HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-12, Page 11 A Year In. Advance $100 Extra To LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1961 FOURTEEN PAGES moil' Receives Traffic Survey ort from Depurtmeiit 0# :Transpar# it traffic control signs in pillage are outdated,, lack: unity and are. knot; of•de- ent standard, is. Pointed d up ` traffic study report submit. )y. the; Traffic_ 'Engineering' li of • thP,, Ontario. Depart. of Transport. ' .s detailed brief covers all !s•. of traffic control: within. orporation and 'C ouncil gave • initialperusal at a special ing on Monday evening. The t is clarified, by ..maps, and. res. st step is, to obtain an •esti- of the cost 'o ,'• traffic' signcements. Off-. street parking nodation is, required before. street parking . 'regulation De Put into effect The start parking. lot .was. made ' last' when the remnants of the ement sidewalks were chimp - n the street allowance . just of Jack MacDoriald's garage, ien Council obtains estimates. ie cost of traffic signs,they confer with, a representa- of the Department of ,Travis regarding:, details of the oy. Vould Require Policeman • Lplementation of , any :or all ie proposals in •the survey, fd.require the 'enactment .of a icipal `by-law, and to' enf orce is regulations, would re the engaging of a full time g. officer. RETURN FROM SIX WEEKS OVERSEAS TRIP • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dexter arrived home on Tuesday night of last.week by let .'aircraft from Shannon Airport,, after' six weeks spent touring ; E'' gland, Scotland,; France and Ireland. The scenery was beautiful and the -Weather was nice, only a little cool; They visited • relatives in England' and, Ireland. MAILING LIST CORRECTED FRIDAY, ,CIIECK. YOUR LABEL The .Sentinel mailing list was Corrected on Friday, an'd• this week's issue carries „the revised -libels. Check the date on your label to see if proper credit has been given. , • A. glance at your label date will. also remind you if you : are in arrears. '• Ifthe label' reads prior • to June 61,' your, subscrip-. tion :is in arrears:. Subscriptions paid to the 'end of the• year will generally read "61". without the month . being 'indicated ' me o'f the proposals em bpd- in the ;report" are as follows; 1962 the' north :side of. Camp- St. should be •changed to par - curb parking on the north and angle :parking. on the h side of Campbell; with cient and adequate . off street ;ing.; provided:. 'i extended program is, re - mended in s.tandarization .& itenance; of traffic ' control :cess. to .the rear, of commer.- .establishments. - should. be i• , developed . where possible. encourage. off-street loading laneways should have a hard, surface and; should be easily !ssible. " 11 commercial :loading should lone off -,street from the river Stauffer St. ,on the north, of Campbell St, and from .es St. oto 'Ross St: on the south of Campbell: Off-street load- may: oadmay: also • :•be possible from fes St.. to Wm.. Knetchels es- ishment .on the south side of wbell St., • he Village has authority to iate, to warn and to guide roadusers on all streets uri- its jurisdiction. The signs must properly installed so that ef- ive enforcement. will be ''car-. I out: The. correct *sign must ased and'adequately maintain-` SQ' that messages are readily. lerstood. '• 'he "survey makes it very, clear t none of the existing signs ' signs the Village meet , with De- tment regulations.' They, are Uniform or • of the approved ndard, The school warning as are: not recognized' as ;of. than standard.; The approv- school :sign, is • .a blue. ' Penta- ial shape' with the white t- le`tteof . a school -girl and ool=boy walkang INSIDER :MEANS. OF RAT. ,TERMINATIOYIT AT DUMP Che Village Council is concern - with the rat ;infestation at '• MuniCi u al •d . i mpire ground, d have been seeking informa- n' On effective • measures" .of itrol. 9n exterminator 'from `Toronto S been contacted and . plans' Drily- to visit th.. e municipality a exPlain 'to Council his meth- s of :extermination ,,and .the 4 of his', "Pled Piper" .-services, Surprise Party On 5Oth Anniversary ' NEXT 'SENTINEL, ISSUE.: WILL BE AUGUST 2nd Mr.. and Mrs. William McInnes` of ' Walkerton and•: formerly of the Whitechurch-Langside corn munity, were honored at a sur- prise gathering/ on Saturday in observance of their ,50th wedding anniversary which was op. July 12th. . The surprise gatheringwas held in thea Orange Hall: 'with about 125 relatives , and friends in' at- tendance.: Rev: and Mrs... Wm. A. Henderson . of Walkerton ° were, among those' who dropped in to extend ., best •wishes. The event• was ,planned by their daughter Mrs Floyd • Pratt of Walkerton and. their son Bud' McInnes •of Kitchener. '• Mrs. ;McInnes was the former • Lexie Kennedy, daughter •of'Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy of White_: church:. She has two sisters,. Mrs: John Scatterly (Annie) of Harrow Mrs: William Maclntosh (Maggie) of Lucknow_; and, two brothers, Will ,Kennedy of Wingham . and. David of Kincardine. • Mr. Maclnnes is . one of a fam- ily of 'five daughters and six Sons, born• to Mr. arid Mrs. ,Dari