HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-05, Page 11)NESDAY',. JULY 5th, 196.1 •
3 •
Id Reunion At.
• The. • Old
e .school grounds at
intoss (10th Concession) was,.
scene on Sunday' aftern4Qa
happy reuniOn - though
without a tinge of saddness
is itany• aSSeir41PS:1" for the
social Oathethng. at, the old
olhouse. •
3, No, 3 is now •a Part df
oss School 'Area No. 1, mark-
;lie end of _an era in 'the rural I
of teachingof Ihe 3 as
schoolhouse doors • officially
d with the end of the term.
lents •9f this section will be
sported net year to the
:central school at Holyrood,
wrential *rain• earlier in the
threatened to curb. the. re-
p. proceedinga, but even the.
therman proved; kind and by
.afternoon the• program got
?may out-of...doors.- on •the
ly kept schoolhouse 'grounds:1
act it *as pointed out during
afternoon, that the grounds
tied for first place in. the
ectorate for the most •
rement. ' • -
-iairman of the reunion cOm-..
ee-iAio presided for the pro -
n. was, Mr, ,P, A. Murray:, Ile.
ined, factors: .in S.S. No, 3,
ming part of the, new area,
was the dec,reaSet1 enrolment,.
increasing cost ,of education
the :desire, to give the Child -
the., best, in education.
-ise • present teacher is •Mrs.
!n yarker. of, Lucknow. • The
•group at S.S. No. 3 'numbered
pupils as' follows;. rade 7;
ne, Murray, Madonna .Gra-
,; Grade 6, Brenda Ecken8,-
er;Grade 5, gatsy Schtitriach-
Berniee •Thompson.., Grade 4,
id .Rhody; Gayle MacDonald;
de3,41iarf Rhody'; Grade 2,•
ren Donaldson; .Grade. 1, Billy.
1pel, Bobby IVIcInnes, „Jackie
na, :Elaine.Sehiripacher.,
ne program ppenetOWith. the
)61 yeli•by the Senior pupils.
er 'numbers:included a violin
6tiori by Bob MeInnes, a for -
student, with aecompaniment
Mrs."'McInries; a :reminiscent
Ling by Mrs. Williarn Eadie, a
ner teacher; an accordn sel-
pn bY‘IVIrs..• JorneS McEwen, a
ner teacher; 'a soli) by'Miss
Thompson, a !forrrier-'tea-1
aceorriPaniMent bj
,Currinning :arid•ri 'read -
by -Mrs. • P. A. „Murray.
itudeit Of 80 Years Ago
The reunion. brought • tO.ge.
oi •
ther. scores of young 'and, old from
the seetion and former residents,,
pupils and teachers. .
The Rev. Benson COX, now
87, who retired ,to the old home
a few years ago, was the oldest
gentleman present.. He was born
about the time the school was
bkult 1874, and recalls his early
•days at School, when 'as a .ittio
lad'he trUdged`the 2 miles, in the
care of Frank. 'Alexander. Rev.
Cox recalled that the .roughly
boarded school Originally sat at
the back of the school yard and
Was later rnOved to the f:ront ;of
the yard and bricked.
He was introduced by the ;chair-
man. as "one of the Most esteem-
ed gentlemen of S.S. No. 3," and
Mi Cox had sorne, words" of ad-
vice for parents. "and -: sthdenta
before rerriiniscing:
memory of those,*tio have
Passed on a moment of silence
was observed and Rev. Cox con -
eluded with :a prayer of thank-
fulness: • ;•
From a 'historical booklet' corn.
pil,ed by MrS, Wi11am••MaePher-
'gbh: arid Mrs.: Ernie Harina,, the
read• thp names Ofthose f from
the section .• who had served iz
• three, Wars. .
1VIdePherson, the
fottner "Maggie" Langford, willo.
spends the summers. offthe
10th, -Spoke of days past arid.pre-
.sent..at..S..S...No. 3, Where She at7,
tended school. One of her clais-
ates',..Gedrge Hodgins of Wood-.
,Stock was present . and spoke
brieflY. The school is: located on
a half 'acre of. the farm, that i76."
taken up ` frOm the Crown .by' Mr.
Hod in's father, John. Hodgins '•
; rs.
