HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 11 )0 A. •. Year In Advance --"4; $1,09 Extra To U.S.A. LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2nd, 1961 SIXTEEN PAGES. istrictScI.iooh. dame Committee Study vocationarschool Question• suitable location for, a voca ial .school convenient & prat i 1 for the Lucknow High, School seems; no, nearer a solution owing a recent meeting held. Walkerton,and attended, by tubers of the Lucknow Board.. )elegates from ;six . of ' eight. ins in the district were , in at dance. Kincardine ,and, Ripley re not' represented at this eting Iain achievement at this meet=*: was 'the, establishment of an estigabing ,committee, to fur- r study the government • fog - ed plan, and 'to .convene again. !ore ' August 22nd to report 'ir findings. Representatives this committee from Lucknow Gerald, Rathwell and Arthur dgins. )nes igestion brought out. at meeCig there last week was It the. following schools be in - :ported into. one area: Wal, rton District'High School.(450 !dents)," Walkerton Sacred art High. School (300), Han- er District High School (500), wham (230), Lucknow (225),.. Lesley (400), Ripley (130), Kin- rdine (350) and Port Elgin Both Walkerton : and Hanover ore proposed as sites for the. National school. Distancewise' ither centres seem practical r .Lucknow.. Hanover representatives' sug- sted that. Hanover, Walkerton, Irham': and Chesley,,y unite' to ran the• new school in Hanover. J. H. Robertson' of 'Port: Elgin id the assessments of Port gin, Lucknow; Kincardine and ,pley .'are too small ' to support eir own school. He recommend C that.• one school.'be established Walkerton. W. R: Stewart, ' assistant super - (Continued 'on Page 16) EPLACING REAR 'SECTION F CO-OP `BUILDING . . The, rear .portion 'of the •Luck )w District Co -bp D'building on ampbell. :St., used mainly: for ed storage, has been dismantled. Id will be replaced with a ce ent block 'addition.. The dismantled portion of the 'ame building was in a' bade ate of repair. :The new addition ill .include . a basement 'that will rovide' considerably more stor- e' space for ' the various farm imnnoditiesstocked by the `Co Of Co-op Managers P•. l ,oss Robinson,. popular Mane-, ger of the Lucknow District Co- op for : almost three years, is re- turning to 'Belgrave .to 'resume management of the Co-op busi- ness there, He.assumed his duties on August let'. .Rosa 'hag been active in • sports promotion, and a valued member. of the Lions dial) during his re- sidence here, and Mrs.. Robinson has become increasingly` active in United 'Church work: Mr, and Mrs. 'Robinson sold their home in Belgrave since corning here. former Lucknowite, was u wihr�the local Co-opfor. a . b , time and took over management of the Belgrave business when Mr. -Robinson camp' to Lucknow:. Bud; son of Mr. and .Mrs."Mel- vin. Orr, has been ' 'appointed manager of'` the Wiarton Co-op. New manager of the Lucknow Coop is Don Elliott, a native of Lstowel who has been associat- ie with the'Parkhill Co-op, until his' appointment here, where he assumed his' • duties on Tuesday, The residence question is de- "FUR COAT . WEATH*I. P, To ' all appearances the temperature would appear.,to .. have taken a nose dive • on Monday for a gentleman in a coonskin fur coat, was seen On Main Street up one side and down the other, • It wasn't really that, cool, ' , but the 10 -minute stroll was. worth.$3.00 for the chap' who• took:, up the. dare., - Ted Collyer Named Grand Steward • CENTURY U Y OF LEARNING. .TO END AT LANGiSIDE Sta.; No. 4 Kinloss, better known as'‘Langside School,, will mark the end of an era, and of a century of teaching, 'the 3 -Rs, on Sunday,, August 6th. "Langside School. Section has' become part of Kinloss School Area : No. 1 and when the new centralschool iscompletedthis fall, • pupils from S.S. No. 8 will be transported to Holyrood.. It is a coincidence. that the new system is inaugurated just 100 years • after the first 'school was established in the Langside area.. A. reunion' of ,former students, teachers and.residents' of • the 'sec- tion' will be held 'at the school grounds on Sunday afternoon. Retires As Head Retires As Head Of Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of ' • Canada in the Province' aOntar- Frm1UA rMNh'wol io met in their 106th annual tom- munication at Central Techni- cal echni cal School, ' Toronto on July. 19tih. and .20th. • On Wednesday afternoon at the District meeting, John L: Mac- Kinnon of 'Kincardine, a meber of Tiverton Lodge received" by acclamation the position of Dis- trict. Deputy Grand Master for North Huron, District for the Year: 1961-62. Mr: MacKinnon sue- needs Dr. James E. • Little who held the office.during the . past, term. .