HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-28, Page 117 Y: if m' 4.. 4' 0" 1. 0" 4 yED1IESD; JUNE', 28th, 1961:•• • • Tom: LUCHNOW SENTILNEJ ,..4.vpicNOW, ONTARIO PAGEELEVEN HawI 's -Nuptial' At St, 'Helens HAWLEY 'WOODS Calvin United Church, St. Hel ens,', decorated 'with ' baskets of .pale pink ,gladioli and. snapdrag ons, ferns, and. candelabra .with lighted tapers,, was the scene on Saturday, June 10th, of the wed= 4 -,...ding .of Donna 'Jeanne :Woods .& ....Wilfred, Roy • Hawley:` 'R everen'd' B: F. Green performed the' cere-' mony. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne ..Woods • of St°• Helens' .,'and! the groom's.: ar.eruts are. • Mr.,. and:' Mrs: F, P , •'Hawley;::of • Oshawa. Mr.. F. A. Reesor, of.:.'Oshawa, presided at• the. organ. ' •' ° • `Given in marriage by her f4 ther, the • bride'' More a floor - 'length • princess'' • silhouette '4 gown of. white:: silk .faille. The , scal ,:loped, .neck-line• was outlined with seed, pearls •and , pointed up the'. appliques .of. lace encrusting the •bo:dice. and• . edging • the tradition-' =al 'long • •sleeves. • A . circlet of White . blossoms, :and pearls held -her hand. rolled •elbow -length :veil and,. she 'carried' a white' Bible crested: with • a" White orchid,, and Show eyed with. stephanotis 'on, white . streamers, Maid o °h•o i -n .was .Mise re Woo :' of Guelph- 'brides Y . tt, p .a maids were Miss Susan 'Van, Alstine and Miss Barba a Ran= nex, both' . of • Owen Sound. • They were identically gowned in shrimp • colored chiffon over tat' feta and ',wore matching bead'- dresses 'arid shoes. They . eairrie.d Cascade arrangements of 'sweet-' heart roses: with shrimp colored tulle.• William ` Manning,: o Oshawa, ,.was groomsman.and ushers were Erriie MacKenzie' of 'Oshawa, •&. .Monty Chamand r'' of Kitchener.; .The; reception. was •'held at the St. Helens': ha11 where' the b'ride's' mother received the ' .guests wearing- a blue' printed silk Jr-. ganza ,ensem1ble' ,with: white .ess.ori.es' . and., a corsage ;of; pink roses:: ' Assisting, . the ' groo's mother wore a •sheath' m dress :.of rose -beige .organza, with lace matching accessories:•d' '•a corsage .,of Pinocchio mums° • For her wedding trip to' -Cape' Cod,'•' U.S.A., the .bride chose a pale beige •wool suit with •mocha' •accessories' and an' orchid ' car - Sage. `On : their return they will reside • in ' Oshawa. Guests ..from' a distance 'Were present :from'•: Toronto; Oshawa, Kitchener, Lucknow, •. Owen Sound, Guelph, . New - H ' bU • ' and Hampton.... The bride is a graduate ,of the Kitchener.- Waterloo- ' Hospital, •School of Nursing .and the groom • w am urg, • Alex .McKenzia Died Sudden :orate �y Kine �� List V In, Alexander Gerald . ,1VIacKenzie i shown great; determination to. passed away very suddenly in, Vancouver General. Hospital'. on Monday, June 10th, 1961, the ,re„ sult of a cerelbral haemorrhage. He ,was 47. Alex was in his usual health upon retiring Sunday night, but, suffered the• haemorr- hage, shorttly after and passed away.. ,within a. few 'hours. 'Alex. was' born January lath 1914,, in.. Lucknow, son of ,Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie, now of Toonto and the late Wm. MacK.enzie..' As. a ' young man, Alex°"•worked .in the brokerage Of F. O. Hearn Co.. (no.w the T. A. Richardson Co.,, Toronto). With the outbreak Of war he joined the R.C.AF.. in 1940 graduating as an obser- ver • 'at ' Crumlin Navigation School.' Following graduation he took advanced navigational train- ing at Penfield. Ridge, New Brunswick and for a. time he served as 'a navigator with. the :Ferry Command. Hewas transferred _ to 1i A,F.. Bomber ' Command ,flying• many, missions. Thei. 'transferred to 'the R.0:A.F: Bomber 'Command . tak +,ing part in the ,1000 plane raids on, Essen and' Cologne. He was decorated with ' th•e. D.F.M. for a low-level bombing attack , 'on. the Fiat Works . at Milan, Italy. His ',plane, . was •shot: down, by. 