HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-12, Page 7;Ns:17,4ky,, JULY tath,, 196
• " •
...sulw •
ry of Rev. in M s, John Wan
cookpued from Page :6) ,
which read, "The welding
take Place at St. Jame's.
.", a Minister, who'
s the Watts adds; "Mr, and
watt' were truly welded to-
r in the holy estate of mat-
in. Watt and. Edith Barber
at high school in Walkerton:
John attended: University,
taught sehool" 'arid in 1,907
were- married. In the years
•followed, Mrs. Watt raised
boys and two girls; besides
g part in 'the congregational
,t each of her husband's par -
and this' on a salary that
led its peak of $2400 just
e John Watt retired. •
mnehoW• one ',never thought
oneY connection with .the••
home." 'So says a woman
Wasonce a child. in .Bur -
e: 'It was a place, of love &.
ce• where' even . children
I home -baked • bread and
plum jam made from. mange
, and always plenty:: of gOod
' And'the child who ate the
I and: jam and heard the
talk joined the -chtirch at
ears of age • because.. of. .the.
),ined• witness of. John. Watt's'
-thing and Edith. and -John
's home life. . ••
ith Watt was One of the early
[7 leaders, and she was, . and
is, especially concerned.abeut
work of the Woman's
xy• Society. It pleases her to.
T. th'al in Trinity 'United
:ch at Grimsby there is the
1,Watt Auxiliary of.the
e threeyOungest Watt boys,
!it, George and Donald,.en-
1• with theRCAF.,during the
nd World War.. arid served
it, crew. In the fall 'of 1945
••entered Victoria college, &,
iree are now .in the full-time
teOf the' United Church., ,.
e rest of the family ,,are busy
berg Of their 9wn Congrega
Dr. Arthur served for a
net,. with. the missionary
•Dr. George Darby,at
i Bella, B.C. He attends By,.
United Church,' •• LOndOn,
e he is the assistant Organist.
:chie is an elder in Deer 'Park
ed Church, Toronto, and has.
superintendent ,of the••Sun.-
School in that congregation.
who was a nurse be -
her marriage,,is theMother,
• sthall boys; president' Of
her W.M,,S, • Auxiliary„: a Sunday
School teacher; and'- member, of
the choir. • -
Genevreve has three children
and, in her own words, "with the
usual shortage of leaders in our
church I find myself with more
jobs than I •like to' hold." She is
president of W.M.S., leader of'
the Mission Band, a Sunday
School teacher 'and a member of
the K. and M Committee. She
adds.; try to look in on Mother
and Dad .every day Or's°. and see,
that'they get proper meals and
other things."' •
..If there is anything heroic
about John Watt's ministry it
never appeared so to him and
des, not how. He was ,•called to
the Ministryas a 'young man in
the Epworth League and he never
doubted his vocation. He believes
thatyoung men are still called
and that itis still' a worthy ve-,
"You have to decide what you
want your, life to count for,".he
s.aid quietly . his living4oOm
at Whitechur•eh,; "If you want it
to, count for something import-
ant you can't overlook the Min=
istry." . •••• • • ••
Bill Strong, Dublin, president
of/the Huron County Junior Far.;
niers' Association,left .last week
from Malton 'airport to spend two
weeks visiting Junior Farmers in
the Province of Manitoba. This
• trip is sponsored.' by the • Junior
Farmers .Association' • of •Ontario
as :one of seYeral•tra:Velling
arshtps Whereby outstanding.
Juniors in' the province are given
the. • opportunity. of • observing
organizations other
parts. bf Canada, -the 'U.S.A., and
Great.' Britain. n • 1•
Bill is the sorizof:Mr..drid,Mis.
Leonard Strong, R. 2; Dublin and
was aw•arded.the trip 'On the basis
Of his contribution :to •the_JUnior
'Farmer program in, Otitari9: as
well as Huron' Cetinty.•.:fie has
also had an' Outstanding. recOr.c1
441 .wOrk culminated last year
by -his , winning Cardiff
Citizenship Trophy';,.
While in Manioba, Mr..Strong
:Will visit Junior • Farinerg'iri the
MeGregor; North.'Cypress, • and
•Boissevain areas' and .• Should be
an excellent: arnba"ssador• ;for On -
tai ip's Junior Farmers. , ' • `.
• • ..
Nt-404111n0E.R.0T .
Arthur , Phelps': mailbag •con•
tains several • hundred weekly
newspapers from Ontario, and
Quebec which he scans for off-
beat: news items to broadcast 'on
his CDC radio, show, Neighbourly
News. The • shoW, heard 'Sunday
mornings on the Trans -Canada
network celebrates its'2lstbirth-
daythi year.
. • • •
.• 0-••: .•117,44th Ave.,
!' • .• Calgary, Alberta;
DearSir:- ' • • • •
Enclosed is renewal' .for my
subscription 'ter. .anciflier year..'. '• • : :
• : ....
• Ir.:.
° ... • - . id`'
. . ..
' .
4 .: . L.
400 eeiXidi.Lucknow lot :the' first
time since We: left ',there: !in 1907, '
it 'was. •quite ...a -thrill: . - • •
' ' • HaHaving visited the Centennial'
ornier uck nowite, as ost At
Douglas Point Nuclear Plant
had been corresponding. with
Misss• Beatrice Armstrong for
many 'Years and it washer'invita-
tion that brought' Me there to
the Centennial, ,
• This visit renewed' my ••intereat;
in my old home town and :now
thfioUgh your paPer, I'm able, to
keep; ,in touch with the news of
• .