MacPherson' referred '.tO'
the :.fine, friendships' that had a1
way8.'exIsted• ..and, that these.
sociations' will nowbe in rriern'r
ories, bages as' a Pew' era • begins.
•We will be "trUkting for „great/
achievements ir ..our new area
School," she conclUded.
. • .• • • .
Ready ,To Start Building
Leo. MUrraY,.a: member :Of the
'KitilOss Area Board, repcirted
that 'Work woula'start soon,: pos-
sibly • next week on' ' the, new
school. The contract is, let and
the Welldug.-'it had been hoped
tohave •the ,Sehool;•.ready, bY-the
..opening of1 the terra in: September
but his guess now, is 'that it. rnaY
.be .Thanksgiving. • :
Frank. 'ThompSori; secretary of
the reunion committee read
. ,
irode;• :Bittbecutt....
Draw FeaturesLicns Club Holidtiy Carnival
he Lucknow and District
ls Club two -night 'Carnival on,
lay and Saturday'proved Sat-
ctorily. sucCessful and: while
financial, bonanza, it was well.
ived- by the pubfie and, no
c•was eXploited. • , " •
Tith other .attractions all over
district: and the :weatherman
nrig On the: heat'. to • make •the
ches eniticing, the' crowds Were,
ionaiply .gOod. •
here' was :free entertainment
the arena, both evenings., On
lay, the Paul'Trio were:popu-
• and on Saturday evening,
Heads of London :provided
iety with hurribrOuS•magic.
irarries, ,bingo; dancing and a
•eshrnent ',booth were iri op
tion both' nights, with- jitriey
cing proving to ;be 'a .losing
position, • •
Parade and Chicken Good
Maturddy afternbori! at five
ock there wasan interesting
turne. 'parade; which featured
Lies, children and. pets, As
1•there were, some •attrac,,
qy decorated cars and, floatS,'.
[anover •• Bugle. Band
dedthe. parade :With Some
eision. drills, 'while the Pipes
the LucknoW District 'High
1061 band alto., added niuch to
prceeskion„ •
haIf.chiekens were 'done -
turn by the barbecue chefs
rthe lot WaS' sold out, With
)roval suninied Up on every
id by ,iideliciouS,'"
• e 4
$3A0 In••rrizes
The Climax on Saturday
was the prize draws f9r, 4350,00.
'First prize of '4200.00 Was 'won
by K, D. ‘93.ud". Thompson:, 2nd
prize, $100.00c Mrs. JOhn Adams;
3rd prlze, $5p4:10,. Mel Johnston
of Toronto. The draw was made
by Rickie'. • Pritchard. •
Parade winners were: tore in
Saddle, D,ale Haldenby, Mrs. Ron
Alton,' Barbara Cameron; .pony
'in saddle, ,Nancy Walden, Linda
Wal en, Murray •Hackett, • pony
ane Cart,. Wendy MacKenzie, Al-
lan Prior, 5 years, Kitehener,
.Peggy Button'; decorated; bicycle,.
Murray White, 'Jackie Halclenby,;
Judy Agnew; decorated "wagon,:
tricycle . or doll carriage, Janet
Thompson, Donna Corrin and
Cathy .McL,eod, Lome Gammie;
conic dress, Bob Mullin and ja8.•
Montgomery,. Cowan, Steve
Johnston, fancy dreas,
Nancy •Corrin, Ian Montgernery,
Sharon ' • Campbell; fancy dress
group, The .Rhythrnettes, Barb-
ara and' Diane' Hawthorne, Jill &
Janice Hall,. Kathy and 'Jare
Joynt, Sharon Mowbray, Janet
Carruthers and Mary Finlayson;
decorated car, Fred 'Milne, Kit-
chener, Fraser Ashton,. Frank'
Thortipson; most attractive pet,
Joanne Thompson, Russel Allin,
Anne Marie Stanley, Ripley.
The judges were MiSs•,...Nellie
Ruttati., -Miss Bea Parker &,lierb
Graham, all of Toronto.
Proceeds Of the WO day cele-
bration will go for Lions Welfare
Work, • • : •
sage of best wishes from several
who) could not be present, includ-.
frig one froth Joe Purves who had
passed his entrance at No.
some"72 years ago. Mr. Cliff Ire-
land, 'the first music. supervisor
at Westford and Kinloss .Sohools,
No, 1, 2 and 3', starting baekabout
1936i was Called on, and related
some huinOrous experiences. L. C.
