HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-21, Page 1400:
Sortswe,.,rFashions for '$Ufl&SUrf
Choose from; our attractive stock of tops, shorts,; slims, •
pedal pushers, skirts,• blouses, swim -suits, dresses: You'll •'
.. ' •
• be 'pleased with our variety' of styles and colours,and
3 best of an, to suit everybud et
SWIM .SUITS priced from p
For Smart Styling 'and e CoolSummer Colours,✓- .
JUNE 21st, 1961-
By Th Sentinel
THAT Keith •Thompson,, 16, who-
•makes his home with Mr, and.
Mgrs. Glen Hodgins of •Kinlough,
See Our. Stock O f Dresses
fell through the trap door from
• the hay mow •last week -end, &
' • was taken .to . Winghaln Hospi.
For Casual Wear and. Dress -up Occasions — Linens i
Cotton ." and . Arnel, Terrylene, . SiZks, Organzas,
"Sizes '7 - 19, 1.0.- 20, 141/2 - 241./2,.
i• In The Basement
Dresses. t0$9.95
New Shipments Juat Arrived..
• .
SUMMER SKIRTS pleated, straight
in cottons; : arnels.•
I' BLOUSES in sleeveless; styles or, wit
and colours.
tal. He Was able to return home
on . Tuesday.
THAT' two former. rectors . will
take, part • in the anniversary
service. at . S,t. Peter's Church,
•Lucknow, on Sunday morning
• at 11:00 a.m. Rev. H, L. Jen-
rings ' of Brussels, will be guest
• preacher, assisted by Rev. A. S.
and full styles •
sleeve :• in white
•• .
Mitchell of Hamilton.
THAT Miss •Kathleen ' Hackett
'daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Tom
Hackett of :Lucknowhas:, ac-,
cepted a .position at the office
. of 'the Parkwood ;'Hospital, Lon
don°`• Kathleen . is. a graduate
• _ • of the Godernch . business pCol-•..
• f= ' lege. .
• THAT ' 'outside of the 'new Ind
bright` surroundings and• a re
finished table top, there was.
little difference 'when. Council
• met for the , first time;•last week':
.in their .new office.. Something'
was added 'howeVer,:A 'gavel-
had been ..;resurrected in: the
• ; 'moving and was at- the 'Reeve's,•
Fright hand,'- but he .hadn't' .the
• occasion . to use 'it. . •
roe Pick -Up and Delivery. Monday and Thursday'
Ladies' and• 'Men's. Wear Luckno,w ,. •,.
7 ..
••••••••AN•••i.4••b••a•o eelesei4s•••eo••'o .i •
(Continued. from Page 1)
elated the former. narrow . and,
dangerous' stairs..' This alteration
'required a • nein approach to the,.
auditorium stage ,through the•`
feast side :dressing .room AND CANAA: HOLIDAY
''During open ,house the visitors
were received •: by Clerk E, H Mr. and. Mrs: T: C.. Anderson'
Agnew •and' Mrs; .Agnew' and, by �•of Dungannon, left last week -end
Reeve 'G. W. Joynt°' Tea was ser- for sa ten, -month holiday to •Wes
ved in, the afternoon' by members tern Canada and United. States., THAT Mr . and Mrs.: Earl Wi• ht.-
of the Lady Foresters :and in the: They .plan: to: ,go' to Western Can- pian observed °' their • 40th 'wed-
evening :by, members ' of the ada', first, then': make their 'way, .` ding anniversaryon Saturday,,
Lucknow. Women's ..Institute;: to. 'the: West .Coast. ,From there June' •17th' at the home, :of their
Members of the • • Lifbrary ; Board they 'plan to. go ..to California ,son;. Norman' : and 'Mrs,., 'Wi" ht- •
and the Librarian,;. ',Mrs.::Marion where they will spend the win man and :familyr :familyConcession 4,
Petersen welcoined -''visitors .'at ter : months returning' ' home '` in West Wawanosh Other . mem-.
the Librar the spring of '1962,' .in time for bers of . their 'family• preSent,
was :'in' the seeding, by way. of . the mid.•wes- were, 2 °sons, Elvin and 2 child -
COs, of the project
1.+kern and •'southern `,United States. ren of. Niagara Falls' and 'Aar
neighborhood of . $3;700 withh g
incial During their' absence, Mr. arid, vey of Waterloo; a .daughter;.