• . On Thursday morning the an- nouncement was read : out that Ted Collyer of. Old Light Lodge, :Lucknow, had been appointed by the Grand Master,.. a Grand Ste- ward of the Grand Lodge for the year 1961-62. There were over 3,90.0 Masons in attendance ..at Grand Lodge this yeay: • PUBLICATION OF ' SCHOOL YEAR BO ( D, LAYED ;Students have been enquiring about the 'Lucknow District High School Year Book It isn't pub-,' lis.hed as yet. The, copy was not all received until the term's end, :and after that the pictures had to Abe, . obtained and ' decided upon; before ordering themaking of the plates. • . . The plates,' or'; cuts, arrived just as holidays . were commencing at The Sentinel, so about .. the best we can promise is' they'll , be: ready 'b'efore 'school opening. Three -Way Change GRADUATE JEORGE MICHAEL HOGAN ;xadua'ted from` the Uni iersi ...in recently , ... ty of Toronto Bachelor of 4pplied•,d a P •Science and has acce: t position on the staff of rezaco, of Canada. • Michael is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hogan • in of Don Mills,.. both of. whom' were former. resi lents of the. Luekn�o... " ,, w area;.. Mrs Rogan being the former Mary White pendent • on• when Mr., and Mrs. Orr and three , children- obtain housing in • Wiarton. Mr: and; Mrs. Robinson• will move. into the Belgrave residence • tenanted by the Orrs, and Mr: and. Mrs. El - Ilea will take up reSidenee here in the 'home vacated by Mr. & Mrs, .Robinson. Ni��¢d Monday Night Blaze ll�hicl Thregtened 3 -Storey Roul#ry House A large; three-storey .poultry ing.: The building, is a frame struc ture covered. with. aluminum sid' ing • The. joists f ook fire before • the . "tractor could 4 be removed, Mr, Burgsma closed up the build- j.ng: to cut off , as much air as: possible and started to -fight the outbreak with a garden hose, only to, find bhat, bhe heat melted the plastic hose: With the, help of neighbours they "sloshed" water on' the burn- Ing. urn .ing; 'frame' work, and had it pretty well' under control when the Lucknow Firre Company_ ar- rived after, a' comparatively long run.. A fog nozzle was used to finish the job and cool down the building. The fire call was receiv- ed here about 7:30 p.m. B ;House . „On the farm .of Harry urgs'ma, south of Dungannon, 'was saved' from: destruction by fire • early Monday evening.; . The cool -thinking and prompt action of the proprietor -was. ' a big fac- tor. .n preventing the- outbreak from getting out of control. Mr: Burgsma, whose farm is a mile west of the Dungannon road on the. ;Second - Concession` of ,Aslfield, . was cleaning out the first: floor of the broiler house., He 'had the, tractor attached to the manure spreader in the building and was about to re- move the 'load .when. the tractor took fire. Mr. Burgsma used another • tractor of remove the burning machine from the build-, ELLIOTT SANDY'SELLS Best' F�i ref•ghters ASHFIELD TWP. FARM At:FieIdDav The Bruce County Mutual• Aid Associations fieldday was held at Southampton on Sunday, July 23rd with five fire 'departments competing for the 'Bruce Trophy. .Lucknow proved champions in ' the firefighting class, the one that really counts, but in the run- ning races . and tug of :War fell down to Teeswater• and (Marton, leaving them tied for second place with Wiarton, three points behind Teeswater: The rules of the ;competition were laid. down by the Firemen's, Association of Ontario. Each team consisted -of eight men. Those from Lucknow Fire Department" were Chief G. R. Whitby, Harold Austin,, Roy Havens, Stuart Jam-' ieson, Ebner -MacKenzie,' Liloyd Saunders, Jack Treleaven:, In the first event, the hose race, Lucknow placed second;. the lad- der race, ;Lucknow placed . first; and. in the rescue race, Lucknow placed third. The. event "open to all firemen, the 100 yard das+h;. Eimer ,MacKenzie placed ; third; the 'chiefs' open . 50 . yard dash, G. R. Whitby' placed second; the tug-of-war; Lucknow pulled third; the L icknoW• team tied with Wiarton for second' place.. A 'picnic 'lunch with all the. gamilies brought the day to a Air Mr and Mrs. Sherwood plan to tour tfie. United,'States. Charles Sherwood, a native. 'of Ashfield. Townships, has retired as president of, Ryco,Engineering according ,to a. recent an- nouncement iri the Detroit..Free Pi ess, • Mr.;;e� Sherwood organized the' firm in .1947 and has sold his interest to George.Nidiffer, sec- retary -treasurer of .the Company. Mr. Sherwood has spent . thirty- five years'in . the' design and de- velopment of autos, farm ' mach- inery,, test equipment and pro- ducts for the Ordnance Corps .