Thompson was called on, and
spoke .Of a'warm spot: he 'had for
S.S. No,. a aac.1 the residents of
Con: 10, that was sparked by his
teenage experience Of ariving his
sister, Helen, back and: forth , to
chobl at' the week -ends, The
:teachers." • boarding house was
then. the hospitable home 'of Mr.
and Mrs. Eldbn 'Eckens*iller.
• Jim; .McEwen won the' pop
drinking contest, At ,the conclu-
sion of the program, refreshments
weie served as, the gathering
lingered till iate afternoon re -
friendships and reminisc,7
First, Settlers In 1853
The :historical booklet relates
:that about, the year 1853, the first
settlers came to'S,S. No. 3. Child-
ren in that' area originally were
schooled either at a school 11/4
miles west of Hoiyrood, =
lough or at Cherry am 0,01.0
Con: 8, Culross, depe ing . on
:their location.. It was in 1874. that
the, section had. their'own sch,00l
•bUilt. • • •• .
• FOrty=lwo • teachers have since
taught in that schooland on SuriL:
day at 'least ten Or. twelve were hi
attendance whe.n the roll was cal-
• , ,
§UCcgssFuLuk PASS
Mrs Ambrose Gamble/who has
instructed seventeen ',pupils . at
her studio •Ripley' during: the
past •yea,r,1•11a•d two. of themtry
• Royal COnservatory of MUSIC ex-
aminations recently. • .
••••:,Successfiil wete• tyncla Martin
with; honours in Grade piano
and '; Cbrinne MacDonald • with
hitt-class,: honours in Grade'; 2
theory. ' •
At the Sarrie• time, Mrs..Garrible
is continuing her .study 'of; music.
it is the 'brat, time, she has had
pupils' try Conservatory . exams.
Anniversary Held
At Olivet Church
Anniver,sary services were
• •
Week -end': at ;his homelihere.
Mrs. Al Hamilton, Marie, Janet
and. Michael. 'sPent- the weekrend"
in Hamilton ,visiting •with . • 7'
,Mrs,. John Cpliing was hostess Name Kairshea
. •
Others Adopted •
on Tuesday evening When the.
W.M.S. program conveners met
to' Plan. a lea. and .bake saleto
be held ih the near future: •
Ashfield Kirk Had
Anniversary services were
held' in the United', Church ' on.
Sunday, July , *second.; Reverend
Pbrclon .1taiser of Ashfield Ci:r4
cuit was the minister. 'Guest' so-
loist( were •Miss.'Bertha Slue of
Ripley :Who sang during the
morning, service, "God Hath Not.
Promised," 'and Mrs. D. Dunlop,.
•who sang '.'Thanks be *to God"
du:ring the evening ,se4viee,' Miss
Ruth Black.of Kitehener- and -Mr.
Walter Walden of. Ripley sang
with the c,,hoir. Antherni. bY ,the
choir :wete .'"Go Porward and
Sound the. Battle CrY."
Misses Alice & ,Sliirley. Brooks,
of ... Toronto 'Spent the holiday,
We,ek-ehd: with their motlier,1VIrs.
Marion Brooks, Ronnie and Mari. -
Mr. ,and :Mrs- IVIupry Catheton
and .§uSarr Of. Hamilton spent
Sunday. with Mr. and :Mrs.. Or.:
Ville FinlaYSen;
Visitors at 'the Oshorne hoe
on Sunday ''were Mr,': and Mrs.
Duncan Medalitirri and•faMily Of
Elthwood, Mrs. W. 'J. Roulsion,
Mi' : Charles Smith, Mr. Howard
1VcOUire of Wingharn, . Mr. .ond
Mrs.':libbert Campbell of '
noW and Mr. Ray Pennington' of
Teeswater. Miss Donna. Osborne
of Toronto. is spending the holl-
dayi. at her home here.
Mrs. Sitteet of Kiricardine.'Spent
Sunday/with her sister, Mr. Ross
Black, Mr. Black and Ruth.