$3,500 received, in provincial ,. ... .
Mrs: ` J.
•Templeton will reside Mrs-: Don Hildebrand (Margar-
federal ' grants. The''' Village pro l . g
i.ri :their. house:' at Dungannon• Mr:.. *,et) : and .family ,of Auburn . dis-
sided for � a' . debenture tissue- , of . .
Anderson recently held an, auc,= trict. Another daughter,'Mrs.
.$5,500: ;cover the balance, and,,
' tion sale at ;which time he dis- Har -r:` ; •'Boothman' (liatti:e) of
were below, their .estimates with] Y
the ; village's share of . the cost... posed of. his .stock. , •
amounting to ,about '$5,200.
The debenture .issue was for .a..
15 .'year ,;;period with interest at
5%, repayable"lfi"""equal', „annual,
instalments of.. 37.19 . retiring
$2 ,
in 1924✓
THAT about ' 40 pupils and 'par
ents from, • the 2nd• concession,
school1. ' • section anied.'
., accompanied
.by JoYee McNay. who:'had been'
iassistant teacher, took : a, bus
tri. •. to Preston and . Guelph
p ...
last •week•, •returning''by . way.
of Elmira;. Others from the sec
tion, • accompanied by ' • Mrs.'
: -• Don. ld . MacInt' ' re,..en' o ed... an
a .,Y JY
outing-. to Kincardine,: Bervie.
zoo. and ;Pine ...River ..Cheese'
Built In 1910
The :present Carnegie Hall was.
• built , in 1910i.:during -the. reeve -
reeve -
ship of the, late John Joynt,
grandfather: of Lucknow's pre-
sent reeve, G W..: Joyrit, and
with Joseph Agnew as' clerk, fa-'
they of the present clerk, How-.
and• .Agn.ew,.
While the exterior features of
the hall ` remain ' unchanged,' those'
Who no doubt admired the in-
terior of the new structure over
half a century ago, Would scarce-,
ly recognize it today. '
Found 1909 -By -Law
While moving operations were
• underway from the former muni-
cipal, office in the , Johnstone
Block to the new quarters in the
Town Hall-; an interesting do-
sumer t was, discovered, It. was
,:a copy of The Sentinel' of D.ecem
ber 2nd, 1999, in' which was pub-
lished • a,' ,by-law ' providing
for vote' • of, the • rate
payers: to finance .the construc--
tion of the . Town Hall.
Total cost of the work Was
estimated at $11,000. The sum 'of
$7-,500 had .been received as: a ;
• donation from Andrew Carnegie.,
Esquire and .the ratepayers' were
beingasked tO ,approve of a' de-
benture issue of $3,500 to pro-
vide for the balance of the cost•
Of the building t�o serve as a town
hall, and library: •
THAT Hugh MacMillan has been
pitching softball for the. Wing,
ham Intermediate ' Ball ` .Team.
THAT : Nin, and Mrs: ,. William
Wharry' !have purchased . the
Hugh Sutherland .residence to
the south of.:the ;Village.
THAT. Mrs arid" Mrs. Rae Watson
and Dr, and Mrs. Peter Bis
sonriette of:. Ripley :left on•
Monday by motor- for Atlantic
City ,to attend the' Lions.Inter
national convention. ..
THAT Elliott . J.."Tilly" Webster
of Kincardine, arid > a.• native. 'of
L'ucknow, has been named ven-
dor at the new store of the
LiquorControl' -Board. of .On.
tario, to ,be opened soon: in,
Forest, Elliott has been : assis-
,''.tart vendor at the Kincardine'.
store. .
THAT Miss Edith. Patterson- of
• Toronto' and formerly of the
Ripley area, was a most ,cap-
able,' and pleasing speaker at
the .Sundy, School anniversary
in the United 'Church on .Sun
day;, when pupils attended ,the
service' with their pareants,
Special .music 'was provided by
the Sunday School anniversary
Howard Strapp conducted the
service and was assisted
� e by
Brilce Maci�enzie,' ,Sunday
School' at tperintendent.
Mix,. eath
Nestle's Instant, 13 • oz:, ,Makes, '116 Glasses. Save 4c'
toll, 1st
Hghkind....:Pridc...Offee,Ib. w.
