhnuitt parli Ff limERS11 Tslephone:I M MONTREA 4 OTTAWA' ►1 CHARLES Charles ] 5, Wng+h� Wingharn Friday, Jul] illness, He 29th; ., He was 'Ashfield T late Thorp ilda' Dougl, 1910, he n liott `of W ship, who July 1951. Mr;, and • on 'Cohces: moving : tc 1939. He wife's deal • side on At ': :Harold`, 1Vlr:. Coni .Wingharn Morning s Carlow. The fun at the •.Cu: • , Monday, J • Rev John Coro • Pallbear roe, Alex Gasemore; ' old . Adan Flower be; and Chari Lane: Mr,' Cox two sons;. nosh °'Tow Kitchener; Wilfred df of Con. ,4, grandchild ed by; his