:tucknoW and Distriet.
Yours truly,
•W G Girvin
• .
. •
ure of the Lions Club parade
July It. Left to right are,
sell Alli, with his, dog which'
e a thatching kilt; Anne Marie
Iles./ daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs..
Glen Stanley of Ripley With her
pet lamb;. and Sohn MacKenzie
and his "pooch." Jell:11'S father,
Bob MacKenzie was in charge of
the 'Parade; '• •••
Winner of the clais was Joanne
:Thompson who had hertiny terrier dressedin dolls clothes and
a patient Passenger in her 'doll
• -.
buggy. Joanne :appears the
background just over' At dlViari e?a,
right shoulder, '
• A p1bIc iriforination Centre
is, now Opened • at , the Lake Hu-
ron site., of the Douglas Point
Nuclear• Power Station, Canada's
first major nuelear-electfic de-
velopernent, . Atomic Energy of
Canada Ltd.: and Ontario •Hydro
hag` announced.
Douglas Pciint ig being built by
AEOL oti• a, 2,300 -acre site inicl7
WAY between ' • Kincardine:, and
Port Elgin: •Ontario Hydro act-
ing as construction agent :and•
will operate the. power station
when it..'is cainpleted. ••••••: .
The• 'information Centre. is lo-,
cated -• near the project access
road; 'about sixn41esj 'from. High-
way 21. The reception building.
will cortin displays and a mo
del . of. the power station. From
an elevated bailey bridge lookoUt,
visitors will be able to view cop',
struction work and :a large
board with .a perSpective draw;
is ..the• reactor building, holism
the reactor and its . associated
steam, generators: It will be 135
feet ,high and '` capped.: with. a
0'661. dome .130 '-feet in 'diameter.
, . . • . • •
•••• :ACcording'.:toncountr, assessor,
Everett J.Finn.igan,. the total as-:
sessrnent ,.for, -::.13ritee • .c9unty. is
$52,628,402That makes ,the
Peinte Douglas ••••
. ••
.•. • , •
project, which will • represent an.; •
expenditure of $80,000;000 loom. , :1
as. a rimier undertaking:in Bruce
• ;
Of .the. current. ccounty.assess •
• Merit; $'5,3:''tourist"9,2651 is: :''tourist" :as-:
nt,.. hiCh rreSerits the ,••
COttages :alOne• the'. shoreIin`e of., :..•
Bruced th,e: reSt totals $47,259,131.
.• •
Mr.: Finnigan ,also segreg.ated
this. into ' 13 diViSiong or tYpes• of
ing of. the cempleted plantA property •
large .parlsing's area provides 'Brreupeoeincluded in in his
:n '
space for cars: . . . '8,745; farm, 10.391; :commercial,
The' :information . centre • was 1,394; summer comriercial,' 1160;
Opened ':,Tune • 27th, The public inclustrial, 61; VacatiOn, 8,498; •
will be welcome :seven day s chuithest, :169;•• schools .; 197; ce-
Week, from rom rnoining until eaily rneteries 67, Crown, 29; proyin-,
evening. : Three guides will pre-:, cial 43; milruciPal,299;. parks,' 29;
'vide informationand.„ porrit out making a total of 29922 •units of
various aspects of " the Col-1st:1'11c-, assessable prOperty., . •
'tiOn.pro'ject. Visitors will be given ; The record covered 31 : rnitnici-•
a.-10--tninute• briefing in the ?e-• panties of•1.3ruce, shoving a total '
ception building •• and • view the. acreage of "962.594, population,
displays and plant model,. They 41.003'; total real. PrOperty, $60, -
then . will be conducted to the 957,654 and:: business assessment •
lookout •whete th,e•:guide will ex- for propos.ed:equalization of,$5'2,
.plain , the layout of the station '628.402, an 'fficrease• of $739,749•,
and answer any questions .:: • ' over the '1959 'figure.
••Chief • Guide; at .the centre ,is
Ivan. Lloyd, 33,, •who wag .raisedt.- tri.Mble
Lticknow. 'He 'is 'a: son of Mr the former Elvira Waechter of
and Mrs., William Lloyd •of hon. Walkerton, • is .e1Iing out , het•
don and formerly , of •Ltiak-noW,Iladies'. wear. business which °she •
A' graduate of the UniverSitY' of has Operated in. the County, TOWn,•••
Western 'Ontario, he • is 'married : for 19 ."7!;,ears,
to a' Kincardine girl and is 'th' • •' •
father of three' children. „.••• • '1.• Hanover arena,. built :40 years.
The $81.5 million Douglas! ago has been torn •doWn upon' the
Point plant will bth Cempleted ! advice of the Associations of Pro,.
1965 ,with an initial • generating"; fessional Engineers ' ' that • 'the .
capacity of. 200.000 kilowatt.frOti•i ! building was unsafe: • , • ;
one unit. 'Provisi'on. has been •*: • • •
made in' the design for the -adeli•- A. W. klahsen" of Zurich
tiOti :a second .260,0(r0' kilowatt ! is coming te Wingham to com-
unit: •• ••, • ' mence, his duties With! Dr,
• Now taking shape at the site. Corrin, •
• ,
O' •
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