McInnes of . Langside: The sons are William,. Dan, Jinn, Bob, John and Tom, and the ,girls are Mrs: Alex ' Butler . (Annie),, Mrs. Gordon Jamieson (Sydney),. Mrs. Orville Tiffin (Lizzie), Fan= ny in .England and Maimie .in the West. , Withlic tis: , •the pub a on of. this issue, • holidays ' will com mence at The Sentinel' Office. . There will be:' no paper pub • . lished o n July 19th, and July 26th. The next_ issue ,will, be . Wednesday, August 2nd. -• 'Those. who have news items.. Or reports are ' requested to send them in as usual, or. put. them inthe letter drop., • The• office will. be open on Thursday and Friday but will be closed for the next two weeks: • ,When this issue is off the press the Thompson families are setting out. by: motor to the west coast where Don will be best man •at. the Hewat- Lindsay wedding in Nanaimo.: TRIO 'GAVE FIFE AND.. DRUM PERFORMANCE District Orange 'Lodges, attend- ed the 12th of July celebration Milverton 'on. Saturday, •and before the departure of some of the • stalwarts a fife and drums. performance was staged on Luck- now'sMain Street. With° Charles • McQuillin fifing and Claud Dore and Fred'Mc.Quillin on the drums the trio .paraded .Campbell 'St.,, • FOCUSED ON LUCKNOW LAST WEDNESDAY' CKNX=TV focused on Lucknow last . W'ednesday. with Frank LOADED BEECHNUT TREE FORECASTS "HARD• WINTER"' If you believe' in signs this por- tend: is a bit on the. gloomy side. Throughout a . damp, dull• • June, everyone has been awaiting sum= mer• temperatures, but before the furnace' can be turned' off ,com- pletely comespredictions of ' •an .early fall or a: hard winter. If a heavily loaded beechnut tree meals anything this prophesy will come true. Last week'f George Twamley was back at the bush on his, Ash - ,field Township farm and ' was amazed to discover the loaded tree The nuts Were filling well. & had the . appearance that about -all they needed Wase a good frost • to provide ' some good beechnut Picking something, yotz would • expect in the fall; ' Larry Wallace was with, George and• he said that in his 78 years in.'these, ;parts lie had never seen the liken • Thompson; president of th'e.Luck-. now . District Lions Club, and Harvey Webster, representing the local club, in the . district •service clubs quiz contest. They compil- ped a score of 72; points: Don. Thompson. was .interview- ed by "Murray :`Gaunt, ,assistant' farrri editor, on the rolehof the,' Weekly press in the rural corn munity: Several - business places "ran :associated advertising on this program. District School Board ponders Question Of Proposed Vocational Schools.. The problems associated with the proposed establishment of'', a I vocational -technical school •in this area are many, and there was little•'. solution. offered' ata meet- ing held in Kincardine last Fri- day evening. It was the second time' in a week that members of the, school boards of Lucknow, Ripley, Kin- cardine and Port Elgin had met to discuss this government -pro- jected plan to provide broader scope to secondary education. ;Present at' Friday's meeting was a representative of the De- partment of Education and the School Inspector, who en. deavour- ed to clarify. the picture. • Cost of construction:. of these proposed ;Composite ' schools* to serve • a compact, group of dis- trict.' high schools,' is born en- tirely by. the Federal and Provin- cial • Governments. The. Federal government will assume 75% of the cost, • but the stipulation is that. these schools' must' be built by the',spring of 1963. • INFANTS BAPTISED At the .United Church. on Sun- day, :Rev:: H. W. Strapp baptised Sandra . Ruth,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet . Henderson and Larry Edward, son of Mr: and Mrs. Eldon Wraith. Up Public School levy By $1,500.0 The July meeting .of the Luck-' now Public School Board was held Tuesday, July 4th. Replacement of the windows. of the, ; school' was discussed. Quotations ,and. plans .had • been received from , Messrs. Cluff and. Cluff, ,Architects; or Toront Af- ter•' studying the plans and sug- gestions; the report 'was, .forward' ed to the Council fora their con eration '. The . Board expectsto meet with the• Council shortly in this connection -:when' further •particulars are. received from the Department of 'Education with, regard to .grants., The Maypole at the school is to be locked during the 'summer months to prevent accidents: 'An estimate of ' receipts and expenditures, fore the : calendar year 1961 ,was reviewed and 'a motion passed that the sum of $17,000.00: be ;levied on the Mun- icipalities in the Lucknow Public School Area •for ' 1961 School Maintenance purpose's, being an Mei-tease of $1,500.00rover 1960. • • Floors -.in five classrooms -.are ;to besanded and, refinished, as suggested in the Sanitary In- spector's Report, but this matter will be':attended to after it has been decided what develops with regard to the replacement .of windows, • Receipts for June amounted to $2 .'00 with . expenditures of ..,;978-+ p s for the month.' • $3,068,26 Six members, of the Luck•now District Board attended Friday night's ; meeting with the 'most. , concrete development being that. each Board; meet in the near fu- ture to thoroughly discuss the pros and cons. ; The Port Elgin `Board, we un- derstand ,favors Owen. Sound, to Kincardine, if they, can't have their own School.. Both Kincar-. 