�& Air Force. Mr.' and . Mrs. Sherwood pia. „to.ur the United, States Charles Sherwood is • a son of the late Mr;. and Mrs. Samuel Sherwood and • was born .on the 'family farm on; the 10th Conces- sion, . Ashfield, which, ' until re- cently, was occupied by his bro- 'cher-in-law and•'°sister, . Mr. and. Mrs.` LeslieRitchie. • Charlie went to Detroit .in.1923, and it 1929;. married' Edith Mac- Innes, whin': he met. there. 1026..Edith is a daughter. of the late Mr. and •Mrs.John Macln- ries, who lived in Paramount' Until 1913 when; the family moved to• .Duluth, Minnesota: . Charlie :was employed. until. 1933 by the •Pord''Motor Company in their tool,. and die. department where he ,completed his, appren- ticeship. in. tool and die ,making while attending ..night: classes at Cass Technical High ;School. He then completed a."Mechanical En- gineering 'course • at Ford's, ,and. later special courses iri Applied Mechanics and. Mechanical De- sign:, e- sign. at the• Detroit College' of -Applied- Science: • In the interim between his con 'rection with the Ford Motor Com pany . and the founding' of his own business in 1947, Charlie was, employed in various ; phases of engineering t. Charlie is retainingthe. presi- _. dency of Sancti Corporation which was, organized in 1956: Sancti 'Corporation is engaged in the ownership and operation 'o f' real estate,. Booth. At .Sale Barn close: Booth . At Sale ',Barn. :Again Broken Into: The Lucknow'Sales Barn and. Jack MacDonald's garage were broken into at :the week -end' arid- whether' by not '.the ..two were associated; is conjecture. At.the,Sales Barn, in any event,. it was' rnot the work :of `an adult, for :entrance was gained through the; smashed pane of a lavatory window, measuring only , 111/2' inches square.'. The` .tool used ,to smash the window was dropped into the Lavatory ,:bowl.. It was amazing that entrance could be:. made without being scratched or cut. Abutton• off a. shirt is a bit of evidence which police .ob- tained, • ob-tained;., The objective of the thief or thieves... was the `' refreshmen't,. ,booth in the, sales barn. An un- successful attempt was made to get to. it from ..within the barn• by removing the ..lavatory; door, connecting `directly into the barn. When this failed 'the ' outside .la- vatory window was . smashed. Chocolate bars, gum and P.P Op . . g were strewn about and a padlock- ed cigarette case broken into..A quantity of smokes • Was taken and the place left in a shambles, .Get Sinai Change Entrance to the' MaeDonald gara,ge was made : by raising an unlocked 'win'dciw. A bit of small change Was' the' sole foot in thi' g,s case: Elliott Sandy recently sold his 172 -acre farm .on! Concession 12, Ashfield to Allan Barger., who ob- tains'. possession on September '20th. Mr: 'Sandy is holding a clearing auction • sale of; imple-. Ments, , household ;effects, grain and miscellaneous items son. Sat- urday, August 5th, without re- serve. Mr. and, Mrs. Sandy. ' will inov'e . to Lucknow to reside, and are building: a new home on ' Wil-. louglby St., Which is now. in .an. advanced stage of. ':construction, Mr., Sandy was; born and raised on the ,farm in ;Ashfield, which. has ' been ' . in the Sandy family name until now since "taken' up from 'the Crown. NAMED t0 POST AT KNOX COLLEGE • REV. G. L. DOUGLAS • -Rev George Lees ' Douglas, pastor bf, Knox , Presbyterian .Church, Woodstock for the past . 14 years,' has tendered'. his :resig- nation to the church boardef- fective ` at , the end .of August. Mr: Douglas has been appoint- ed to the important post of lib- rariantat 'Knox College, Toronto and will take up his new duties September lst. He has been on: vacation during the month of July Mr:.. Douglas' is a native ' of Lucknow, a son of the . late Mr. and Mrs: George; Haigh Douglas, and • is a graduate of the trniti er-, sity:•of Toronto and Knox Col- lege, He spent a year' at, Union Theological Seminary, New York, receiving the degree of STM. Hejoined the Royal. Canadian Navy in .1944; as a chaplain and served twoears at i y paints on the . Pacific coast •and at Ottawa, Af- ter ;his service, as a :chaplain„, he completed , his, course at New. York and received the degree of Doctor, of Theology (S,TB.). Before going .,- tot Woodstock he was pastor of Drummund Hit' Presbyterian . Church, Niagara. Fa•11s ..a },, +9 4' ,4 �Y. tt