HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-28, Page 2LUCItNOW• SENTINEL ;, UCK,NOW• ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 20th,, 1961 THE :LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOi1J, ONTARIO "Tllie Sepay. Town' On, the.• :Huron Bruce Boundary Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, artment, Ottawa stablished 1873:- �Publrshe • '... d. Each Wednesday Afternoon.. Member of the C.W.N.A. ,and the O.W N•.A., • u: to;,the . USA $4.Q.,.00 S ,b cripton Rate, $3,00 a. year in .adva•nce cet. ., L. Campbell. Thom son and :Donald C. Thompson Publishers WEDNESDAY, JUNE',. 28th, 19611. 5eekCaus'�Of n RareC nditi o o Fred Johnston' of Belfast. re turned'°home last Wednesday of ter a month in hospital-- two weeks ' in Wingham and .. two in Victoria.. Hospital. In: London he quite readily agreed to .what he " `inea ... pig" treatment in terms gu pg . an • 'effort. to find the cause of a series of :blackouts which "he -has been .experieneings It is about four yearsago since Fred first experienced the condi-. tion,. which gradually .:: became More frequent: The blackouts gave him sufficient -, always warn Ing, sothat, no mishaps occur- e engaged . in bridge red : whil ubuilding with. the Mowbray.'Con- struc'tion Co. Last fall he received, leave, of • absence as the, spells 'left him. "groggy," for, a longer time, & ;he was experiencing periods', of deep sleep lasting 'as much as 15 hours.. Fred " worked: briefly • helping to lay the new. 'sidewalks in Luck- now; & since then ' hasn't been- emiployed. .. . Fred • says' that Dr. ' M. H. Cor- rin appeared to be on the right 'track, . and arranged to have him ,A g g o' . to :. L Condon . ,where' a: series of 'tests.: and_ ' examinations were made. The final operational test ', ,.. was, as Fred ` described it, • dril . •: i two holes_ in the cause. wasinhis head: not definite- ly series of 'po- tentdecided,.,. a . tent' pills .,was prescribed for• Fred to take. .Ile, has taken . the first half . dozen which he calls "poison pills," and on '1Vlonday was, . into: town. to report to' Dr. Corrin :.,As •of : Monday . Fred 'said ',he. hadn't . felt as well in', ten years,. but of course,, ,is keeping his, fing ers crossed. HOLY'R,,OD Mr. and _Mrs Tom Pinter' ' of Vancouver , and Mrs. Carrie lVie Lead of • of ' Ripley • were recent ' vis- itors' with. Mr. and Mrs. William Eadie.. • Miss Edith;' Patterson of Toron- to, 'Mrs. Wrp. -Arnold. of 'Bervie LOfHALSH Mr. ; and' Mrs. Duncan Farrish entrtaind the Johnstone Fam-ily on the week end. Mr'...and 'Mrs Robert.:Johnstone spent a; few days visiting ': reltives here, Mrs..Frank. MacLennan spent :e Interchange System � I th a � D ' (D.UNGANNON' NEWS) Ali, telephone patrons of the Auburn dial exc, hange'...and the Dungannon exchange have and Will continue ' with free/inter- Change.. When Dungannon dial conversion is completed the 'custoniers will dial direct from their own telephone to the telephones in the : other exchan-•• ges ,See ad' . ;in this • issue of the Sentinel: .Guests , of Mary- and .Tommy Rivett on. Sunday 'were Mr. and Mrs. 'George'Tirrnibu-l1 of Brus-' sels, Mr.. Roy Black, . Lucknow,, Dr. :Wilfred Black, Mrs. Black, and daughter, Heather, Aurora, and .Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Pollock M. and Mrs. Ivan, Henderson and visited• recently, with Mr. , and sons, Greg and Brian, • Toronto, Mrs. Raynard Ackert.: ,Mr5 and Mrs. Eddie Thompson and Marjorie visited with' . _ Mr. and Mrs Ken 'Scott of Belgrave.. Mr. and • Mrs. Roy ' Hickner • & Mary• •of Marshfield, Wisco'nsin;,' visited this past.. week with,. Mrs.; Hickner's aunt and uncle, Mr: .