HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-12, Page 9NESDAY,. JULY
i2thx, 1941 •
On ;Famo, us IRead'ng Anthracite. Low
Prices NOW in. effect. •
Fill up --save plenty. Remember, Famous
Reading. Anthracrte� :-that better Pennsylvco
hard coal—istrademarked with bright red
spots. to protect you
againstinferior sub-.
stitutes. Give us a :Call
We... have in stock
and Stove CSI
Blue Coat
New Star Lump Alberta: CoaI
All Are 'Premium Quality
Lucknow Coq :' `Company
Phone 10, Lucknow
r arid Mrs. Melvin Coiling.
Sharon visited , with; . Mrs;
vg's sister • in 'Victoria Has-
on Sunday.. They called on
Murray 1VIcDonald , who is al
patient there. 1%4r. and ' Mrs.
nan Anger. visited relatives in.
the. Same hospital also on .Sunday'.
. Mr: and; Mrs.Stanley: Black-
well of Toronto visited .recently
:with .Mr. 'and : Mrs. Gary . Black-
well and . Steven.
Mr,and Mrs 'Walter... Dext'er-
.have 'returned ,from their trip
Overseas.. *
'M'r. and Mrs. Gerald Colling &
Brian 'visited ''on' Sunday with
Mr,. and: Mrs.- Clayton•.;Nicholson
and family of,:ipley.
'Miss Ruth •Black :has.•returned
to the hospital ih Kitchener hay,
ing spent, her vacation ;with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross: Black.
• Miss , Margaret Hamm' of Tor -
'onto spent a few days last week:
with: Mr, and Mrs. :Harry Coiling
and family, • • ..:
Mrs Donald MacTavish enter`
to led on Tuesday in honour of
B'arbara's birthday,
-Miss' Judith. Dunlop of Ripley
visited on Friday • with ' Miss
Sharon Colling.. Reverend and
Mrs: Dunlop,. •Judeth and
gain plan to .• spend their vacs-,
tion motoring to. the• West Coast
where they 'will visit 'relatives
Mr, and Mrs..Oscar White .and'
family 'visited, on Sunday .in Park
Head, Hepworth • :and', Owen
Sound. Mrs. Roberts returned
with. ahem from Owen Sound,.
T:ue'sday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Hoyle and family
were Mrs. William Hughes,. 'Mrs..
Jim •Livingstone, David and Don -
ria of Goderich.. •
Miss Norma Murray, St.. Helens,
visited ,in the community on
Wednesday,. =
Miss Annie McLeod spent the
week With Miss,Margaret Robert-
son..' ..
' M rs. Donald McFarl'an R and:
Helen, Mrs. .Edburt .Bushel and.
Katherine and .Mrs. Burton Col-
lins. attended a shower in Kin
lough for Miss Beverley Stanley.
Purple Grove Institute was
held at the home,. of Mrs. Bill
Arnold. 'Mrs. Edburt Bushel was.
convener, Mrs. Howard .Thomp-
son had the motto •for . the meet-
Miss Dianne TrQwse visited.
Miss .Marlene • Gawley.
Tuesday , guests .with Mr, . and
Mrs. 'George Emerson were Mr.
and •Mr. s. MacLean' Bell, Margaret
and :David of Ottawa, Mr, and
Mrs.. John Bell of Kincardine,
Mr. James. Emerson,' Mr. Jack
Mills. and Mr.- Pete Liddle: of
Ontario .. Veterinary , College,
Guelph. •
Bryan and. BonXie Boyle are
holidaying ,in' G,oderichwith their
aunt, Mrs. William' Hughes. •
Miss Margaret Robertson . spent
the week end in Lucknow. '
Mr...and Mrs. Morford' Mackay
and family spent Tuesday ' even-
• ing ; with Mrs: Williar ',Niacl y,
Carl • Dorevisited Dianne Dore
On :Tuesday. • ••
Mr. and . Mrs. Donald Peter-
baugh,. , Deborah ..and Douglas'
visited at Mr., I:;orne Cuibe°rts on
Sunday : evening...
,Miss Judy Farrell is holidaying
With. Mrs:' Stewart Needham•. •
Mr..• and .Mrs.. Wes Osborne &,
John visited Mr... and Mrs.. Charles,
• The Harrison picnic was held.
i .Kincardine on July 2nd. Those
• a.ttendirig; were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Harrison, Patsy, Don, •Parn-
iny and Ted, Mr. and Mrs:, .Leslie
Hartwick, Wendy;,and .Paul' all of
London, Mr. J. O. Armstrong,
Mr. • and` Mrs. • Myles. •Armstrong
and family' of . Bervie,: 'Mr Len
riie Harrison, Mr.. and Mrs: Ken
neth. MacDonald and .family. Mr.
and _.Mrs! Edwin. Harrison,. Mr.'
and.. Mrs. 'Morford. Mackay- and.
