HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-05, Page 27, M
WEDNESDAY, 'JULY 5th, 1961,
n10m010:0 Resulis At
.4ckn'��c District
The following pupils have been.
promoted from Grade IX to
• Grade X: (H—honours standing).
Ackert, June; Anderson, Gail
‘(H); Anderson,' James; Andrew;
Tom;, Arnold, Ann (H) ;. Banner-
man, . Sharon; . Bradley, Phyllis
-(1-1); Brown, Edward (H) ; Burt,
Eileen; Bushell, . Katherine; But-
ton , Lyhda; Button, Peggy; But-'
.ton,; Roy (H) Cameron, Sandra,.
(H) ; • Carruthers, Karen; Collins,.
Sheila (H) ; Cowan, Lynn; .Dalton,
Kathleen; Dickie, Douglas; Esk-
ritt, Wilma (H); ,Forster,,Ross;
Gibson, • Esther .. (H').; Hodgins,
Donald; 'Hogan,. Tom; Hewitt,,
Dianne; Hodgins, . Velma; 'Hogan,
Donna; Humphrey, Dianne; Hun-
ter, Bob; Johnston, Douglas '(H);
;Johnston, Gary; Johnston,. Mur
ray (H) ; Leddy, Kathleen, Lind
:say, Judy; MacDougall; Grace;
.Murdie, 'Mary; 'Nelson, Barbara;
Pentland; Roger; Rintoul, onna;
Ritchie; . Anne; Sutton, Garry;
Taylor, ._Kenneth; Thacker,. yn; Thorburn, Joyce (H)'; Whit -
y, Cheryl. ,
The following Grade • IX pupils
have been recommended for
• Grade X work but :willhave to
repeat ; the 'Grade.:' IX work in
:the subject" indicated. in brackets:.
Dawson, ' Curtis :(Mathematics) ;
Hodgins, Jaynes. (Mathematics);
' Curran, . Nan cy, ;(:Mathematics);,
. Kirkland, Kenneth . (French) ;
Porter, Glerin :Wrench).
GRAhiE ,X ,
The following pupils have been
p'rooted from Grade X, to Grade:
(H ---honours, standing),„:
-Andrew,. panneman.;
L rry,Campbell, Donald; Cowaii,
• .Glenn; Eskritt, Margaret;:
Harry; .Gardner, Kenneth; .Hoth
gins ,.. ' Bili; :Hous.ton, Kenneth;
'Jamie' , Dianne'; MacKenzie,
' Brucc. •'/H); , 1VlacLennan, , Finlay;
: • MacKinnon, .Douglas; .McFarlan,
Leonard; Nelson, Bill;•' O'Donnell,
Sharon ;(H) Rathwell, Barbara;
Rathwell, Beverley; Sheills, Mary
Bllen; Stanley, . Larry; est a y, �V• s ,
;Sharon; `Young, Donald',.
• The follow:ing Grade. X pupils
have been reconriiended : for
Grade XI work :but will have •to
repeat the •Grde. X work in' the
...subject indicated' in, brackets:
' . . Thom'pson, David: ::' (French);"
.McNay, Helen (History) Menary,
•'Barry. (Latin); MacDonald, :Jas.
(Latin). Campbell, Linda' (Mathe-
matic.$). '.. .
Beth Crozier, Joanne. Dalton,
Terry; Dickie, Denver; Finlayson,
Janet; Hewitt, Alex; Helm,, Ev-
ans; Hodgins, ,Elaine; Hunter,
Murray; Murdie, Franklin; Me
Nay, Eleanor; Ritchie; Isabel
Stanley, 'Carol; Watson,, James;
Wilson, Terry (H): -
: The following pupils have been
'recommended for. Grade XIII
work' but will'have to repeat the
Grade 'XI•I work.' in the subjects
indicated in brackets;
Barr, Donald (Algebra) Bris-
Dianne (French); Rathwell,
Tom . (French); Richards, Dick
(Algebra)'; Thompson,: Corabehe,•
(Algebra)., ,
New Qwner At.
St. Helens Store.