& Mrs. • Ernest Ackert of Lucknow and also Mr. and Mrs Raynard Ackert 'and'..'Mr: and Mr.'s. Lloyd, Ackert:. • : • Mr..and Mrs. Jack Ackert`: and.. farn'ily and Mrs: John Walker' of Lucknow visited,-: Sunday ' with Mr. andMrs., Carl Hooey, Huron Township. Mr; Gordon Saunders was a Mrs.. Thomas' Webster 'on Sunday Sunday visitor at his• sisters,,. Mr. :evening. ' Earlier on . Sunday, Mr. .and ,Mrs. • Eddie Thompson. and ' Mrs. T. Webster and -Mr. & Mr. ani& Mrs. • Sam Farmer vis- .1 Mrs. ' Karl Seivert attended St. ited Sunday, with Mr. • and Mrs. George's. Anglican church anni- •Sam Farmer 'of Orr Lake: . 'versary services and. were.'visit. Mr.. and Mrs: Donald..Smith &.' ors with Mr, and Mrs.Bill ;Brad Brenda of Toronto, ;Mr. and: Mrs. ley and family,,. Goderich. 'Doug Smith. and Chris of • Kit- Mr.. and Mrs: ••Thomas Park" chener spent the ` week -end here 'had as .recent':. visitors, Mr. :and and with their parents, •Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ladd, Blyth,.Mr. & Mrs.• Jim Smith, Harold. •and Bob Mrs. George Lawlor, Auburn, Mr., attended a' farinily `reunion at the and, Mrs. Wilfred Nivins and their home of Mrs. •Smith's: cousin, Mr:' da: ghter-in-law, .Mrs. Jim Nivins to. know the others have recover= and Mrs:" Frank. of S 'e =' of.• Lucan. "Mr:. and'' Mrs: Nivins ed .nicely and out again..: ', a. s Rising � P o pardton: • • 'attended the::,Golden Wedding of Mrs. Frank ' Glenn, , 'spent.•'a. Friday.,afternoon' June 23rd, his 'sister Mr: arid. Mrs. Peter Week iri Toronto ; vsi;ting her son; - the ladies of the. 8th and 6th McCall, Lucknow, ,' the previous concessions, rl Kinloss, met , at day: On Sunday they also, visit'' H .olyrood school to honour. their. ed . her ,brother, ' Mr. George teacher • of the past . four , years, Moore: Mrs. Isobel Martyn: A short pro- BORN-.-- ' at Wingham : General gram 'consisting 'of piano solos by Hospitkl on June . 28rd . to Mr. & Brenda 'Bushell arid Donald;, El- 'Mrs: Lorne, Alton, nee Kathlene 'Hatt, duet' by June Ackert and Smythe, 6th ` concession, -West Karen Carruthers, ..a sing -song, Wawanosh,,•a daughter, Congrat= 'arid. games : made a . ;delightful Mations _ 'social: hour. An address was read Visitors>•. Sunday with Mrs J:• by Wallace,: Houston and. Dolma' .Olver and .Miss E. : McMillan' Burt 'and Douglas Eadie present- were '.their brother., Mr: James ea their teacher • with matching McMillan, Mrs.. ,John' Petrie,:. Mrs. floor; : and table. lamps. Mrs. Herb :Morris: and her ' daughter; Martyn ' expressed her apprecia 'Mrs:. Mary Morris :of Goderich.. tion ina few. •well;chosen 'words. They attended the ' Memorial a':fewaYs :in "Toronto' with -Mr. Lunch was served bringing' to a Dungannon Cemetery service. in � d and •.Mr's...Don ' Ainsley: , and fam- :;lose a pleasant. get, to-gether the. afternoon. ' • are • r. •Dan. MacDorald Do'm inion;•a Mr, and Mrs. Victor Errington, Mr. and Mrs. John,Durnin, Auburn,•Mrs. Everett Errington & Wilmer of thevillage, Mr. and Mrs. BertBadman; Comber.The. latter couple' spent theweek-end among ,reh$tives..Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur •Brownattended• ; the "Red" picnic at :Seaforth Lions' Park on Sunday where upwards of eighty' of the clan° attended from . many dif-ferent parts of Ontario.• Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie. and ':Mrs. Elizabeth Alton, Lucknow, Mrs. W. GTodd, Winnipeg . with , Mr. and ceased,, 1960.61 Honour Roll of Dead: 1Vir • John Thompson, Mrs., Alex :Shirt„ Mr; David McCon, nell, Mrs. Robert Armstrong,, Mr. `$,ichard Finnigan, Mrs, Roy ton, , Mrs. David 'McIlwain, .Miss; Sarah Maige; Mrs. Harry' Ryan,' Mrs.. William Milner, Mr. How-' and Black,: Mr.; Fred, .Black:, 1Vir. Donald .Fowler,, "Mrs. ' Jean Black, Mrs, Risby Kinible, Mrs, Herbert. Pentland, Baby McWhinney, S • John McM}llan,, The •collection.' amounted' to .