'dine and Port Elgin 'however, have the lakeside disadvantage of, not • being centrally situated. for, a school' location. • Students attending a"vocational school : would, it seems, have to be transported to their district school and there• board a bus for the ' vocational school. This, dis- tances involved, the sharing .of 'costs, the uncertainty of the suc- cess or future • of such • schools, provides a real problem for school ' boards. It is something that can't. be plunged into he dlong, neither will any boar d wiSh to miss the advantages ,which might be de- rived. . Council Plans To Complete Hardtopping Remaining Village Roads This Summer At the regular July meeting,of` the Village Council last week, approval • was. ',given to, `the. sup plementary road work '.by-law, covering -completion' of the hard 'surfacing ofp'Village roads, which has been carried out on: a five= Year ' program. Remaining streets to be 'sur faced are North Delhi; Hay, Wol- lesley,, Walter,. anad • Bob,: south of the High School, •Total cost, in- cluding widening and catchba- sins will run to $9,200: M. Council : plans to issue deben- tures to cover 'this final phase, which. up to now has been ,:fin- anced out of current revenue:; Retirement, of the waterworks debenture last . spring; - the 'ap- proaching. ' ap-proaching..: r,:etirement . of ' the street . `resurfacing Ydeb'enture in December :1961 and the road grader.r`debenture:•:in 1963 decided the Board to complete the pay.- ing av-ing this year• under this financ ing p.Ian.: `C• To Replace' Culvert • At. Monday night's Meetingit was pointed out that a new . cul- vert on Walter St. : just off High Way 86,was . essential as the .ex- ' ex- isting culve, rt not " safe to was even carry the town grader. This replacement has the approvalof the 'Department of Highways which bears;.. 80% .` of the cost: Mr. D. • M. • Ross, engineer of Goderich.:is to be engaged and tenders,,' will. be called , at an early 'date. The widening. •of • Walter Street, north, from the 'former Ted Dex- ter' resid'ence. "is. • required by the Department if the work is.. rt 'Pro a at the to�'�be subsidized. p y end of this road is a potential in dustrial site. . , The tender of the;'Lavis Con- struction ' oQ.-stru.ction' Company was accepted, for the hot mix Paving.. • >The local'.'commission of the Lucknow Hydro Electric System approved entering into an "agree- ment with local dealers regard- ing the': installation and: financ- ing ,of hot water heaters, :which 'will ' benefit the System by help- ing to reduce the peak load cost of power: Jack. Stuart was granted a pe lars licence at a fee of $25.00 for, the sale of soft _:drinks; tobaccos, cigarette's and all things usual' for sale at coffee '=breaks. • • RETURNED. AFTER ,FOUR 'YEARS IN GERMANY 'Sgt.' and Mrs. George T:. Rob- inson ''and' -family returned • . re- cently' from overseas and have been holidaying at the beach. George served for four ;years in ...Germany, with the. RCAF and has:been osted to Trenton where. he 'reportsat the .end of .the th lo • George is the son„ of Mrs., •Tyn-, dal Robinson of .Lucknow; . and Mrs, Robinson is the former Mur - della Beaton, daughter of Mr.' and' Mrs. '.James Beaton of Lucknow; They ,have three:. children,. Joyanne, age '14, Randy, , age '11 years and Murdene who year' and three monhts Attendance Was Compar`afively Low �t �iic Meld In Lucknow Last Week Only 587 people attended the T:B. Clinic”' at the Lucknow Le- gion Hall last Wednesday after- noon and."night and received' a tuberculin ' test: A readingof '' b the .test . Was ' taken on Monday With positive reactors given a 'chest X-ray,also anyone over 40• yearn of age was given, an xray, Luck= now Women's Institute had: charge of the clinic: Gordon Mont- gomery of Lucknow was in • charge of the 'survey for 'Luck - now/ and Kinloss Township . 937 attended the :clinic' . in Rip- ley with an even 1000returning for the reading and X-ray..Ripley and Huron ToWnship . chairman was W. C, Lock. In ' Kincardine, over 2000" re- ., eeived the 'test. Thf's included the. regular clinic plus the i ndzshrial clinics.; Gene Moll was the Kin- Cardine,, chairman. ' In the • village of Teeswater chairman R, H. King reports, 836 peo le attendingthe'clinic from. ,. p T•eeswater and Cuirass Township. The door to door canvass' in that area was conducted by ;the' Junior Farmers. • The Bruce County T.B. survey was completed early.'this week, and in most cases turnout to the clinics was high`, High Absentee Percentage We were advised late Tuesday. by the unit •.officials that there were 73 :at the Lucknow clinic who received the tuberculin test and did not return for . reading. b This is a high: percentage for the number' that attended •the clinic, according to unit officials, There °were 298 x-rays and 249• negative tests.. Nine children under 10/ , ;years` of age were positive react' torso • • L. t . rt ,r. i '♦i