'family, : •Mr.• 'and . Mrs I30ward
Harrison and farrii'ly, ,
Mrs Douglas.' Green "and family,
Mr. and Mrs. ;Ronald Lowry and
Paulene.. '•
Some Orange Lodges'; paraded
at Milverton on Saturday while
others are waiting for, this week-
end to go . to Tara: • •
:Roger Woods spent the week
helping at •Alvttn: Blackwell' •"
Mrs. Don Dore, Mrs. Frank
Dore, Nancy. and, Ronnie visited
Mrs. • George ,Bere„ Millarton.
Miss Eva • Culbert & Mr: Lorne
Culbert attended ` the 10th: Con-"
cession Centennial.
Mr. Roger. Wyatt:is- helping
haying at' Mt, Peter 'Leeson'': •
Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Patterson,
Sharon' Pat; .Gail and Brenda of
Agincourt • and Mr, 'arid Mrs An -
dew Patterson of- ' Ripley "visited
In • an electrically -equipped
home the modern housewife uses
a switch for .everything, except
. the kids.'
Pho e
Approve As
School Debenture'
Huron. •Township". Council , met
On July 3rd with all but H:' Mc-
,b sent.
r y Walden-Ernmerton,
that we. approve of the request
.frarn Ashfield Township 'School
•Area No. 2, to issue debentures:
in the amount of $80,000 to fin-
inance the construction of a new
school, This approval being neces
sary as part of the area lies in
Huron Township.
Lowry -Walden, that We accept
the. tender of F. •A:. Stonehouse
of• ,Sarnia to pavethat part of
road from the north end of the
present pavement •.on the-• lake
road to the Kincardine Boundary
at the price of $6,50 per ton. de-
livered. and laid on the ' road.
• A by-law was passed applying
to the !Department of Highways
for a supplementary grant on :two
bridges that are ibeing built.
Walden -Martin, that • the fol-
, lowing accounts be paid: • "
Cemetery:. Harry Colling,, top:
soil; $13.00 Benson Hardware,
Supplies,5.90; .Ivan..Pollock, care
of Cemetery, 138.96.
Township `:;'H. Hodge, sprayer
repairs;';$32.20; Kincardine News,
printing and .advertisements, 42.-
39; Bens on Hardware, fence for
dump; 53.70; James • McTavish,.
labour; '30.20; Doris 'MacDonald,
care of hall, 7,00; Registrar of
Deeds, :list, 1.78; Dr. R.' W. Black-'
well, dental services, .136.25; Vil-
lage of . Ripley, fire services,
Manser't & Godfrey's,- . 100.00; ,
Joe'.'it ackett, , destroying dogs,
10:00; 'Leonard ••Huston, repairing
hall windows and doors, 109:40;
;Earl Tout, vacation pay, 35.90;'
Graham Cook, work': ' at 'dump,
25.00; Hugh" Cameron, mileage to
Assessor's School, 2000; Welfare,
25.00; •Post Office, unemployment
stamps; 10.44; Telephone System,
hall phone and tolls, ,1.4.20•.. • , ,
• •Roads: ,Steve • Irw:n, Superin�
tendent, $325.00; ; Ernest: Walden,
grader,• 272.80;'Harold E1Uo4,
repairing ditch, • '8.00; • Ernie
,Brooks;. spraying, '6.30; Seve; Ir-.
win,' vacation' pay, :.•78.00. Ernst
Walden, vacation. pay; "58.54;'/N..
Patebell, wood,." laquer,' :280 00
James 'McTavish,. gravel, ' 737460;.
Frank's. garage, .repairs, 5.00; H.
Hodge, repairs, 38.25; Benson
•Hardware, wire . and. "cement,
58.45; .:` Gordon Stewart, .:grader.
rental, •280.00; Earl ' Tout, shed
:hydro anti postage, 11.50; Ernest
Walden, •'brake fluid and rags,
• 6.00; . Harry,Colling; hauling and
loading, 438.95; Coning .Brothers,
hauling gravel, 84.70; D. GMac_
•Donald,.diesel fuel and grease,:
166.95; : Elmer Courtney, , grass.
