HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 2,z.
"The Sepoy Town" -- On the , Huron -Bruce. Boundary .
4uthorized as second, class. mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
• Established 1873,...:. Published Each Wednesday ' Afternoon '
Member of the C.W.N.A. 'and the O,W NA.
Subscription Rate, MOO a year, in, advance -- to the U,S,A.,: $4.00.
L.•Campbell Thompson acid Donald. C. Thompson. Publishers;
WEDNESS)AY, • AUG. 2nd,, 1961.
Board Receives Engineer`s` Report:.
uc now District. Hugh. School ilnspection
The:. Lucknow District High examination was made .of the
• School Board held a specialmeet., walls,' both: from inside and out
lug last Wednesday . evening .to side of the building. As a, result
consider the structural engin- of this inspection,. certain items
eer's report • regarding' the recent were noted as, follows:
• inspection of the Lucknow Dis,- (a) All the solid timber :beams
trict • High SOhool.. showed evidence • of ,checking &.l'
'At the regular August.. meeting splitting due• to ;shrinkage. In a
'on. Tuesday• night the Board was 'few cases where a timber beam
scheduled, to meet with the archi- was not. true grained, • 'splitting
• tett to. draw. -plans for renovation of a more severe nature was not
.of ,the • front -entrance, which is ed.; The worstcondition of this
referred to in the report • latter type was' founc4 in.the audi-
' The front entrance . columns torium, where the north .end of
have •'nothing ' to • do With the one of the Auditorium beams was•
structural'. safety, The •Sentinel cracked diagonally downwards'
has been informed by the Board near thenorth supporta Certain'
Reference is also Made in the other similar• cracks were noted
report to the snow load capabili- 'in a few beams . throughout the
ties"of the roof in terms • of square Classroom ' , Witig. In .all; about
•feet. The Board' points put • that six• beams are so affected.:. .
• on this basis the auditoiuuin roof (b)' All exterior walls andwall
would. 'support a 70 -fon, weight.; piers •appeareif to be sound and
;The, verbatim report dated in good condition.. Some cracking
July 25th, 1961, is as 'follows; in 'the exterior, walls: at. the dis-.
• ' Lucknow District High School . continuous ends of, • .the window
Board, • • • canopies was. noted. These cracks
Lucknow, " Ontario, were diagonal and"tended to ex -
'Gentlemen: tend " from the endof the ca'nopy
On Friday, July; 7th, •1961, the upwards towards the `roof,/
writer visited ;the ::above `school (c) The concrete canopies . had
and carried 'out •an• inspection of cracked; at right angles. to' their
the structure 'in the company of length at regular ; intervals •of
M. A: Hughes and certain other about 10 feet. 'There was some
Board' " Members, who were pre evidence 'of/jii rater leakage through
sent at intervals..The "date' Nand the canopies ,at these ,cracks.
time of .our visit 'to the:, school. (d) Two.. of the ,Front'.Entrance
w"er a arranged with your Mr. column mullions were. found 'to
' iuughes by Mr.. Salter .of the .firm be .considerably rotted at their
of Salter and • Allison, . Barrie, base.' It • was estimated. .that not
'Ontario..'The . purpose. of this in- more : than 50 per cent of the . ori-•
;apection was to . examine, the •ginal' cross -'section of these two
structure •of the building; to re= columns was still intact at the
port on its., structural condition, base.
and to suggest any repairs which • The writer. was lent copies, :of
,]night be necessary. Our report . the drawings ,for the. building .for,.
follows. • " the purpose of checking the struc-•'
The • building is a one -storey tural design of the roof members:
:structure about 65 . feet wide and as they are notedon' the draw -
260 feet long:The roof is. general ings. This has been done .and we
,1y; about 18'°0" above grade, ex- report, that, . with one: exception,
sept • for the Auditorium Roof,. the; roof; framing is:, capable of
which is about 20' 0" above grade, supporting' a: -snow load • of 40 to
and the .Administrationportion flf 50• pounds per' square foot without
the .building, which' is. about .1'2' exceeding allowable stresses. The
0" above. grade. The'•Ground floor exception, to this, statement • is the
consists of .a ' concrete. • slab " on .framing over :the. Front En'tranee.