'a. night 'fighte'r, over . Berlin, • in August 1943, and he himself Was hit by . . flack; `but he,. • his pilot press home the attack and hit the prifnary. target. In a rard.ox Milan, Flight • Sgt. MacKenzie re leased his bombs with unerring. skill ;,in the middle of a large factory which was left iri'flames•."' On 'his 51st ,bombing mission, Alex's, plane. was shot down : on the 'night of August 31st, 1943. It `was • his 51st ..mission and be. was. due . for, rest" -leave very shortly.. Of the -crew of seven, four were'. killed. that fatal • night; . as they Were . shot down before getting' over. their target -- After' hiding 'out for two, days they; were captured,- and 20 months •of grim prison life commenced,. Alex was hospitalized: for a short time with superficial shrapnel Wounds: in his heel 'and hip. ,During his;. confinement his weight droppe d to 105 pounds, and 'he upon• his' return" often .said that had it 'not been .for' Red Cross, food parr, cels they could; not have survived. Upon ' his return AO his home here in , mid=Ju'ne of 1945, Alex. said that April 23rd of that year was. a date he 'would' always re- 'merriber. It was that .day that .Russian, . cavalrymen rode into their camp .on horeaback to free ;them,. A. few day§ later he and r two: companions discoVered a :row 'boat in which4 they crossed Convenient budget terms- up to 5 yearsto pay ! *OATS LOOKS fOtaOE tifA ` . ' : a • crossed H VgNS Plumbing and Heating; Esso Oil Bu nen Sales and Service ELECTRIC HEATING, Phone 73, Lucknow FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE . .• and rear iver. gunner parachuted in the r: ' i!he; man^Tims haave uucarterhange tod:.:pTarodky hisa. a wooded district.. on :the outskirts . Elbe,'to,A;merican P esa Y q lines.• They were'flown to .Brun car sa lie won't be .••fined. 'two' sels; then" to,••Erigland., ' arid two 'dollars - while . spending', a dime weeks . later boarded the Prenchi .for a. nickel, cup of 'coffee ''ship 'Pasteur for' Canada' = and of'•. Berlin, finally being taken °prisoner. ,He escaped with the 'two•;other.crew .members and was finally 'captured' with imprison= Ment, in Stalag . IVB.:'°nnce again he :escaped ,and .:got as far as Bordeaux, France, taken in °by the'. French Underground., •' only to:betaken prisoner ' again by the Gestapo.: After release from'.; the ,prison camp by: : the' • American Army he returned to, Canadato pursue his .activities „In. business. Alex located•. in Vaneouve'r af- ter the;. war and in' 1949 • he Mar, ried Agnes •Munrb',of 'Vancouver. -ie,; became increasingly active in the _.business •.life of Vancouver, which involved inany projects, Some of •'his business activities' •included.. the ':successful : certifi-- cation of Kootenay Gas' Cot, , a projected .marina .near Boundary is in the ,engineering,department, ,Bay and :•a. large- Cold. Of -'General Motors,. Oshawa. On Famous Reading:' Anthracite.' Low: Prices NOW in effect. Fill: up -save plenty. Remember, Famous Reading Anth ccite-that better Pennsylvania : hard coal -is trademarked with bright ;•red spots to protect you against inferioy sub-:. stitutes.Give: us a:'call TODAY!' We 'have .in stock IIADELPHIA '. and READING' • RED. SPOT Nut and Stove. Coat �n� 'W: Blue foal • NUl' • and STOVE ew Stardump Alberia Coal All Are Premium "Quality Luckncw Coal Company. Phone 10, Luticnow torage Plant and ,The Cowicharr Copper Mine. At the .time 'Of h" :.death: ' he. Was • employedby the C. M'. Oliver :Brokerage 'Firm; Tom 'and Dr. John., MacKeniie fle*. , to `•Vancou.ver • to attend the ftineral • ' Besides:.` his. ' widow, Alexis • survived by'his.-mother; one sis=..' ter; •.Miss Katherine . MacKenzie and four ,brothers, Toni, his twin, and. Frank ' of Kinloss Township, Dr., Williarn `MacKenzie . of De- • `ro:•t.' and Dr. John.'MacKenzie of Toronto'.''.fiis father ,died in June, •21941.. Decorated By The King Reference to .The • Sentinel' files, :gives •sorn,e interesting details of• :his .war . record:. U'pori '.completion 'Of; his training 'and ' a ' 8.pecia1 ‘.course at:Montreal, •Alex: flew 'to England on Noember' 25th, 1941.. There" he book a navigator's course before. ••commencing•• opera. tional flights attached tb the 13.A.F. 'He was 'an air bomber with the, first.' crew Whichniade about thirty fights and won tinction , for their bombing of. Milan, Italy, ' • For , his skilful 'work on :that. . omission Alex was awarded the Distinguished Flying' Medal . and had the honour conferred upon him in Buckingham Palace by His Majesty The .King. Alex Was promoted to. the .rank of, Warrant Officer and acted as an . instructor f'ory'a time ;before. resuming operations with 'a Cana- dian crew. ,r The serail entitled "Whom: The King .Honoureth".bears the, following citation, "This ai'rrnan has' set a high standard ' in 'bdrnib aiming ' and has always displayed great de- votions to duty, Participating in many 'attacks on the enemy as an air bomber, he has, always p home Is Your. Subscription. Renewed? • s Of Aft Ages ak Who's Coming AIRG EDNESDAY,; .� STARTIME 8:30 P.M, ONE SHOW ONLY We, the ,Exclusively :FIN A, GASOLINE and DUNLOP TIRES . Presented Thru 'The Courtesy Ot 'Your tinnier' GODERICH MOTORS E FORD MONAitCH T1-! ' ERBIRD. South 5.,.• Goderic Ont.. :lA -?SOS • • •