$130 OA. •This > :helps defray the expense of upkeePing the cemetery. • The. household effect$ of Miss' Elizabeth` Elliott will •be held ;at. the village ''residence this Thurs- day, .Mr. Brown Smythe recently purchased , the property.. The .United" Church. W.A. rnet. on Tuesday, 'June '20th at' the. home, of . Mrs. Wm. Cranston. Mrs. Jack, Alton, 2nd. ',vice-president, led,. beginning in the usual man, ner of .Theme 'Hymn and Motto and Prayer. Mrs. Harvey Alton ,gave the scripture lesson, :.Lfike 10: 38-42. "Thee ' Home" was the Mss ° Edna Turner and . he. guest;Mrs, B.. Beck ;are ather,cottage at Point ' Clark formtheumner, ' An event of interest,took 'pr'acon Monday evning; .when M. Robert Campbell,, Louise. andob•entertained, at .adinner in honor of •Miss Ages Campbell's.birth• day,; • with Mr. ands -Mrs.Robert Steele 'of .Detroit and. 'Mr, and, Mrs. J C. ' Campbell of Poit,Clark: as their guests, Making the occasion pore memorable ' wathe fact it•was: held at. Miss Campbell's birthplace. Many happy returns is the wish of hr manyfriends who from tinie to'•� t�welcome her back to the 1'mecommunity• Miss Joc'Steele;' is. the guest of her cousin Miss C'bleenWalden in Chatham this •week,Best wishes are :exterfded to Mr. and Mrs.Thomas MacDon-•ald of Ashfieldori . the' 'occaion of their fiftieth ; wedding.:anni-vy. Open louse was held on theme and .Mrs. Wm. Petrie gave Satrday, evening for `friends analthe: expination and prayer,, cont cluding with thLord's Prayer.The roll call' was answered'by ,15 members and four visitors. Mrs. Everett Errington' conductedBible ; contet.Mrs. Lrne Ivers'gave a reading' "The, Lure. of• the: Old Road. 'Mrs Cecil Blake 'was relatives..Mrs. Jaynes McNainandMissHelen McNain :visit&clf in ' Torontoover Me Mr. and, Mrs DaldCourtneand .Gary and` Carbl were •Sun -day': guests with ,Ir. and 'Mrs.. John Morgn• and _famihy of Stayarranging; a" question: and answerbox: Thehostesses were Mrs. ' E..•large c:.rowdwattendd the Errington, Mrs. • Herb Finnigan, shower which .was held ofMrs. W: Brown, -Mrs. •Raymond the pari hhall aturgan on:Mon�daFinnigan.evening in honor of Miss HelenMrs. Alvin Oberwood of• the•Dun a ,Off a of Office returned!.• Godfrey:With Mrs. Wm.',:Collins gas 'chairladr for the evening • the to the . office `after being;: rndis r o • osed with the measles,; which prog am pene'd with. a trio bypCarol,Louise and -Lois :.Collinmade . the ' rounds of •so ' many which• was oll wed wi h `' homes in : June:' Mr.Wm • Stewart . <a o t an iriwho`. has:from tme to time re-terestmg reading 1?y Gail `BoydA ' quartette by • Carol, Barbra,lieved, 'was just then =also underJoyce and ]Mary - Ann, Funatonthedoctor's care. Mrs.Mary Riv-was enjoyed -and an , znstrurriental ett :of Duungannon, mail."ratite' 1 z;. . .,, bY )betty Emmerton• was:• followwho is acgivainted: with the ''woi:k4 ed With..an accrrdian , selecton supplied very weal. We , are gladby `A,r1a Smeltzer` which broughttheprogrth" to a close.Mrs. William Collins read an address 'to the 'brideo and Iva Sineltzer 'and "Katherine :Godfrey assisted Helen witlh her' giftswhile' Linda:. Reid and' CarolynFunston• fshioned' millinery fbr thebride. 'Helen: ,thanked .every- one • and inited , them 'to' hehome. "to; viev her 'trousseau "after lunch was served.' Mr. and ,MrJohnC: Mae.Donald .Courtney; a.nd Corinne,attended..Ashfield AnluversaryTrhe'Amberley''community was service •dnd:'visited with` Mi ,PndMrs:' W. J.: Courtne . at A'i berley a� y, Mr.. "and' Mrs.Lloyd; Irwin,.