earth, ':except the area below •the :Here, the' drawings'.ca11' for •4x14
Principal's Offie, Men and Wom., beams at '5', 4" centres spanning
ert Teachers' Rooms and .Receiv- distances varying. from`. 17". 0" to
in'g and Storage ,Roomm, where a 27' 0". Our .calculations indicate
.-. " a
basement boiler room is located that . where • the sp n of these
The length . of the building 'ex- beams exceeds 22' 0" they 'are
tends in an east -"west direction. " incapable. .of supporting a .snow
The roof construction • consists load; of'. 40 pounds per : square
of `2 -inch wood• decking supported foot, at allowable • stresses.
on solid • timber • beams; which We have carefully: checked the
span• from the exteiiior wa10 to design • of the canopies over the
• and across the corridors. Cover windows ` and have found them
the •Administration; ' Area wood adequate to support 40 ' pound
"joists spanning from thg exterior snow • loads without overstress.
Walls to the corridors 'Ire ' em- However, it shottld• be' re orted
played. The support for the trans- that the anchorage for these canti_
verse timber beams' at the ex= levers • employs somewhat Hess:
terior walls'consists of 10 or 12 factor of safety against deflection
inch concreteCilock and at win- .than is normal for a canopy of
• dows consists of 10 Or 12x16" con- this type. We emphasize, however;
crete block piers. ; All exterior that our calculations do not indi-
block "work • is laid up in ,a stack ..cate any actual instability,.in the
bond arrangement.' 'The corridor canopies. • : •
supports for the timber be ins' . As a result of our obter
pp a vations.
consist or wood posts, Stud parti- .of the ;buil'ding and our checking
• tions, . are used to separate the of 'the design shown en the draw
classrooms from the corridors. ings we wish to suggest the. fol-
. The - floor 'over ' • the 'Boiler lowing conclusions, • '
Boom is a concrete'slab and• the •' (a) Generally,'' the, structure'=of'
basement walls of the Boiler the building :has been. found toe
Room are also of concrete. in 'reasonably � b
At the Front Entrance; timber our opinion; the training of the
beams extend' from the north school is „basically sound and no
wall of the Auditorium to sup- concern need be felt for its safety.
ports which consist -of "sloped tim- " •eb) :The checking of 'the solid
ber columns which extend• down timber be' • s which has •
.• • as been
to the to of a foundation wall„ at noted above is
p quite common for
grade level. "These front entrance solid timbers of this type and
columns also serve as mullions does not indicate an structural
`for ••wi ws. •- failure. Where Y
`',poorly .grained
Poured concrete canopies in Pieces have been used, such as
.. " y. , _ se of one of the 'Auditorium
. the ca v, ., , • .. ,.
t ' e form of -an , e ebrow extend
continuously above the windows •beams and certain other beams
on all sides' of the building. :throughout • the classroorri wing,
The writer visited all rooms of some repairs should' be effected.
the building arid carefully •e to Iii our opinion,' these, beams can
mined all of• the structure which l be made safe by • the ap,plicatian
was exposecl`'to view, Also, a Close of", steel strapping to thein: In -
In appreciation of 'the past ten years of your patronage we offer
you many bargain's ..on complete selected stock. Thank you .for
our success in business,
�Blankets,Flette $550
1'0 percent 0 f
OnA All Men's Clothes
Coats, `Suits, Trousers, Sport •.Coats
Bathing. Suits,
'Short Sleeve . Shirts
Straw hats
Men's ,Slims .
Sport Shirts . .
$4.00 and '$2.00
• $2.00 and `$3.00
.. less $1:00
...... less $1.00
less. $1:00
.. ; .. 2 for $1.00 .
SOX, reg. $1 5 0; for . . • . 99.c
Rip -Ons for Children. .. • ' $1.50
Child's Sweaters, 8 to „14', ...'..
AU 10 percent Off
SPECIAL - . WOOL . $3.50
Many 'colors
and .sizes.
Reg. $•605 801 90,' all colors
Skirts / price
Knitting Wool, 'reg. 55c
Handbags $2.00.
Gloves 69c
Towels. 89c P
JEANS,plaid, stripe, plain . $2.25
BRASSIERES, long -line ..