Mr.; and • Mrs. Don Pannabecker.
of Preston ' have purchased the
Miller & Company general store
at St.. Helens and took' posses-
cion on Monday, ,
Mr. and. Mrs,. Pannabecker'have
a 'family • of,, four, ' Gordon. and
:Ross: of • highschool age and Ro
ger 'and Mary ',of., publie school
age. • Gordon • and Ross are ern.
ployed.. in Preston.. area for the,
summer' and .:Will not. J•oijoin.' the
fancily at'. .St. 'Helens until'Sep-
'September. They are members of the
United Church., 1
• The Pannabeckers •have, : a
string of ;several,:•P
• onies; Sornie I
•off there " •are now " at . St. Helen's
and are creating •quite .a lot Of
`interest •
The sale; of theMiller Store
terminates, 'over. 76 •years that
the, business' has:. been in the::Mil
ler name.' Isaac Miller's 'parents;•
Mr. •arid Mrs. R. K. Midler ,bought
the store from John Gordon. Mr;:
,Miller was teaching 'at •.Auburn
at the time arid Isaac was about`
a year:,old when his; parents; rnov
ed to St. Helens: :After Mr..Mi -
The 'following pupils have been.
proinoted, from• 'Grade • XI to
Grade XII!. '(H ---'-honours stand,.
Aiiin, MVlary; Cameron Marilyn;
Crowston, ',Cecelia; Dalton,' Dan:
(H); .Finlayson, 'Elizabeth; Hal-
denby, Norma; H.alderiby, Sheila;,
Halden+by, Roy; Henry,. Wanda;
Husk, _ 'Patricia; Johnston,. Barry;
Kirk, Ailan,(HJ Maulden, Keith;
'Pentland; Carol; Purdon, Mary;
Rintoul, Anne; Smith, " Wilhel-
mina;:, van der Ley, Ann; Webster,
Judy. •
: The ''following
have been ' recto --m
Grade ,XII work but
repeat the :Grade; XI
subject indicated in
Bonnett, 'Jean (Hi
r sh,, . Margaret (Fre
derson; Betsy (Histor
Keith, (French); McN
(French) ; Steeksna, C
metry) ° Zettler, Bill
Prc,seni .Enra..nce
CI'ass G_.�r�duates
Eighteen members. of the Grade
8. graduating class of Lucknow
Public School were presented
with � certificates and.. class; pic-
tures last ' • Thursday morning.
Mrs. Jessie Allin and William
,Schrnid, of • the Public. School
Board visited the school to'make
the presentation. Mrs.. Ahn, as
Board;chairman, addressed ' the.
students • .prior to .'the, presenta-
tions, and extended their con.
gratulations to . the %graduates'
With a handshake,'. as. did their.
teacher, Mr.'Stuart Collyer, Pub-
lic School principal, who present-
ed the report cards at this time.
The presentation of Entrance
classgraduating pictures by; the
School Board was inaugurated :a
year ago, arid this year tile:Board
is, introducing the presentation
of Safety -Patrol crests to gradu-
ates, in recognition of efficient
service in this .regard. Therewas
an initial presentation of 12
crests. 'Further presentations will
be 'made when it is determined
'if this type of crest is satisfactory.
and serviceable..
Graduation. • awards were made
to the following who are listed
'alphabetically: : '
Douglas Allin, Russell.: Allin,
Patricia Carrick; Anita Cline.;
Janetde . Jong,.^ Donald Fisher,,
Ronald Gardner, Marilyn Hen-.
,•derson, Chester Hodgins, Emmer-
son'H'owaad, Larry Hunter; Brian
Johnston,. ]Bettye Mathers,'. Bever
'ley, McKenzie, :;John Pritchard;
Lloyd • ." Reid,, :Keith Holliston;
,Sharon* Whitby;
Safety;. Patrol' crests .Were .'re-,
'.oei.v.ed • by Douglas Allin, ,'Russell
Allin; . ' Patricia Carrick, Anita
4 Cline, • Janet .de' Jong,' 'Ronald
�Gard'ner,.' Marilyn. Henderson,
Chester ,Hodgins.; La.rry • Hunter,
.Betty Mathers, Beverley .McKen-
zie, .Sharon '•Whitby.'.• • • '
Mrs: .'Alibi and Mr., Schmid
concluded the Thursday morning
close-Of=chool visitation 'by 'call-
ing ' at ' each •:classroom ' to• say'
•"hello and' good-bye" •to teachers
' and.,°students • •
let's death,:Isaac and.• his..mot.ner •
continued to conduct the' .busi-'
Hess.; and later' Miss Isobel' •Mil-
ler. took an active. part in assist
'ing• at the Store and Of 'late' years,
has assumed the major respon-
sibility' of conducting . the ' busi-'
nes Mrs. R.. K, Miller's death
occurred in :1939, :
On October •of . last: year; •Mr. &
Mrs. Isaac.. Miller•. observed, their
golden wedding/anniversary: •The
Miller • family will continue ' to
reside at St.' :Helens..
ade XI pupils.
mended for
will have .to
work in. the
rich); Hen
y ); ., kaiser,
ay, Gordon.
arol (Geo -
• The 'following pupils have `been
prornoted from Grade ' XIf, to
Grade . XIII! .(Hhonours. stand-:
ing) .
