HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-28, Page 7• WEDNESDAVr, JUNE .28th, 1961. TEE, 14IgitNOw SENTINEL, LU6KNOW! 'ONTARIO 'SeVenteexi young .people frt.= the pariSh, of Rev Wilfred Wright including,Lucknow, Ripley, Dun-. .gannon And :port Alberti were confirmed; into the . Ariglican 'Church -of Canada . by: R. Rev. H. :F. ApPleyard, Bishop Of Gail., gian' Bay, at a •Cdrifirmation. set-. •vice at ;St. Peters, Lucknow last Thursday night. •Tife candidates and: thoseofficiating are:, • FRONT ROW (left to right)': Lynda'. IiOdgins, Beverley Phil-• . lips, 'Terrance •Paquette,. Daniel.' • Dodds„ Chester • l-rodgiris, Ian •• Steeksrna, .• •Carole •Steeksrna;; Helen 'Johnstone. ' • 2NID ROW (left to. righ): :Grant McQuflhn,Keith Rev:. Wilfred, Wright, Katlieri , • bert, Robert Dodds, Brian: Biacic, 'Rt..'Rev. H. F. ApPleyard, :bert :Paquette, ' Tommy Culbert, Sharon, Whitby, Mr. , Guest Trudy. thoinsOri.. •. , • • . . • 'Sentinel Photo • P.kct.0 svth • • ,11, ..,eld.:Presbytericin • • • Picnic AtKintall -The Lucknow• Presbyterian' Sunday School picnicwas hell* on Thursday • .afternoon at tail •Carnp •with a good attend., ance. The following are the re, .sults •of the races•:-. • Girl's; pre school, Saridra John- ston; Boy'S, pre school, Dougla,s; Aitchison; Girl's 5- and 3,, Jbann • , MaeRae;'` EPY's 5 4r0,4,Iir.. 007 wan; Girl's•.7 and. 8, Dawna Mul- lin; Boy's 7 and 8, John MacKeri, zie; Girl's 9 and1O, Carol, Frook;: Boy's' 9 and 1.0, Drew • MacRae; irl's 11 and 12, Janet Carriith, ers; F3OY's 11 and .1.2,CarYfAustin; • .Girl's, 13 and 14, Sylvia 1VIaCLeod; .Boy's 13 and 1.4, Donald Fisher; t5 years arid over, Dianne 1Jamieson; Boy's 15 • years, and. Over, Gary Gammie;Girl's relay race, Janet Carruthers,. Mary, Finlayson, • Carol Frock, Gai1 Jamieson; Boy's relay race, Bob • • HuMphrey, Donald Johnston, Eric • Taylor, 'John Lyons; Girl's 'slip- per kick, Janet Carruthers; Boys blindfold race, Ross • Forster; Ladies slipper kick, Mrs. 'Scott; Boy's •wheelbarroW race, :Harry . • Vollner • Bob' Humphrey; '3.:legged race,' Sharon Mowbray„ 'sJape.t Carruthers; Largest family, present, J. C; Johnston, Stewart': Jarnieion • (tie); OldeSt lady .pee. sent,. Miss. Jean I,,yOns;. Oldest. • gentleman 'present, Mr. •W.W. Girls • softball throw, Janet., Car.-utlieri,;, Boy's: s.oftball • throw., Bruce • Tliornpson;" Girl's ' throw, :• (over 12 'year's)" Sylvia • MeLeed;.• Boy's.softball thfow. (aver•12 years). Donald Fisher... • Lunch was served at ,.6 o'clock and a, ball ...game. and pearitit. • seranabie :followed. ••:: • , • • CHURCH... NEWS Presbyterian Eirpning Atixilt4ty • The regular June meeting was. • held *at •the 'home: of'IMrs. Noble. Johnston ,on ,Tuesday .evening. • Mrs. Jim Aitchison con-ducte,d the mee4ng which ''opened with: a hymn ,followed by- the . Lord's PraYer. The: scripture •was' read • in unison. Mrs.. Virden M'civirbray. • gave the Bible Stu,dY: on. "IVIar • th'a7.. Mrs. Jack MaoDon.ald :read' an interesting article. ftorri... the • , Tidings dealjpg. with ..4 group • Of. Armenian refugees who have been '. homeless' since the ' end of 'World War II, The World Council of ChurcIes.is going to build them .homes- .and later- on. a, school, ,:arid church.' Mrs. Mon: • gan Henderson ,gave the, topic• • Going toget,her'Into. The:World". to, provide, ohtiitian, 'Literature: The meeting closed with a • hymn followed, . by, . the :benedictiOn.: Lunch was served by: the, Com- mittee . • in .cha/rge. • :Zion W.M,S.' Meeting , • There- were 19 lathe's .3 :visitors and 4 children .?Prekent.. Mrs :Frank Ritchie' and Mrs 13,- Iickett made a lov:ely lilac an.d (pansy, corsage for each grand • mother. Hymn 445. 