•of Ripley we're':S.unday guests •withMrs:. Sam Geddes: .Mrs.'May: Bell, Mr. and Mrs.T. ' Bell, • Ted ,and 'Johnweave yVisiting MrsAnnieMacDond D M'r. and. Mrs. Cliff. Connell of Tt'tutoryH lida0 Los,Aneeles, California and Sally and Louise MacDonald of 'Wind • Rev. Trevor Richards,Mrs Richards and Phillip leave this Friday - from the Parsonage to •spend July with friends at. Brant- ford' and near Que- bec. Mr. Wilmer Errington will occupy ' the pulpit 'next Sunday Dominion Day; •July 'lst is a : and at, the other church appoint-: Audrey Ross. R.N. of London 'statutory ' holiday ,and as such is days s spent •a fewy with . Mr. and Mrs. William Ross; and Doug :be. fore leaving on . a motor trip .to: observed • on the; day on which: ii falls,' Sunda -e-rce p ted, t Y P , 'The holiday will be .observed the West Coast. . , locally. 'on Saturday. I'n some recen.tl urchased in .Lucknow, Congratulations . to out to. Mr-, centres, efforts were made 'to ' ob y `p' s. Tom MacDonald who, lid on Monday. making alterations and, improve and Mr serve the holiday y men.t . They intend to . v •ceelbrated their .Golden , Wedding, The Act in this 'regard states ssoon mo e ments of Nile and Port `Albert' at. the usual, time. • Mr.• and Mrs: Harvey . Maize. are,working , ontheir. house, they op Saturday. ' Some of those at - ;tending from a . distance were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darragh and f • ly of Toronto Mr, and Mrs i effect. 'in' each: and 'ever. ana • ay then their son; J. C. in effect, that Maize will, take up acid continue year the lst of, July shah .be a. n'' shall be' ke `'t far ring. on the ,homestead; mov- legal , holiday a d P lag there with his wife an fam- and .observed' as ,such: • ami , of ' Los Angeles, July . ul • - is a. ily. from Auburn• Cliff , Connell g When the 1st' of J y M . an Mr Mr'T.Carmen •, Afid er- California. Sally and Louise• Mac Sunday, the second day of July rs, . , ` r. and Mrs -legal son left. last `week -,end by motor Donald of.Windsor, M . shall be, in, lieu. thereof, a . Allan MacCharles and. Mr; Ai holiday' throu ho'ut Canada,' and'and their trailer hitched for. harles of Ruth.ven: gacross country west, that: may .be 'gus MacC • , ,. shall- be kept . 'arid; observed as the: service.: • D: A. MacLennan ..was in such'under the name of Domin- a trip lasting .ten month's, was 'fir'. arr.an ement's' have been :mad'e of.. GriYhStiy on Saturday with. code- ion bay, ' o•' ,. g � a member, , r Mr. Geddes .was Pipe Band:, They placed 3rd .at the farm.. Pine River congregation for many rich p in. the . competition. Don; wife and Lynda and .Frank. She • returned with them,` when. they .visited. for the week -end. • P�p'uiar Amberle .�Y �n.t e lemon Dred SAMUEL GEDDES' deeply saddened by .the: death of one of its highly esteemed - cit- izens' 'in' the person . of Samuel. Geddes who passed away , -at noon on June 14th in Kincardine Gen-: eral Hospital. Mr. Geddes had 'been confined . week -end visitors in Toronto.. to ' hospital for over a month but his death', came 'quickly after •de-• veloping' : a stroke.'ale was :the son of Mr. and :Mrs. John Geddes,.. born 'Kinloss-Tdwnship; (Black 'dine, June 25th., Candidates from St • Lukes''Anglican congrega- tion was well represented,at xhe Confirmation service held' •in the Church of -the.' Messiah, Kincar, Norge) May 30th, 1880. Here . he resided . r .: d until .he moved' to ..the fourth concession of ,Huron town ship' in 1900 with his . parents, 'He remaine. d there until 16 years •ed cofirmation - classes.. over tile ago ago_ when he ''moved to.Arnberley past 'Months. where: he=: has since • resided;' Mr:, -and Mrs. John Emmerton were guests of Mr. and Mrs.., Wm. Emmerton ori Sunday an'd, visited With , Mr. Arthur Courtney, who . rat and' Mrs, .James •1Vf.. Blue„of Am- •is steadily im p'oving Kincat= berley. dine Hospital.. ' The commuii'ity;.