Alton; Jo Anne
Ackert, Erries�, A ori, �,
Andrew, Joh H) Andrew' Rob-
..t : "h. , Cooper,
er.. Bu�he�+l'�Geo. (ii), . C pe ,
Pre-Nu'ptiaI: Events
Pre -nuptial events .have been
held, recently in ' Wingharn' in.
.honour '. of Miss' -Ruth Fryfogle
and Kenneth '•H.odgkinsbn whose
marriage 'takes 'place on Satur-
day in ' . Wingham Presbyterian,
Church. :•,.'
A shower was held on: 'June`
16th:tor. 'Ruth . in the ,Wingham'
Council Chambers With Mrs. Ian
MacLaurin' ' and Mrs, William'
Rintoul as hostesses. The guests:
resented '.the bride -elect with a
floor ' polisher, a pair of Tamps,
a canister set and bread :box.
.On June 21St- a 'showe.r was
held at the home of Mrs. Morris
Swanson "with. 15 ladies present.
They • presented Ruth with a
laundry hamper, fitted :',sewing;
basket and 'a box of .pantry uteri -
Oh .June 16th a gathering was
held for the groom -to -be in
Wingham :'and . his friends Pre-
sented hiin with a brief case:
Ken is the on of Mr, and Mrt.,
Wilbert Hodgkinson of LuCknowy
"The ,Sepoy Town"
Authorized as second class
• Established 1'873.—Pub1i,
•1VIernher of the C
Subscription Rate, 0$.00` a ye
On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Post, Office Department, Ottawa
hed Each ednesdav • Afternoon; .
.LV N:A, and .the O.1'V,N.A.
ar, in• advance --- to the U.S.A., $4.op
d Donald C Torripsoit, Publishers
L. Campbell Thomp,on ori
JULY •5th, "1.0.04.
Pictured are Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas MacDonald Of. Ashfield
Township who ' observed their
50th: wedding 'a'tiiversary; recently
when open ,house . was held for'
friends, ' and 'relatives Mr. •eand
Mrs. lvlacDprraid received many.
lovely remembrances. on the''oq-,.
casion, one of which.was a pot-:
tied plant' from' their gra:nddaugh- -
ter,. Mrs. Ray • Murray. • (Jean
Richards) of France The flowers
are. shown :in the picture.
ma.t.ely :'25`%, not regarded •as bad Mr. and. Mrs, Max Bushell,
in' �.om ariso� ` with •'other schools, Tommy' MacLennan is ar pa•tiert
c p.. n
Fail sures' ,were .8 out of: 35 :in in Children's 'Hospital;:: London,
Grade "9A, , :-10 out ..of 34. in , 9B, He. is • a son ' of : Mr:. and. 'firs,
13 out of 40• in Grade 10; 10.out Finlay' MacLennan;,
of ;35 in Grade 11 arid •4 out.: o.f . Nit, and. 'Mrs. John Ackert and
29, in Grade'.. 12. family spent • Sunday:'with. Mr, "
"er co n :erred. and ;Mrs.; William • Ster.ling, Clrr.:
Gordon M•ontgom y o f . .b . .
with the:Board' on.transportation
matters.' 'No :figures.. avail Mr. 'and. Cyril. •Cooper of.'
rxiatt g a •; ,
able as,;to new st'udents`�starting London visited .Sunday vith'f1r,'
an':•:Se .tember' 'and. thesecretary-and Mrs Sam' Farmer, .
.will "obtain these: for .the';next Mrs..' .horiald•• MacLennan. and
`B. oard meeting: , . family is' spending this'.week,
t " Public school ool` a ,.ils, some who, Kincardine with her ': Mother,
h PP
previously came 'to �'Lucknow,. •
will be trans orted to new' cen-. NAME 'BANK OF: MONTRE:1L
trail: schools. in Ashfield and ;Kin SCHOLARSHIP', WINNERS,
loss; 'and 'at a result., .the bus d. • „' •
k route 'Picture. as presently' exist Four •of Ontario's not: ou:•.'
standing • stridents.':• have • been
-awarded ,seG;ond phase Bank' of
'1Vforitreal, • . Canada Centenn el.