• • Guests at the home. of' Mr. and'
,Mrs, John MacCharles were'.
and Mrs. Walter Walden and Miss'
Jessie MacCharles of Ripley ,Esz'
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy MacCharles,
Patsy, Maty and Latirie,,
• Mr., and Mrs.' Clark dolling,
Barbara, •IC,athie and Johnnie of
Detroit, Michigan', spoiltthe
week -end with Mr... and ,
John Coiling,
A, C. Q. flurt White'sof
A44', 'Station, .Clinton., spent the
, •
n 1
at ..the Ashfield . Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, „June:, :2.5th, :
•Marking the; 113th anniversary of
this Congregation, which WAS first
.recognized as a mission Station'
by the Presbytery, of London .1/1
" • . '
• Settlement of the. Xintail. area
dated back to about 1,338, Si, dur-
ing the, Ibllowing decade there
Was an increasinginfluxof set-
tlersr-inany .of them 'from. the
,highlOncls of 'Scotland. ,
• These' first settlers cOnducted:
their ,own , worship' service; It
Was some time after the mission
was recognized before a church.
was built or a minister inducted..
During .that time '.seyeral. elders
Were elected and ordainedand
the sPiritual.. are of the congre-
"gation fell to them. • •
Work of building their church
On Concession: '13, Ashfield -was,
commenced in August of .1868;
but there' -was no . record' of a
formal' opening,' the important,
thing 'being that, they.had a place
Of' worship. • •
The first resident minister, in-:.
ducted in 1865, was
Rev. Alex-
nder Grant. of' • Owen 'Sound;
who served more than 20 years.'
• Guest speaker on the occasion.
of the 113th ,anniversa'ry was Rev,
D. • L. Elder of . Seaforth, there
Was special music by the Choir
under the direction of the organ-
iSt, Mrs. Durican Simpson, Guest
soloist :Was Mrs, Douglas Andrew
of Clinton and Mrs. William
GibSon. of Ashfield and her sister,
Miss .Mary Fisher of' Whitechurch
sang a •duet, ' • .
, • •
Ratepayers Of Elderslie Town-
ship have vOtetl against a cen-
tral schogi by a 20 -vote majority,
The qtiestion came up after Dob-
binton -schoOl was destrbyed by
fire and the area board ...is op-
posed to replacing" it, • -
. • •
Publisher's Lucknow' Sentinel;
Dear Sirs:' • ' •
.In .• reading the articles re
Kairshea ' our; , paper,
there is one.' point overloolted.
• In the , winter of 19'.19-20,..a.
number . of young people,
ested • .cothmunity. Welfare,
formulated.plan, .to 'begin a -lit-.
erary , society, or it might haves
been called a 'debatirig club,
• At that, time, there: were' few •
activities tO •interest ....Or, draw •,
the„..peOple :of the. CommUnity, to-
gether.' To that end the'begin-
ning of 1920 saw a society forni-
'ect meeting .as it, did' in • the 4th
'and 6th schools alternatelY. • • '
Young and •old .welcOrned the ,
idea and people came, many from
Outside points Copies of meeting's,
as. recorded in the local paper
makes .interesting • reading. There ; •
Were debates, short plays;speech-
es, • a • mock parliament,: Music
from.'iocal artists, etc. This could'
not be -,duplicated' in thepresent
times of so'much outside interests
The idea Of 'a name came up „
and Miss Mary MacLeod conceiv- •
ed the Idea/ of giving: it a gaelic •
": .••
1 •
• • •
• • • ' -
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•3.• 4
•17', I
." • '
, • ,11 .• • ;:it
name as 'She had. a working
knevvledge , of the language.,
• ,The name' chosen was ,a ,dira-
vation from the 2 Gaelic Words,
•foUr and Six; Which arrived at
the word "kairsnea." ' ' •
What ever Societies ..were form-
ed after., 'they ,sitriply adopted' the
name' Kairshea and this stands
till' today. •. l•
"One Who Was
: . •
A dog ZUrieh' 0'6 hag •
been found infected with. rabies
and three htiman's Were ex-
posed' to: the aniinal, .are under
treatment • :
• 4/ * •
• , ' • •
With the haying season in full
Swing, Roy 'McGuire of Ripley is
doing an ever shailiening.busi-
ness, It is rather common place
to: see fifteen to • twenty mower
knives. in a line awaiting to be
repaired and Sharpened by him.
It seems lloy's fairiein this 'Inc
of work extends tO Such, points
as St. Helens, Lucknow, OUrigan-
non and .Langside,' to mention a
• '
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