DRESSES 20 to 50% LESS
Hats $2.00
•, :35c
Gowns $1.89
Pants 69c
Winter, Spring, styles, including Car Coats
and Suits
25 percent Off
RACK OF SLIPS .. : '$1.89
include cotton,' nylon and,' crepe, all sizes •
Cash — , No Layaways Please
chided with this report. is' a sketch.
drawing ' .showing the details 'of
the proposed' strapping. ••
(c) ` Those Front Entrance 'col-
umns which have rotted 'should
be replaced. We suggest that the,
over-all—design. of the Front En-
trance might • be. altered. ,so. that
More protection for . the base ' of
the columns against water :• is
provided. We suggestthat, an ex-
terior wall be constructed out-'
side the wooden: columns so that
they; are .wholly' within.. the. en=
closed part, Of the entrance.. We
suggest that. the stability of ,the
Front Entrance. 'would be improv-
ed if its ,design were altered so,
that the columns • are 'truly ver-
tical; rather than' sloped as they•
presently are constructed. '
(d) Theroof framing over the
Front Entrance' should be `aug-
mented by the addition of new
beams placed.' mid -way between
the existing beams Where spans
in excess of 22' 0"' are, involved.
We suggest that Mrs Salter Might:
be consulted concerning the Arch-
itectural redesign, of the Front
Entrance: ' • ' • •
(e) Because the factor of safety
against instability of the "eye-
brow • s canopies 3s Somewhat ;'less
than normal; we. • suggest that
they be 'maintained. in good repair
at all times. The roofing should
be maintained so that water
is prevented fron'i entering the
Canopy 'concrete 'at. cracks, The
cracks which are present in the
canopies are due to shrkage &
`'temperature movements. The.
rei:nforcenien;t. which has • been
provided is insufficient to resist
.'his . • longitudinal temperature
movement and the canopies have
cracked as a result. These cracks
however, do not affect the • capa-
city of the canopy to support ver-
tical load. • In our opinion, the
cracking in theexterior walls at
the ends of. the canopies :is ':also
due to temperature movement of
the . canopies.
We shall .be glad to,discuss this
report with you at greater length
if you require any further clarifi-
cation of our observatio n and
findirigs, May .we also • take this
opportunity to thank you .for the
privilege. 'of ' being, of service to.
'"Respectfully submitted,
C. D. Carruthers and Wallace,.
• • Consultants Limited.
R. L. Booth.
. The finalagg ' a of the ; '
p deport
is` a sketch plan of ;`suggested re-
pair for beams with cracks. which •
are diagonal," .
Judge P, S: McKenzie. of Wal-
kerton has been named •trial judge
for a .case, involving two Windsor
men charged with arson: and
fraud as a result of a boat. ex-
plosion and fire two years ago.
Judge McKenzie will try the
case in " Windsor September 5th.
fits . appointment followed an.
order prohibiting Judge Joseph
A. Legris froin• 'taking any . fur-
ther steps in respect` to the in,
for nation upon which .one of the
accused was eo'rriniitted for trial.
Big Steel: Barn
Built At pintail
In these days when 'many, farm
barns are being-' allowed: 'to sadly '.
deteriorate, for benefit from tax
ation, it is unusual to see a gleam..
ing new • steel barn now :. coma- •
pleted on the farm • of Norman.
O'Connor at KintaiL.The"building,'
replaces two barbs destroyed by
fire;.last fall. •
I•t was built: by J. and H. Fiem-
ing; of Hanover, specialists in
this ty 'e ' .of metal -'clad barn. Its
dimensions are .80 x 100 feet
wsteehic4irs: wi11/ provide space for. a
maximum of ,three hundred
Designed for 'loose housing, of
cattle, the stable, space will be
divided into four pens running,
the full length :of .the barn.
Mudsills, one foot . square, of
B.C. fir, support two by ten inch
joists to • which ' . is nailed
tongue ' and groove` flooring •
Ample "ventilation is • provided
by four' vents at the peak : of the
barn; open cornices, : screened to •
keep birds,' r• addi
tional air'out circulation.,allow fo• .,r.;x
district farmer, had a large. driV-
by lire which threatened their.
home. The ,'„,blaZe is 'belieVed to
have Started when ;the tractor
100. gall:oils Of. gasoline were des-:
Mr. and
'Helen and
SOndaY ;v1.1
Mrs. Georg
of Mr. and
,son were 1V)
We welc
. and would
of Lueknov
in Norwieli
weeks , trip
Mr. and M
Harvey 1
day fishing
in the HaN
mother Mr
after Visit
and Annie
quite imp')
to date to
which the3
'three year
Rev. 1
110:00 an'
11:00 a.tir