'opened! ,the meeting • follOwed,'hy The,,Lord's PraYer, repeated in Unison. flhs Mrs:\ Nelson..Ilaynard •serVed a Mrs. Roberts read the Bible Stu- daint lunch with Mrs Will Alit; dy and Mrs. Durnin gave the . chie, the only 'great grandmother reading for the ,,day. Hymn'400 'Present, cutting the • anger .cake. .was siIng'ice.Mi,ssyDorothy Cooke , . . closed the meeting,. with ; Prayer. .A 'social followed. • •. •W • St: Peters .A.: •• The *June eetirig St., Peters' ' d • A. was h ld at• th hoine .of evotional part was taken . Mrs Mrs. W. 'Weght., 'The meeting Harvey ,Ritchie With, .the : scripture being read bY Mrs. Al - opened with a hymnfollowed b the W A ray4i pra er art- • • Chewing •gum is all:right, in -iits place' which. isn't under' the din- • ing .roorn table. .•• • EXETER HAS NOVEL DOG :CATCHER • SCHEME , Exeter has hired a abocatcher froth Out of town. ,The coUncirs appointee is' .a. resident ,of St, Marys. 'He -Will 7prowl Exeter 3: times a week 4-- on different days."' and at .unspecified arriVal,tinies.„ He must catch strays on tOvitrx• • streets or '.other pu•blic property', • •only, and. will . be paid $35. lan Ritchie 'Mrs -Earl-SI/van gave Y • • " • P., • • the Christian Stewardship react- ners prayer 4114 the • Lord's, • .Prayer. The ..striptUre- Was 'read . • n?.g. wo, ,x•ea ings or gran • tilers Were given by Mrs. Frank MrsHodgkinson Mrs Roberts . • ; • Ritchie and -Mrs. HarVeY. Ititchre, gave detailed detailed report On. the, Mrs. Wes Ritchie' and Mrs. 'C-Or-bwhich was quite ue- don '.Kirkland "'didn't° get their cessful• :It -was. decided to Out. y • box in the church, so anyone visit ng done 'in April went 'on MayTT 43rcl. MrsJim wishing to donate to: the bale MrsGeorge Hunter visited the ., : . :minter and - could" do SQ. :This,' bale is to ,be . . 'Sick and shut-ins .for May. The 'Packed ''and .sent • on to. a new the' need is great. next meeti,ni; to be theparish where ren's.ineeting, to held at Mrs. The 3u1Sru'illeetin,g' 4.16 be held Alleri. Ritchjoe's. Five dollars Was in the form of a pot luck picnic supper . the home of • and voted for., the Tn."' Memoyiarn Fund for;. -Mrs. HanSuld., The '1*s. Fed:Mc(411illin tile ..date to,. announced . garden' party .money was handed bennncedlaterthe roll, .in to Mrs. Franli Ritchie., Nylons call was 'answered by a scripture and used clothing,.wasrecineited- iverse containing 'the s word help, .to be, brought to the ,next.meet- I Miss ,Dorothy Cooke brought a • hid. Mrs. Ja,c1C Gardner g4 e very interestinglefesting report from "the . The.,Juhe meeting Was held at chapter in the Study Book. Mrs.' Spring Deanery of the home of Mrs. n. A: Hackett Kaiser .closed the meeting with which; was held "May with. 9 grandmother's nrese4t. prayer. The. hostess .assisted, by Anglicxi ..Church the 17th at the. Paisley. i• • nevayiOs avoid a traffic accident this weekend is to stay home oriitho porch Hi • • • . But if you .are planning 'fa oet 7., in the famili car and go somewhere OI'Cfl. help. Prevent accidents • • int troviianti a safe speed •. isy.'Oboyingtiaffic Signs and signals • • 1,1 by leaving a safe distance iietWeeSII • your car and the one ahead your intentions well in odvanc• by care and Courtesy . • 11 yoil JO dav Lorne, Make saie..the rocking chair hitt (iota itepatttli • (07aloperat00, ;Month. • Owners of dogi • picked. up. Willi have, to pay $5' to spring theirk ••,..frorn.the pound, sibesides:th'e lic-. ence •fee for untdgge'd pooches., e . • Lucknow Distric PhOne 71 • . , . • . / • • • , , • , 47 "'. • • t 1 4 7 •' • • • • • 744 4 • •g . • 47, ; 7 •