6cholarsliips; `worth: $1,500 a tear:
Y .D :for the next three 3 ears, e,ig c�.•,
• , HOL R40
nn • nced •
• .has a ou e
Mr Donald ,Johnston,:. 'Simcoe; , . The. winners are:'Michael A:
. 'Lucknow.District High: School
Board' set 'the 1961 "area : levy at'
$42,500 •at Mondayht's'" meet-
..ni .g
ing. This . represents a.:rate of ;8.,
mills, :an increase:' of. 1.7 • mills
from. the 1960,' levy ;of., 6.3:.
-.This rate •:proviides. for.' a sur=
plus of :some ,'$10,000; which ,the
Board ' regularly. : budgets for in:
order to.. avoid bank • borrowing
i th • first onth• of the new
n. a ,. rn .
year; and , to ,provide for; unfor-
teen contingencies:
''One mill raises $5,300.24... To
al assessment of the 'area is $5;=
300,237 made upsas follows: 'Ash-
field, $1,640,975; Culross„ '1.31,7.75
Greenock '189.350• Kinloss $1,-.
508,3$5; West.Wawanosh, ' $844,.-
068; :. Lucknow, $985,884,.
June expenditures • passed at
Mondays meeting a'otalled
• " It .was reported that new elec-
trio,>appliances'for .the school had:
arrived a. dryer', washer, frig.
and .stove, '
A letter 'froth Cluff and . Cluff
referred to the inspection'.'they
hadmade, and said they would
welcome the opportunity to work
for the -Board,should a building.
addition be decided on. .
The mater of, a.'ditto machine
was ,deferred to the next meeting.
A bill was received ,for ` $2,100
from Wingham High School
Board for tuition for 5 students
from the Lticknow' area attend-
ing Wingharr School. Last fall
the Lucknow Board rejected a
similar account . as "unaccept-
unacceptable:' Previous correspondence
regarding a Departmental rul-
ing in this regard is to . be re.
ferred to. '
The Board had not received
a report .of examination results
from• the departing principal, Mr.
G'. D, Kirk, prior to leaving, .licit
the ,, records' Were found in the
schoo, and scanned closely. Some
wild reports ,hadbeen cirati'19tt:
ing 'as to the failure .percentag'e.r
The fact is that it was, approxi,
ing, 'may undergo' ,considerable
spent the weekend: at his home .Church 'of Down.sviev,v, arts Jas,'
here DVcGhee of Thornhill, .c;ence;
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert, , and Judith 'Millin g ton and
, g
Lucknow, and Mr: 'and' Mrs Ray rine Reid, ...both:. of V4 'loirda e,
nerd, Ackert 'and. 'June' left this • and' both' studying arts :abjeca;:
�' g
past week for: a and.
in Western 'All dour. ;are 'attending the t '.•
Canada. versity •', of Toronto:
Miss.: 'Patricia' Welsh,. ' Ottawa; Last year, the . four ,Ori'a"'D
was a week -end visitor with .her• students each recei\ ed one: c
parents;,: Mr.: and.; Mrs ` William the 13 -first-year S750 •scho arsh!ps
Welsh; and. ,Sandy.. •i for this province one of 48
' .Mi. and Mrs. Donald 'Stith' '&' in Canada. 'The scholai•sh ps i�:-..•.
Brenda, Toronto, . were week -end be worth -31,500 to• each. Studer
' visitors" with his parents, Mr. & during • the' 1961-62 'urier .ay
Mrs. 'Jim Smith. year.
Mr.' and Mrs. Cliff ;Johnston
's pent •Sun a. in London. ti; lio doe ^';.
• p d Y . A taxpayer, is one,.. ,
Mr, and Mrs. George Hiltz_rani "
g of .have to. pass• an a ,o '�`'���',
Listowel visited Sunday : 'with for the . governmei t.
an k .You!:
A generous Thank : You, ' goes .out from
the Lucknow . and . District ""Lions Club' to all
the good , people who supported their draw
• activities this ;•past' !eek -end;..
Having sola- our . stoi,e business to Mr,, and , -Mrs., i;
'Pon Pannabedker of Preston, we extend our best .wishes 1:
and bespeak for them a' continuance of your patronage'
and a friendly ,welcome, to the comrnunity'Y
our 'lo' loyally, patronage and long
For . Y • and pleasant i
y _
business'. relations -we. :express' our srneere ,thanks and ,
MILLER and COMPANY, 'St,' t elens,.
lsaac and 'Isobel Miller. 1.