.seed, 20,10; John' • 'Emerton;
checking gravel,.' 92.25; X. Barn=
hauling. gravel, 33.:85;. Bill
*Kempton, • hauling and loading,
420.60; Roy:• Marshall, hauling
gravel,' • 311;85; . H. Thompson,
hauling .gravel, .148.50; Graham
Cook, dozing' and hauling; 723.75;
R;..Nicholson - and Son,. ,ditching,
15.00 Ken McKay, 'truck repairs,
..Robertsteel Ltd., new • cul-
verts, 41353; :Pedlar People Ltd.,
new culverts, •11.4.27; Steve Irwn,
'Mileage and •tolls, 47.50; Ontario
Culverts Ltd., •, new ••culver,ts,
135:40 Imperial' Oil Ltdl:, • diesel
fuel, 276.83.; L. N.'.l owe, calcium,.
9,16.20; Kerr Construction, crush-
ed gravel, 12;752.00;; Bruce Carne
ron; land for fill, 500.00; Cheste
Campbell, land for fill, ,500.0.0.
Moved .by Martin -Walden, that
we do now adjourn to meet again
Tuesday,. .August ..1•st, .or, at
the 'cal' of the Reeve,•
EARL TOUT, Clerk.•,
Is' Your Subscription Renevu'ed?'
Saturday evening.. with Mr, and
Mrs. Burton Collins.
• Mr. • aid: Mrs. Victor Dawley,
Marlene, and Gladys, Miss Nancy
Dore, Mr. and Mrs. Peter . Lee,-
eeson, Barbara and Iona, Mrs, .Ito -
beet S:powar.t,. Agnes, Lee and
Vickie 'en-oyed a picnic at Inver-
huron on Saturday.
} Mr; and Mr's. Melvin ',Orr, tin.
• wood visited Mr. arid 1VIrs.tlaid'e
Dore - .
Miss Rosalyn Swann, London;
was hoine for the week=end. •
Miss Valerie Stanley visited
' Miss Gladys Ga.Wley on'IVfonday.
Reunion He.id:
At Whitechurch
The ..annual McInnes-Falcoiner'
Reunion; was held Saturday- in.
Whitechurch ' Community. Park
with about 100 in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer
were knosts at the. supper With
Mrs. George :Fisher and commit-
tee in charge of the refreshments. .
The sports were incharge of Mrs..
Ronald' Forster assisted by Mr.
Bill Fisher. , •
5 years and :under, girls,, Lori;
Ohne, Lougheed; 5 years and sun-
der, boys, 'Lonnie Fisher, Tam,.
Forster; 6 .to 8 years, girls, Joyce
Tiffin; 9 to' 11 years, boys, 'Doug
las Splan, '9, to: 11 years, girls,
Sandra. Fisher; 12 to; 14 years,
boys, Bevan .Tiffin; Hoy?. 3 -leg
ged 'race, Bevan Tiffin and Doug-
las Splan; Girls' -.3-legged race,
Sandra Fisher.' and'•Shirley Tiffin;
Children's Slipper kick, Sandra
Fisher, '. Shirley Tiffin; Ladies'
Slipper kick, •Mrs. Wes Tiffin,
Mrs. George Falconer; Married
Ladies' race, Mrs. . Bill Fisher,
Mrs. Gordon ,Fisher; Married
.Men's : race, ,Bill Fisher; Gordon
Fisher; Nicest Hairdo . (ladies),.
Mrs Tom • McInnes, Mrs.' Mac,
'Falconer; Man with thinest leg,
Bob Ormston, Jim: McInnes; Men,
longest' line '.of personal articles, ,
Wes Tiffin, John :McInnes; Ladies
most: articles in purse,' Mrs. Car
riithera,; Mrs. Geo. Falconer; Per-
son–at reunionwith most mem-.
bers 'of family and descendants
Present, Mrs: Carruthers (17);
Gent: with baldest head, George
Falconer, :Mervin Falconer; 'Old-
Old -est lady . present, Mrs. Dawson;
Oldest • gentleman present; 1VIr:'
Wm. McInnes; Perron come.' •klhe.
'farthest •.—. Mr. and :Mrs.. Bob
O:rmston and family of St. Catha
.rives'; youngest 'person,; Lori. Joar
THE. KANGAROO,, the largest. of •the
Australian marsupials, foams the
countryside in large bands. Although a
full•grown kangaroo is' nine feet, high
. and weighs- 200 pounds, the baby is
Only an 'inch `long when it is born. it
$taySinside its mother's pouch until
it is five or: six months old, at which.
time it weighs several pounds and is
able to shift for itself.. ,
When the young kangaroo leaves its
"home," it is ready to take its rightful'.
Oath in the world. To helpyouur children
take`their rightful place in the world;
thele is nothing better than life insur-
ance. Let me tell you; about Sun Life's. :.
Educational Policy which can so easily '
provide fundsfor their .college education,
m. + J:. I inahan
R.R. 2, Lucknow
Phone Wingham 717-w-4,