- .gathered in ' large nulhbers to' pay their re- FORMER LUCKNOW, YOUTH spects, to an understanding and, kindly '•. neighbour. The funeral,: service was held from his rest dence on Saturday; lune 17th. St.. Lukes were Mrs.. Wm. Col- lins,.Carol Col'lins,;Arla'Srraeltzer, ,. Rodney Emmerton; Barbara .Wil kin. Rev.• .S.' R. Lupton.conduet•, Op. December :17th, 1913, Mr.' Geddes ' married Flora Letitia • Blue, daughter of th'e, late Mr,' ON EUROPEAN ,HOLIDA`Y. Mr. Robert Johnstone, 'son of Mr. and Mrs: Harold'. Johnstone pastor The Rev. J. •C: Hu,ttori.of of Parkhill and/ formerly of Pine River . Church • conducted Lucknow; ,and Mr., Charles Black, Son. of Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil Black of Listowel, left . on Saturday; June 24th or a Pan'.American Jet for an extensive European 'Doli day which Will .inchide England, Scotland, Ireland,' Norway, . Swe- •den, Denmark, The Netherlands, Mr, and Mrs: Donald MacKen- BIRTHS ,. The Memorial Service: ,at .the years. • Archie, and Robert , Court. cemetery vias' held Sundy,.'June ney sang "Some Day We'll Und-' eturned home ` after spend• ng •,to the inclement erstand, in a most syMpathetic zie r . ;� ,. • , 25th,.. Ovtri s. made` in the. German' Austria, Prince Swrit:: General Ho-pital, on Si day, ed in the United Church with they, d Clinton. faints lot in Ripley r • zerland • Italy .• _ 'local 1 taking t. Y p 'p y cemete y y and Spain. They Week.. -end visrtors .�.� i. r. �.. ,r d M, • h W. � , • , , � .,. Wright, . ,,,. with nephews actin"� as ,..:all 'ear-, • an to return b jet from preS... k R Wlf dW St P 1 P g p b p y Weekonto McQU�ILLIN•—At the Wingharn weather, the.service Was.conclud-. ner. ang � the past week in .Toro • , cin' ,. The burial' wa an iri on. •• .., June 1$tl 1961 to Mr. an rs three 'oca c ergymen a ing par , „witll 8z t key:Wilfred i re .iof . '� Iiver� McCharles were. . , au s ; . ' .... et.lst,. Vlrs. O Jo n McQui in; uc now, • a . Allan '1�cCharles arid jean Ian -1 daughter, Anglican Church gave .the Call ers:. Henry Arnold, Iian`�'Ge.ddes,' Wick, Scotland 'on •Sen,temb ` _ ,•� .. _•.' . — , n:,' to• Warshipr .Rev, Rod MacLeod, 'son of Toronto, Mrs, and Mrs. ENGLAND In Wingham G� ,, - ne of-Erskine..Presbyterian Church Allan: 1V1cGlarle's and -Mr. •Angus eras hospital on Saturday, 'Itme the ven.' 24th . to M, r and Mrs. ' Donald gave the scripture reading and • McCharles of Ruth • .. . _ �'.. . ;addresser' .Rev.,. T`s: Richards offered 'Anniversa'ry Services were Eng.land,. R,R, 1, Luckribw,• a 'prayer, representing the United Ashfield daughter, { . r: held on : Sunday in Chur h, Durin the service .Mi s• •Presbyterian Church. • /The. guest c . g , s, ' Eleanor Reed gave a violin num- _. , . both . ....: ,. , and even- : r �I B�. • Fiala. son ' of . , speaker both morning a . � Miss 'Sa a .,y, . .... � .:..... . • e:. with i ber with accompaniment of Mrs, ' in " was the :R,ev. D, Leslie Elder Toronto visite.... with M�.'. and ... A . _ .. _ g d r.' Allan heed. two -minute silence ' of ,. Seaforth. The Misses Fisher •Mrs.' Gordon Finlayson and fam- off' Whitechurch assisted the choir', ily on .the week -end, was .Observed' hi memory of de. Roy' Geddes; Allan :Irwin, Etigene ,Blue and , Jack Blue. • He is :survived by his :wife and one brother,'. Robert of Kincar- dine: l:Ie:was'predeceased' by ,four. brothers. James, Wilson, `John & George .and by three 'sisters; Rachell . (Mrs. Robert .Pollock), ,Liza (Mts. ,Williain Graham) and Mary Jane (Mrs :Henry, Arnold),. 1Vliss,Marie Schnelier•of wing ha'fri f st spent a: c`buple if .as � . the home of her parent's, Mrs. Roy Schrieller. Laura $reckles and Sheilla:for •:Halden�by ,left • on Tuesd'aY South --Bay' .Mouth Where -,414 r su►n,. wrll be . employed for the riser.