Our` Exclusive Top Seller.
Beanswiih POrk.Onsale 3 tint 45c
York. 20 oz.. Al Real Bargain...
Soda Crakerl SaIe1.,JIi..:'..
Save 8c. Weston's, Salted or Plain.
Margarine Super Sd�:,':4 Ids. c
Delmar For All Household Use.
, June 22, 23,• 24
We Sell_ For Less ;. .
.:Phone . ,119, Luck:•ow,
THAT, a new ;six -room.. • Park
' ..Ridge school for retarded child-
ren. was recently opened at
Sudbury. • . Principal .'' of the.
school is: Mrs: W. ' Townson,
• the former 'Sally McIver of
',;Kinloss . Township •
"'MAT. the work of "cutting; arid.
widening the • Ainlberley, -Beach
hill on the Huron -Ashfield
boundary' has been completed.
THAT Greg :` Hunter, son .of "Mr.
and' "Mrs. 'Vernon': Hunter, suf-
fereda 'clean `break 'of the left .
wrist • on . a fall off .. the ' :hori
zontal bars' at •the•• pt;blic school.
`last Wednesday.
a. .
THAT • Rev., •S. Scott. MacKenzie,
: a native of 'AShfield Township
'relative '''
yisifed •with, s, • in the
community last week, accom-
panied by:his :son., .Dr. Douglas
MacKenzie •.of Vancouver;': who.
was enroute to Montreal to .at
tend: the Canadiar Medical, As
-sociation convention:Rev:Mac
• Kenzie now retired,
' mer `:professor of; the • Presby-.
erian ollege, ;Mon.treal. `Rev.
t .College, .
Rod .MacLeod :.of Cucknaw is
one of his students and .he cal-
led :on him . while here Rev;
• MacKenzie, ' who resides•. in
Montreal,, recently returned.
from visiting his daughter,; Iso-
ber, and .her' husband, 1Vlr. arid
Mrs.' N. ,E. Jarrard. of Huston,:
Calgary •was unable. to amend Te• xas
THAT Sgt. and. -Mrs. .George,
Rebinso. n 'And , three. children
are, homeward bound' this week:'
by ship,:from 'overseas„ George'
has •been:, ,stationed- in Europe:
for "a lengthy' stint ° With 'the'
THAT Ken MacNaY, son. Of Mr,.
and. Mrs. Apex• MacNay.' of:
Ludknow, has; • passed :-his- 2nd
• year. in...medicine 'at ' the Uni=.,
• versity of Western • Ontario.• This. - is Ken's • .fifth' year : at
Western, with:.;the ,•last two in
the medicine` course. He ''has
two more to medicine:,
visited here
over ° the week -end:: with ` his
parents .using his :newestform •
oftransportation, a motorcycle.
THAT in this issue: we .reproduce.
a photo-story.'by_ Jean Shitton'
Which' appeared' recently in
The United' Church' Observer.•
It . relates; the .life of "A 'Mini=
sten-'and his, Family":, l;ea..`and
• Mrs..John Watt; parents of
Vert children,;.three•. of whom
are,,in :full .firrae4.se r i ' e v c. of the.-
church.; .Mrs.. Watt
r :da "hter. of
mer'.Edith Barbe ,,, ug
the ✓late 1VIr.. and Mrs.. Archie
Barber of 'Lueknow:. Her bro..
Cher,' Robert':Barber was blind,
ed at. Mons ' in .the. closing.
'befoa Worldhour•,
r I: cease fire:
° War
Mr.Barber- later' ' married'..an
English , nurse and .made his
home in' ' England,. where e
died 'several .years• . ago. • .
"The. good old' days of phar-
macy were:., recalled by .A. E.
McKim` of.Luckriow in Toronto;
Saturday night, :June 3rd, when
. he received, a'' plaque in . honour,
of his. 50 years of /membership in'
the Ontario College. of Pharmacy.
Listening are p.'1'.• Moisley, Rey.
gistrar 'of the College (lice'nsing
and :discipline body . of Ontario
� %may. •
sol •.Reid MC'
pharmacists), And
Kim, - also :a pharmacist' and at,
tached; to the federal, Division a
Narcotic Control in Toronto: